Preserved Sheet Sekou

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Dec 31, 2021
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: Sekou.

  • Race: Songaskia. (Aphar Cahal)

  • Age: Seventeen.

  • Sex: Male.

  • Gender: He/Him, Man.

  • Sexuality: Bisexual.

  • Eye Color: Amber-like, Orange.
Core Concept

  • Sekou follows the religion of Shambala much like many in his race, however he knows not of much of the history or the Haanas. He makes an attempt to pray to the sun whenever possible but believes the Shambala has abandoned him.

  • Born within the Masaya, his parents died when he was young and he was subjected to many horrible orphanages and homes. Treated as a runt and lower species due to the fact he couldn't trace his lineage, he escaped an orphanage and fled to the Regalian Empire in an attempt to find a better life for himself- even if it meant a little petty thievery.
Proficiency Information

  • Fist Combat +10

  • Spear Combat +5

  • Body Art +15 (Hobby, +5 Songaskia)

  • Roguery +15

  • Perception Training +5

  • Unused Points: (15)

  • Physical Stat: 15
Ability Information

  • Roguery:
    • Rogue Gift 1

    • Rogue Gift 4

    • Honed Skill 3

    • Wall Climb 3
  • Racial (Songaskia):
    • Elder Form 1, 2, 3

    • Super Self 7

    • Element Control 3
  • Element Brand 3
    • Home Enchant 2

    • Magic Sight 2
  • Cahal (Aphar Soulline)
- Darkness 1 (Exist Gift 1)


  • Common (Free)

  • Sofaal (Native)
Appearance Information

  • Dark-skinned and often dirty, Sekou is clearly a young man among the lower class. His raggard clothing clings loosely to his body to allow for fluid movement and any jewels he may be found wearing is likely stolen to be sold the moment he finds a buyer. Athletic and tall, though short for his race, he does his best to ensure he doesn't stick out when completing a job; otherwise uncaring and even wanting to draw attention to himself. His curly short hair is matted to his head, often covered under a hat or by the shimmering night. Sekou often has a smile plastered along his face, laid back to a fault with a complete lack of regard for consequences as long as he is sure to avoid them no matter how unrealistic that event may be.
  • When transformed Sekou takes on the persona of Dolos, a stone-like creature that grows to seven feet tall. He has sharp claws that drip inky-black darkness and deer-like horns. A stone-spine is visible going down his back, though it doesn't offer much. When transformed he refers to himself as a separate entity who is much more mature and is in fact protective over the child-like Sekou.
Life Story

  • Out in the Masaya, two great families with fairly well-known names and accomplishments are wiped out in a single attempt at assassination, leaving a four year old to be swept under the rug and rushed around from homes and orphanages where children were treated horribly.

  • Few friends are made, though any that are turn to stealing whilst being forced to train with a spear so they may die on the battlefield with some use. Sekou falls behind on his training, often punished for his lack of prestigious skill in anything but his bare hands. An escape from the orphanage, fleeing into the night with the promise of a better life away from the Masaya.

  • Arriving at the capital, Regalia, a young man separated from his friends searches for a way to make a name for himself and learn something of his family with a touch of crime along the way.
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Claimed for review.
That works well enough, everything else checks out. Approved.
Re-Review Notice!!

I recently became a Cahal and added those to the wiki, sorry if this isn't how you go about this cause I'm still kinda new?