Preserved Sheet Sara Von Brühl

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british gremlin
Jun 19, 2016
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Sara von Brühl

"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun"
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Sara von Brühl
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor (50% Alt-Regalian/50% Alt-Anglian)
  • Main Ambition: Knowledge through her medical training and power by climbing the ladder of nobility once again with her family.

Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Regalia: Sara finds herself in Regalia along with her entire family, most notably her sisters Faustina and Alys. She is in the city to help her family and to find a future through love and her knowledge of the medicinal arts. Residing currently with her family in a humble state of living, Sara hopes to join a medical organisation soon to put her years of studying to the test, and to finally achieve what she's spent so long working on.
  • Upbringing: Sara was born to Hans and Friederike von Brühl, in the year 285AC. She has two siblings, both older sisters under the names Faustina and Alys. Previously a noble family, she along with her sisters hope to regain their family's legacy and re-assert themselves onto the noble scene again.
  • Side Ambitions: Sara is undoubtably a fairly ambitious girl, and aside from climbing the ladder of nobility and continuing her indepth knowledge of medicine, she hopes to also find herself a man. She's known as a reasonably flirtatious woman, and hopes one day a strong willed enough man will swoop her off her feet and she can stay with him forever.

Skill Information (Optional)
  • School: School of Biology - Discipline of Medicine
  • Level: Learned
  • Source: Trained by a tutor whom is under the employment of the von Brühl household
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Aquamarine eyes
  • Hair Color: Jet-black hair
  • Hair Style: Long and wavy, often bearing a bow
  • Skin Color: Sandy tan
  • Clothing: Usually wears casual clothing looking somewhat like rags, though when at formal gatherings is forced to wear more noble looking dresses by her sister
  • Height: 5'10
  • Body Build: Femmefatale
  • Weapon of Choice: Poisons or harmful medicinal brews, though wouldn't carry these around
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Facial Features: Sara sports an oval shaped face, bearing wide, almond eyes of a deep aquamarine tint. Her lips are alluring and well-puckered, often adorning a voluptuous smile. Having never entered or been very close to physical combat, Sara carries no scars, and nor does she have any freckles upon her face. Sara's hair is a jet-black colour, usually flowing down past her shoulders, and reaching down her back to the waist, generally possessing a small bow.
  • Body Shape: Sara stands at a respectable 5'10 feet, considered reasonably tall for a women of her age. Her femmefataled body is curvaceous, having what's been described as a perfect hourglass figure. Skin of a beautiful sandy tan, provided to her by her long standing Alt-Regalisch heritage covers her entire body, and she carries very little fat and muscle throughout her body.
  • Fashion Sense: Sara is most notably seen wearing a casual piece of clothing, described by certain people as almost rag-like, however has recently started to sway to wearing a long dark green gown, adorned with strands of gold and silver, in intricate patterns along the dress. She used to only wear such an item of clothing at formal occasions though has begun to find comfort in wearing it more often. She much prefers parading the colours of her house than anything else, as it makes her feel more involved and powerful, as well as displaying two earrings, in either ear. Sara doesn't carry a weapon around, nor does she own one, though doesn't carry around any items of note either.
  • Voice: Sara's voice is very confident yet smooth at the same time. She likes to hear her own voice, as it bears a weak yet noticeable Alt-Regalisch accent. Stuttering is something Sara rarely does unless in complete shock or on purpose to annoy or antagonise someone for her own gain in an argument or conversation. She can only speak two languages, those of the common tongue and Alt-Regalisch completely fluently, and has no desire at the moment to learn a third.
Personality and Abilities
  • Others Perspectives: Sara is perceived as confident and straightforward, never shying to voice her opinion, when it comes to socialising with others. She can be described as quite assertive when trying to make friends with people of nobility, and tries to be calm around those she would generally be uncomfortable around. Seen by some as very caring and charitable, she rarely argues with people nor does she get into conflicts for no reason, however isn't one to cower away from an argument should one arise. At first the majority of people would view Sara as full of self-confidence and somewhat full of herself, though once people get to know her realise she is very kind-hearted when around people she trusts and knows.
  • Internal Feelings: Sara is effectively a malicious flirt and enjoys attention when she wants it. She finds it fairly easy to engage in conversation due to her overwhelming confidence and although doesn't like making a fool of herself or saying the wrong thing, she strives on without letting any fears or anxieties get in her way. Her confidence is fully intact and her anxieties and struggles are rarely seen as she overcomes her internal feelings, which is often unnoticed as she doesn't seem to ever lack words to say. Sara hopes to remain confident and that nothing major influences her internal feelings and leaves her frail and timid for the remainder of her life.
  • Friends and Family: Despite her assertiveness and noticeable confidence, Sara is fairly talkative and social around not just others but even more so around her close friends and family. Unlike around strangers she isn't as willing to let others dominate a conversation around her close relatives, and though her confident nature seeps through into her speech and willingness to communicate in certain scenarios, she still enjoys having her voice noticed, especially in major family decisions. If she had the choice however between friends or family, she'd pick family. Sara adores her sisters and feels they are the only people she can properly be herself around, knowing they will look out for her, even if she did make a fool of herself.
  • Morality: Sara is overall morally good, though her moral compass can swing to the neutral and occasionally the evil side, as she is very caring and good-hearted to almost everyone who deserves it, but can become mendacious to those who've severely wronged her. Due to her confidence and lack of distinguishable anxieties it's incredibly easy for her to get into large arguments and enjoys the rush of conflict, a trait imposed to her by her sister. Not really just nor corrupt, she isn't swayed by money, power or greed and usually her loyalties lie with whomever her family supports or she feels is personally in the right. On the other hand, Sara despises people of immense corruption and those who would perform evil deeds regularly, considering most of these actions to be out of cowardice more than power.
  • Worldview: Sara has a very open view of the world too say the least. She is open to new ideas and discoveries, though struggles to believe in supernatural theories, due to her scientific education. A strict Unionist, Sara is devout to her faith and doesn't understand the need for other religions as to her there is only one spirit and it is the Emperor. Despite being a wealthy,educated lady, she isn't a noble and doesn't show disregard to those of the lower common folk and usually makes friends with them and shows kindness to them, especially those in need. She often takes her privileges for grant, though never plans to do so, to her it's just how life's always been and so she continues to do so without thought.

  • Advance Medical Knowledge: As a von Brühl it was expected of Sara to take up a role in the medicinal sector and so she did. She has studied hard since the age of 14 to become a fully qualified doctor and has now finally completed her final year of study to a point in which she is happy and is now officially recognised as a trained doctor, therefore giving her already superior knowledge of medicine and it's uses, than most folk, hoping to either join a medical organisation or continue helping in her family's business.
  • Hans von Brühl - Father (Deceased)
  • Friederike von Brühl - Mother (Deceased)
  • Faustina von Brühl - Sister (@Bertramqaz)
  • Alys von Brühl - Sister (@CatGoddess)
Life Story

Sara was born as the youngest of three sisters in 285AC to Hans and Freiderike von, in the Anglian barony of Hohnstein. She was instantly favoured by her oldest sister, Faustina, as she took away the attention for her other sister, Alys, as she was now the youngest. Brought up by her mother to be a proper lady, Sara was taught how to show respect and how to act around both men and other women. Though later lost interest in these ladylike ideals. Getting on reasonably well with her sisters over time, they started off arguing a lot, and Sara quickly became confident in her opinion and wouldn't let the others overpower her should a conflict of interests arise. Upon reaching a respectable age, Sara was told by her parents that she would soon join in the family business and help continue its prosperity, though Sara had no interest in being a simple botanist. Refusing to simply be the same as her sisters, she argued her side and managed to successfully manipulate her father into allowing her to study in the art of medicine as a doctor. Not too long after, her father presented her with a tutor, a tall, lean man, who had studied in the School of Biology and had now been under the employment of the von Brühl household.

Teen Years - Medical Training
At the age of fourteen, Sara began her training with the tutor from the School of Biology. Himself being an expert in the discipline of medicine, he was able to teach Sara how to prescribe, detect and diagnose illnesses and diseases. Over the years she also learnt about the human body and how to treat certain problems that arise naturally and how to deal with those that are caused by poison and toxins. She often misbehaved while around her siblings during her teenage years, enjoying scheming and irritating her older sister Alys, though rarely could fool Faustina, her eldest of the sisters. Despite still causing mischief and happily voicing her thoughts on the house and other people, she never disrespected or interrupted her tutor. Not out of fear, but out of the wanting and desire to learn, finding the entire topic of medicine fascinating. After her six long years of training, she finally can call herself a fully qualified doctor, feeling slightly more educated and intelligent, as well as secretly more important, than her sisters as they both simply stuck to being botanists. Sara hopes to use this extensive training in the field and join a medicinal organization to put her skills to the test and to help heal the world without the need for dangerous magic.

Teen Years - Family Life
During her teen life however, Sara didn't only study, as a lot of family events took place during this decade, that would shape the families future. She'd always found her sister, Faustina, very secretive, often wondering why she'd never simply answer questions, as for her other sister, Alys, she couldn't really stand her for most of her teen years, as she was always whining about how Faustina and her were favoured. Sara's speculations of her sister though became clear, when at the age of 10, her cousin Azzo, the heir of House von Brühl, mysteriously died in the night, though Sara always had doubts that it was all natural, though never voiced these opinions, especially with Faustina now becoming the heir to the household. Not too long after, only a year, Sara lost her father, just a few months after he agreed and presented her with her tutor. She loved her father dearly, and would miss him greatly, as he was much easier to manipulate than her mother. With her suspicions still of Faustina fresh in her head, she quickly discarded any notion of making them public, as upon her father's death, she was now the matriarch, and Sara wouldn't dare speak against her, deciding it best to focus on her studies, than to engage in a row, and maybe face a similar circumstance to her cousin. Sara didn't hide away, but left her sister to deal with the politics and finances, and soon Faustina became more wealthy and wanted to further the family, and the entire family moved camp to Regalia. From there on out Sara has gone on to fully qualify as a doctor, reaching the Learned level under her tutor, who has returned to his principal duties in the business. Her eyes are now set on making her way in the world and climbing the ladder of power, as quickly and efficiently as possible.
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