Preserved Sheet Salyphellana 'salyphe' Thurdanal

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Funky Lil' Dude
Feb 15, 2021
Reaction score







  • Preferred Name: Salyphe
    • Full Name: Salyphellana Thurdanal
    • Nickname: Sally
  • Age: 25
    • Birthday: April 28th. 8:21 PM
    • Zodiac: Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon, Scorpio Rising.
  • Gender: Cis Female.
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
    • Status: Single
  • Race: Asha
    • Sub-race: Feka
    • Clade: Sheta
  • Preferred Weapon: Living Metal Glaive




Babe, you gotta go where you wanna go
Do what you wanna do
Go Where You Wanna Go




Total Points: 50 Core points. 10 Hobby Points. 10 Points left over.
  • Point Allocation:
    • Melee Combat |
      • Glaive Combat | +5 Core
    • Musical Skill |
      • Instrument Art | +10 Hobby
      • Vocal Singing | +10 Core
    • Performance Arts |
      • Dancing Arts | +10 Core
      • Circus Arts | +5 Core
    • Special Training |
      • +5 Bodycare Training | +5 Core
    • Threads Art |
      • Needlework Arts | +3 Core
    • Culinary Arts |
      • Mixology Arts | +2 Core
  • Body Stats |
    • 5 + (8*.5) + (10*.5) = 14
    • Body Shape | Toned
    • Body Fat | Moderate
  • Languages |
    • Common | Parental Language | Free
    • Ibeth | Parental Language.
    • Moren | Mirnoye Dialect | Maternal Language.
  • Special Traits |
    • Asha |
      • Asha Primality
      • Asha Claws
      • Asha Agility
      • Living Metal Source
      • Living Metal Body
      • Living Metal Stance: Strike
      • Living Metal Stance: Protect
      • Living Metal Stance: Sustain
      • Living Metal Stance: Utility
    • Werebeast Abilities [INACTIVE]
      • Loyalty of the Uthurenn
      • Lovingness of the Dog
      • Hunt of the Bear-Dog
      • Leap of the Fossa



I want to know...
Do I dance inside your head?
For The Best




  • Height | 5'2"
  • Eye Color | Deep Brown, amber in certain lights.
  • Hair Color | Ash Blonde.
  • Hair Style | Fluffy, usually tied in a low ponytail or high half-ponytail.
  • Skin Color | Brown with warm undertones.
  • Clothing | Slightly costumey, she dresses to dazzle as she performs. Typically her silhouettes are either poofy tops with tight bottoms, or vice versa. Always wears ballet flats for dancing.



art by moi



She's so hard to please
But she's a forest fire





Chaotic Neutral
Salyphe is chaotic neutral to a 'T'. She holds her own goals and wants above others, and is not afraid to break rules to obtain them. However, she is not a malicious person by nature, and does not consider any person beneath her. She does, however, tend to associate with those who tow the Chaotic line--whether they're Chaotic Good, or Chaotic Evil.

Entrepreneur (ESTP-A)
"Confidence is a key quality of the Assertive Identity for all personality types. It's no different for Assertive Entrepreneurs. Many of them see themselves as making fewer mistakes than other people. Does this mean that they are less prone to making errors? That may be, but it's not necessarily so. Identity is about how personality types see themselves, and that can be subjective – with people seeing what they expect to see."

Baskarr Faith (1/10)
She grew up with the Baskarr Faith though does not heavily believe in it or find it an important part of her life.​
FAMLIJE || Family
  • Vallnesha Pojani || Mother
    • "Am I still your bright and shining star, mëmë?
  • Kasobhash Thurdana || Father
    • "What was mëmë like when you two met? Did the world stop around you when you laid your eyes on her?"
  • Yll Shëndritës Circus Troupe. || Found Family
    • "I love you all so, so much. I hope I didn't disappoint you all when I left.

SHOKË || Friends and Companions.
  • Fulgore Fänger
    • "—you're the kindest, sneakiest, and most loving man I've met in my life, and now you're mine."
  • Lucrece Peirgarten
    • "I am proud to serve as the First Attendant for such a warm, and caring woman."
  • Terrowin Steeljack
    • "The fact that we have not played together, not once, is an absolute crime."
  • Susanne of Havenreach, "Sugar"
    • "Thank you for listening to me then, I won't forget it--ever."
  • Aridai
    • "I still think a rat-sized horse is the better choice."
  • Xeniya
    • "I love you dearly, Regalia's worst terrorist. Thank you for keeping me safe."
  • Milo Sekiann
    • "I will always appreciate the kindness and compassion you and Xeniya have shown me."
  • Bronagh
    • "You're a sweet girl, hopefully regalia doesn't destroy you like others."
PËRBUZ || Despised.
  • Harlow Ketch
    • "I never thought you lead me on, I have no clue where you heard that, but Make no mistake, I will never forget how you took advantage of my naivety."
  • Fen'nan Solaveira
    • "What an absolute nuisance you are. Please, continue to put yourself in danger for your pride, but keep me and my friends out of it."
  • Haeddi Van Hal
    • "I don't fault you for turning into a sanguine, but the harm you've done to me and my beloved is unforgivable. Live with your actions."
  • Franz Knispel
    • "You've made a foolish choice trusting a woman who was clearly not right in the head. I won't forgive you until Fulgore does.



Looking back from the outer edge I'm still the same
Looking back from the outer edge I've changed my name
Just to stay the same.
Never Work for Free



  • Childhood |
    • Salyphellan was born in a small town within the South Dukelands, during one of the many stops of the Yll Shëndritës Circus Troupe. It was a cool, summer night when she came into the world as was given the name Salyphellana, based on a childhood fantasy story her mother loved as a child. Salyphellana was the name of a bright and adventurous princess in this story.
    • Salyphellana's mother, Vallnesha Pojani, was the troupe's high-walker. She would perform numerous feats on a tight-rope suspended high in the air. Her father, Kasobhash Thurdanal, a Nefer with a rabbit head-shape, instead was the troupe's ringleader--using his charisma to entice people into their tent. Along with her parents, Salyphellana was doted on by everyone within the troupe; as she was the only babe to be raised within their group.
    • From what she learned growing up, her parents were seen as 'star-crossed lovers' who both overcame cultural hardships and aggressive suitors to be together. She knew that it was her mother who ran away and left her home--but nothing more, as neither parent divulged much about each other's past, as it was a difficult topic for them both. Instead, they would focus on the positive stories and aspects about their love, which greatly shaped how Salyphellana perceived romance.
  • Teenage Years |
    • Salyphellana, now going by Salyphe, first started working with troupe when she turned twelve. First doing odd jobs like passing out flyers to passerbys, waiting on the performers, and bringing tools and materials to the handymen. It was exhilarating at first to be a part of the troupe, but as Salyphe grew older, she wanted more.
    • Salyphe idolized her mother and the performers--she would try to recreate their routines with the grace of an unskilled child. These failures, however, never stopped her. Over time, she found that her real talent lay with contortionism and other sort of gymnastic moves, combining them with graceful and energetic dancing. Salyphe was proud of her achievements, as were the rest of the troupe, as this was a sign that little Salyphe was starting to grow up.
    • It was also around this time that her father would introduce her to abilities she inherited with her Asha blood. Mainly, Living Metal and her Claws. It was weird at first, but she enjoyed being able to warp and shift her living metal--creating odd and fantastical shapes. It was a common sight to see Salyphe idly playing with her Living Metal whenever she was bored.
  • Young Adulthood |
    • Once she perfected her skills, Salyphe would join the troupe as a performer for the troupe's version of Commedia Dell'arte. During half-times, different troupe members would put on a little comedic act for the audience--mainly focusing on the whimsical story of two young lovers trying to convince their parents to allow them to wed--with the help of the entire village alongside them. Salyphe's bright and bubbly personality shined the brightest when performing as "Paramora"; the young maid with hearts in her eyes for Shevki, a young farmhand. Many viewers and fellow troupe players believed that the actors for Paramora and Shevki were truly in love.
    • In reality, it was much different. Shevki's player, a Moren named Landër, was madly--almost obsessively in love with Salyphe. He would follow her around like a lost puppy wherever she went, gifting whatever flowers or trinkets he could afford on a circus performer's pay. Salyphe liked Landër, but only as a friend and fellow performer.
    • Time and time again she would state this, that her heart didn't belong to him. Even so, Landër was persistent--slowly becoming more and more obsessed with Salyphe. He began to follow her with more hunger, never wanting to leave her side--even when she was bathing or trying to squeeze in a quick nap. Salyphe began to notice some of her belongings, such as a scarf or hair comb, went missing--only for her to discover them under Landër's cot.
    • The troupe was split, some troupe members defended Salyphe and believed Landër was acting out of line, while others saw his actions as a lovesick man and chastised Salyphe for being so cold to him. Her parents supported her, thankfully, but despite that Salyphe felt annoyed over the whole situation.
    • Everything came to a head when one day, Salyphe told Landër that she would allow him to court her only if he could walk the tightrope at its highest height successfully. After all, he too was an acrobat originally like her mother, and he only joined the clowns because that was where Salyphe was. How hard would it be for him to walk the ropes? Feverishly, he agreed, his desire to be with Salyphe finally within his grasp. Alas, he would fail in his 'simple' task, and instead would slip and fall off the tight-rope and onto the dirt below--breaking both of his legs and falling unconscious.
    • Unbeknownst to him, Salyphe had maliciously tricked Landër. During a brief window where no one was around, Salyphe would grease the tight-rope and set it back up before proffering her deal to Landër. She would feign shock and horror at seeing Landër's broken body on the ground, and would cry convincingly as fellow troupe members ran into the tent. It was an accident, she claimed, Landër wanted to show her an old routine on the tight-rope and he fell--Landër unable to tell his side of the story.
    • A day of grieving was held for Landër, as he still did not awake from the fall. Everyone was sympathetic for the pair, for Landër's fate and for Salyphe bearing witness to the act. Salyphe knew, however, that it was only time before Landër would awake--if he did at all. Still, she would not risk it. When the troupe arrived at a port town, Salyphe would sneak away from the camp at dusk--with as many belongings as she would carry, and find any ship that would take her West--away from The South Dukelands.


Take your time coming home
Hear the wheels as they roll

Take Your Time

Current Days

Salyphe wandered around and had become a traveling bard to pay for her journeys. She had learned a little of the mandolin while with the circus troupe, and brought her old one with her when she left. She has recently ventured to the Regalian Empire with goals to become a famous performer.

Last edited:
@festiveCorvid I've updated the character sheet! Mainly just changing names and locations, as I'm now having Salyphe be Feka Asha with Moren heritage.
@festiveCorvid Hey! so I've updated the points allocation and and set her werebeast abilities as inactive, since she got cured lol.
@MeatJellyyy Hello I have claimed this application for review, expect a reply within twenty four hours.