Preserved Sheet Sakyaksha Szatzelli, The Innovator

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You betcha
Oct 21, 2017
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"I'm not afraid of failure, I'm afraid of success not understanding how."

Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Sakyaksha Srinshtrirkat Szatzelli
    Nicknames: Saky, Sha, Kat
  • Age: 36

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Al-Allar

  • Sexuality: Bisexual (Realistically; Allar Species, however Qadir is a possibility)
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 36

  • +19 alchemy (from Race points, from points)

  • +10 medical (from Race points)

  • +20 Metallurgy (from points)

  • +5 Nature Care (from points)

  • +2 Throwing Combat Skill (from points)
Body Shape

  • 2 + 0 = 2

  • Average body shape

  • Average body fat

  • Zasta

  • Common
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Yellow

  • Hair Color: N/A

  • Hair Style: N/A

  • Skin Color: Brown Scales

  • Clothing: Red shirt with black linen pants. A smug rag covered in coal stains as well as a large set of goggles on her forehead. Slightly larger boots than her feet, and several littering sashes and straps to hook alchemical vials to.

  • Height: 5'2
Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • To others, Sakyaksha is a rather odd calculating figure. Each conversation is spoken from a analytical view point. She always backs her claims by facts, and is rather stubborn when argued by others. In other words, a know it all with a small sprinkle of attitude. Despite this, she is susceptible to fear and open threats, as she is far too small to realistically defend herself. If she ever finds herself antagonizing another, she'll normally push them to the point of aggression, only to back away or falling silent once realizing what had occurred. Seperately, surrounding her apparel and equipment is a wide variety of items. Despite what a common denizen May judge, to her these broken clocks, gears, and copper pipes are rare treasures. One could describe the engineer as a quirky outlier with borderline heretical ideals and blueprints in her mind.

  • On the inside, Even by being a Al-Allar, the frail lizard is not anxious without reason. She has a uncanny cool in the scientific industry when working with both explosives and testing possibly dangerous alchemical concoctions. This is oddly contrasted by her fear for close combat which she avoids whenever possible. Fighting from a distance, if she ever were forced to, is her prospect. The described calamity when working into the scientific and mathematical degrees is a result of her confidence in intelligence, as well as her fascination in discovery.

  • Around friends and family, Sakyaksha was a mathematical extreme. She extended her families role around alchemical substances by learning and studying Qadir artifacts, observational biographies, and knowledgeable history. Because of this, she does and always will be fascinated by the Qadir. Those who explore and dive into the same field of mathematics and science are often welcomed by the quirky al-allar. This has resulted in a broad spectrum of friends for her. She'll not only seek and align herself to other intelligent figures, but playfully compete with them whenever possible. This includes the alchemically gifted, as well as the historically knowledgeable and magically scholared.

  • Morales, Sakyaksha can be considered flexible in terms of loyalty within the Allar Caste system. Of course she values the Digmaan, however her allegiance is more intertwined with the Krallok, Es-Allar elders, Zu-Allar historians, and Alchemical renaisaires of the Soor-Rassa-Allar. She isn't afraid of veering off to other organizations. Her youth consisted of radical ideals and dangerous ideologies when noticing the strict caste system she was under.

    Additionally, the Al-Allar's morals deviate in concoctions. She doesn't understand nor recognize the need for limiting alchemy with laws and legalities. The same applies to technologies. Regalia needs renovation in her mind, and the only way to achieve such is by making the use of technology and expansiveness of alchemy more available and free.

Life Story (Required)

In 270 AC, Sakyaksha was born to two Al-Allar parents. No adoption was required from her birth, and as such, a scale bond was shared between her parents and Al-Allar related siblings. The location of her birth was a marketing structure within one of the busy streets of Ossitissa. This building was home to three other siblings as well as both her parents and ruled by the Allar Senate, the Empress Mikko Missa, and her chief Digmaan.

The booming city was surrounded by amazing structures, outlandish architecture, and various proudful temples, all of which Sakyaksha explored and visited when she came of age ten. Still learning and being raised by her father and mother, the small Al-Allar was the one in the clutch who always pleaded and pulled upon her mother's arms when growing or producing alchemical concoctions, or vitalizing and preparing various ingredients. She was fascinated by the effects and results, later spiraling into an adventitious bookworm with a confident knowledge hungry attitude.

She never necessarily outshone her siblings during her younger years, however, her knowledge expanded outwards beyond their own. This was extremely apparent in their teen years, namely around fourteen when noting her various trips to libraries and temples, always booking more books than she was allocated by Zu-Allar historians. This gave her a trouble making reputation, and birthed a radical confident mind unaffected by the consequences of exploration or experimentation. She was adventurous for a scholar, her passion in Qadir science and math had no limits.

She learned to fabricate her first clock by the age of fifteen, and smithing skills for pipes and gears followed due to the engineering documentaries of Regalia sold overseas at the time. Sadly, her skills could not reach their potential the next year, as the Chrysant war occurred in 286 AC. Ossitissa was likely the worst place to be during the Chrysant, not only being a shoreline city, but also the closest north. She was drafted as a globadier, providing alchemical support and ingenuity to the initial sparks of war. The events and experiences that took place during the war however sparked madness in the sixteen year old Allar. She grew finicky, and fear of close combat such as Regalian Steel swords scarred her intelligent and calculating mind. For this reason, she adorned a secretive fear for Ailor, namely the ones unfearful to portray violence. They are the monster beneath her bed at night, the horrors she never learned to outgrow even after the war.

Eventually Ossitissa fell, and Sakyaksha was fortunate enough to coward away. With her family broken and separated, her friends murdered and scattered, her home destroyed and obliterated, her Empire and society lost, Sakyaksha underwent a depression she had never experienced. Even to this day the thought of the Chrysant lurks within the back of her calculating mind, drowned by fear, guilt, and mathematical distractions to overwhelm her conscience.

It wasn't until her late twenties that Sakyaksha underwent recovery, however the madness still lurks within her mind, distracting her of fear when exploring and testing the substances and materials around her, knowing all too well that a single combustion could be her last. Following the advice and guidance of the Soor-Rassa-Allar led her to Regalia. Her reaction however was unprecedented. Rather than fearing the surrounding populace, she quickly adapted within her first year, due to the refusal of even remember the Chrysant. She does not accept the memories, and refers to it as nothing more than a bad dream.
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Peer Review:
  • The physical stat is off by a few points. You only have 2 combat proficiency points which makes the physical stat only 2, not 5.
  • Minor error but you typed "she'd" instead of "she's" in the first paragraph, fourth sentence.
  • The third paragraph talks only about her family, could you expand upon this by mentioning how she is with friends.