Preserved Sheet Salvia Haaven

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Brought to you by Panic
Apr 7, 2013
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"Tiny Heiwynn plant; Brightest Star in Regalia."



Basis Information -[Required]-

  • Full Name: Salvia Ianthia 'Estrellita' Heiwynn/Haaven
    • Chosen Name: Salvia Heiwynn or Sally
    • Cult Alias: "'Estrellita' " (The Star)
  • Age: Seventeen years.
  • Gender: Asexual but identifies as Female
  • Race: Yanar-Cielothar Seedling
  • Main Ambition: Help her family ; Find Love
  • Special Permission:N/A

Basis Information -[Expansion]-
  • Languages
    • Modern Elvish (Trying to not mix up with Common)
    • Common (Trying to not mix up with Elven)
  • Citizenship: Protected-class citizen.
  • Wealth: 5/10.
Skill Information -[Optional]-
  • School: 4 solurs of Evergrowth magic | Nenya Speech ; Companion ; Creeping vines ;
    Forest Dream ;
  • Level: Student Evergrowth mage | Basic knowledge
  • Source: Her parents Ni and Zaos teach her off and on.


Visual Information -[Required]-
  • Eye Color: Lovely faded purple
  • Hair Color: A greenish blue almost leaning on teal looking slightly aquatic
  • Hair Style: Just over the shoulder hanging like leafs
  • Skin Color: A healthy flower stem
  • Clothing:
    • Common clothes that consist of a blouse and green skirt.
  • Height: 4,10
  • Weight: 90lbs
  • Body Build: Average, yet small due to her age.
  • Weapon of Choice: Running!

Visual Information -[Expansion]-




Personality and Abilities -[Required]-

[Personality traits]
  • [+]:Gleeful
    • Salvia is a gleeful, happy Seedling due to her upbringing in her mother's household. She has rarely been exposed to darkness in her life thus far and holds a endless ecstatic energy of fun inside of her. Her goofiness and general carefree life so far have helped to maintain this energy. She hopes that with time she will keep this attitude towards life. After all that is what her parents did and it worked out great for them.
  • [+]:Loving
    • The Seedling's upbringing has allowed her to express the same loving attitude her parents gave her to others. She wishes to do things just because it brings others happiness knowing that life will reward her in it's own odd ways. She is very huggy and squeezy and just wishes all could get along on her happiest of days. A ray of sunshine that hopefully never stops burning. She considers herself a star because of this. And the fact everyone calls her that.
  • [=]:Childish
    • Still being a child as off now the trait of childishness isn't uncommon for her age. Yet because of her parents and surrounding friends and family she will most likely always keep this trait. Acting spoiled, wacky and over the top with a hint of dependence on her parents and peers. She enjoys making a game about most things like chores and even work. Most of the time she will get in trouble for this dismissive nature of not ever wishing to grow up.
  • [=]:Dramatic
    • Having been on a stage a few times Salvia knows how to act. But this isn't even the case for her everyday life as she tends to simply over do her actions. She enjoys attentions and knows how to tug heartstrings so why not use that knowledge and create a more favorable image of herself towards others. If a proper theater group is ever to be formed Salvia will be the first in line to show of her range of emotions. Or to watch of course.
  • [-]:Naive
    • Sally will believe anything she is told, well almost anything. Though at times this works as a plus as well most of the time this is a very negative trait. She is bad at sensing negative anger tension in the room only really noticing things when people are sad. Most fairytales she are told are real in her eyes as over the years she had started to believe one day her prince will come. Or her Princess she isn't actually sure yet.
  • [-]:Sacred/Overly imaginative
    • Though not scared when with family Salvia can make a monster out of a haystack believing most things are creatures of the night coming to kill her. Being so frail as a Yanar is fire and large drops are a big worry combined with wandering the sewers her mind secretly is going wild with the possible ways to get killed. Weirdly people is never among them. Only her older brother tends to frighten her at times but she knows he means well.

  • []:Creative
    • Having picked up drawing when she was only a small six year old seeding Salvia has gotten quite good at it over the years. As well as sewing creative and new outfits as well studying the people of Regalia to get ideas and create them as well in her own way. She hopes to one day become some kind of designer or maybe work for high nobles as a dress designer.
  • []:Devoted
    • Devoted to her parents, her siblings and cousins and even the Nenyarina Salvia would never stray from them even if she could. She enjoys all company not wishing to break hearts or muck up friendships. She loves the people in her live and protect them over everyone else. She jokes around with them a lot talking about how she favors people over others but in reality she would weep for days knowing one of them was no longer in her life.
  • []:Gardener
    • Training to become a better Evergrowth mage to one day level the status of her mother and father Salvia is first training herself with house plants and potted plants being seen carrying them around a lot and giving them names. She sees herself as a highly skilled gardener even though she is still in her mid teenage years. One day she will be a great mother! Maybe who knows.
  • []:Narcolepsy
    • Ever since she was a tiny baby Yanar Salvia has always found it difficult to stay awake. She can barely sleep at night not really having a consistent sleeping schedule due to her parents being out a lot and taking care of herself and her plants most of the day. She is often found falling asleep in random places or curled up into a ball behind the counter of the apothecary. Lately she has been trying to combat it by spending her days with in the forest dream world so her body can rest while her active mind is awake. Even still she doesn't want her entire life to be inside that world.

  • []:Low stamina
    • Salvia isn't a fighter, she isn't even really a runner. Even though most situations that get dire force her to run for her life or attempt to escape from bandits or rival gangs the girl has to take short breaks to catch her breath most likely hiding or sitting down somewhere to catch her breath. The only time she really shines is when someone enters the Evergrowth garden and her magic can be used that way. But even then her magic is only at a tier that most mages would laugh at. She is pretty helpless but tends to stick with people stronger then her or bluff her way out of danger.
  • []:Naive/Stupid
    • Never really having gone to school a day in her life Salvia has always been taught street smarts instead of booksmarts. She knows how to draw and paint cause of her sister and even picked up sewing because of her. She knows how to bake because of her mother and how to defend herself and use magic because of her father. Really her knowledge of the world stops there and is mostly gathered by asking questions and exploring. She most likely comes across as the more 'special' one of the group thinking enemies can be reasoned with and that the sky is blue because Estel painted it that way.

Personality and Abilities -[Expansion]-
  • [Quirk(s)]:
    • Talking fast then trailing off.
    • Hugging or touching people when they are talking to others
    • Mimicking her mother
  • [Skill(s)]:
    • Sewing small things
    • Baking small things
    • Entertaining crowds
    • And puppet knitting
  • [Talent(s)]:
    • Acting
    • Puppet show
  • [Pet(s)]:
  • Olivi [Potted Cactus]
  • Aloe [A type of fern that she thought was Aloe]
  • Sunny [A tiny sunflower that isn't grown yet]
  • Lirtz [Petunia purple and magenta flowers]
  • Cinnamon [Companion buddy]
  • [1.]:
    • Her Family
  • [2.]:
    • Potted plants
  • [3. ]:
    • Creating things to hand out.
  • [1.]:
    • Being ignored
  • [2.]:
    • Being Scolded
  • [3.]:
    • Upsetting people



Relationships -[Optional]-

Nianthia Heiwynn
Zaos Heiwynn
Hal'cyóna Heiwynn
Lusseth Heiwynn
Sinath Heiwynn
Veridan Daevaar
Ztril Merrit

Life Story -[Required]-

  • Born in Regalia from a pod when the Lo uprising was but a speck on the horizon Salvia Estralitta Heiwynn was born to Zaos Heiwynn and Niantha, whom were not married yet at the time. She was taken from stolen blood form Keryth Auglamyr whom she till this day has never met. She was born at the same time as her agendered sibling Lusseth as the two got in a lot of trouble when they were younger.

    Salvia followed her parents around a lot. Wishing to be part of their world even though they told her it was dangerous. During the Lo take over she was told to stay with her older sisters and cousins but tried her best to stray from them when ever she had time to visit the sewers and stay with her entire family and the Nenyarina in the old sewer base. She adored joking around with her father and always got her mother worried as she still tends to do till this day.
  • Currently Salvia is fourteen years having grown from a tiny seedling to a teenage one still looking rather young but trying to dress more to look like the others around her to impress them. Not having many goals set in life or having to fight for the things she has gotten for free she is a little spoiled for choice of what to do with her life going off exploring and helping her mother with the apothecary while still trying to be part of the Nenyarina.

    She hopes to become a seamstress of some sort in the future but has nothing set in stone yet as she as of right now simply follows where the wind takes her training her evergrowth magic her parents are slowly teaching her and trying to make friends and as a side quest find love, as apparently everyone in her family has a lover now. Some ever two! Her visions for the world are slightly warped seeing everything in more rose colored glasses then others giving her a daydreamy look whereever she goes.
  • N/A

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Salvia's Dress Progress:

Salvia's Creative Progress:
  • [Sewing]: Can do two types of stitching, still needs help completing most tasks. Works fast but pricks fingers a lot.

  • [Knitting]: Has no idea how to do this but wants to so badly

  • [Drawing]: Can sketch pretty well having the art style of a toddler that is learning.

  • [Painting]: Knows the basics of painting as her sister got her a set to use.

Salvia's Art Progress:

Drawing of Vaeri her not half sister.


Cinnamon her first and only companion

Big brother Hal

Salvia's Pets/plants:

Plant babies:
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This application is very well done, and it looks very nice as well, and I only noticed a few things. First, you need to pick a body build from here to put rather than what you have: Also, I feel as if Loyal belongs in personality traits rather than in strength, but if you reword it and change the name with a similar idea, it may work. Also, it looks as if your Scared personality trait is misspelled. Other than that, it looks good!I was told she was 14 not 15 but okay
Here's my review thus far:

Since Salvia's age is so young, I feel as if this personality trait kind of is a given; her youth speaks for itself, so to speak. So, replace this neutral trait with an entirely new one.
[]:Weak body strength
[]:Light weight [Alcohol and Weight]
These are both very understood traits of Yanar. Remove these two and replace them with traits -- describe one along the lines of, for example, maybe she has low stamina (since she prefers to run from things instead of attacking). And perhaps a weakness involving her magic capabilities.

Make your edits in pink then tag me when you've completed them. @WildRoze
Here's my review thus far:

Since Salvia's age is so young, I feel as if this personality trait kind of is a given; her youth speaks for itself, so to speak. So, replace this neutral trait with an entirely new one.

These are both very understood traits of Yanar. Remove these two and replace them with traits -- describe one along the lines of, for example, maybe she has low stamina (since she prefers to run from things instead of attacking). And perhaps a weakness involving her magic capabilities.

Make your edits in pink then tag me when you've completed them. @WildRoze
Hiya Manta!

Little reply to this to get more info out of it.
The childish trait is something that will stick with Salvia through out the years. It isn't as much her being a child for this trait to exist but it is a mix of small traits as 'spoiled, outspoken, timid, wacky' all wrapped into childish nature. I saw no better word for this to name it others wise.
If you still believe it should be replaced give me a sign and I will.

The other two weaknesses will be replaced with similar concepts like you asked~
'spoiled, outspoken, timid, wacky'
I'd definitely mention this in the trait -- in fact, maybe remove the last sentence or two from the point and make a mention of how these sorts of traits have/will persist through the years. Make them in pink as stated above! Thanks!
I'd definitely mention this in the trait -- in fact, maybe remove the last sentence or two from the point and make a mention of how these sorts of traits have/will persist through the years. Make them in pink as stated above! Thanks!

Edit's made in pink ~