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Sancella Writ Of Condemnation

Haeresi et Malum

Exarch Benedict XI - 30 November, 305 AC



It is with great vigilance we take sincere and solemn action in response to ecclesial deviance and inordinate actions undertaken by any individual who audaciously acts without the grace of the Spirit. We the Holy Synod of the Sancella do hereby reaffirm our extension of a writ of condemnation upon Alfhild Ulfheide for the injuries against the Holy Imperial Faith:

  1. We declare Alfhild Ulfheide anathema, levying the most grave offense of adulterous sin in the sight of the Imperial Spirit and Mankind.

  2. We declare Alfhild Ulfheide anathema, levying the offense of agitation of the esteemed peerage.

  3. We declare Alfhild Ulfheide anathema, levying the offense of trespassing.

  4. We declare Alfhild Ulfheide anathema, levying the offense of physical assault.

Let it be known that the Sancella solemnly proclaims this edict, admonishing the sinner and rectifying the transgressions committed upon them. Accordingly, we act upon our ecclesial judgment, trying the accused and falling never short by the grace of the Eye of Imperial Spirit, to cast down sacred justice to all offenders of our sacred Creeds.

Henceforth, may our judgment be made known and apparent, for the accused, Alfhild Ulfheide was hereby charged with blasphemy against the Imperial Spirit, immolated by sacred oil through virtue of penance for this most grave crime. Impenitent blasphemers and sinners be warned.
Klaus read the notice, his dark brows furrowing for a moment as he slowly removed his glasses. He leaned himself back in his lounging chair and rested either hands on the arms. The man stared into space for a few more moments as he simply thought. After some time, a smile crept upon his face and he nodded in approval,

"If I owe a single more person a drink, I will go broke."
"Spiritus Sanctum."

Audrey stated as the Reverends proclaimed their judgement on the woman in the Balfort garden, right before she was set on fire. The woman did not remove her gaze from the punishment: it was a failed human engulfed in the flames of penance to be re-born into servitude proper.
Tenshi Saikō

The mutant would lay on its back, hysterically laughing in the willow entrance as it heeded the words of two Nelfin conversing the subject. The patrons of the Tavern offering the mutant a look of only disgust, but the creature was much too busy having its fit to show care, alas the creature was quickly told by a Violet guard to take its giggling fits elsewhere and so it did, crawling off into the sunset with a trail of vile giggles following it.​
Dahae hadn't expect such extreme punishment to be given. She never really knew the woman, but, she couldn't help but feel her heart sink at the news.
"Immolated by-- Oil?.. That's. That's cruel." She muttered.