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Work in Progress Samaela Syntrae Sava'en

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.
Barebones sheet for crp | Pending system/Lore updates

Character Information
  • Full Name: Samaela Syntrae Sava'en
    • Temp desc - Add city/Allegience (probably Bel-Hammon)
  • Heritage / Culture: Kathar (D) - Lanlath (L) Subject to change pending teledden release
    • Temp desc - Fix layout, add culture section when/if elf update
  • Age: 34
  • Gender / Pronouns: Female
  • Religion: Evolism
    • Specify individual ideas later Temp Desc
      [*]Public Worship:
      • Publicly, when pressed on her beliefs, Samaela will describe her beliefs as exclusive worship of Sapphora primarily as the goddess of conquest. For those who care enough to press further or are familiar with the idiosyncrasies of archaic Allorn beliefs, she'll attempt to play it of as an Ardosar covering for their faith being generally discriminated against and espouse some broad generally Estelley aligned beliefs.
      [*]True Faith:
      • Much of her personal beliefs are colored by the views of her parental cult and the Aldurist society she was raised in, resulting in a softer and more agreeable face to Evolism. On a surface level, she could be speaking to an Aldurist and come off as a perticularly ardent follower of Catheron's teachings, but nothing much more than that, that is until they'd hear the casual mention of human sacrifice, need for flesh to be shaped as tools of war against those who stand against her and the magi ascending and reshaping the world to achieve heaven on earth.

        While these are generally baseline ideals of Evolism, the difference between her and the average kathar or sewer cultist is that Syntrae's beliefs are largely insular. While perfectly willing to spread her faith to the general public, she will view most converts as unworthy of true ascension and perfection due to their inherent flaws or lack of magical talent.
        This basically means that while not apposed to preaching, she's extremely selective about who to bring into the fold with a heavy emphasis on maintaining cult traditions.

        She views most cults who aren't insular or only worship for demonic power and not the base idea of magical apotheosis as borderline heretical even if they receive blessings and boons from the gods. To her they're no different than children playing with matchbooks.
        Her personal beliefs and teachings generally rely on maintaining tradition, strong discipline and general idea of balance. However, this doesn't mean she's less capable of great evil, she is fully willing to turn random unwilling people into flesh monstrosities to attack her enemies without a second thought. The difference lies in that she sees those beasts and demon deals as tools to be used and revered, while the average sewer dweller worshipping some minor demon might see them as a cool trick to be used at every opportunity.
  • Occult: True Mage [ Vortex | Abyss ]
    • Origin
      • Birth
      • Mentor
    • Affinity: Yes
      • Godborn: Catheron
    • Affliction: No
      • None
    • Temp desc - Specify more on magic release proper
  • Character Occupation: Arcanist / Fleshshaper
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Pale glowing green | Black Sclera
  • Skin Color: Tan
  • Hair: Black - long
  • Height: 6'4"
  • Body Type: Athletic / Muscular Temp desc
  • Additional Features:
    • Tattoos: TBD Temp desc
    • Scars: TBD Temp desc
    • Extra: Uncanily idealised/perfect due to body modding/shapeshifting. Temp desc define all with proper sentences, reword, emphasize.
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: Medical, Magic Temp desc
    • Magic Schools:
      • Temp desc - Expand on later
        Mend - P
        Body - P
        Genos - P
        Mind - P
        Elemental - T
        Gravity - P (Too limiting not to be)
        Counter - S
        Summoning - S
  • Mechanics: Kathar 1, 2. Lanlath 3,4,5. Aldurism Godborn 1,2. Catheron godborn 1.Temp desc - fix when profs come out
  • Languages: Altalar, Katharic, Common, Ibeth. Droque Temp desc - specify levels, format better
Temp desc - Better formatting specifics/wording later. Just here for broad strokes so it's not empty.
  • Old Blood: Born in UNSPECIFIED ALLORN TERITORY to an Allorn family claiming lineage to an archmage forgotten to time, practicing evolvism/Abyss worship since the allorn empire
    • Temp desc - Specify that it's less agressive than kathar death murder kill kind, expand on everything childhood related..
  • Prodigy: Due to showing natural talent towards the arcane arts, she doesn't get to experience wider society past her teenage years. Instead she spends her time tutored by various mages.
  • The Daen Connection Think of a better name when expanded : Spends her time in the daendroque underground, magic study, cult spreading. etc etc. Temp desc - Add setup for Regalia arrival
  • New Horizons: Arrives in Regalia,Temp desc - Expand on later
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7 Magic
Defense Stat: 5 Magic
Combat Style: True Mage

[15/15 points spent]

Proficiency Points:
  • Proficiency Points:
    • Strength: 0
      • Technique Parry Pack
      • Diving Tackle Pack
    • Constitution: 0
      • [Ability Name]
    • Intelligence: 0
      • Shapeshift Pack [MAGIC]
      • Mind Control Pack [MAGIC]
    • Wisdom: 0
      • [Ability Name]
    • Dexterity: 0
      • [Ability Name]
    • Faith: 0
      • [Ability Name]
    • Magic: 0
      1. Arcane Blade Pack
      2. Arcane Apotheosis Pack
      3. Arcane Counter Pack
      4. Arcane Portent Pack
      5. Arcane Warp Pack
      6. Arcane Eruption Pack
      7. Arcane Echostrike Pack
      8. Arcane Revive Pack
      9. Arcane Arcane Healing Pack
      10. Arcane Distortion Pack
      11. Arcane Cleanse Pack
    • Charisma:0
      • [Ability Name]
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