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Played Character Sainiya Ren

This character is actively played.


Aspiring clown
May 20, 2021
Reaction score
❮❮❂|Basic Information|❂❯❯
✦|Courtesy Name: Sainiya Ren
✧|Aliases: None
✧|Nicknames: None
✦|Race: Sihai
✧|Birth Name: Lüyang
✦|Age: Twenty
✧|Birthday: February 3rd
✧|Zodiac: Aquarius
✦|Gender: Non-Binary
✧|Pronouns: They/Them
✦|Sexuality: Pansexual
✧|Preference: None
✦|Occult: Aegis Archon
✦|Typical Appearance: Sainiya is a Sihai of a fairly tall height and an athletic build. Their features are sharp, accentuated by long, brown hair with several shocks of white, and a set of lavender eyes.
❮❮❂|Core Concept|❂❯❯
✦|Character Summary: Sainiya is a born Archon and a squire of the Bloodcast Order's Thousandblade Chapter, having recently left the Aelrrigan Order and joined the Bloodcast instead. Now, they find themself trying to prove themself in a new setting, dedicated to pushing forwards and advancing as quickly as possible despite their late start within the Order.
✦|Religious Beliefs: Being born to two Archon parents, Sainiya was raised as a worshipper of Draconism, though they find themself frustrated and conflicted with the greater duty of service to the Dragons that was passed down to them through their Archonism beyond their own control. This dread imposes a great deal of hesitation towards their faith as a whole, juggling between mixed emotions.
✦|Combat Style: Warrior
✦|Strength: 7

✧|Melee Point Buy
↪|Careful Fighter [Free Pack]
↪|Technique Parry
↪|Knockback Sweep
↪|Concussive Blow
↪|Shrug Off
↪|Diving Tackle
↪|Combat Sight
↪|Cheap Shot
✧|Athletic Point Buy
↪|Steady Body [Sihai]
✦|Constitution: 7
✧|Shielding Point Buy
↪|Shield Block [Free Pack]
↪|Shield Cover
↪|Shield Slam
↪|Shield Wall
↪|Shield Deflect
↪|Shield Taunt
✧|Training Point Buy
↪|Rage Counter
✦|Wisdom: 0
✦|Magic: 0
✦|Charisma: 0
✦|Faith: 0

✧|Cleric Point Buy
↪|Sacred Martyr [Sihai]
✦|Fluent Languages
❮❮❂|Plot Hooks|❂❯❯
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