Archived Seals!

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qt pie
Jun 9, 2013
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trash can
So I was thinking about how cool it would be if each player in massivecraft had their own seal. This would be used to seal documents like peace treaties, it could be part of the book plugin. Say for example me and Cayorion wanted to make a document decreeing that all players of massivecraft will get one silver when they go to the tavern for their first time. I would do something like /book seal and give the book to Cayorion so he could do the same. The seal would take up one age and be placed after the last page in the book. Everyone's seal would be their rp name, and maybe Premium's and Server staff's seals could look better? This is just an idea so tell me what you think.

And Cayorion or MonMarty tell me if this is possible to code.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.'s correct that each house or castle or lord or king had his own seal. Yeah, I like this!
I like it, but maybe not every player should get one. Maybe each faction and noble families should get them.
Hmmm while I agree that this would be a nice thing to have it is not really necessary enough to be worth the time it would take to code all that.

Behold my epic mspaint skills (I know it´s hard not to faint in front of such great art):

Red/Blue/Yellow/Green/Orange :
Parties of the agreement.
Filled Circle:
The party themselve
Distribution from the party with the same color to the connected party´s.

In order to ensure that a contract can be established between all partys, all need to get the Contract/Agreement first (A line of the same color is a distribution from the circle of that color).
Then every party writes a locked book with the content that they agree with the Contract/Agreement and give 1 copy of that to each other Partie of the agreement.
Now every party has the base contract/agreement + signed books stating that each party agrees to it as proof.

Any questions?

Yes. How on earth did you manage to create such an amazing piece of art?

Btw, that is a good idea, and i support it, but maybe it'd be better if a seal appeared as a lore text in the item's description, you know, that purple text. it could be written like:

Sealed by: [1st person that sealed it], [2nd person that sealed it], [3rd... etc]

so when doing /book seal it'd just load the lore text from that book, check if there is "Sealed by:" in there, if not, then append "/nSealed by:" (/n being new line, at least if i remember correctly, in c++) and then append the player's name.

when doing /book seal again the plugin would check if the item's text contains the player's name, and remove it, then it'd check if there is any text after "Sealed by:", if not, then it'd cut out last 11 characters (including that /n), so the book would have no lore text left, or that COPYRIGHT if it was copyrighted.

at least from my point of view it seems easy to do, just some operations on string variables, but i can't say i know how java handles them, so i must ask Cayorion for his opinion on the matter.
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