Preserved Sheet Sal Favvrarihr

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Mar 8, 2021
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Salavra (Sal) Favvrarihr

  • Age: 19

  • Gender: She/They

  • Race: Izu-Allar

  • Preferred Weapon: Daggers.
Inventory Information (Optional)

  • A small pouch of 5 brightly colored pebbles with extra room to store a few more shiny trinkets.

  • Small jars of paint, and a tiny paintbrush.

  • A journal and feather pen.
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 44 (24 Core Points, 10 Hobby, 10 Talent Points)

  • Sailing Art - (10 Hobby Points) -

  • Painting Art - (5 Core Points) -

  • Stealth Rouge - (5 Talent, 5 Racial Bonus)

  • Dagger Combat - (8 Core Points)

  • Perception Training - (6 Core Points) -

  • Dancing Art - ( 5 Core Points)
Body Shape

  • Physical stat: 8

  • Slim Body Type.

  • Average Body Shape.

  • Common (learned in childhood)

  • Zasta (Learned from Parents)

  • Daendroquin (Learned from homeland)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

  • N/A
Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Sal has only just arrived in Regalia via her father's ship. She's unsure exactly what she is to do now that she is here, but she hopes to find a place to stay and people to meet.

  • Sal was born in Deandroqe to two loving parents. She is an only child and has never known any other part of her family other than her parents. Her family lived by the sea, so Sal would often be taught sailing by her father. Her mother was often paranoid about her safety, so she took it upon herself to shelter Sal from the outside world. The only times she interacted with society were when she went sailing and when she snuck off at night to explore.

  • As much as Sal is fond of freedom and exploration, she wishes to make new friends in town and hopefully learn a good bit more about her kind and skills she could pick up.
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Black

  • Skin Color: Soft Pink.

  • Clothing: Casual but sturdy.

  • Height: 4'9.
Personality (Required with Choice)

  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?

    • If Sal were to feel giddy or happy, she would be full of laughter and energy, an explosion of confidence and color, grinning ear to ear, and quite talkative, perhaps even phrasing their sentences in a sing-songy way. Contentment would be similar to this reaction, though toned down quite a bit, less talkative, but still cheery.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?

    • How Sal experiences fear depends on the environment. Around trusted individuals Sal would do their best to hide their shakiness and stutters, occasionally hiding behind someone. She often tries to calm her nerves by reassuring someone else, even if that other person is not experiencing fear of any sort. On the other hand, if they are fearful and not around anyone they trust, she would become a blubbering mess of shakiness, her actions becoming more and more unpredictable as they try to keep their head in the right place.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?

    • Stress would be dealt with in a similar way to the above fear, though Sal would most likely try to act positively to the best of their abilities, (this usually failing and resulting in a sort of fidgety but smiling creature.)
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?

    • In general, Sal will not engage harshly with individuals operating under the profession of law or order, though if they were to be stopped in their tracks by a law or rule they would not comply and instead try their hardest to against them.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?

    • Sal is quite comfortable with other races and enjoys learning about their cultures.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?

    • Sal does not wish to be bound by any "God," Higher-Being, or label with religion, though they do believe everything in the world has a life force. She respects others' beliefs, though she is not as knowledgeable about them.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?

    • She is quite interested in Magic, though she isn't knowledgeable on the subject.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?

    • Sal is fond of their family, though the passing of her father and her attachment with him has left a dent in her heart. Sal is still rather fond of family dynamics despite this, and gravitates towards making close groups of friends since they never had one as a child.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?

    • Their confidence with people and their life.

    • Their willingness to keep going.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?

    • The idea that she might make a mark on the world, and to explore its wonders.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?

    • Sal is terrified that she may do something bad enough to push others away and that the way she acts is all wrong.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?

    • Their biggest fear is being ignored, and being shut out.
Personality (Expansion)


  • Sal adores the smell of the sea, the wind in their fins, and the ocean water on their feet. Sailing reminds her of her father, and the cheer he brought to her.

  • She loves to talk to inanimate objects or give names to living/nonliving things. and is drawn towards unique objects. She feels that everything should have a chance to be treated properly, even if they cannot talk back.

  • They love to wander and sneak, searching for hidden secrets. A shiny trinket so small could easily be kicked to the cubed Sal lives for the hunt of finding things that were once lost.

  • Being ignored or kept out of the loop, especially from close friends. Sal

  • People treating her poorly, at least with the intent to make fun of how she acts or thinks, this goes the same for their friends.

  • Being trapped either physically or mentally. Sal will begin to break down if they are trapped/stuck in a place they do not wish to be.

Life Story (Required)

In the bright and bustling part of Deandroqe, where the wind smelled of salt and color, and the roads were littered with music and footsteps, was a family of three. Izu-Allar, two young adults, and one child. The child, Sally (Sal,) a pinkish result like her father, was spritely and curious. Sal's mother, Llihn, is a beautiful white Izu-Allar painter of landscapes and people, selling her paintings on occasion. The family's main profit came from Zzuun, a soft pink printed Izu-Allar who was a willing sailor for any ship that would take him. The family was close and happy, with Llihn teaching Sal the ways of art, waiting for Zzuun to return home on the days he was away. Zzuun taught Sally many tricks of the sea, sailing on sunny days.

One night, when the wind and rain had been slashing at the family's windows most every night for days, Sal was awoken by hurried voices. According to the men that brought him, bleeding from the chest and leg, he had partaken in a ship "accident." Her father lay bedridden for a few days, slowly losing his color, and becoming weaker by the moment. He eventually passed away surrounded by his spouse and daughter.

The passing of Sally's father left a dent in the family for many years, as Sally was quite young at the time. Llihn worked to make ends meet for her and Sal, though she struggled a large amount making ends meet. Her paranoia pushed her to keep Sal inside for long periods of time. Sal would often argue against this, but over time she came to stay silent with her mother. By the time Sal was old enough to go out by her own, her mother had faded into just a husk of what she had been. Sal left for Regalia on her birthday, promising her mother that they would return one day.
Approved! Just remember to specify what Proficiencies are going into Physical Stat calculation.