Preserved Sheet Saira Kiran

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Staff member
Jun 8, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information

Full Name: Saira Kiran
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Race: Qadir

Skill Information
  • Proficiency Pool: 36
    • Rouge Training (+10 Qadir Bonus)
    • Metallurgy Arts (+20, 10 Qadir bonus and 10 from points)
    • Medical Sciences (+16 from points)
  • Body Shape
    • Average Body Shape.
    • Moderate Body Fat.
  • Languages:
    • Farah'dii. (Taught by parents.)
    • Common. (Learned in teen years.)
Visual Information

Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Jet black
Hair Style: Curly and short
Skin Color: Dark brown with lighter freckles scattered over her arms and face
Clothing: Black boots and pants with a sleeveless top made of softened leather. The top has a high collar on the back and sides made of rabbit fur and long pieces of blue fabric that reach about her knees.
Height: 5'8

Personality and Abilities

First Paragraph: From a stranger's perspective, Saira would probably appear to be a rather high-strung or a 'leader' compared to most. She makes it obvious from the first time you meet her that she isn't the type to joke around often - however she does show a certain amount of tenderness towards patients in her care and whenever talking about her job. The Qadir isn't always serious though, and when found in the tavern - for example - she won't argue against a drink or two and banter. She is a very open person, and will make it clear what she thinks about you if you ask - or just rudely blurt it out if you frustrate her enough. One rather ironic thing about Saira though, is despite the fact that loud and obnoxious people bother her, she absolutely loves children even if she never plans on having any.

Second Paragraph: When it comes to how Saira feels, it's easiest to say that the woman is rather self centered. She doesn't really consider how others feel besides their health and mostly only is in it for herself. While she does sympathize with others, it's rare that she'll really 'care'. Her thoughts and feels are extremely private and personal to her, is it's will be next to never that she shares them. Though she does put on the face of compassion towards her patients and others but she really doesn't care as much as she lets on.

Third Paragraph: Saira isn't very close to her family, leaving home once she was old enough and had enough money together. When she was eighteen she started going to the School of Medicine and basically stopped communicating with her family all together - something she has no real regrets on doing. Saira doesn't really have any close friends either, keeping to 'friends' and acquaintances that she works with or occasionally gets a drink with. People don't really interest the woman, and it might come from her years of being an only child - only finally getting a little sister when she was sixteen and of course saying farewell to her family only five months later. As for lovers… it's safe to say that Saira doesn't have any. She isn't really the type to settle down and marry. She's had her flings and one or two one night stands, but never really met anyone she planned on staying with forever. She probably never will, really.

Fourth Paragraph: Saira is a Lawful Neutral figure - not really caring if someone likes her or not, but certainly always keeping to the book. Whether it's for medicine or following the actual Regalian laws, it's rare that Saira would ever break the rules. She believes that you can't bend the rules or go around them without causing true chaos. Along with this, it's easy to say that the Qadir also has a rather terrible relationship with mages, thinking they cheat the laws - especially celestial mages as they use heretical ways to 'help' people, something she things is an utter lie despite being saved by celestial mage before herself.

Life Story

During the Midday rush on August 21st of 275, Saira Kiran was born to Ayesha and Imran Kiran in Qorijje City of Mooriyye.

From a young age, it was obvious that Saira was a bit odd to compared to other children. She was extremely talkative to those she was around, yet would never go out of her way to find someone.

She started taking an interest in medicine when she was twelve, learning the basics from her mother who work at a small clinic in Qorijje.

When she was fourteen, she begins working a job in a bakery as well as continuing her assistance in the clinic.

Towards the end of her fifteenth year, her mother announces that she's pregnant with her second child.

Two months after Saira turns sixteen her mother gives birth to Saira's little sister, Anlia.

Within six months after her little sister's arrival, Saira decides to go to School of Medicineto practice medicine more seriously, taking all her saved regals and leaving her home and family.

She spends 10 years at the academy and following her graduation she works in the field for another 7 before going back to Mooriyye to visit her family.

Her mother and father are happy to see her but Saira sense that they have learned to live without her and, following Saria's realization that her younger sister doesn't know her or remember her, she leaves once more, permanently.

She arrives in Regalia, working as a medic in clinics and meets another Qadir, a man named Hani who she grows rather attached to romantically.

The two are together for about a year before Hani is attacked by a mugger, being stabbed and eventually bleeding to death despite Saira's efforts to stop the bleeding as she'd found him not long after the attack.

Following Hani's death, Saira is more distanced from wanting to be in any romantic relationships or friendships as a whole, growing more serious.

Though she has started to defrost a little more during her with her time with the Sawbones Clinic.
Last edited:
The following edits were made in pink:
Changed from the School of Biology to the School of medicine
Aging up to 36
Removal of lack of combat prowess as a weakness
@Roleplay Staff
Last edited by a moderator:
Here's my review.
  • I would be nitpicking if I listed any points here. Good job.
You broke all my beautiful gifs
Made some minor changes in perosnality and points in pink