Archived Seasons

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Feb 11, 2015
Reaction score
This thread leads me to believe a new world in the making and it gives me an idea. I'm not sure how implementable it would be, but let me introduce...


Wouldn't it be cool if the new world coming had a new feature, that changes the biomes in this world according to the season in real life.

Biomes that wouldn't change:

In summer the biomes would be default, the biomes that are put in by the map creators.

In autumn all biomes except the ones listed above would be changed to savanna. Why savanna? The grass and leaves look brown just like in autumn.

In winter the obvious choice would be snowy. I think there should only be snow in certain parts so its not over the top. The rest would be mountain biome.

In spring the biomes would turn to forest, as the grass looks lush but not over the top.

So why implement this?
I feel like this could be another unique feature that stands massive out from the crowd of other factions servers (which we desperately need now voting rewards is gone). And its a cool idea.

My only worry is how easy it would be to implement it. One idea I have is to have multiple worlds that massiverestore uses to restore the world, one for each season. The only problem with this is that land claimed by factions wouldn't be affected.

Let me know your thoughts
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Yes this would be very cool but it might take the world creator team longer due to making 4 seasons worth of B02's (trees without leaves in winter and snow in the winter also trees in the summer would need their leaves back, not too sure about spring or fall, fall you could change the resource pack so that the leaves would be orange, red, brown, or yellow but thats really the only way to do it because you cant add new blocks/items using plugins). I'm not the most experienced plugin programmer but I cant really think of great ways to do this besides and world chunk sweep (like how they reset the wild) but even that wont work in faction land due to it not knowing what the faction looks like (from a server standpoint anyways).
Oh i just thought the biome was changing? I mean we cant go as far as to replace EVERY tree lol
Oh i just thought the biome was changing? I mean we cant go as far as to replace EVERY tree lol

O yeah you could do that too xD Also if your just changing the boime (never tried doing it with plugins but that does not mean you cant) you could add a seasons option to the factions plugin so that way faction claimed land would not change unless they wanted it to.

(still laughing at the whole seasons changing craziness I thought you wanted xD)
I like this idea, even if not implemented as a plugin, for Regalia. Changing the biome to savanna in the fall or something would add a nice layer of immersion.
I love the idea, but thebioms are already used in some worlds, so it may be difficult to change.
While this is a creative idea, it is not terribly feasible due to pre-set biomes in various worlds and this would likely require too much of a time investment for Tech staff for too little reward to the player base as it is a primarily cosmetic change.
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