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Played Character Sallora 'moonbeam' Bel-valliren

This character is actively played.


Jan 8, 2020
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Moonbeam

  • Race / Culture: Teledden - Eldertide Godborn

  • Age: 45

  • Gender / Pronouns: Female, She/her

  • Occult: Void Magic, Eldertide Godborn
Core Concept
A new age hippie type with fae vibes, once a hardworking woman worn down by stress and targeted by a cruel prank.

Appearance Information
Moonbeam is a tall teledden, roughly 6'7 if it wasn't for her slightly hunched back. The woman's magic usage has clearly left a toll on her body, thin and haggard, bits of scalp visible between locks of thin, frizzy silver hair. Long arms and legs end in bony hands and feet, the latter usually bare and both bearing overgrown, sharp and jagged looking nails permanently stained yellow. She has a fondness for linen left undyed, or stained earthy colors with natural dyes, as well as swaying leather jewelry decorated with common gemstones and crystals alongside wooden beads.

Her tall face is just as weathered as the rest of her body. Dark bags ring under bright yellow eyes, the skin of her face wrinkled and even beginning to sag. Her permanent smile is etched in her face in these wrinkles, the deepest being the crows feet at the corners of her eyes and around the corners of her mouth. If one had to guess, they'd be likely to put her age in her mid sixties, or early seventies at worst.

Wisdom - 7
Attack Command
Enchant Defense
Enchant Protect
Enchant Revenge
Enchant Shift
Tech Sanction
Tech Stim

Arcane - 7 (+2)
Sinistral Puppet
Radiant Relocate

Chem Enrage
Chem Experiment
Chem Cleanse
Sinistral Sever
Sinistral Implode
Sinistral Mindvex
Radiant Push

Common [10/10]
Altalar [10/10]

Life Story / Plot Hooks

Moonbeam was once a productive member of Allorn society, studying magic at the esteemed Sollandë Helëssa. Then she went by a different name, Sallora Yllaine Bel-Valliren, of a locally well known family of artists and entertainers. She would have joined their ranks, had things gone differently.

A perfectionist at heart, as expected by faith, Sallora pushed herself too far as a rule. Exam season was coming up, and she decided to join one of the sororities in a bid for support from her peers. She was accepted easily with her high marks, and her destiny was set. She quickly fell victim to a cruel prank, one that sent her mind into a blank room where seconds turned to months. As those few seconds stretched on and on, Sallora found herself beginning to crack. Then the visions began, after two seconds.

She had two visitors, a green skinned woman who's voice croaked like toads, and a man with two lizard heads. Products of last semester's studies, now long forgotten as they whispered of a greater world, a greater future. By the third and fourth second, she was listening. And by the fifth, she believed. In those five seconds turned into five months, Sallora died, and Moonbeam blinked for the first time.​
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