Preserved Sheet Sarrapu Gishkim

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Nov 9, 2021
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: Sarrapu Gishkim

  • Race: Eronidas

  • Age: 28

  • Sex: Intersex

  • Gender: any and all

  • Sexuality: Ace

  • Eye Color: sapphire blue eyes
Core Concept

  • They culturally worship Dragon Worship, Qaarn while following the Ra'ah. But on their own they will just do the bare minimum.

  • A merchant who has recently graduated from the Narlas College for Commerce to be experienced in the ways of trade to gather wealth for the family and aid them in diplomacy.
Proficiency Information

  • Winemaking - 5HP

  • Brewing - 5HP

  • Bodycare - 5BP+5RB

  • Sailing-+5BP

  • Linguistics - +30BP

  • 10BP unused
Ability Information

  • Eronidas ability kit (6)

  • Common (Free)

  • Vasar (Parent)

  • West Anglian (Honed skill 1)

  • East-Anglian(Ling)

  • High Anglian(Ling)

  • Ald-Ang(Unlocked)

  • Ithanian (Ling)

  • Burdi (Ling)

  • Altalar(Ling)

  • Allorn(Ling)

  • Suvial(Ling)

  • Ancient Altalar(Unlocked)

  • Skodje(Ling)

  • Forsk(Ling)

  • Nytalsk(Ling)

  • Gamvelsk(Unlocked)
Physical Stat

  • 5 Bodycare+2.5Sailing= 7.5*1.5(Brawn power 2)=9

  • Body type: Sculpted and Low Body Fat
Appearance Information

  • They have a small scar leading up from their ear to the eye.

  • They are on the short side coming in at 6'7, with a toned body type and low body fat, they usually wear bright Purples and blue robes with brown pants and an extravagant belt with a shoulder cape, accented by the black hair that is pulled up in weaving braids with beads and the such in it.
Life Story

  • Sarrapu was born in a polon within Merredweg to the Gishkim family, the second child of Allamu and Bel.

  • Studying at the Narlas College for Commerce to learn the finances of winery and brewing business. They also entered The Regalian Diplomatic Academy to understand the act of diplomacy. Upon finishing up school, they get reintroduced to the politics of the polon and the region around.

  • They meet up with the rest of the family in Regalia to start getting involved back into the family by working with the family's financial and building diplomacy.
Progression Talent

  • Diplomacy level 2, Sage level 1
Last edited:
Alrighty, there's a few small edits that need to be made before I can approve this:
  • Your proficiency section has some small errors. Firstly, you need to invest 10 Points into a proficiency to be able to add your Racial bonus. So you would need to spend 10 Age points on Fist, and then you'd get 5 extra free since it's a Racial bonus for a total of 15.
  • Assuming this is what you decide to do, you would have 27 Unspent points instead of the 14 you have listed. Would you like to invest these somewhere, or leave them unspent for IC learning?
  • Brawn Power 2 doubles the Physical Stat gain from proficiencies you invest in. Please include your Physical Stat below your other proficiencies (A guide to which can be found here:
Once you've made the necessary changes go ahead and tag me so I can re-review. Thank you!
Alrighty, there's a few small edits that need to be made before I can approve this:
  • Your proficiency section has some small errors. Firstly, you need to invest 10 Points into a proficiency to be able to add your Racial bonus. So you would need to spend 10 Age points on Fist, and then you'd get 5 extra free since it's a Racial bonus for a total of 15.
  • Assuming this is what you decide to do, you would have 27 Unspent points instead of the 14 you have listed. Would you like to invest these somewhere, or leave them unspent for IC learning?
  • Brawn Power 2 doubles the Physical Stat gain from proficiencies you invest in. Please include your Physical Stat below your other proficiencies (A guide to which can be found here:
Once you've made the necessary changes go ahead and tag me so I can re-review. Thank you!
You should have 40 Physical Stat, since the calculation would go (15 fist x 2) 30 + (10/2 bodycare x 2) 10 = 40. You can edit this if you'd like the extra Physical Stat.