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Sawbones Declaration Of Insanity: Vivienne Harhold


Declaration of Insanity: Vivienne Harhold

To all Emperor fearing citizens of sound mind and able body, let it be known that Vivienne Harhold has been identified as insane, due to the following:

An assault on members of nobility; specifically - Grand Lener Dianne Black, Roselyne Howlester, Juliette Wodenstaff, Elizabeth Black, and Eleana Ravenstad

Kidnapping nobility - having preconceived this notion and arranging to have human-sized cages brought in, armed guards, and other ne'er-do-wells to keep nobility imprisoned

Trafficking with the infamous demon mage Ichabod, bidding him to

harm nobility and law enforcement

Prone to accusations of adultery, having delusions of her husband lying with other women, and accusing him and others of most grievous sin in her paranoia

"My sister seems to have gone mad" - Roselyne Howlester

Threats of destruction of state property and flaunting of the Regalian Peace Law

Claiming possession of higher titles than truly owned despite being corrected multiple times.

We beg the public to exercise caution when dealing with this Harhold, and invite her to seek the treatment and care within the Sawbones clinic. It is our fervent wish that the public be warned of this menace, and that the lady in question one day is able to engage in severe behavioral therapy within the clinic itself.

Overseer of the Crown City Sawbones.
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Juliette grinned viciously at seeing the notice before marching off with a statement of, "Seems the madwoman is confirmed! I'll be damned if anyone claim her innocent after this!"
Avynn glanced over the note and just shook her head "why does he sign it like tha'? It looks like he barely knows how to write." She told her lovely company.

Darcie glanced idly at the paper. She shrugged. "Perhaps he was in a hurry? Spirit knows I have awful handwriting. Don't be too hard on him now, dear." After speaking thusly, she turned her eyes away, though she couldn't hide her smile.
"Woe unto ye, Duke von Duerr." Hengest growls out as one of his servants finishes reading the announcement. The Anglian high lord turns to his captain, frowning. "Gather the men."
Alexander Raised a gloved hand to slowly rub his eyes, letting out a long, soft sigh "Why do I fear this isn't going to end in a simple handing herself in, not like we didn't have enough shit to worry about." After speaking to no one imparticular Alexander turned to walk off, slowly shaking his head.
Irina read over the notice, giving a small sigh at the contents before tracing the signature.
"E'en I can write ma name better than tha'. Though, more power to ya, always though' somethin' was wrong wit' tha' woman."
Tobie grinned softly at seeing this, raising a glass to his mouth and sipping the sweet, red wine from within "As much as I enjoy the company of Hengest, I can truly say that his taste in women is an odd one." He then chuckled quietly and nodded some "Shame to wonder what this may do for her reputation."

Brendan ran a hand through his-.. Oh wait, he doesn't have hair "And these are the people that the Empire approves as Nobility? More shame on them, I do hope Hengest is alright. Seemed a decent lad, wondered what was wrong with his wife though."
The young Gallovian woman known as Rosalina Howlester saw such a note; her groomed and carefully plucked brows seemed to knit together upon deciphering the written script. The Howlester couldn't help but let the smallest of grins creep upon her flushed pink lips.
"Is this news really all that surprising?"