Securing Your Faction With /f Perm And /f Access

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MassiveCraft 10+ Year Club
Dec 16, 2013
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Washington, DC

Owning your own faction can be the most rewarding experience, but also the worst if done incorrectly. What I am about to teach you is how to run a safe faction that minimizes grief, theft and other unwanted hazards. Keep in mind that every faction is different and this setup works if you have an established base already made. If you don't have one then you could be more lenient with the permissions since everyone would be helping in the construction of a base.

In order to toggle each permission you use the following command:
  • /f perm set [Permission] [Relation] Yes/No
  • Example: /f perm set home ally yes
1. Setting Leader Permissions. This will give the leader full control of the faction operations and remove the possibility of money loss. I recommend that you never give any officer these powers unless temporarily or by special circumstance. You want to make sure that you set both Disband and PainBuild as NO for everyone.

Permissions (Set these YES only for leader)
  • Name
  • Desc
  • Motd
  • Withdraw
  • Territory
  • Access
  • ClaimNear
  • Flags
  • Tax
  • Perms
  • SetHome
Permissions (Set these NO for everyone even leader!)
  • Disband
  • PainBuild
2. Setting Officer Permissions. Officers are the backbone of your faction and enforcers when you are not around. This position should not be given carelessly since it could mean certain destruction if fallen into the wrong hands. You should be particularly wary of members who nag about wanting to become an officer when they just joined the faction. I recommend you give this position to leaders of your army, close friends and very trustworthy members.

You may have noticed that I also had the build permission here. The reason for that is to allow you to create safe rooms for members to store things and not worry about thieves or cumbersome /f access permissions. My members for example have storage rooms that are completely closed off and can only enter/exit by an iron door that has been setup with the /lock command. This will allow you to set strict access to certain people versus your entire faction having access. This has worked for me tremendously and has reduced theft almost completely.

Permissions (Set these YES only for leader, officer)
  • Build
  • Invite
  • Kick
  • Title
  • Rel
If I wanted a member to actually build on my land I would use the /f access p command and give them an area to operate and remove it when complete. Remember that once you enable /f access to a certain chunk, that person has access to edit blocks and access chests within it. If the chest has a /lock then that will remain protected.

In order to toggle /f access permission you use the following command:
  • /f access p [PlayerName]
  • Example: /f access p Ha5h
3. Setting Member Permissions. Members are people who have shown you that they share a common interest with you and your faction. They have been in the faction long enough to know that they mean no harm and wish to contribute to the faction. At this point I recommend they have access to chests and levers in order to secure their own things in a secure room, operate gates and machinery. Each faction is different so you must adjust where needed. I use levers exclusively in my faction for gates to protect secure areas.

Permissions (Set these YES only for leader, officer, member)
  • Lever
  • Container
4. Setting Recruit Permissions. Recruits are your biggest security threat. They are new members who know nothing about your faction and have nothing to lose if they wish to corrupt you upon joining. I recommend that recruits have access to buttons and doors in order to navigate your faction and not require an escort. Of course every faction is designed differently so you have to adjust as you see fit. The way I design my faction is by using doors with buttons to allow access for both my faction and allies. If a door is meant to be restricted then I would use an iron door and /lock it. Basically the door permission allows people to open and close unprotected wooden doors freely. You might have levers that secure gates, operate redstone machines, etc so I moved that permission to members since recruits could break things or worse back stab you and let enemies in.

Permissions (Set these YES only for leader, officer, member, recruit, ally)
  • Button
  • Door
5. Setting Ally and Truce Permissions. Truce should be used for temporary purposes and should have the least amount of permissions possible. I recommend you use Truce for factions that surrender to you during raids/wars, temporary agreements, etc. You should never give a faction in truce access to anything more. Ally should be used for those who have you in their best interest. The permissions for Ally should be the same as Truce, except with privileges like a recruit in order to move around your base. With these permissions you also allow allies to use your /f home. You normally want to restrict that from factions marked as Truce.

Permission (Set these YES only for leader, officer, member, recruit, ally)
  • Home
So this sums up my guide on setting permissions for your faction and turning it into a stronghold! I wish you luck and encourage you all to use your members to test your security plans. The best offense is a great defense so don't get caught blindsided by your permissions.

These commands are not that difficult to learn and once you master it you will be the best faction leader out there! Learn more advanced commands here:
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@Ha5h I am also sorry to inform you that the /f perm, command is going to change VERY soon. So you might have to update your guide accordingly.
Oh, what are some of the changes planned?
It was all described here, but basically you now have:
/f perm set <perm> <relation> <yes/no> [faction=you] set faction perms
/f perm show [faction=you] [perms=you] show faction perms (can take in multiple perms as arguments)
/f perm list [page=1] list perms in a manner that doesn't mess as much with you chat.
It isn't just planned. It is coded and will be uploaded to the server soon.
Suggestion: Have the leader not have the ability to disband the faction. In a fit of rage, some may blindly disband the faction in anger. Doing this would mean an error would show telling them they can't, and they have to reset their permissions first, giving them time to actually think about what they are doing, and possibly avoid an irresverable mistake.
Suggestion: Have the leader not have the ability to disband the faction. In a fit of rage, some may blindly disband the faction in anger. Doing this would mean an error would show telling them they can't, and they have to reset their permissions first, giving them time to actually think about what they are doing, and possibly avoid an irresverable mistake.

I have never heard of this happening... Anyway, if they have a chance of disbanding the faction in a fit of rage, should they really be a leader of a faction in the first place?
Updated tutorial with new /f perms commands.
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I plan to update this resource! If there are new commands that can help the playerbase or if something has changed please let me know.