Preserved Sheet Satti Larventhi

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The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Satti Larvethi
  • Age: 140
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Saivale Kathar
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Preferred Weapon: magic and Sovnya
Skill Information
Total Points: 60/60
  • 12 Sorcery Spells
  • 7 Void Ritualism Skill

  • 18 Pole Combat Skill

  • 15 Stealth Rogue Skill
  • 8 Magical Knowledge
    • Artifactism
    • Dimenthism
Hobby Points: 10/10
  • 5 Dance Arts
  • 5 Musical Arts
Body Shape

  • 18 Pole Combat Skill + 3 Dance arts = 21 Body Stat
  • Toned Body Shape
  • Moderate Body Fat
  • Common (Free)
  • Daendroque (Raised as a slave to Daendroc Ailor)
  • Kathar Elven (Mother taught her)
Sorcery Spells
  • Darkness Sorcery
    • Shadows Embrace
    • Forced Betrayal [Mage Blooded]
    • Umbra Bolts [Mage Blooded]
  • Elemental Sorcery
    • Elemental Branding: Storm
    • Elemental Intercept: Storm
  • Wimsey Sorcery
    • Creeptastic [Mage Blooded]
    • Paper Flash [Mage Blooded]
Sire of Want
  • Wanting Scion
  • Wanting Ascendant
  • Wanting Change
Void Mutations
  • Void Ocular
    • Amber colored eyes
  • Void Claws
Pagan Mutations
  • Pagan Maw
    • Her teeth are sharp and carnivorous, similar to a cat
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Naturally green, Amber due to Void Ocular
  • Hair Color: White
  • Hair Style: Long and straight
  • Skin Color: Very pale
  • Clothing: Elaborate but cheap clothing
  • Height: 6'8
Personality and Abilities
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Debater
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • 10/10 Void Worship
Life Story
  • Born to an enslaved Saivale mother and dead Saivale father. Grew up enslaved by rich Daen merchants. Learned basic Kathar culture from her mother and was given a void sire at the appropriate age. Learned how to dance and sing as a slave, being an entertainer for the Daen family.
  • During her time as a slave she fell for a male Avanthar slave and the two dreamed of freedom. After nearly 40 years of being a slave, Kathar raiders freed her and her mother. Satti's Avanthar lover, however, did not survive.
  • Slowly adjusted to life in the Dread Empire and was mentored by another Saivale woman in both Sorcery and the ways of the Empire. The Mentor's guards taught Satti how to use polearms and how to be stealthy. The mentorship ended early due to turmoil in the mentor's family.
  • Satti had fully adjusted by this time but was not as sadistic as other Saivale, favoring cruelty as a means rather than an end. She was also not as deep into void worship as others around her, having grown to see the void as a tool rather than something to be worshiped. Her disillusionment with the Kathar pride and religion lead to her leaving the Empire to travel.
  • Satti eventually met up with her old teacher and the two became close again, traveling Daen and Ithania together. Despite cruelties they faced, they endured. The two became lovers and traveled until chaos caused by the Dread War with Regalia lead to them being separated
  • Satti looked for her lover but was drawn to Regalia due to the strange happenings within the city. She hoped that these happenings would also draw her lover.

Satti had the potential to be a powerful individual in the Dread Empire, her parents of highborn Saivale blood. Unfortunately for her, that was stripped away before she was even born. When traveling at sea, slave hunting, the ship her mother, Tivisi and father, Nircas were on was attacked by pirates. Not yet known to the pair, Tivisi was pregnant with Satti and more than just their lives were in danger. The pirates, utilizing two ships as opposed to one, overran the kathar ship and took many prisoners, including Tivisi. Nircas, however, was killed during the fighting.

During the two months of living in the brig of the pirate's main ship, it slowly became evident that Tivisi was with child. This realization led to the pirates treating her somewhat more kindly than the other kathar prisoners. They could sell not only a saivale woman into slavery but her unborn child as well. Double the bang for their buck. Finally, after those two months, the pirates docked in Daenshore and sold their prisoners. Tivisi was sold to a rich Daen family along with two other Kathar.

Almost Seven months later, Tivisi gave birth to Satti. Aided by the family's doctors, there were few complications. The family did not want to lose out on their investment. Tivisi and Satti were allowed to live in the lower quarters of the family's house, as opposed to the other slaves who lived in cells. Once Satti turned two, they were put into the cells with the other slaves. Despite other Kathar being present in her early life, Satti was dreadfully disconnected from her people's culture, barely being taught about Arken and void worship. She almost didn't even choose a sire to follow when she came of age, though she did choose want. She found herself always wanting more, namely because she didn't have much, if anything, as a slave.

During her childhood she was taught how to sing so that she may entertain the family. In her teenage years, one of the other slaves, an Altalar, taught her of alchemy, so that she may serve the family in that way. Her mother, in secret, taught her sorcery, though only the most basic of things. This was, however, when she learned her first darkness spell, darksight.

Once she came of age, she was far more docile than any Saivale back in the Dread Empire would ever be. There were hints of sadism in her, but far from the cruelty of her people. Her masters weren't excessively cruel to her and she knew how to stay on their good side. Unlikely as it may have been, Satti and an Avanthar slave became close to each other and when they could, they'd fantasize about being free from slavery. Oh how they wished they could be free far away from this place.

Their wish did not come for another decade when the area was raided by Kathar. These Kathar took their people back to the Dread Empire, Tivisi being recognized as a prominent Saivale. During the raiding, Satti's Avanthar love was killed. Whether it was by a Kathar or in some accident, Satti didn't know. She was distraught but at the same time, she was finally free. She and her mother were welcomed back home and Satti had to adjust to the lifestyle of someone in the upper class as opposed to a lowly slave.

The adjustment was difficult, especially given the cruel nature of the Kathar. Her mother eventually assigned her to work under another Saivale family's matriarch to learn from the woman. The time with her was difficult for Satti, but she learned a lot. She became better with magic, alchemy and learned from the guard how to fight with a Sovnya. She became close with this matriarch and the two were friends by the end of their time together. While Satti would have liked to stay, turmoil in the Matriarch's family led to Satti leaving prematurely.

At this point, Satti's methodology was similar to other Saivale, save a few differences. She was rarely cruel for cruelness sake, but was pragmatic in her dealings. If torture was needed, she was more than happy to use it as a tool, but not as an ends in itself. It was her differing philosophy on non-Kathar that eventually led to her leaving the Dread Empire to travel. She did not see other races as inherently lesser, but as beings capable of becoming so much more than they were. She also saw Kathar as far from perfect, their own vanity suffocating to her. During her travels she was on the receiving end of cruelty, but also dealt it out in return. It was during this time that she heard word of her old mentor traveling and caught up with her. The two traveled together from there and formed a romantic relationship. They traveled for years but were eventually separated during the dread war. Satti looked for her lover but could not find her. Satti wondered for a while but settled on going to Regalia when she heard of the odd happenings in the city. Perhaps these happenings would draw her lover as well...
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My Review

Life Story
  • Life Story
    • Remove mention of Aristocracy being the slavers. A good alternative would be a wealthy merchant family or something similar.
@Katiesc moved some points around and gave her more spells. Removed Spirit Sorcery in favor of Elemental Sorcery. Changes Made in Green