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Second Acts Of Heritage


The Worst
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score

Edicts by Secretary for the Heritage
-May 28th, 307 AC-

"Light steps go unheard whilst a heavy hand yields results and action."
Rectifying Actions
After the recent Heritage audience, many meetings, and observation from the Secretary's recent demotion of the Altalar race, the action is being rescinded and the Altalar are once more First Civil Status to ensure the relation on the warfront and within the city remains stable. It is the Secretary's wish that the Altalar provide their services to the city and Empire at large where they can. See further below for an upcoming opportunity to do just that.

Heritage Audience
While the Heritage Audiences are planned to be bi-weekly, one is being set for this upcoming Sunday, June 2nd @7pm EST to hear from any citizens who wish to inquire on anything within the power of the Secretary for the Heritage.

Announcement of the Heritage Charter
The Secretary for the Heritage would like to announce the coming creation of the Heritage Charter. Such a charter will be tasked with assuring the people of the Empire to be adequately contributing to the realm. Sects will be established to allow each race to uphold their end, whether it be the Allar creating and discovering alchemy, the Varran exploring the seas and monitoring trade, the Altalar performing magical research to protect Regalia from the unknown forces or the Qadir working towards further technological advancements, all will be expected to contribute what they can and be given a place amongst the organization.

Further details will come in the near future as the charter gets finalized.
Ulfgar Ironfist gave a heavy sigh of relief, wiping some sweat off from his forehead. "Thought that the Varran would become a rug, he got himself out of that situation by a day at the very least."
Llozzi'sil Al-Yaotl sighed in relief after reading the notice. "Thank the Alchzech that Lord Frisque got himself out of that mess. I would abhor to think of what the Altalar would have done to him otherwise."
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Balanced, as all things should be.
Fathiyaa hummed. "I wonder how the Secretary plans for Songaskians to contribute? I might get in line during the next Heritage Audience."​
Aleck seemed to get more and more disinterested as he read through it. "What an arse-.. I know Allar that don't study alchemy and Varran that get sea sick." He tutted, rolling his eyes and polishing up his shield. "I thought a Secretary for the Heritage would stray away from stereotypes, not blatantly piss every other poor bastard off."