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Played Character Scrifheim, The Rúnar Knight

This character is actively played.


Failure is the mark of a life well lived.
Staff member
Aug 10, 2015
Reaction score
Tyberia and Westeros also once named (Blackfyre, Eden, Halbinsel)
The Fallen Tyberian Empire
Character Information
Full Name: Scrifheim Hakwyn Goldbeard
Race/Culture: Dwarf
Age: 160
Gender/Pronouns: Male | He/Him
Occult: Aedán Godborn, God Mage, Godchosen of Dáuw
Religion: Fornoss Worshiper (Hvarkirik)
Order: Aelrrigan Rank-Captain (Laoch Lasrach)
Custom Kit(s): Knight Artifact
Current Artifact: Ruton

Core Concept
Party Dwarf Godborn, who uses his charm and jovialness to have fun and tries to lighten the mood. He also loves drinking and bar hopping whenever he can. He also has a very high tolerance before getting drunk so sometimes plays it up in order to facilitate a entertaining or joking demeanor when he is very much sober-like.

Appearance Information
Eye Color:
Brightly glowing orange irises (Aedánborn Eyes)
Skin Color: White
Hair: Coppery Ginger
Height: 4'10"
Body Type: Fat with decent muscle underneath
Additional Features:
Scrifheim has a clean shaved head. Also has a long beard with hair cuffs, tattoos on his palms, and some magical glowing aesthetic of his skeleton can be seen which comes from his father.

Combat Stats:
Attack: 7 Faith | Defense: 5 Constitution

Point Buy:

Constitution: 7
Shielding Point Buy
  • Shield Deflect
  • Shield Slam
  • Shield Phalanx
  • Shield Wall
  • Shield Cover
  • Shield Bunker
  • Shield Block (Free)
Training Point Buy
  • Rebound
  • Breather (Dwarf, Free)
Intelligence: 0
  • Tech Assimilate (Dwarf, Free)
    • Vaulttech
    • Godsamtro
    • Living Metal (Laoch Lasrach)
Faith: 7
  • Divine Antimagi
  • Divine Savior
  • Divine Aggro
  • Divine Aura
  • Divine Burn
  • Divine Smite
  • Divine Revive
    • Divine Stance

Combat Stats:
Attack: 7 Faith | Defense: 5 Con

Point Buy:
Strength: 0
  • Building Scale Pack (Ruton, Free)
Constitution: 6
  • Rebound (Dwarf, Free)
  • Shield Deflect
  • Shield Slam
  • Shield Phalanx
  • Shield Wall
  • Shield Cover
  • Shield Bunker
  • Shield Block (Free)
Intelligence: 1
  • Wardrobe Pack (Magical Variant)
  • Tech Assimilate (Dwarf, Free)
    • Vaulttech
    • Godsamtro
    • Living Metal (Laoch Lasrach)
  • Safeguard Pack (Magical) (Ruton, Free)
Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 0

Faith: 7
  • Divine Antimagi
  • Divine Aggro
  • Divine Aura
  • Divine Burn
  • Divine Smite
  • Divine Revive
    • Divine Stance
  • Sacred Burn
Magic: 0

  • Technology
  • Alchemy
  • Metallurgy

  • Magical Talent
Mechanic I:Dwarves gain +1 Main Defense Stat while another Dwarf is within a 5 block range, which can break Cap up to 11. This mechanic can stack up to a +2 bonus.

Mechanic II: Dwarves are barely affected by Alcohol that gets other people drunk, needing insanely high proof, and always being able to keep their drinks down.

Mechanic III: Dwarves have perfect vision (night vision) underground and in dark surroundings, needing no light.

Mechanic IV: Dwarves are masters of the forge, able to perform feats of metallurgy in half the time of other craftsmen. Additionally, any metal item that a Dwarf produces is considered master class when compared to others.

Mechanic V: Due to their vast understanding of architecture and metallurgy, Dwarves may gain additional insight from event items that may not be obvious to others (inquire with DM/Event Hoster for opportunities).

Permanent Mechanics
Ruton brings law. While within Fornoss Temples, Fairbanks, Imperial Isle or New Town (areas more beholden to Regalian Law), the user gains +2 to Main Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 9).

Artifactspark Mechanics

  • Choose 2 Free Packs from the following Categories: Adapt Point Buy, Shaman Point Buy, Athletics Point Buy
  • Ruton bridges the gap between Fornoss worshippers. The wielder of Ruton gains all Dwarf Heritage Mechanics (not including Free Packs), and any mention of "dwarf" instead reads as the wielder's heritage. If the wielder is already a Dwarf, they gain all Ailor Heritage mechanics (not including Free Packs).
  • In Staff DM'd Events, the wielder can invoke Dauw's order to gain a boon, such as an instantly built fortification in a fight or a supernatural awareness for a puzzle (Inquire with staff DM for use).
Mechanic I: Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.

Mechanic II: Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.

Mechanic III: Ailor make for excellent negotiators. Ailor gain +2 on top of every Persuasion Dice roll result, and their Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2 for every Dice Roll. These effects only apply to non-Afflicted, non-Mystech individuals, as their speech and habits are entirely fine-tuned to the more mundane aspects of global society, they must venture beyond their comfort zone to be able to reach Magic things.

Mechanic IV: Ailor whether by divine intervention or by sheer dump cosmic luck, always somehow end up on the right side of history. Ailor Characters when participating in Events, may sometimes stumble into an extreme luck roll that drops an additional loot item for one of the participants. This loot can be physical items, or intangible things like Divinium or an Artifactspark. Chances are higher for non-Magic using Ailor than Magic using Ailor.

Mechanic V: Ailor have unusual religious flexibility due to their history. Ailor are able to follow two Religions at once, further than Religious Syncretism could allow, but this can never include Evolism or Pagan Faiths. If a second Religion is followed, the Character must declare one as "dominant" from which they receive the Religious Mechanic and Afterlife, and one "subdominant" (from which they get neither of these). Believers of the subdominant Religion can reject this faith sharing, but the Gods never will. Any other Mechanics that derive off faith will only apply to the dominant Religion.

Mechanic 1
Aedán Godborn are able to use God-Magic to summon Aedán's endless delights, banquet tables full of the most delicious food and drinks that keep refilling and replenishing. Yet, this food always has a downside: it is delightfully addictive, and anyone who partakes in the banquet is likely to become addicted to the substances, unable to tear themselves away from the consumption of plenty.

Mechanic 2
Aedán Godborn have an impossibly high tolerance for Alcohol, always being allowed to roll twice during drinking games to their benefit. Additionally, Aedán Godborn can override the mind of bystanders and Knights to not hold them accountable for Regalian Low-Law violations, so long as they got a decent laugh, or a flirt, out of one or several of the bystanders.

Mechanic 3
Aedán Godborn if imprisoned, locked up, or chained down, can simply splip out of these chains or through blocked doors that contain them, and break free. This does not stop guards or prison wardens from attacking them should they try to break out. Additionally, while off-screen imprisoned by the Metropolitan, Aedán Godborn can charisma their way out of prison early so long as they are not in for High Law.

Fornoss Faith Mechanic 1: The Fornoss religion is a deeply elementally connected religion that has established ties with the primal elements of the world: fire, water, earth, and wind. The Fornoss faithful can use prayers or faith spells on Rune-inscribed surfaces to react with the elements without having Magic themselves. For example, they can write a request for the Gods to open a blocked-off cave entrance in rune-script followed by a prayer, after which the stone blocking the entrance is forced to move by the Earth God. Or, they might inscribe a table with a rune calling on the Fire God to ignite tinder, resulting in a warm flame erupting. The faithful themselves are not using Magic, they are using Runescript to call upon the Elements to obey the commands of the Gods. It is notably slower and less efficient to Magic because it requires them to write the request in Rune-Script.

Fornoss Faith Mechanic 2: The Fornoss faithful can call back a person who has passed into the afterlife temporarily if they possess an image (painting, statue, carving) of the person, or know their full real name. In such a case, they must perform the calling of the forerunner ritual, and command the Spirit to hold a specific purpose in line with the Fornoss faith, for example defeating someone who desecrated a religious site. This will manifest the person as a Primal Revenant, with a strong inclination to complete the Fate for which they were summoned, and if they do, they disappear again. The same Spirit can be summoned multiple times for different Fates. Remember, Spirits, even ones from Gods, are still very illegal in the eyes of the Law!


  • Common (Fluent)
  • Barrudh (Fluent)
  • Skodje (Driski Velheim) (Fluent)
  • Dasigyl (Tryggi and Hjordi Velheim) (Fluent)

Life Story/Plot Hooks
  • Born to the Clan of Goldbeard from his mother's lineage. Scrif spent his time early in life trying to understand his place in it and what his purpose was to be a Godborn of Aedán. He came to the finality that he is not defined by his paternal side but will do his best with what he's got.

  • In his early years, his mother taught him the ways of the Dwarven craft and culture but would eventually pass him over to his Uncle Bjorn, who would help him completely master his smithing, forging, and Dwarven warrior training. Bjorn would also teach him more about Dáuw and he'd take these lessons to heart as his God magic awakened later in life.

  • Later on, Scrif would travel around learning more that he could and eventually found himself as a Squire to the Aelrrigan Knight Chapter Laoch Lasrach after finding his way to Èriu-Innis after learning of their purpose and capabilities. He sought this as an opportunity to grow and learn as he mastered himself further and his weaponry.

  • He eventually trained and studied for a couple of years before feeling he was ready and his mentors believed him ready to Knight him. After this he left the chapter's sanctum and went to Regalia to join his brethren in arms and to reconnect with his family.

  • Scrif was conflicted with magic originally and still has some apprehensions but believes his magic derives from Dáuw's blessings and his father's blood. Although he tries his best not to be a showoff around his fellow dwarven family members and kinfolk to not upset those with a negative disposition to magic.
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