Preserved Sheet Saijo Abi

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Flower Goblin
May 22, 2016
Reaction score

♙ Saijo Lymseia Abi ♙
| The Acrobat | The Young|
Pinterest | Art | Theme



♙ Basic Information ♙
♙ Full Name: Saijo Lymseia Abi
Nickname: Sai, Seia, Lime, Butterfly, Spots, Checkers
Age: 24
Birthdate: December 12th
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Gender: Female
Race: Halfling - Mahalar (Sundial Altalar Mother & Songaskian Father)
Sexuality: Bisexual


♙ Skill Information ♙
Total Points: 24
Racial Boosts

♘ + 5 Dragon Knowledge
♘ + 5 Historical Knowledge
♘ + 5 Literary Arts

Training and Arts Points

♘ + 10 Literary Arts
♘ + 10 Athletic Training
♘ + 4 Rogue Training

Body Shape

Total Combat Points + (Total Athletic Points x 2) = Physical Stat
♘ 25
Body Shape
♘ Athletic
Body Fat
♘ Low Body Fat


♘ Sofaal - Father Language
♘ Modern Altalar - Mother Language
♘ Common - Freely Invested


♙ Visual Information ♙
Eye Color: Amber
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Divided into two buns with long curly hair falling out of the messy buns
Skin Color: Brown with caramel skin speckling over the neck, hands, and lower back areas
Clothing: Easy moving clothing, usually for acrobatic work
Height: 5'10



♙ Personality and Abilities ♙
Character Alignment
♘ Neutral
Personality Type
♘ Entertainer - ESFP-T
♘ Shambala - 6/10
♘ Faith of Estel - 4/10



♙ Life Story ♙
0 - 10
♘ Saijo was born to Masane and Siraye Abi, younger sister to Kadi and older sister to her younger brother, Alaji who was born after her.
♘ She was born in the colder month of December on a dark evening to her parents.
♘ As a young child she was commonly seen playing with her elder sister, filled with more energy as a child but luckily her parents didn't have to deal with the energy as much as her older sister did.
♘ She took to her languages rather slowly, taking favor in expressing herself with wild hand movements becoming rather chatty once she picked up on her father language.
♘ Once she could walk and run without falling, she took to be quite the daredevil, scaring her mother on more than one occasion by hopping off of large rocks.
♘ Despite her struggle with getting her point across through words as a child, she was rather energetic and happy, seemingly content with attaching herself to her siblings once she could.
♘ Saijo followed her mother quite a bit as a young child, taking an interest in the acting and athletics part of her knowledge. She had been taken to aerial shows, acting, and theatre which had interested her from the start.

11 - 20

♘ As she grew older, Saijo, began to try and do tricks that she had seen actors do on multiple occasions, ending up with a broken bone and a hard lesson.
♘ She began to travel with her father to nearby towns along with her elder sister, in one of their trips she attached herself to a young dance and circus performer who was looking for students.
♘ On more than one occasion she had been seen practicing late in the evening or early in the morning when the heat wasn't as bad. Despite her lacking sleep schedule, she was still filled with energy enough to follow her siblings.
♘ The young Mahalar had made quick friends with a group of circus people who had taken up a more permanent residence in the nearby town, commonly seen learning from them before being dragged home after sneaking out more than once.
♘ From the group of oddities, she had picked up common, rather roughly which has still yet to fully smooth out due to her problem of speaking faster than she can actually think.
♘ Eventually left once she reached adulthood after getting the all-clear from her parents to join a small traveling circus group around Farah'deen. During her travels, she also picked up small hand tricks to entertain crowds when her dancing couldn't.

20 - 24

♘ Saijo returned home at sporadic moments, traveling with her sister at times before she fully left home herself.
♘ The young halfling eventually followed her elder sisters footsteps in adventuring outside of Farah'deen as she traveled with a wandering troupe.
♘ Eventually, her circus group had found themselves in the land of Regalia, where Sai had been able to meet with her elder sister once again.