Archived Scrap The Old Idea: Rabies For Lampar Instead. [ Ex: Vampire Lampar ( Lampires? ) ]

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Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score
Editing the post to put my revised pitch in the OP to avoid confusion:
Taking these and many other past replies into account, I've thought about it more and I think I agree that vampires would be counterproductive and the only way to make it functional would be too specialized.

However I have come up with an alternative: A new affliction entirely. Similar to how Black Foot only effects races with animalistic traits, there could be something implemented for Lampar with some varied effects. Something akin to rabies if you will, increasing volatile tendencies (making the Lampar and any other races that it feel might work with the Affliction more inclined to fits of rage and violence in response to things), but also (specifically for the Lampar to counter their frailness) giving them some increase in intelligence, bringing them up to par with an Ailor. It would provide an alternative to the Cutsie RP niche for people who like the concept of rat-folk but find fault in the mental limitations, while also not making the 'vanilla Lampar' entirely irrelevant. Might tack on some other minor effects if any seem relevant or useful for progressing characters. Maybe OCD, feels oddly fitting.

Thoughts on this alternative?

EDIT: The addition of their fingernails lengthening and hardening into sudo-claws seems fitting as well. It makes them a greater threat, albeit only slightly, when their anger takes hold. Instead of a two foot midget licking your shins before you boot it to Anglia.

This suggestion is simple so I wont bother with too much exposition, but back in the day of the Q'uebo, there was a subtype of Vampirism specifically for them that turned them into little evil psychopaths and it was so much fun. They were legitimately terrifying almost on par with a Temple Orphan (assuming you found them in a group, which they usually would be in lore) for sheer terror, and they were just generally a ton of fun, sitting with their glowing eyes, manicle grins and evil giggling.

My suggestion is to simply bring this back, in a less specialized way. Lampar can catch Vampirism. And it tends to leave them unstable. The instability and giggling could be noted in the trivia rather than making it have a dedicated section or anything, since specialized vampirism is not the direction I think staff want to take it. Just small quirks to bring back the most terrifying thing you could ever run into ingame in the slums.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I uh. Would like an expantion of the Sanguine curse for the other races as well-- alot of players don't get the chance to experience the fun of getting infected simply because they do not play elves nor Ailor.
doesn't have to be every race... It would just be nice to have a larger spectrum.

But I do like this idea as I am a player who enjoys playing a lampar but I find it very difficult to worm around cutsie RP and make an actual functioning character that's not there to just speak like an idiot and love everyone.
But I do like this idea as I am a player who enjoys playing a lampar but I find it very difficult to worm around cutsie RP and make an actual functioning character that's not there to just speak like an idiot and love everyone.
This part especially. I think the stark contrast between usually happy-go-lucky cheerful Lampar, and their terrifyingly horrific, mentally scarring vampiric cousins would be a nice touch. Its part of what makes them so scary, like if a butterfly ripped someone's arm off.
I uh. Would like an expantion of the Sanguine curse for the other races as well-- alot of players don't get the chance to experience the fun of getting infected simply because they do not play elves nor Ailor.
doesn't have to be every race... It would just be nice to have a larger spectrum.

But I do like this idea as I am a player who enjoys playing a lampar but I find it very difficult to worm around cutsie RP and make an actual functioning character that's not there to just speak like an idiot and love everyone.
There was formally a specific bloodline, sometimes multiple bloodlines for every race but it has highly underplayed. The only people I remember ever playing a non human or non elven vampire were @caelmas and @NChulingeth and one more person whose name escapes me. That's three people that stood out, out of the literal dozens of vampire bloodlines there are.

Going back to the op I do agree in returning Lampar/Klein vampires because those little suckers were death.
I don't see the benefit of having this type of race vampire return. Lampars are already few in numbers from my knowledge, and I doubt that there would be any development stemming from becoming rabid animals.

I see the Vampire Lampars as a meme-tier annoyance that would never see any actual character applications and serve more as throwaway characters if anything.

If anything, I'll place vampire Lampar into the same pot as Crelin: too few people want to play creepy gremlins to warrant lore on them.
I don't see the point in this. More 'uwu look at me I'm even more of an annoyance'. Like Firefan said, meme tier.

And, I don't think they'd add quirks either- If you have this for one, why not the rest? It just makes it super complicated.

They were legitimately terrifying almost on par with a Temple Orphan
That's a huuuuge stretch and far from the truth. Just saying.
This suggestion is simple so I wont bother with too much exposition, but back in the day of the Q'uebo, there was a subtype of Vampirism specifically for them that turned them into little evil psychopaths and it was so much fun. They were legitimately terrifying almost on par with a Temple Orphan (assuming you found them in a group, which they usually would be in lore) for sheer terror, and they were just generally a ton of fun, sitting with their glowing eyes, manicle grins and evil giggling.

My suggestion is to simply bring this back, in a less specialized way. Lampar can catch Vampirism. And it tends to leave them unstable. The instability and giggling could be noted in the trivia rather than making it have a dedicated section or anything, since specialized vampirism is not the direction I think staff want to take it. Just small quirks to bring back the most terrifying thing you could ever run into ingame in the slums.
The main reason not everyone can be a Vampire is because one can min-max abilities really easily. A Dwarvish vampire is one that's usually both very strong and very quick to heal, whereas a Solang Vampire (now not allowed because it was a risk) could theoretically pass by most of their weaknesses by mimicking someone else, or even just a Half-Orc being a prime form of specimen that heals, fights, thinks, and can only be stopped if someone throws magic at them. Being a Lampar Vampire simply doesn't seem like it'll have any interesting changes to it, especially since Vampirism weakens them even more while stacking up weaknesses and making many strengths become unusable due to their natural ineptitude (Shortswords are too heavy, they're too small to fight anyone bigger than themselves and Cielothar, magical spells are useless because their disguises are obvious, et cetera). Why would you be something that will logically kill your character in a painful session of starving over the span of 4 weeks with absolutely no chance of real survival? I knew Ichabod would die from the start, but even he was equipped with a lot of spells and a cunning disposition to delay the inevitable. Lampar Vampires would have absolutely 0 bonuses and 5+ new weaknesses.

Also, they really aren't scary. I do mean it in saying Vampirism makes them so much weaker than they already are, not to mention promoting psychopathy via edgy giggles and threats that cause people to question the person's OOC ethics are exactly the opposite of what should be desired in a character that's supposed to be evil.
I don't see the benefit of having this type of race vampire return. Lampars are already few in numbers from my knowledge, and I doubt that there would be any development stemming from becoming rabid animals.

I see the Vampire Lampars as a meme-tier annoyance that would never see any actual character applications and serve more as throwaway characters if anything.

If anything, I'll place vampire Lampar into the same pot as Crelin: too few people want to play creepy gremlins to warrant lore on them.
Lampar are probably due for a rework soon anyway but I dont think they are very high priority, once their issues are fixed their numbers will probably go up a good little bit though.

As for the, no development thing, I dont think thats a major issue. They basically become tiny Tressimae. If a player cant wrangle development from their character going from a free spirited happy communal creature, to them going psychopathic and scaring off all their friends, then presumably they get cured eventually and have to deal with that they did, thats the player's fault. And thats just one of the many many possibilities, its like anything in Roleplay.

At the moment, most of the people seriously playing lampar tend to be really good at roleplay. Like, theres obviously the meme-tier people, but they give up pretty quickly. Serious Lampar players have to put a lot of effort into making the race usable to begin with. If you can make a lampar work for months consistently, you are good enough at roleplay to figure out how to play their edgy counterpart without it becoming cancer too.

That's a huuuuge stretch and far from the truth. Just saying.
If I walk into a dark alley and see the mutated horror that is the Temple Orphan, verses walking into an alley and seeing twenty sets of glowing red eyes and hearing manic giggling, my pants are going to be equally at a disposition for being FULL OF SH*T XD Maybe they aren't quite on par but in my mind they are both horrifying.

And, I don't think they'd add quirks either- If you have this for one, why not the rest? It just makes it super complicated.
Or you can just not add quirks for all of them. Resist the urge and limit it.
If I walk into a dark alley and see the mutated horror that is the Temple Orphan, verses walking into an alley and seeing twenty sets of glowing red eyes and hearing manic giggling, my pants are going to be equally at a disposition for being FULL OF SH*T XD Maybe they aren't quite on par but in my mind they are both horrifying.
But this doesn't happen. Again, they're super weak, which makes them nothing more than a bunch of diseased and malnourished cats being mad at you. They're just too weak to live that way. What you're asking for here is a death sentence to characters you might like.
This suggestion is simple so I wont bother with too much exposition, but back in the day of the Q'uebo, there was a subtype of Vampirism specifically for them that turned them into little evil psychopaths and it was so much fun. They were legitimately terrifying almost on par with a Temple Orphan (assuming you found them in a group, which they usually would be in lore) for sheer terror, and they were just generally a ton of fun, sitting with their glowing eyes, manicle grins and evil giggling.
I actually preferred the Estun'fae. Very similar to the Cret'venir, except instead of grins and cackles, they ate everything they could and vomited all the time.
heavily outdated but me and @Beetletoes made this awhile back and it was sadly rejected due to the oncoming revamp of vampires.
man I'm down for this at any given second to hop into updating this, just give me the word

Also, maybe this could be a chance for my very favorite race to slip back in! Some sort of Lampar-exclusive infection that makes them more muscular (athletic/ripped max), a bit taller, and gives them sickly green skin. And, of course, a lust for raw meat and murder.
Also, maybe this could be a chance for my very favorite race to slip back in!

Crelin aren't coming back- Just let them rest in peace. Please. They were a mess.

While having unique quirks for a race for vamprism is cool, it's just too much. Keep it uniform, keep it simple. In my eyes, Lampar aren't something that deserve anything special just for them. They've got such a small player base- If it were another race, perhaps there'd be a greater chance.
Crelin aren't coming back- Just let them rest in peace. Please. They were a mess.

While having unique quirks for a race for vamprism is cool, it's just too much. Keep it uniform, keep it simple. In my eyes, Lampar aren't something that deserve anything special just for them. They've got such a small player base- If it were another race, perhaps there'd be a greater chance.
Even if they dont get the quirks back, I would be fine with them simply being able to catch vampirism.
Crelin aren't coming back- Just let them rest in peace. Please. They were a mess.

While having unique quirks for a race for vamprism is cool, it's just too much. Keep it uniform, keep it simple. In my eyes, Lampar aren't something that deserve anything special just for them. They've got such a small player base- If it were another race, perhaps there'd be a greater chance.
Then I suggest Orcs. Maybe they see it as a blessing from Vakgar or maybe they've forsaken their gods, or something, but I like the image of an Orc with a mouthful of tusks and a glowing Thorall cleaver.
Even if they dont get the quirks back, I would be fine with them simply being able to catch vampirism.
I feel like you're missing what I'm saying. Lampar Vampires will die because they're so weak and would be incapable of properly using any of the abilities that make it possible to live as a bloodsucker. Your aesthetic is literally self-destructive to Lampar and this suggestion is lacking any ideas other than 'they are scary,' which I'm not even slightly inclined to agree on since it's a simple opinion rather than a constructive train of thought.
Then I suggest Orcs. Maybe they see it as a blessing from Vakgar or maybe they've forsaken their gods, or something, but I like the image of an Orc with a mouthful of tusks and a glowing Thorall cleaver.
Too mighty. Almost guaranteed strongman build + natural vampiric abilities = bad news and a tool basically able to be handed out for powergaming no matter how much you punish or rely on an honour system.

Since none of my posts are being referenced, I'll stop responding for now.
How about we just don't? Lampar are already a niche race as it is and barely anyone plays them. The re-introduction of special bloodlines seems counter productive considering the lore was only just revised to remove the concept of bloodlines entirely. Besides that the concept of giggling, maniacal, cutesy midget vampires is something I as a roleplayer could never take seriously, it doesn't have any place on this server and would just devalue the actions of people who are trying to portray serious Sanguine characters.
I like this idea, however, I find what
I feel like you're missing what I'm saying. Lampar Vampires will die because they're so weak and would be incapable of properly using any of the abilities that make it possible to live as a bloodsucker. Your aesthetic is literally self-destructive to Lampar and this suggestion is lacking any ideas other than 'they are scary,' which I'm not even slightly inclined to agree on since it's a simple opinion rather than a constructive train of thought.
Will definitely make this impossible, unless if they were able to gain some very stealthy tactics to use for hunting down ailors and all, which will most likely not happen due to lampars losing their attention every minute or so (Just a big assumption)

Perhaps, making them have common sense when hunting can help, as in they choose which prey would be better off for them? As in lampires will attack lampars, or lampires attack rashaq?

Overall, I don't see any reason as to not adding this. I don't see what harm this can do to any roleplayer. I've heard that this can take out the seriousness in roleplay? Isn't that what's the main reason of what a lampars is supposed to do (I am not talking OOC seriousness in roleplay, IC seriousness)

That's all I have!

(Can't type good on tablet...)
I feel like you're missing what I'm saying. Lampar Vampires will die because they're so weak and would be incapable of properly using any of the abilities that make it possible to live as a bloodsucker. Your aesthetic is literally self-destructive to Lampar and this suggestion is lacking any ideas other than 'they are scary,' which I'm not even slightly inclined to agree on since it's a simple opinion rather than a constructive train of thought.

How about we just don't? Lampar are already a niche race as it is and barely anyone plays them. The re-introduction of special bloodlines seems counter productive considering the lore was only just revised to remove the concept of bloodlines entirely. Besides that the concept of giggling, maniacal, cutesy midget vampires is something I as a roleplayer could never take seriously, it doesn't have any place on this server and would just devalue the actions of people who are trying to portray serious Sanguine characters.

Taking these and many other past replies into account, I've thought about it more and I think I agree that vampires would be counterproductive and the only way to make it functional would be too specialized.

However I have come up with an alternative: A new affliction entirely. Similar to how Black Foot only effects races with animalistic traits, there could be something implemented for Lampar with some varied effects. Something akin to rabies if you will, increasing volatile tendencies (making the Lampar and any other races that it feel might work with the Affliction more inclined to fits of rage and violence in response to things), but also (specifically for the Lampar to counter their frailness) giving them some increase in intelligence, bringing them up to par with an Ailor. It would provide an alternative to the Cutsie RP niche for people who like the concept of rat-folk but find fault in the mental limitations, while also not making the 'vanilla Lampar' entirely irrelevant. Might tack on some other minor effects if any seem relevant or useful for progressing characters. Maybe OCD, feels oddly fitting.

Thoughts on this alternative?

EDIT: The addition of their fingernails lengthening and hardening into sudo-claws seems fitting as well. It makes them a greater threat, albeit only slightly, when their anger takes hold. Instead of a two foot midget licking your shins before you boot it to Anglia.