Preserved Sheet Scarlet L'araignee! A Second Attempt At Approval.

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Terrifying Bear-Woman
Jul 19, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Wandering Eye of the Holy Blade
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Scarlet L'araignee
    • Nicknames: Scar, Letty
  • Age: 21 years
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Avanthar
  • Main Ambition: Learning about the world and aiding her family
Skills information~
  • School: School of Lancyon
  • Source: Private Tutor: Ben Sykes, Amarn Etrius.
  • Level: Warrior

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Dark marine blue.
  • Hair Color: Black, bleached to blonde and dyed to a light brown. (?)
  • Hair Style: Long, wavy and unkempt with layers.
  • Skin Color: Pale, very slight tan
  • Clothing: Dark red, moderately revealing dress, lightweight and easy to move in for more effective combat, hardened leather boots as well as gauntlets, and a plate vambrace on either arm. Leather and chain belt around her waist, also encompasses lower ribcage.
  • Height: 5'8 (Not changed as she will grow to a maximum of 6'7 by 25 years old. Her growth was stunted due to lack of nutrition by slavers)
  • Body Build: Ripped
  • Weapon of Choice: Glaive.
Personality and Abilities:
  • First Paragraph: Scarlet is a rather cool and collected character that can appear to have a complete lack of empathy for others at times. Having gone through her own fair share of struggle in her life, she believes that when others complain about seemingly menial things such as "I can't afford this" or "I can't do that" she deems that person weak, which can make her appear arrogant and cold. Scarlet often tries to make herself appear approachable to even those she deems pathetic, seeing how her life has gone has shown her that everyone can do something useful, they just have to find it.
  • Second Paragraph: Scarlet is completely lacking confidence in herself and her abilities, she knows that she can do what she can and knows that she can do it to a decent degree, but it's never good enough. Scarlet has her sights set on the stars and will never settle with only reaching the moon. Scarlet's fear of men has plagued her since her rather.. eventful childhood as well, though it is fading as her confidence grows.
  • Third Paragraph: Around family, Scarlet is very homely and warm, showing her softer, kinder side whilst also retaining a hint of her cold, brutal personality. She will go to the ends of the earth for those that she trusts and will push any wrongdoings by her loved ones under the carpet. Scarlet is often brash, and quite arrogant around her friends, but tends to use the arrogance towards a more comedic effect, as she recognizes that arrogance can be the last nail in a relationship's coffin.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Scarlet can be seen as a vigilante in some aspects, if she sees a wrongdoing either big or small she will step in and investigate the matter. Her innate neutrality would drive her to take a purely advisory and investigatory stance on most conflicts however. Scarlet believes that the most perceivable opinion is always the correct one, and this also links in with her admiration of the Unionist Faith, as she has clear, physical evidence of the Emperor's existence.
  • Fifth Paragraph (OPTIONAL): Scarlet is a rather devout Unionist, having learned each of the creeds off by heart and been forced into worshiping other Religions, namely those of her slaver's. She decided against worshiping other faiths and decided on the only one that she deemed to be true. Scarlet believes that the world is in need of fixing, and that the way it is just won't hold for long.
  • Acrobatic - Scarlet, from her numerous fights in recent years has built herself a decent capability when it comes to physical movements, she is surprisingly agile despite her scar-laden body and can run at a relatively quick pace. Having been taught basic parkour by her mother she has only been working to bolster her natural capabilities in areas of physical agility.
  • Quick learner: Scarlet, having been forced to learn many things at once by her slavers, as well as almost constantly trying to better herself during the times where she was free, has developed the ability to better herself at a much faster speed than most, her natural affinity towards physical combat aiding her training with a sword and above average intelligence aiding in her magical capability
  • Lancyon: Scarlet has a natural capability when it comes to the use of weaponry and various arms in combat, able to use her Lancyon style very efficiently in combat situations. Through her rather rigorous training in this style, as well as an almost obsessive personal training regime, she has developed far in the style, earning the capability of a warrior level practitioner.
Relationships (Optional)

Father: Achranack Shade: Aged 127, Achranack saved her from starvation in the sewers and took her to be adopted by her first mother, Luz Kasai, before she left Luz to help the vampire group that she hung around for a short while. She was adopted by Achranack and his Wife Cormil Duvain Shade. @ErwinScoutSmith

Mother: Cormil Duvain Shade: Aged 58: Cormil is the wife of Achranack, she met and named Scarlet a short while after Scarlet had left the group of vampires, she spent a lot of time with Scarlet, learning about her and sharing her story with her too. @LadyPyrope

Uncle: Jason Shade: Aged --: Though Scarlet doesn't know much about Jason, she does respect him and wishes to know him better, he accepted her into the Shade family and almost broke her stoic facade. @Demon_Warlord

Ben Sykes: A man who took Scarlet into the coven of vampires, but disappeared from her life for the three years of her Mariposa training as he was cured. She recently met him once again and has now been learning the Lancyon combat style from him for 3 years. @MugKing

Teacher: Amarn Etrius: Aged 42: An Ailor Male Lancyon knight who taught Scarlet the sword style for a year out of pity at her lacking ability to defend herself with dignity. NPC

Biological Mother: Deceased: Arian Skylark: An Avanthar woman who gave birth to Scarlet, and named her Polaris, but died during childbirth

Biological Father: Gordon Skylark: A Avanthar man who fathered Scarlet until she was four, selling her into slavery to save himself from starvation

Life Story

Scarlet was born on January ninth, 287AC. To her parents Arian and Gordon in a small house in the corner of Regalia, just by a large bridge that led to the Ithanian district. Her mother, having died in Childbirth is a person unbeknownst to Scarlet , but she faintly remembers her father, but doesnt hold any affection for him. Or any feelings of loss when it comes to discussing him. She lived a rather basic life up until the age of four, having only just become even the slightest bit sentient by that time, she'd be learning her first few words as she was sold to a man named Eldar, an Avanthar slave trader.

She spent around five years with Eldar, he'd put her through near constant verbal and physical abuse if he even heard so much as a sound of resistance from her, ordering her to do menial tasks like a regular house servant, with more serious and brutal punishments for doing things wrong, which she often did, being a child. This would be where she'd develop most of her physical scars, most of them not having healed properly or not at all by the time she'd be sixteen.

The Avanthar would begin to abuse her slightly less as she reached nine years old. Using her for other desires before selling her off to an orc named Eirik, this would be where she met Iris, a lady who was pretty much a mother to her for the time where they were enslaved. There were two other slaves whom she learned modern Elvish and Tatsugo from, her natural intelligence allowing her to pick up the languages, along with common, rather easily. Scarlet learned Modern Elvish from a Varran named Laitha, who also imprinted with Scarlet a short time before Iris, Scarlet and Laitha made their escape.

Iris, Scarlet and Laitha made their escape when Scarlet was fifteen years old, Iris telling Scarlet to run whilst she held off Eirik, who would proceed to kill Iris, after losing an eye to her. Scarlet has a memento of Iris in the form of a small dagger. Laitha actually turned the other way as Iris was being pommelled, also escaping into the city.

Scarlet would be taken in by Amarn as she wandered the streets of Regalia, having caught her getting into a fight with some rabble who had just come up from the sewers he decided that the rat that she was needed to be fixed, and thus began her first year of training in the Lancyon style. She trained vigorously through the year and grew by vast proportions thanks to her keen knack for learning, as well as her already slightly obsessive desire for self-improvement. She took every one of Amarn's arrogant mockings and turned them into her own form of self encouragement, always seeing that she could be better than she was.

Once Scarlet was sixteen, she'd leave the tutelage of Amarn, him having to leave the city as the Lo's took over, he left her with the dagger and her Bo-staff, made of wood with intricate carvings on the Steel tips. Through the occupation of the Lo's, Scarlet mostly stayed underground in the sewers until the collapse, where she suffered an injury to her shoulder that set back her training for about two months. After the collapse of the sewers she decided to reside overground, taking shelter in places that would give it for free or for voluntary service, namely smaller blacksmiths and Inns that needed staffing. For about three months prior to the sewer collapse, Scarlet lived as such, before returning to the new sewers.

Scarlet stayed with the group of vampires for a rather short length of time, having formed a close bond with their leader, Umredd, Ben Sykes, before his departure of the group.

Scarlet would now move away from the group of vampires, not too keen on the multitude of deaths she saw when she was around them. And the fights that she got herself into. She would be adopted by Achranack Shade and his wife Cormil Duvain, and is now living rather happily with them, learning and growing. She also managed to continue her training in the Lancyon style on her own, and from instruction tomes left for her by Amarn.

About two months after Scarlet's 18 birthday, she set out to live on her own once again, wandering the streets of Regalia and turning to a somewhat loaned way of living, taking residence in Inn's and Taverns that offered work in exchange of temporary steading, saving the money she managed to earn until she managed to purchase herself a small hovel in the poorer district of Regalia. During her time in this home, she met Ben Sykes once again, and now being much more grown up than she once was, she begged for his tuition in the Lancyon combat style, seeing the use of range as a much safer way of combat, and alas, he agreed to tutor her. He has been doing as such for three or so years, and is still teaching her in the current day.

Summarised Life Story:

0-4 Years of age.

  • At this period of time, Scarlet was born, and raised, in a poorer part of the city of Regalia, born to her parents on January 9th, 287 AC.
  • She began to learn about the world from a young age, already beginning to study both the common and Modern Elvish languages by the age of three.
  • Scarlet was sold into slavery at a blackmarket dealership at about her fourth birthday.
4-9 Years of age.
  • Scarlet had begun her time as a slave to Eldar, a fellow Avanthar and a slave trader who took a liking to her appearance, and thus he kept her for himself.
  • Scarlet was taught more in her studies of the common and Modern Languages, this study was more forced upon her than actual voluntary study.
  • Scarlet developed most of her mental and physical scars during this time, recieving rather rough and harsh punishments for even the slightest error in menial tasks, hence her perfectionism.
9-12 Years of age.
  • When Scarlet turned nine, she began to get rebellious, and thus, Eldar wanted to see no more of her, selling her off to an Orc by the name of Eerik, who also owned several other female slaves, namely the Varran: Laitha, Cielothar: Iris, and Chien'ji: Atsuko.
  • During whatever time they had off-duty from doing their variety of work as slaves, and during times where they weren't being borrowed or punished for something or other, the four got to know each other, and even learned from each other, Scarlet got her basic understandings of Zcorr here, being taught by Laitha.
12-15 Years of age.
  • Scarlet, Iris and Laitha began planning their rebellion against Eerik when Scarlet was 12, and the plan was carried out when she was fifteen, after Scarlet had imprinted with Laitha as more of a memoir, as Laitha died at the hands of Eerik on the day of the escape, meeting the same fate as Iris.
15-16 Years of age.
  • Scarlet was taken in by Amarn, a practitioner in Lancyon combat that caught Scarlet fighting with sewer rabble, and took note of her heightened reflexes, and took a liking to her eyes. He took her under his wing and provided her with tutoring, and a house for the year.
16-17 Years of age.
  • Scarlet lived the best year of her life so far here, she broke out of her shell little by little, but even now it stands strong. She worked several different jobs, laborious tasks, the more hard work the better, as Scarlet had now developed an almost religious dedication to her physical training, and a literally religious dedication to Unionism.
  • During this time, Scarlet was also adopted by the L'araignee family. She continued her studies in the Lancyon style.
18-21 Years of Age.
  • Scarlet left the L'araignee household at 18 years old, leaving out on her own to find a place for herself, training and practicing with her arming sword and dagger, until she came upon an old friend from her short time of freedom at age 12, Ben.
  • Scarlet managed to reunite herself with Ben and convince him to teach her in the ways of Lancyon combat, and he has done as such for the past three years, but she has not attended the school officially as of yet. She intends to become a sellsword in Regalia so that she may fund her education whilst doing a service to the city and it's people.
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☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • So we meet again! I can see that you worked hard to apply many of the changes that I requested in my last review, and as a result there are far less issues that I can spot. Great work, keep it up! I'll be setting this to "Under Review".
  • In Cielothar-Isldar half-breeds, Isldar traits dominate, leading to a taller physique. In lieu of this, please raise your character's height to between 6ft and 6ft 10.
  • How did Scarlet, a young ex-slave in a commoner family, manage to acquire plate armour? Plate is incredibly expensive and uncommon in Alorian society, usually reserved for guards and nobility. I'll allow a couple of pieces such as a gauntlet and two arm guards, but please lower the amount.
  • Resilient and Adaptable seem to be more strengths than personality traits, especially when the character is viewed as a whole. While Scarlet is balanced in terms of negative-to-positive, the way these personality traits affect her actions inclines her more towards imbalanced. Please change at least one of the two with a positive trait that does not correlate to mental strength.
  • Similar to the above, her current weaknesses still feel a bit lacking; especially when you mention in one that her physical combat is exceeding. Please add at least one more weakness to balance. The lightning scar that you mention in her backstory would make a good weakness, as a (non-mandatory) suggestion.
  • he also passed down a dagger, with a handguard made of stained black steel
    Blacksteel is only available to nobility, and requires a player quest to acquire for commoners. Please do not try to put player-quest only items in your character sheets, continuing to do so may lead to infractions.
Please mark your changes in blue and tag me when you're finished!

The edits have been made! Thanks for being so tolerant with the reviews, and I took your suggestion, sorry about the playerquest items, I honestly didn't know that blacksteel was a playerquest item.
Whoa, that was fast!
  • Concerning the Blacksteel, that's alright, mistakes happen! If you come across a metal that is Alorian/fantasy by nature, I recommend giving it a quick look on the wiki. In the small preview below the image, it states the availability of the item.
  • I still consider the amount of armor to be a bit too much. It shouldn't fully cover either arm and the hips, and shouldn't nullify her weakness completely by providing a constant shield. Something that could still take a beating and produce pain, such as leather or even light chain, would be okay. If using plate, no more than a gauntlet and two armguards (+ a small amount of chain and unlimited leather is okay).
  • Everything else looks fine! Just this one thing and we can get you approved.
Edits have been made again! Thanks again for being tolerant with the armour, @Eccetra
Edits are in Purple
Great work! The only thing I will say is that chainmail cannot be hidden by a sock, but other than that...

☼ Approved! ☼
Edits have been made to the sheet to support the new format. There has also been an almost complete Re-vamp, I hope this isn't too troublesome. Eheh.
The edits are in, rather clearly, the Red.
@NovaFlameveil Sorry for the delay! This completely slipped my mind.

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Due to the immense amount of money, training, and skill that goes into both Mariposa and Lancyon training, a character cannot attend both. Furthermore, the School of Mariposa is reserved for only the wealthy middle-to-high classes, and would cost considerably more to attend for a non-Ailor. For this to compliant, I'll need to see good reasoning for how Scarlet could afford training in either the School of Mariposa or School of Lancyon.
  • For any fighting schools, please add the Skills Section to your character app from the template!
  • Does Scarlet wear armor all the time? Bare in mind that plate is military grade, and if she lives on the surface it would be impossible for her to wear without being halted by the guards. I'd recommend coming up with some casual non-armor clothing.
  • Please add which weapon(s) in specific Scarlet uses under weapons of choice, rather than the fighting style.
  • For the first paragraph of the personality section, does Scarlet ever try to reach out to others, or does she simply keep to herself? Try to add at least one more sentence to this section, just to give a bit more description to how she acts, or is perceived by strangers.
  • How does Scarlet act around her friends, as opposed to her family? Does she trust friends more, or family more? Are they exactly the same for her, or is it different considering her general lack of empathy? Add this information to the third personality paragraph!
  • Currently, the life story well surpasses the 500 word limit. You're free to put it under a spoiler tag in its current state for the life chronicles, but the reviewed section should be a quick overview of the most important / pivotal events in Scarlet's life. In many cases, bullet points are even recommended. Take a look at some other approved character apps to get a good feel for the size, and please shorten it accordingly!
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!
I made the changes in a different green, whoopsie~
Hello again! Great work on shortening the life story, it's a lot more digestible now. There are still a few issues that I need to mention before this is approved again, though:
  • Regardless of what Mariposa is changed to, unfortunately I'm still going to say that only one military school is allowed. Scarlet is a very young character, and due to the very specific styles of these military schools I find it unlikely that she would be able to learn the codes and practices of both. Please remove either Turall or Lancyon. You can increase the level to warrior in either, if you like.
  • If you want Scarlet to be wearing armor on the daily, this is fine for a character choice, but understand that it will be confiscated by the guards once spotted. Anything more than half-leather is not permitted without a permit.
  • Remember to change the Armed Combat talent to accommodate whichever military school you choose, as well as any life story mentions!
  • For a 21 year old combat character, knowing 4 languages is too much. If she knows anything of Tatsugo or Zcorr, then it would be minor amounts and not enough to hold a proper conversation. Each one of these languages takes multiple years to learn with active study. Please alter this in the life story.
Mark your changes in another color and tag me when you're done!
Also, if you could remove the lime green from the current edits that would be preferable. It was quite difficult to read.
Edits have been made, I've removed her Turall training altogether. Made no changes to the outfit as I hope that I can get her to be a sellsword eventually.
Edits are in blue.
  • Almost there! There is still a portion in Scarlet's life story which mentions Turall training, and the weapons of choice still lists the her Turall weaponry. I'd also recommend changing the Bo staff to another pole weapon listed on the School of Lancyon page, or a non-specific metal tipped staff due to the noncompliance of Bo weapons in lore.
Note: It states that she only started learning school of Lancyon skills very recently, but then mentions she "continued the training" earlier on. I assume this was an oversight!
Right, those edits have been made now, in purple.