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Played Character Santoso Tentara

This character is actively played.


Mar 12, 2022
Reaction score
Santoso Angkasibu Tentara
The Ghost of Barakota
  • Basic Information
    • Name - Santoso Angkasibu Tentara
      • The Ghost of Barakota
    • Age - 54
      • January 23rd, 258 AC
      • Aquarius
    • Race - Allar
    • Caste - Ksat
      • Kota Allar
    • Origin - Barakota, Hadaria
    • Gender - Male
    • Sexuality - Heterosexual
      • Mostly Asexual Tendencies
    • Occultism - None
      • No Afflictions
    • Weapon of Choice - Luwuk Sword & Asmat Shield
  • Core Information
    • Religion - Keyakinan, his main patrons are as follows (in order);
      • Umbra (Dragon Worship) - After watching many of his friends come back from the dead shortly after a major battle during the Chrysant War, Santoso knew what he had to do.
      • Celestina & Eoin (Armageddon Cult Unionism) - Santoso has already seen one apocalypse, he will not be taken by surprise next time.
      • Bev (Fornoss) - Hopefully, a good afterlife awaits Santoso, and he hopes to reach it peacefully.
      • Xor (Void Worship) - Should all else fail, Santoso will be the first to shed blood, and the last to die.
    • Motivators - Santoso was deeply scarred from the Chrysant War, and he has been very reluctant to adopt the Regalian lifestyle until the Qar-Digmaan came into substantial power. Santoso also saw many of his friends come back as Undead over the years, and, he has busied himself with dispelling them as he knows they are suffering. However, this hurts him a great deal, and the emotional trauma he already endures has been greatly exasperated by this.
    • Allies - Allar, Alchemists, Bloodcast Knights, The Scribe Guild, Asha, Eronidas, & Minoor Teledden.
    • Enemies - Viridian Knights, Undead, Geists, The Argentum Knights, The Augur Guild, Slizzar, & Solvaan.
  • Appearance Information
    • Eye Color - Orange
    • Height - 6'3
    • Feather Color - N/A
    • Scale Color(s) - Red, varying from a strip along his back which is darker, to a lighter underbelly.
    • Musculature - Santoso is extremely muscular for an Allar, he is in great physical shape from a lifestyle based around hunting the undead.
    • Clothing - Santoso wears mostly traditional Allar top-gear, though he has taken a liking to Regalian trousers due to their increased dexterity.
  • Proficiency Information
    • Strength - 7
      • Pinning Throw
      • Concussive Blow
      • Knockback Sweep
      • Cheap Shot
      • Combat Sight
      • Shrug Off
      • Careful Fighter (Free Pack)
      • Diving Tackle (Allar Buff II)
      • Steady Body
    • Constitution - 5
      • Rage Counter
      • Shield Wall
      • Shield Brace
      • Shield Slam
      • Shield Deflect
      • Shield Block (Free Pack)
    • Intelligence - 0
    • Wisdom - 2
      • Chem Cleanse (Allar Buff I)
      • Chem Mend
      • Technique Parry
    • Dexterity - 0
    • Faith - 0
    • M*gic - 0
    • Languages
      • Pidato - Native
      • Common - Learned during the Chrysant War
      • Shalota - Learned while hunting undead in Maraya Lands
      • Altalar - Learned from his now-deceased Minoor Wife
  • Life Story
    • Childhood - Age 0 - 12 (258 - 270 AC)
      • Santoso was born shortly before the Essa Empire came into being, though grew up in the capital city of Barakota, he had a very happy childhood.
      • His mother, Angkasa, instilled in him what it meant to be a Ksat at a young age, enamoring the young child with grandiose stories and affirming that he would make his own one day.
      • Santoso got along very well with his peers as a child, he made friends fast and was generally considered to be popular.
      • Santoso was also extremely reckless, moreso than any other Allar child in his vicinity, breaking major bones was a near weekly occurrence but it never seemed to disrupt him.
    • Teenage Years - Age 12 - 20 (270 - 278 AC)
      • Santoso was (naturally) recruted into the Essa military at the young age of thirteen, where he would undergo a rigorous training process.
      • However, he excelled at this, where some Ksat felt it may have been restrictive for their spontaneous lifestyle, the military did wonders to tame Santoso and make him a functioning member of society.
      • Santoso also met his future wife during this time in the Minoor Isles, an Allar that had ascribed to Minoor principles. He met her on a training campaign in the islands.
      • When Santoso was nineteen, his training came to a head and he was outlasted near the Minoor Isles where he started a small family with his wife.
    • Pre-Chrysant Adulthood - Age 20 - 28 (278 - 286 AC)
      • Santoso was truly happen during this period of time, he worshipped different, more joyful gods during this time, and had three children (all of which survive to this day and keep in close contact with their father).
      • He made an abundance of friends while in the military, and even somewhat befriended the Digmaan he worked under.
      • Santoso was very good at his job, local Paria and criminals generally avoided wherever he was because of how relentlessly he pursued them.
      • Leading up to the Chrysant War, his wife would flee back to the Minoor Islands, however she was killed by a Geist before she got onto the boat. This devastated Santoso, who hunted, killed, and then displayed the Geist's head at the entrance of his outpost.
        • This was the beginning of Santoso's descent.
    • The Apocalypse - Age 28 - 33 (286 - 291 AC)
      • The very first thing that Santoso did was to ensure his children were safe by sending them to aunts and uncles in the Minoor Islands.
      • After that, Santoso was relocated to the front lines, and even though they rapidly lost ground, it was not because of Santoso.
      • Santoso made a name for himself by fighting to the bitter end, often times having to loose multiple limbs before allowing the medics to attend to him.
      • He hated losing, every inch of ground lost was painful, he watched friends die, and then oftentimes had to kill them again when they came back from the dead; this did irreversible damage to his mental health.
      • He was reposted to his home of Barakota, and while he aided in its defense, the Allar lost anyway, though he evaded captivity and fled to the Minoor Isles.
    • Late Adulthood - Age 33 - 51 (291 - 309 AC)
      • The loss of his wife and his friend weighed heavily on Santoso, though his children kept his spirits up.
      • Five years after the Chrysant, Santoso would hear rumors of dead Allar where he fought roaming and terrorizing locals. He would create a new Luwuk sword from scratch, and ritually bless it in the name of Umbra; then moving to hunt the undead and geists.
      • Santoso's great memory for his friends was detrimental, he recognized every face, and in the span of a decade, he vanquished hundreds of his fallen friends. He would ensure that they got the rest that he believed they deserved.
      • He travelled all over Hadar in this holy crusade, from the outer walls of Sassrakkand to the Tohsmaaq Venheer. Learning the languages and meeting the people, he was often well-received due to his mission of killing Geist's and Undead.
      • He participated in the Regalian-Sendrassian War with much reluctance, but came to befriend many Regalians who convinced him that Regalia could use an Ordial Hunter such as himself.
    • Regalia - Age 51 - Present (309 - Present)
      • Santoso moved to the city, but chose to live on the coast for most of it, hunting undead and geists on the outskirts before mustering the courage to come into the city.
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