^Quick trigger warning^
There are a several mentions about scars/self harm and death, so if you are uncomfortable with that I'd advise either against Reading or read with caution

You're not the only one who's feeling broken
You're not the only one who feels alone

A man lay curled up against the arm of a sofa, a blanket tucked around his shoulders, small snores escaping his mouth. Ginger curls were loosely tied with a ribbon, matted and dirty.

You're not the only one who's feeling hopeless
You're not the only one without a home

A little further down the sofa from him sat a brown haired woman, her own locks chopped short around her ears, looking somewhat boyish with their style. She had one arm laying across the back of the sofa and the other rolling a used match between her fingers as she watched the man sleep.

Let go of all the emotion
Cutting you open
Stop throwing salt to your wounds

The candle the match had been used to light was almost burnt out, its flame barely giving of any heat nor light. The ginger man gave a small start, body flinching backwards into the sofa before settling down again.

Take a second and breathe
That might be all that you need
Don't you know, don't you know, don't you know it?

One of his hands idly began to rub his wrist as he slept, and the brown haired woman reached over to grab hold of it, pausing the action. She laced her fingers around his, with a loose grip, and lay down beside him, throwing the match elsewhere. She rested her head on his shoulder and looked up to him.

We all got scars
We all get hurt sometimes
We all got scars
Yours are the same as mine

The man gave another start before opening his eyes, breathing slightly laboured. "Huh..?" he looked down to where the woman was laying, and smiled, bringing his free hand up to pat her head.

We fall apart
We all get hurt sometimes
We all got scars
Yours are the same as mine

"Tired Ambs?" he asked, voice still rough with sleep. She hummed before responding.
"Scratching yer arms again."
He nodded, resting his cheek on her head.

Your scars are there to show you that you're human
Even when you wish they'd wash away
I can feel you must be going through it
It's like nobody understands your pain

"Habit." He used his free hand to pull his sleeve down over his wrist, "Ain' proud of 'em, bu' they show I survived it all 'n' came out the other side."

Let go of all the emotion
Cutting you open
Stop throwing salt to your wounds

"Don' hide 'em Milo." She pulled up her own sleeves, reveling an assortment of scars, "Shows we got through it. We face this world together like we always said." Milo chuckled, lifting his head to pull up his sleeves before taking ahold of her wrists with his calloused hands.

Take a second and breathe
That might be all that you need
Don't you know, don't you know, don't you know it?

"'M sorry. Fer no' bein' there when yer needed me." Amber looked up at him, letting out a slight laugh.
"Yer couldn't have known Milo, I hid it from everyone best I could." The man cocked his head.

We all got scars
We all get hurt sometimes
We all got scars
Yours are the same as mine

Amber sighed, "You know as well as I do tha' if people found out, like Zack or the rest of the family, they'd freak out and treat me like a child again."
"We may no' be kids no more bu' 'm still by yer side, no' ma''er wha'." Milo said, curling back into a ball against Amber.

We fall apart
We all get hurt sometimes
We all got scars
Yours are the same as mine

She nodded, moving her hand to run it through her hair.
"Through it all an' to wherever the Spirit may take us after."

Your scars are there to show yourself
You survived the pain you've felt
Underneath it all
You know who you are
And they might never go away
But fade a little every day
Underneath it all
You know who you are

The man twisted his body so he was able to see Amber's face, a childish grin splayed across his lips.
"Y'know, if yer ever try anythin' again, 'm comin' with yer. Cause we're in it together. I ain' lettin' yer go tha' easily."

We all got scars
We all get hurt sometimes
We all got scars
Yours are the same as mine

Amber nodded and smiled down at him, forgetting for a moment everything that had happened. For just this moment, they were two strangers in a tavern, fighting of an Url, having been brought together by destiny.

We fall apart
We all get hurt sometimes
We all got scars
Yours are the same as mine

"I know."

We all got scars

@Diaprit @midnight_moon123 and @MeganDgamer (yes I tagged myself leave me alone) cause your chars are in it/mentioned