• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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    2. Posts are in-character.
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    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
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Seeking Guardsmen!

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Professional Procrastinator
Aug 17, 2015
Reaction score


The Rosendahls are recruiting!

House Rosendahl is on the lookout for martially skilled individuals to serve as Siberwächters, tasked with protecting members of the family for a large regal compensation. Should such a pursuit interest you, please see the recruitment flyers for the regiment, ensuring to detail your experience and why you aspire to join the Siberwächter Order. Depending on the nature of your application, you may be accepted forthwith, be summoned for an interview, or rejected outright.

Further information and an application template can be found on the main page of the Siberwächter Order.
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IGN: Muffins_
Experience with nobility?: I ran House Ravenstad for just under two years and played Percival Ravenstad for over two years.
Any server penalties?: No.
Name of your character: Karsten Albert Grauwald
Character Sheet: Link.
References: N/A.
Access to skype?: Yes.
IC letter to the patriarch:

Imperial Knight Rosendahl,

I was a Typhonus guard for a while and a personal guard to my father during that time. I'm trained in Tenpenny swordfighting and know my way around a blade. If you're against hiring Silven then you shouldn't accept me, however I'm not a degenerate Silven and a I'm a full-blooded Ailor so that's a bonus. I know how to stand quietly next to people and not let them die so I'm pretty qualified.

Karsten A. Grauwald
IGN: Gearot

Any server penalties?: None.

Character Name: Robin Redcloak of the Holly Tree

Character Race: Alt-Ailorian

Character Sheet: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/robin-holly.58078/

Access to skype?: Indubitably

IC letter to the patriarch:

To the Most Reputable and Respectable Lord Jamie Rosendahl of Swynmont,
It is with vigor and youthful enthusiasm I write this missive to you. You may recall our prior chance meeting, where I was guest to a tasting gala of yours, the event further supplemented with a night of trivia. Though my knowledge of history and geography may have been lacking on this night, I swear to you and your family, my martial ability and physical talents are not. I have recently received my charter from the Honorable Jared Kade as a licensed sellsword, so I may better protect the people of Regalia and nurture the safety of it's commons and small-folk in a legal and law abiding manner.

However, it has been made aware to me that I needs admit myself into the employ of a house of nobility, to serve them with honor and fealty, and I knew without hesitation with whom I most wished to speak with. You are a good man, of true nobility and you demonstrated to me on that night weeks ago that you carry yourself with the grace befitting your station. It would be a life's honor to submit myself into your service, if you would have me. If you have any inquires or concerns, please write back at your own time and discretion. Or you may find me at the Golden Willow, where I am want to frequent.

With the utmost in regards,
Sir Robin Redcloak, Knight of the Bloodcast and the Holly Tree.

This thread is locked as it does not follow the rules of the section and I do not feel that deleting all responses it productive either. @Nudibronch, please make the application process in some other section of the forums.
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