Preserved Sheet "scuffs" Jia Zan

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Tragic Flower Forager
Jan 23, 2014
Reaction score
I don't know
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Jia Zan nickname: "Scuffs"
  • Age: 8
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ch'ien-Ji.
  • Main Ambition: Survival and being "Tough Stuffs"

Basic Information (Expansion)
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  • Living Conditions: "Scuffs" gained that nickname for the marks on her knees, since the purge the child has survived on the street, particularly in the sewers. She survived by becoming the property of a ragtag clan of vampires who avoided the feral mutations. She was marked on her skin and this particular owner built a reputation enough that this gave her safe passage through the sewers. Scuffs was passed around when that particular vampire was finally slain, ending up in the custody of many a criminal gang member, surviving with a cluster of children being groomed for thieving and eventual assassin. Sadly tyheir group fell prey to the subterranean creatures and Scuffs - while sporting incredible "feeding" wounds was able to survive. After fateful repetitive encounters with the Coens, she finds herself within their care and tutelage. As a mixture of a Chandlery Maid and Page, Scuffs is learning the basics of higher society educate, service of her superiors and the honor code of the protectors of the realm to which she looks up to.
  • Family and Companions: Scuffs was born in August in the Yang-Tzu Islands to Hiko(Father) and Tan(mother) Zan. She was only a few months old when her family migrated to the Regalian mainland but could only find lodging in the poor district. She loses her family at age 6, and lived in the underworld with a rag tag group of other children and criminals till the age of 8. Surfacing she was taken in by William Coen who put her under his charge in the care of his subordinates.
  • Goals: Scuffs while she aspires to survive, she's taken a large interest in the ways and works of the Vigilant Guard and the Coens family in general and their "duty" to the regalian empire. As an offshoot to preserving her life, Scuffs dreams of becoming a "proper Lady, and knight" to those she idolizes. She's smitten with the iconic persona of the Azure Warriors who patrol the Regalian streets. She wants to be just like them, brave and respected. The "toughest of Stuffs!"
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Gold
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Messy Shoulder Length
  • Skin Color: Olive Pale.
  • Clothing: Coen colored Chienji-inspired work dress with leather shoes.
  • Height: 3'6 ft
  • Weight: 49 pounds
  • Body Build: Slim, Slightly Undersized. (( due to improper nourishment and care in earlier years.))
Weapon of Choice:
Offensive "Skirmish": Flailing, kicking, clawing you name it, Scuffs will not make herself an easy meal to take home and will fight dirty in any way possible.
Defensive "Runaway!": Scuffs has perfected the art of fleeing. Climbing walls, squeezing through tight holes, and running at ridiculous speeds, often toppling over herself, whatever it takes to get away.

Knowledge: Fire/Air
Scuffs parents were both practitioning mages. Using their powers in mundane everyday tasks she's picked up on them but only to a small extent.

  • Fire: Trainee in knowledge only - Watching her Father who cooked their meals, Scuffs is aware of creating a small flame to start fires but is unaware how to do it. She hopes ot someday be able to produce fire of her own when she's old enough, taking this as a sign she can someday become the "Dragon of Regalia!"
  • Air: Trainee in knowledge only: Being a fisherman's child, Scuffs mother would take her daughter on trips and teach her how to read the wind currents work, but left the connection between the exist and how to trully "feel" the air currents out of her lectures. Scuffs can still only read the wind in the traditional manner any fishermen can, but knows someday magic can make this knowledge more visceral.

Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Face: Being still a child Scuffs face is a bit more still round, but has a heart shape over all. Wide forehead and cheekbones with a small chin. she has a small cut scar on her bottom lip from falling on her face too hard

  • Body: As expected of the typical street urchin, Scuffs is grossly undersized due to malnutrition, standing at 3'6, weighing 49 pounds. With her race being prone to a more dainty build, she is no trouble to pick up and lug around. Her scrawniness though has it's benefits for she can fit into small crevices to avoid being eaten. Her arms, torso and legs have noticeable scrapes, bite and maul scars young and old of varying degrees. The worst is the telltale signs of something that actualy tried to eat her through on her side but changed it's mind. Her tiny chest is typically puffed out in a proud pose and she walks with a slight skippy stomping gate. Scar Refference
  • Clothing: Scuffs would fit the stereotype for a street urchin since her clothing was a patchwork of rags. She used to wear an oversized tunic most likely meant for an adult, and mended it as best she could. The child would wear this tunic over her original clothing that she had since she was 5. When she's began to grow, Scuffs attached pieces to make room for her extending limbs. Every so often a hem or cuff is added underneath, sewn crudely with strips of cloth. Her leggings were torn and also mended to make room for her growing body. She used to wear a pair of socks oddly new, given to her from another street friend named Rup. Her shoes are worn leather she found off a dead body in the sewer. Currently she's switched from a forest green tunic dress and cloak to a Coen colored work tunic dress. The Purple colors outfit is styled after her Chien-ji traditional clothing from typical servant style clothes. For some odd reason, she keeps the urchin clothing she had from before and stores it away. Perhaps a momento?
  • Accessories: Scuffs one accessory to speak of, a golden necklace,with a red ruby studded into a circle circle. She received this necklace from Warren Coen and she keeps it protectively close to her chest. She never takes it off, not even when bathing. Scuffs also has a store of gems she acquired from kind people who oddly just passed them to her. Not knowing what to actually do with them she's hidden them away in a hole somewhere only she can find.
  • Voice: Scuffs voice is high pitched as expected for a child but a little rough around the edges; a coarseness to it to emulate a toughness that she desires. Scuffs has a broken common speaking vocabulary that has begun to evolve with proper teaching. She has a few language quirks; such as creating childish nicknames often coined from first impressions and features she uses to remember people by. She also has a diction that incorporates words like "tough" and "stuffs" into most descriptions of things, places, and people to measures their level of relevancy and importance to her.
  • Languages known: Common, & Tatsugo

Personality and Abilities

  • Personality Traits

Urchin Resilience
This three faceted coping mechanism is the reason child has survived. Firstly, whilst Scuffs has no reason to be confidant, but she acts that way regardless. Her mother and father made her promise to 'live'. She discovered that acting like a victim down below made you 'meat' for the strong, so puffing out her chest and barking loud has oddly proven to have to opposite effect. However if things do not turn out well for her, Scuffs has her acceptance. Life and death are dealt unbiasedly it seems. She apparently understands that as a weaker person she is prey for others, and it is her job to make up for it any way she can. If she dies, it's no one's fault but her own. This is what growing up around vampires and criminals has taught her. She doesn't complain when things turn out badly for her, but instead keeps on trudging along. And Finally, when things do reach an emotional or physical extreme Scuff can just stop feeling all together. Her mind goes somewhere else. Sometimes it can occur in odd moments where such cold disassociation isn't necessary and she came come across as a bit twisted and hollow.


Scuffs is a child, and as a child she is prone to imaginative daydreaming and tuning out the world if it's more entertaining to do so. This helps her frame most situations in an interesting light. Every nice person is a hero, every bully is a monster, every in between is just one or the other- in the making. This makes the world exciting and spontaneous for her. She firmly believes if she is "made of tough stuffs" she can be stronger than both! She make believes if she tries she can become a mighty dragon, with Regalia as her horde.


After enough time Scuffs has gauged a reasonable sense to 'read' the crowd. She can tell when things are going south or not and uses this instinct to stay out of trouble for the most part.

Rebound Spirits

Scuffs is not greenhorn to disappointment. Even at the most traumatic of times she has a tendency to bounce back when she'd found a distraction. It's allowed her to keep her chin up after her parents died, when her "gang" or orphans became food and she was the only survivor, when she witness flat out murder in the sewers, when she became a walking blood bank for a time- and so on. If she can find something just remotely optimistic to look forward to, she can focus on that and come back around.


Scuffs doesn't seem to understand at times when something might be too much for her to handle or should be. This doesn't make her reckless, but it does make her prone to not understanding that somethings are just not meant for children to see. She'd been desensitized to many things, and when they recur again she can shrug them off as just bad luck. More than once she's had to turn something down or turn her back when things were simply out of her hands and despite the severity of the situation, she doesn't seem to feel too attached anymore.


Scuffs, while friendly, is suspicious of everyone. Even those she idolizes. It's not unheard of for her to think everyone is out to serve themselves, it's a common trait in the underground- she doesn't think people above are that different. It's nothing even personal; it's just what she's seen growing up below. Even the closest friends will eventually stab each other in the back when the situation calls for it. This doesn't mean there is a disconnect with loyalty either- in the sense she cannot trust anyone. Scuff simply accepts that no kind act goes unpunished and loyalty might come with a price.

Barking Puppy

Being loud and bold has saved her arse more than once and she's kept that mentality ever since. Fate favors the brave? Well this barking child bares her tini fangs at friend and foe alike to let them know she's serious business. Reactions may vary. She's become accustomed to making visible reactions to whatever pops into the moment, it is how she shows she is assertive! From people, events, changes in mood, scuffs will not ignore it. And much like a puppy she follows her beloved people around dutifully.
" Lord Williams home!!!~`"


Scuffs was a homeless refugee with as much experience as being on the streets can offer. This means no social cues for high society, not as good a filter, and forget proper education. This child can navigate her way through the sewers but don't ask her to name all the proper titles, count sheep, or be able to read anything other than basic chinji script. (even her knowledge on that is limited to how much a 6 year old could read)​

  • Agility
    • Scuffs has learned to be quick, and fast, this means she gets to keep meals and treasures. It also means she won't be eaten, that's always good.
  • Dim light Eyesight
  • Because the child grew up in the dim light of the sewers she's more sensitive to light and can maneuver well in the dark. Not as well as Elven sight, but as good as can be expected from her own race.
Pain Tolerance
  • Scuffs has learned to block it out, or at the very least keep her lip clamped shut. Screaming in the dark meant the difference between life and death. Scuffs has become slowly accustomed to pain, from small scrapes to being chewed into by feral creatures.
  • Scuffs was the daughter of a fisherman. At the same time she learned to talk, she was taught to swim. She was even born under water!


  • Malnutrition
    • Meals were hard to come by once she was on her own. The lack of proper nutrition has shown in her development. Scuffs is not as tall or strong as she could be, making her limbs thinner and weaker.
  • Blunt
    • Scuffs doesn't have a very good filter, and will sometimes say things uncandid and lacking in context. This has result in more than one uncomfortable misunderstanding between people. ((As William, Warren and Allistair have come to realize.))
  • Greenhorn
    • The child, being what she is… very new to many things. She lacks advanced formal combative training, social educate, as well as math and other scholastic things.

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)

Making Nicknames The child had a very poor vocabulary, and trying to pronounce the plethora of various names of people was hard. So Scuffs came up with a system of descriptive words to name people in combination so she could remember them. Examples: Rerik is "Big Green", Guards were "rusty buckets." She likes making nicknames as it makes understanding the world easier.​

Just Keep Smiling: Scuffs is known for being oddly mellow in certain situations, often ones involving her own peril. She seems to just grin through almost anything in order to just -deal- with it. It's a rare thing to see the child visibly look upset even in some of the worst and uncomfortable matters. She will grin bull faced up at the most intimidating people, possibly because she idolized the big and strong, hoping to somehow have something of their strength rub off on her.​

Rawr!: The child will default to her delusions of becoming a dragon. Springing from the folklore she was exposed to as a child, has twisted into a delusion that she could someday become a dragon herself if she wants it badly enough. Therefore in times of tension she'll mutter little growling "rawrs" under her breath, often when she's frustrated or as a replacement for crying.​

Resilient Attitude: Her passiveness to her mortality has been what's kept her of sound mind during her trying years underground. "It's eat or be eaten." Scuffs knows she's a small fry, knowing her place very well in the food chain, so there's no reason to cry. Acceptance Is her strange form of resilience. Therefore she's 'decided' to live if the odds are in her favor- if not. she'll change her stars.​

  • Hiding [Skill]: Scuffs has learned to hide well and or twist her body into spaces to escape capture. This will include the ability be still and calm to keep her concealment.
  • Climbing & Clawing [Skill] She has taken the habit of cutting her nails to be sharp so at the very least she can scratch at someone's eyes if they try to get too close. That's assuming she hasn't climbed away. Scuffs prefers to hide or flee and has become accustomed to crawling the walls of the sewers and scurry over rooftops to get around enemies. she's not as good as her vampire keepers, but she does a decent job.
  • Adept: Scuffs has the potential to become many things depending on who are her teachers. She's absorbed skills from thieves, assassins, killers, noblement and mages. Combine this into a child itching to prove herself and stay alive and you at least have a capable "something" on your hands… question is what?

Sleeping on Rooftops
Being below within reach of predators is too risky. Scuffs will scale a rooftop or tree and sleep there if she cannot find her way back to the protective holes she found in the sewers. Since living with the servants under the Coens she still likes to climb out the window and nap on the roof when no one is looking.​

Her love of the heavenly bodies perhaps is one of the few cultural things that has remained with her. She feels somewhere beyond the veil of blinking fireflies her family is there. William said as much. She still waves upwards so they'd know she was still ok.​

One of the easiest meals for her to make, and the first one she was given in the tavern. She's since then enjoyed her favorite mushroom stew when ever she can get it. It reminds her of of very first memories and she has a rush of nostalgia when she eats it.​


BIG Wulong
With the exception of her recently acquired friend Mei, Scuffs has never had a nice encounter with the monkeys who at every chance have tried to kill her. From chasing her up trees, tossing her off bridges, hounding her underground, Scuffs knows to stay clear of the beasts who seem to go absolutely feral at the mere sight of her. While she's not terrified of Wulong, she is a bit anxious around them now.​

Being Poor
Not in the sense of wanting money but-being hungry, cold, and at times scared- stinks. There's no getting around it. Scuffs wants to survive, so it's no surprise her state of being was annoying at times. Since coming into better circumstances, she's adapted well, but misses some of the freedoms she had before.

Slavery was a thing to avoid and so far she's managed to do it fairly well. Since coming into the Coens care though Scuffs can feel a bit claustrophobic, and will often wander, or escape the household when she knows no one will call for her. Transitioning from the chaotic world of the underground to foster care has been tough.​


Leone Collier - (@NerdosaurusRex) Jia was found by this youth almost the same night of her parents death. Originally drawn to her blood, her defiant attitude cause his fancy. She accepted her death like she was simply an animal to be eaten by the strong, and that forged an unusual friendship. He marked her that night as his, and for years that mark has served her well as semi-passage in the dark. Leone coveted "scuffs" and didn't let anyone else feed from her. Till one day he just vanished. Scuff has long since accepted her probably was caught and killed. She won't acknowledge the conflicted feelings she has on this.

William Coen - ( @BillyWantHam ) Jia met him and his wife multiple times in the tavern. The child would comment on the "rusty buckets" and the guardsmen played games with her in good nature. Eventually this developed a small affinity form the child which grew into an admiration- she began to mimic them at a distance. From their gate, their banter, their use of more 'complicated' language-.. Her ability to observe this much to parrot caught William's eye, seeing intelligence there. After some careful thought and perhaps encouragement from his wife, he approached Scuffs on the proposal to be taken into their custody and put into foster care with one of his servants. Scuff deeply admires William, and will fervently protect his honor when people speak of him. William drew closer to her a father figure as time passed, eventually exchanging her gaurdianship into closer lodgings, till eventually in his home estate. William cares for Scuffs deeply and wishes the best for her, some kind of redemption from the shadows her stole her from, but is bound to not show any form of affection beyond simple polightness when in public. A rumor grew in the ranks of his Vigilent Shields that she was his bastard daughter and he had to stamp out those rumors. Therefore all the Coen are restricted from showing affection or favoritism toward Scuffs, but William still invests time and care into her tutoring and training with bright hopes for her future.

Trent Thorpe - ( @trent_rouls ) When Scuffs was given to a new caretaker Trent was the first to volinteer. He took to caring for Scuffs quickly, endulging her dreams of gradure to become the "toughest of stuffs!" and taught her sword fighting behind closed doors. Keeping it a secret was easy, but eventually it was found out when she was asked to show Percy Ravenstad her skills. Due to toher factors Scuffs was eventually removed fomr his custody but Trent still comes to see her and Scuffs regards him as a close friend and wonderful playmate! Trent has invested his time to teach her simple life lessons when he can as well, and is constantly paling at the things he learns about her life when they come into innocent conversation.

Warren Coen - ( @Brycea111 ) While Scuffs was in Trents gaurdianship, she met Warren on a cloudy day after her sparring match with Percy. Something in rough n' tough attitude and funny wit won the man over. When he elarned Scuffs was under the patronship of his brother William he found it acceptable to draw closer to the girl, always wanting a little sister himself. He gave her a token to which while Scuffs doesn't fully know it's meaning and ramifications, but she keeps it safe as he asked and had never taken it off since then. that day Warren put his regal coat over her shoulders to shield her from the rain and form then on he's been one fo the central figures in her make-shift 'secret' family. Scuffs came to view Warren as an older brother figure, always looking for him when she hears he's nearby, and playing games, endulging in her fantasies of being Regalias personal dragon from her favorite perch on his shoulder. Currently, since doctrine changed, and Warren is unable to show public affection to the orphan, he still slips kind words and a ruffle of her hair when situations allow it.

Alistair Coen-( @Woodwork ) The stern paladin of the Coen family found scuffs asleep on his couch one day after she was taken home form a party she got to attend with Warren. After proving herself innocent Alistair got into a argument with Rosaline over who was actually going to keep her in thier room till they figured out what to do with her. This was eventually solved by William but before that Alistair found her interest in sword play facinating. He took her to his training room and tested her skill, giving her some very important life and form lessons. He- despite Williams insistance on her NOt learning any more violence, expects her to keep practicing. He gets a smug satisfaction that she idolizes his particular position as Paladin and aspires to be as "Toughest" as he is.Due to her lack of contextual speech William misunderstood Alistair and Warrens intensions with her, thinking he in particular did something perverted with her in his room. this was hopefully fixd.... right?

Diane Black- ( @darkarely ) Scuffs met Diane at the same time she met william, and the woman was the first person to give the child something warm and clean on her back since the day she was with her real family. Diane was kind and gentle and Scuffs found it easy to trust her. She wore the green tunic she donated to the child proudly till the day it was switched for more "official" stationed clothes. She still keeps it folded and cleaned by her bed along with her momento. When Scuffs sees Diane she'll often inquire as to how she's doing and show off her new vocabulary to her. Results vary.

Raven - tba

"Scabs"- this was the nickname to the child she bought from the Qadir slavers market during their occupation. Taking advantage of the choas to pocket lose items and change, Scuffs came across the auction where they were selling the young boy. Due to his obvious youth, weakness, dirtiness and seeming uselessness- no one was going to purchas ehim. Seeing the boy might suffer some form of physical punishment if someone did not purchase him, Scuffs came forward with a bold move and offered her single regal for his life. What was initially humored as a joke was eventually taken seriously when the slaver honestly didn't want the boy anymore. So the unthinkable happened, and an orphan had a real slave! Scuffs left the auction with her new friend and together they fled to the underground. for the next year she taught "scabs" the ropes and introduced him to some form of living. Sadly this boy was one of the fallen in the den she returned to years later... Scuff isn't sure if she really did save him after all.

"Reri" Rerik Ulster -( @avemechanicus ) A large elder Orc-human who would often play with her in the tavern. Taken by her psunk and feircness he was the first to pluck the child from the ground, placing her on his shoulders and declaring her, along wiht Trent, the Dragon of Regalia. This was Scuffs favorite game since! "Reri" or "Big Green" as she'll call him is still one of favorite people to snoop around when she sees him in the tavern. He always have something interesting to show her, and he keeps a small pet he gave her - "Ser Mouse -a Lot" a candlemouse he gave her as a present.

Ania Santorski-( @MantaRey ) The illustrious Northerner Shield Maiden caught Scuffs eye when she walked into the Coens estate one time during her studies. Since then the woman has been a pillar of strength, a goal to aspire to and her first knightly woman to emulate when it comes to pressure. Ania is like a "Momma Bear" when around her, enjoying the child's spunk and feirceness. Scuff promised Ania that someday "she'd be by her side" as her friend in arms when he grew big and strong and Scuffs intends to make good on that promise. More then once Ania has played games with the child, and drove away unsightly people she deemed a bad influence from her. She recognized Scuffs intellegence she realized the child once came ot her to deflect a perverted man from trying to abduct her. The child's ability to read people struck Ania as significant. Ania takes Scuffs promise for the oath ti was and watches her with interest as she continues to grow stronger.

Mirabelle Coen - tba

Rosaline Coen -tba

Percy Ravenstad -( @iMcMuffins ) Percy first encountered Scuffs at Vigilent Shield. After Trent, feeling rather proud of his training with her, shortsightedly asked Scuffs to perform her skills for Percy in a sparing match. The man humored her antics but noticed her noticable developing style and skill, would not attack back due to his unparalelled strength- in fear he might hurt her. It was through him that William found out about Scuffs being trained in sword fighting.

Mei - ( @Gabriel ) The young wulong met Scuffs while she was still in the care Ichabod. The smaller wulong, ignorant of their people's conflict took quickly to the chienji and their forbidden friendship blossomed. Since Mei grows significantly faster then Scuffs she's surpassed the child in height and build and can easily pick her frined up now. She's the reason Scuffs doens't entirely abhor the wulong as a whole, but she tends to hold Mei as an acception to the aversion.

Rup - A seemingly intellgently stunted human being turned vampire. Rup's insanity twisted socks into his prey and he'd tear into them, and collect the things often. if he did not see socks on people it would trigger some kind of manic in him so he'd give those he deemed his "playmates" with socks, Scuffs being one of them. During their time below Rup was always two steps from a violent manrampage and somehow Scuff learned to read his bodylanguage overtime, often being the playfull distraction before Rup went off on things. She becamse a kind of possession, rup would insist she rid eon his shoulders like a steead and run for hours with her on his back- sometimes to her extreme exhaustion. Rup would only let Leo have her, but he too was taken by other more dangerous creatures eventually. Perhaps for the best, Scuffs walked a tight line with Rup and it seemed eventual that one day even her playful nature would not sate his bearly controlled insanity forever.

Leo - tba

Life Story


This childs short life began in the original Yang-Tzu islands. She was born on a balmy night by the ocean. Her mother liked to walk the beaches when she felt her contractions. Having already decided to leave, she wanted to remember her home, and take as many walks as she could before leaving. Therefore Jia was born right there on the beach, her own father helping with the birth. Wanting a better future for their family, away from the threat of the Wulong, they named her after those close bonds, Jia meaning 'Family'.

She was only a few months old when they left for the mainland on route to regalia. Her father got a job originally as teacher but was reduced to fishermen along with her mother. They could only afford to live in the poor district, but they didn't suffer. Their close knit family did reasonable well and did not starve at the very least. Jia's mother used wind magic carefully to make sure the boat stayed sure and steady. Her father used Fire magic to cook and keep their home warm during the cold nights. Both parents kept their skills concealed, and began to practice them less and less in front of their child so she didn't accidentally give them away.

When Jia was five years old she began to show some affinity for magic, but her parents were at a loss of how to teacher in protection in such a dangerous space. Her parents felt it was important she learn how to protect herself, but how to teach her without anyone ousting them proved difficult. They began to teach her basics in secret on her mother's boat. Disguising it as simply showing their child how to fish. Being so far from the shore they could be certain no one would see their lessons. Her training had only progressed so far where she could tell the changes in air current, feel the oncoming of storms, and light small sparks in her fingers when her lesson would come to an abrupt halt with the death of her family.
During an ordinary night, her father was followed home by some desperate hungry vampires.
They broke into the small home and a terrifying fight broke out, both her parents were on the winning end of it, when they grabbed Jia from her bedroom. A second party crawled in from the roof tops and came in through her window. Hiko and Tan made a final fight, attacking with such ferocity they killed a good number of the creatures before they were overrun. Tan managed to get her daughter into a crawl space under the floor boards which led outside. Promising to meet her there Jia didn't argue, and crawled to freedom behind the walls. By the time she got outside a crowd however, the Azure were alerted by the crowds, drawn to the "mage and Vampire fight" - the guards were breaking into the house when the entire apartment caught fire. A massive explosion of wind and fire killed all occupants inside. Jia fled to the sewers to avoid capture.
It wasn't long before she encountered a few other children, but also her first "owners" of sorts who gave the children "protection" in return for food. What followed for the next 2 to 3 years a dangerous game of tit for tat. The children were allowed to live in the sewers scrounging for food, hunting rats and the like- in return for allowing the vampire to feed from them. Every counter or payment was brutal; the blood lust resulted in many of them being torn up from the mere effort of bleeding the victims without infecting them. "Scuffs" as Jia was eventually called for her scuffed up knees- was no acceptation. She was brutally fed on more than once, and watched more than one of her friends being torn apart by a weaker less controlled vampire who couldn't control their blood lust. During that time Scuff learned a myriad of survival skills along with how to steal and hide. She buried any precious things he found, and used her findings to come up from the surface to have a decent meal on special occasions.
During the Qadir occupation, Scuffs bought another urchin from the slavers market, with a single Regal.
When she was 7 and a half, Scuff returned to the den to find her vampire owners killed, along with their "blood bags"- her friends and "Scabbs" the urchin she bought was among the dead. She naturally fled into the arms of Robin, a crime lord who found the child's spunky indifference appealing. For the next half of the year she was taken under the woman's wing. She watched her band of thieves and professional killers go about their business. Her indifference and strange coping ability earned her the attention of a particular torturer among them who thought to train Scuffs personally.

But alas.. fate had other plans. For during Scuffs regular surfacing to buy her favorite meal from the tavern, she ran into William Coen and his wife.

Present Day

Something about the child's cheery attitude and odd playful antics struck a chord with the Grand Lord who at length decided she would not return to the dark if he had anything to say about it. Offering Scuffs a way out, she was given into the custody of Ichabod, his personal servant. Her care eventually was exchanged to Trent Thorpe who began to teach her self-defense in a more formal fashion with a wooden sword. During her time studying with tutors, being brought to the Coen estate to talk with his daughter Rosaline and family, Scuffs met Warren and Alister Coen who began to teach the child other aspects of family and social life. Allister saw some potential in her combative skills and gave her a few lessons, and Warren indulged the child in what it was like to have an older brother when no one was looking. Trent and Roisin took care of the child in various other aspects. With Trent being her at home care taker, and Roisin teaching her fairy tales and folklore which expanded her vocabulary.
Sadly her time with Trent as her guardian came to an end when political reasons made him "unfit" to be her caretaker and she was brought into the Coen home officially as a servant. Beyond closed door and out of sight William takes more father role in talking and guiding Scuffs behavior and understanding of the world. She stays currently in the servant quarters of the estate, carrying out Chandlery maid and Page duties which include changing the candles around the estate, cleaning, and dealing with laundry, then de-scuffing armor and shields and delivering them to the Vigilant Shield headquarters. Scuffs met and befriended many of the members of Vigilant Shield, Ania, John, Percy, Alister, and Trent to name a few. Scuffs continues to work hard, train, with hopes of becoming the "toughest Stuffs" like Ania someday and make Lord William proud.

Sound Track: Scuffs OST Playlist
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Hey there Lithiel, I'm really sorry about the wait, and I'm enjoying the artwork you've got for your character, it actually really helps give a representation and feel of your character. The character definitely looks balanced and well written up, so I doubt there'll be many edits at all. Could you carry out any edits in RED font please?
  • Nothing big, but actually I'd go so far as to say she's a Trainee level just from what she's witnessed. I'm sure for example the father mentioned maybe offhandedly a few things. It's rare that we bump someone up a level in magic. I'd say this were the case for both Fire and Air magic, but from your description of air magic teaching she's received she's likely on the very cusp of Novice level. The issue with this being her age, but since you're the judge of her competence I'll leave that up to you.
  • (Personality Traits) I'd like you to lump together the coping mechanisms you've got for her (False Confidence/Acceptance/Switch off), together into one personality trait under an umbrella name, and create one brand new personality trait (you don't need to replace all the personality traits lumped together since you have several extra already). This is simply because they somewhat describe one personality trait just in several parts.
  • (Personality Traits) Could you expand on her Barking Puppy trait and her Suspicious trait by two or three sentences? Just go into detail on her reactions maybe, and how these developed in her as individual traits.
  • (Strengths) Might just want to give your formatting of this section a quick look because the bullet points need sorting out etc.
That's all for edits, please tag me when you've done them!
Hey there Lithiel, I'm really sorry about the wait, and I'm enjoying the artwork you've got for your character, it actually really helps give a representation and feel of your character. The character definitely looks balanced and well written up, so I doubt there'll be many edits at all. Could you carry out any edits in RED font please?
  • Nothing big, but actually I'd go so far as to say she's a Trainee level just from what she's witnessed. I'm sure for example the father mentioned maybe offhandedly a few things. It's rare that we bump someone up a level in magic. I'd say this were the case for both Fire and Air magic, but from your description of air magic teaching she's received she's likely on the very cusp of Novice level. The issue with this being her age, but since you're the judge of her competence I'll leave that up to you.
  • (Personality Traits) I'd like you to lump together the coping mechanisms you've got for her (False Confidence/Acceptance/Switch off), together into one personality trait under an umbrella name, and create one brand new personality trait (you don't need to replace all the personality traits lumped together since you have several extra already). This is simply because they somewhat describe one personality trait just in several parts.
  • (Personality Traits) Could you expand on her Barking Puppy trait and her Suspicious trait by two or three sentences? Just go into detail on her reactions maybe, and how these developed in her as individual traits.
  • (Strengths) Might just want to give your formatting of this section a quick look because the bullet points need sorting out etc.
That's all for edits, please tag me when you've done them!

Oh actually I was curious- if I do combine these three traits, does this mean I need 2 new ones to replace them?
Combined the Three traits into 1: called Urchin Resiliance for now.

Working on embelishing other aspects.
@Lord_Immortal I believe I've made the changed you asked for^^ please let me know if anything is amiss. I'll admit the formatting is tough to fix, this is as best as I could get it. I'm not sure if anyone else cna help me with that ^^;
Approved! I really hope to see Scruffs around, she looks like an amazing character to befriend.