Scars That Won't Heal

The silence fell in the lower parts of the sewers, the dark tunnels that lead to more tunnels, what could be found in theses tunnels? in this darkness. In the corner of the dark passage sat a girl, a Kathar, alone she sat, alone and contemplating her life. The silence held many mysteries, contemplating her past, those she lost that were close to her, those important to her gone, her will empty or missing, unknown to what she wishes to accomplish, or yet just wishes something to fill the holes in her heart.

Her past was damaging, all the pain, anger, sadness, all held inside locked away, a feeling she never wanted to feel, something she wanted to overcome but when you reaching your breaking point is something you can never suppress. The Kathar alone in the dark silence of the sewer holes, holding herself as if to comfort yet it did little to no help. what she felt inside was odd, something she did not understand, a pained feeling in her chest, the scars she held unknown to her, deep inside her heart.
Why do you have scars?",
"...I've been fighting..",
"Who against?"

These scares will never heal, always there as a remanence of her past, clutching her chest silently, something overcame her. Staring into the cold silent darkness, strange strands of tears filled her eyes, "W-what is this...why is there liquid coming from my eyes...this feeling...", She kept on wiping her eyes, each time doing so caused more to form, clutching her teeth silently, rocking back and forth while she spoke to herself, calming words, silent words, useless words "Im ok, Im ok, Im ok...Im- IM NOT OK!!"
Clutching her chest tightly, the tears streaming down, a faint scream could be heard, echoing across the sewer tunnels. Nothing could be heard after, a faint silence, soft sounds of her cries and strands of hair falling onto the cold ground, ripping and tarring her own hair to ease what she was feeling, but it was useless in the end.