Preserved Sheet Samuel Cross

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Oct 6, 2018
Reaction score
Samuel Cross

Basic Information

  • Full name: Samuel Alex Cross

  • Age: 25

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Ailor, Highland Caerdian

  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information
25 Proficiency Points based on age.
  • +10 Unarmed Combat Skill (Culture Boost)

  • +5 Shielding Skill (Points)

  • +5 Blades Skill (Points)
  • +3 Athletic Training (Points)

  • +2 Perception Training (Points)
  • +2 Metallurgy Skill (Points)
  • +2 Hunting Skill (Points)

  • +3 Statesman Skill (Points)

  • +3 Marshal Skill (Points)
Body Shape

  • Physical Stats: 16

  • Body Shape: Athletic

  • Body Fat: Low Body Fat

  • Common: 10/10 (Learned from childhood)

  • D'Ithanie: 10/10 (Learned from Father)

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Hair Style: Duke Nukem
  • Skin Color: White
  • Clothing: Either High Commoner clothes or armor.
  • Height: 5'11
Personality and Abilities
  • Samuel Cross is perceived by others as a shy yet caring individual. He is very quiet but will speak his mind when asked. He is also very well-mannered when someone meets him for the first time in public. If a stranger met him in a fight however they would see him as a fearless fighter, while also cunning. For a few who meet him, they may also get into an intellectual conversation with Samuel and see his intellect. He is open to drinking as well, but he is not open to any other substances such as tobacco and drugs.
  • Samuel Cross normally feels very confident and happy-go-lucky. He views himself as youthful as well due to his age and feeling of inferiority to elders. Aside from these, he mostly is just average when it comes to feelings, depression being a rarity to him. He does feel slightly embarrassed when asked of his memories, and will normally dodge any question regarding it. He does, however, remember conversations that defined his personality and morality... He just can't remember details such as who the other person/people were, or anything visual. He does feel insecure about not being able to relate with others when it comes to family and close friends, normally growing silent in such a situation.
  • For the family and close friends of Samuel, his shyness normally goes away. However, due to not remembering any family and being very shy to normal friends he is rarely seen with anyone that would allow him to be an extrovert. If he ever met someone he knew before such as another Bloodcast, he'd act a little bit more friendly to them than normal. If he was around family members he'd be very personal and a bear hug would be common every time he saw them. If one was to get /really/ close to him like a girlfriend he'd love them like there was no tomorrow, usually holding their hand or showing affection to signal to other men to back off. If one was to get close to him as a friend he'd usually buy them a drink and try to spoil them for being such a good friend.
  • Samuel Cross would be defined as a Lawful Good character by most roleplay guides. He perceives the world in an optimistic view and rarely looks on the outside world in a negative or pessimistic way. His moral code is one based on legal and righteous views that he rarely ever questions. If he was faced with a situation where he'd have to give his life to save an innocent one, he'd do it in a heartbeat.
Life Story
Samuel's life story is not known to him yet still defines his subconscious mind. He was born in a decently sized village in Gallovia to two loving parents. His parents wished him to have a grander life than their own and wished him to become a Knight. In his childhood. he was very quick to learn things and was very smart. He read almost every day and his parents cheered him on his way to maturity.
For his early teenage years, Samuel studied the art of war, politics, and metallurgy. He was limited to certain knowledge due to his upbringing but he was able to get more uncommon books by his work at the forge. He worked under a dwarf and learned a decent bit under the man, eventually getting skilled enough to build his own set of armor and weapons. The dwarf brought a bit of wittiness into Samuel's life and made him into a witty man himself. The dwarf also taught Samuel some basic fighting skills and some "street smarts". He also trained with a few warriors from the village and hunted with them, learning how to track animals and see some of the more camouflaged ones.
In the later teenage years, Samuel joined the Bloodcast Knights and trained under a few of the older ones at Castle Durrwallis. He would improve his skills more as he trained under the Bloodcasts and learned many views of the world that still linger with him subconsciously. One day, when he trained under his Commander he struck a boy in the head and almost killed him by accident. When the Commander gave him his due punishment, he apologized over and over to the kid without being asked to do so while the kid was healing up. This event made Samuel realize his ability to kill and made him control his raw ability.
Eventually, Samuel left his allies to go in search of a Lord who might take him up as a Knight. After a while, he came back inside the city of Regalia before getting into a fight in the slums of it. He was outnumbered and was sent tumbling down off a balcony of a tavern and knocked out. A kind-hearted man would then drag him and put him within the lawful part of the city. When Samuel woke up, he could remember almost nothing from before he woke and went in search of answers... Unbeknownst that he was still wearing armor and he'd have to hide his armor away due to legality issues.
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Peer review!

Please include all your points together in a bulleted list, rather than breaking them into categories.

Personality and Abilities

I'd expand your paragraphs by another sentence or two. Here are some easy prompts to do so: What would his grandma think of him? How does he act when he gets annoyed? How would he react to a life or death situation? Would he save himself first or help others?

remember absolutely nothing
Complete amnesia is very complicated to play out, honestly. If you're going to stick with it, include how it affects his traits, especially since he is essentially re-learning everything about who he is and what is right versus wrong.

All in all, very well-written! Excited to see this character around.
Edited and included the reason for him knowing his morals and such from before he lost his memories in the second paragraph of Personality and Abilities. Thx Dogs
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The review for Samuel Cross will now begin.
Skill Information
  • I would recommend removing D'Ithanie from his list of languages if one of his parents wasn't Ithanian. The new language format is as follows:
    • Common (free) + Mother language + Father language
    • He may be stuck with Common given it's implied he's from Gallovia. If you'd like for him to know any other languages, you'll have to invest points into Linguistics.
Visual Information
  • Highland Ceardians can only reach 6' tall. Please modify this on his Height point.
Personality and Abilities
  • I think you could reword the last sentence(s) in your first paragraph to more so explain how he's somewhat conservative. From what it sounds, he tends to keep a modest composure around strangers and doesn't follow, say, someone who does rebellious deeds or hedonistic tendencies.
  • In your second paragraph, focus mostly on the internal feelings. You could use his amnesiac status to elaborate on his insecurities or anxieties. I'd also like for you to explain why exactly he feels youthful, as I thought that was an interesting point you included.
  • Elaborate in your third paragraph. Even if he can't remember his family members, describe how he behaved around them before his memory went away. Think about also how he'd behave around those who end up getting closer to him, and how his behavior would change and differ from his usual.
Life Story
  • Include a personal experience or two that would impact his life somewhere in there. Even if, say, he ends up forgetting the majority of it after his amnesia episode, you could always have it tie in through memories, nightmares, flashbacks etc. I'd really just like for you to flesh this section out, more or less.
Make your edits in a legible red then tag me when you've completed them. @Tankplaysmc
Hi there @Tankplaysmc - it's been over a week since your character sheet review was submitted. Be sure to do your edits soon!
Sorry been busy with school, been making some of the edits when I got the chance. I'll get it done soon though!