Preserved Sheet Seiveril Iarkian

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Ugly Bastard
Sep 21, 2016
Reaction score
In your shoes.
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Seiveril Iarkian

  • Age: 123

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Altalar

  • Sexuality: Very Rare Only

  • Preferred Weapon: Nothing
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 70 +10 Hobby Points

  • +20 Alchemy Sciences

  • +15 Metallurgy Sciences

  • +10 Finecraft Sciences

  • +10 Nature Sciences

  • +5 Medical Sciences

  • +10 Linguistic Knowledge

  • +5 Architecture Arts (Hobby Points)

  • +5 Visual Arts (Hobby Points)
Body Shape

  • Body Stat: 15

  • Body Shape: Toned

  • Body Shape: Extreme Low

  • Common (10/10)

  • Modern Altalar (10/10)

  • Wa'an (10/10)

  • Zzasta (10/10) Cannot Speak
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

  • Arcanomancy

  • Memorymancy

  • Powermancy

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Hazel

  • Hair Color: Platinum Blonde

  • Hair Style: Neglected

  • Skin Color: Pale

  • Clothing: Robes or casual clothing

  • Height: 5'9
Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)

Option Two: The Core List

  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral/ True Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • The Logician
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Agnostic (10/10)
Life Story (Required)

{0-20} Seiveril was born to a Lenarra father and a Oberron mother in Daendroc during the year 185 AC, where he grew up watching his father devote his life to academics and research. As he was a naturally curious child, he would often question his father on what he was working on, or just sneak in after dark to read in the library. Seiv's mother noticed his behavior and made the suggestion of him getting a tutor, and all the supplies he needed to feed his curiosity.

{21-50} From then on, Seiv strived to devote his life to learning and experimentation, spending years at a time studying different subjects. Although he dabbled lightly in alchemy due to his childhood, he put off being sucked into it for the study of the environment, months would go by without interaction as he would study plants and rocks, and trying to figure out what made up their material.

{51- 80} More time went by, his interest in alchemy growing as his experiments with plant matter were getting stale. He knew that Allar were the masters of alchemy, so he took it upon himself to learn their language, though it resulted with him not being able to speak it, but understand it vocal and written form. With this at his disposal, he enrolled himself in the School of Zzariss. Graduating at the age of 66, he moved to Ithania, where he continued his studies. Already having planned out where he wanted to be years in advance, Seiv learned the language of Wa'an as he moved on from Ithania, becoming a teacher at Die Akademie von Kaiserman. From this point on, he taught and experimented for nine long years. Eventually, he sailed to the outer isles of Dexai.

{81-123} Seiv learned as much as he possibly could from the Sihai people, sharing ideas and further opening his vast field of knowledge. He spent years traveling around the world on a constant search for knowledge, the only thing driving him being curiosity and discovery. After a long time of traveling, he has found himself in Regalia once more, simply looking for a way to better himself.
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Eventually, he sailed to Drexai.
Keep in mind he can only reach the outer isles of Dexai and clarify that in your backstory.

I'd also suggest using the languages for something other than zasta considering he can't exactly form words or conversations.

Make edits in purple.
@Nesstro Made changes. Also, I know he can't speak the language, just thought it made sense so he could read Allar texts for alchemy.