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Played Character Sahuvi (Asim-Sadiki Taskhtali)

This character is actively played.


Staff member
Dec 29, 2021
Reaction score
Updating the Graphic is getting really annoying. Here's art of my boy instead. (And a gallery below)
His app is a few posts down.


Custom Kit Link
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Basic Information
    • Full Name: Sahuvi
      • Alias / Common Name: Asim-Sadiki Taskhtali
    • Race: Asha (Remet / Hedjet)
    • Age: 38
    • Gender: Male
    • Occult: Archon (Aegis/Stormsong)
    • Sahuvi is a loving protector of the World, a devoted and trustworthy individual who seeks to elevate all that is good within the hearts of others. His desire for understanding amongst all peoples often lend him to a naive appearance, but he is uncannily sly.
      • Sahuvi is a Captain-Knight of the Aelrrigan Order.
      • Sahuvi is a devotee of Draconism, he holds much respect for the affairs of all Dragons.
      • Sahuvi is a Stormsong, a member of an Archon Lineage dedicated almost entirely to Regulus- for it is a recent creation of that Dragon. Though it consists primarily of Urlan, Sahuvi was invited, and takes on a supportive role amongst their collective, with a skillset blending that of the Stormsong Berserker with an Anglian Witch.
    • Sahuvi stands at average height for a Remet Asha. (198cm)
    • Sahuvi's animalistic likeness is to a Tibetan Wolf, albeit with a longer mane.
    • His gaze is kind, yet his eyes constantly shimmer with an electric glimmer of violet.

    • Mechanic 1: Remet Asha can control a special substance called Living Metal, which is a solid Metal that becomes liquid by their thought and imagination, and can be reshaped to whatever they can imagine, and telekinetically moved around.
    • Mechanic 2: Remet Asha have perfect night vision, capable of seeing in dark and low-light environments without needing external lights. Additionally, their claws when struck together create flint and steel like sparks that light up.
    • Mechanic 3: Remet Asha have a natural bodily reaction to non-combat Magic in their proximity. This can for example cause the fur in their neck to stand upright. It can also be used to warn of a magical presence before it is spotted.
    • Mechanic 4: Remet Asha have a heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing out of Combat. This is fairly flexible and should be discussed with people in a scene in terms of what advantages this may give an Asha in varying scenarios.
    • Mechanic 5: Remet Asha either through a combination of excellent acrobatics, or shock-dampening limbs, or using their claws to slide down buildings, never take damage when falling from heights, so long as this fall is below 50 Blocks.
    • Mechanic 1: Llynburh Knights because of their proximity to Draconism and Archon among them, gain access to common Archon Mechanic 5.
    • Promotion Privilege (Captain): Privilege 6 grants the Knight the ability to self-generate 1 Divinium or 1 Artifactspark per month that does not stack up and does not carry over into other months.
    • Mechanic 1: Archon can manifest Wings (of any design: Fairy, Draconic, or Mechanical), which while not in Combat, allow (Elytra) flight (including the use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight.
    • Mechanic 2: Archon can Point Buy Magic Point Buy Packs, re-classifying their Abilities to Dragon Magic. They cannot make use of the Sinistral Mechanic.
    • Mechanic 3: Archon can Cleanse a (willing) Mage of Magic. If they can become an Archon, they do. Any Magic/Faith packs are refunded and can be re-spent. This grants the Archon doing it 1 Static Divinium.
    • Mechanic 4: Archon can perform a Cleansing Ritual that cleanses a (willing) Undead, to either pass onto the Afterlife, or become a Primal Revenant. Any Magic/Faith Point Buy Packs are refunded and can be re-spent.
    • Mechanic 5: Archon can see backwards in time (coordinate with other players to tell their past) or see glimpses of possible futures in multi-time thread theory (just make them up, there are thousands of possible futures).
    • Mechanic 6: Archon can live much longer than non-Archon, empowered by Dragon Magic, meaning they can live three times as long as their maximum. (Making an Archon 300+ years old may require ticket consultation).
    • Mechanic 1: Aegis Archon gain a Draconic Transformation styled like Dragonkin Appearance, the Aesthetics of which they can style after a Dragon of their choice. Counts as a Disguise.
    • Mechanic 2: Aegis Archon gain +1 Defence Stat (breaking cap up to 9) for each additional Archon present in a scene, and so long as they are fighting for a Draconism cause (even while not being faithful).
    • Gloomfolk Order 1: Gloomfolk Order Members gain +2 Main Combat Stat while they are on Gloomrot's roads. This becomes +1 when they are in any other Gloomrot area that is not strictly a road or pathway.
      • Keep in mind that transfers of this kind must be adequately reported to Staff in a Ticket so the spreadsheets reflect these resources moving around, otherwise it will not be canon and cannot be spent.
      • Augur Order Members cannot transfer an Artifactspark between Artifacts.
    • Magical
    • Alchemy
    • Medical
    • Athletic
    • Cleric

Custom Kit - Stormsong Archon
  • As bearer of Regulus' cause for the preservation of life, Sahuvi is skilled in nonlethal hits. To defeat any enemy, he only needs to bring them to 2 HP or lower, and can at that point out of turn and without using an action knock them out with a potent blast of Dragon Magic. Additionally, if any Sinistral Ability would deal damage to him, that damage is negated.
  • Sahuvi is Regalia's best Jack of All Trades. When he rolls Action Dice, he is treated like he has a minimum of 2 points in every Proficiency, and when contextual knowledge is required for an Event, he has it (unless Deeplore). Additionally, he can take any two Guild Mechanics, and can be welcomed into any Guild activity without Knighthood conflicting (except Argentum or Senleya).
    Mechanics Taken: Augur Guild 4, Gloomfolk Order 1.
  • Sahuvi has intimate control over the weather in all its minutiae. Calling upon blessings of Regulus when dire, rain can turn to sun and vice versa whenever he kneels in prayer and humbly asks it. Additionally, Sahuvi's Magic allows him to stabilize the dead and dying, saving them from seemingly fatal injuries and preserving them as long as the Will of Dragons would permit it.
  • In his youth, Sahuvi was a Mercenary in a major Company that did international work. Though he has long left it to become an Archon instead, he knows it works for Roca now, but may still welcome him as a friend. Where Mercenaries are concerned, Stellarrix can ask the DM for Backstory information about Company leaders. If possible, they will also be aware of who Sahuvi is.
  • Sahuvi's late wife owned a Jade Owl magistrate's Pendant. By Sihai law, it is his now, allowing him to pass through the Jade Wall despite being a non-citizen. Additionally, any Magic being used to aesthetically alter the terrain, produce aesthetic Corruption, or inflict flavor horror, doubt, or mind-suggestion effects on Sahuvi, can be dispelled by the Pendant and its Jade Dragon Charms.
  • Sahuvi owns an heirloom black rock supposedly once enchanted by Renita. When he strikes someone with it, or equips it anywhere on his person, any dulling of Conscience created by Affliction, Magic, or Heritage Traits they may have is suppressed for the duration of the fight. The rock can additionally be used to smash through any number of gates, fences, and doors out of Combat.

Proficiencies - FAI 7/CON 5, /roll 17, /roll 15 respectively.
  • Counted as 2 for the sake of Action Rolls via [Tempest Wisdom].
  • Counted as 2 for the sake of Action Rolls via [Tempest Wisdom].

    Sharp Reflexes

    To dodge a dangerous attack, this ability can be used as a reaction to a Basic Attack targeting the user. Before making the Defense Dice Roll, and without consuming the user's Action, add +5 to the final roll. If the user still fails the Defense Roll, reduce this Ability's Cooldown to 10 Minutes, otherwise, Sharp Reflexes has a 1 hour cooldown.

    Escape Artist
    The user is able to, while restrained, slip out of ropes, chains, handcuffs, and any other mundane restraints used to hold a player down. Additionally, while in combat the user can spend an Action to remove the Trapped Status Effect. Escape Artist has no Cooldown, unless used in Combat, during which it has a 30 Minute Cooldown.
  • Status Endure
    When the user has a Status Effect removed from them by any means other than an Ability or the Status Effect activating (ex. timing out naturally, using an action to remove), increase the minimum of the user's Defense Rolls by +1 for the rest of Combat. This Ability can activate multiple times, but caps at a +4 Bonus. Status Endure had no Cooldown.

    When the user would gain Health from any Source, increase it by +1HP, and put this Ability on Cooldown. If the user reaches 4HP, and has not gained any Health, increase their Minimum Defense Dice roll by +2 for the rest of Combat, but prevent this Ability from being used again. Breather has a 20 Minute Cooldown.

    Rage Counter
    The first time the damage from the user's Melee Basic Attack would be reduced in any way (ex. by block tokens, or abilities, etc), increase the damage of the user's next successful Melee Basic Attack by +1. Once activated, Rage Counter has a 1 Hour Cooldown.

    The user counts as an obstruction for enemies, blocking Line of Sight for Enemies within Range. Additionally, when an Enemy takes the Move action within Range, the user can apply the Prone Status Effect to them, without using an Action. This can only be done once per combat.

    Iron Will
    This Ability can only be used when the user has 6 or less HP. When the user fails a Defense Dice Roll, they can re-roll their Dice only and must use the new result. If they still fail, this Ability's Cooldown is set to 0, but this Ability cannot be re-used instantly. If the succeed, this Ability's Cooldown is set to 1 Hour.
  • Counted as 2 for the sake of Action Rolls via [Tempest Wisdom].

    Chem Hyperfocus

    To become good at one thing only, choose Attack Stat or Defense Stat. Raise the chosen Stat by +2 (breaks cap up to 11 or 9), and lower the other stat by -3 (can go into minus). This effect remains active until the end of Combat. This Ability does not use an Action. This Ability cannot be re-used until the effect has ended.
  • Counted as 2 for the sake of Action Rolls via [Tempest Wisdom].

    Adapt Oceanic (Asha Heritage)

    The Oceanic Pack allows a Character to function underwater as if it is above water. This means they gain normal movement speed, the ability to wear armor, the ability to breathe underwater, use weapons, use attack Emotes, use Abilities, and speak underwater through the use of biology-altering alchemy, or the use of underwater adaptation gear and equipment. Those with the Oceanic Pack essentially, can function and live underwater indefinitely, such as in the rivers, and the underwater sections of the Sewers and other roleplay Zones. This effect cannot be shared with others, except for the underwater breathing, which can be granted to up to two users, so long as they hold one hand each of the user.
  • Counted as 2 for the sake of Action Rolls via [Tempest Wisdom].
  • Shaman Stance
    During Shaman Stance, the user cannot use any Abilities from the following categories: Shielding Point Buy. While in Combat, the user gains additional benefits from Vengeance, meaning the next Shaman Ability used is altered in some way once the user suffers -2HP from an enemy, after which Vengeance must be regained. When the user reaches 4 HP, they always benefit from Vengeance until combat ends or they are healed past 4 HP. Stances are indefinite, but can be ended any time for a 20 Minute Cooldown.

    Shaman Pounce
    To get where you shouldn't, target an opponent that is out of reach, whether by elevation or behind cover. The user immediately propels themselves toward the target, ignoring verticality (meaning the user can reach the target from any height as long as they are horizontally within 10 blocks), not triggering opportunity attacks, and allowing them to make an attack after landing without using an action. Shaman Pounce has a 1 hour cooldown. If the user has Vengeance when triggered:: Additionally apply the Confused Status to all enemies within 3 blocks for the next turn after landing.

    Shaman Aura
    To encourage your allies to charge ahead, Shaman Aura is a constant effect sounding war drums to those nearby. The first time an ally within range is given the Trapped, Fleeting, or Prone Status Effects, ignore that application and instead grant all allies within range an additional 5 blocks of movement on their next turn. Shaman Aura can be maintained indefinitely, or it can be detonated, applying +1 Attack up to a maximum of 9 to all allies within range for the next 30 minutes. If detonated, Shaman Aura has a 4 hour cooldown. If the user has Vengeance when triggered:: When detonated, grant 2 Allies within range 1 Block Token each.

    Shaman Darkness
    This Ability can only be used if one or more enemies are within 3 Blocks of the user. When used, the user can choose anywhere within range (on a horizontal surface and in a straight line) to relocate to while ignoring Opportunity Attacks. Additionally, any enemies within 3 Blocks of the position they relocate from have the Blindness Status applied to them. Shaman Darkness has a 2 Hour Cooldown. If the user has Vengeance when triggered: The user can make an attack with +2 Attack Stat (breaks cap up to 11) after moving without using an action.

    Shaman Earth
    To protect an ally, this Ability can be used to grant an ally within range +1 Block Token. This Ability can be used as a reaction to an ally being attacked, allowing them to instantly use the Block Token to protect themselves. Shaman Earth has a 2 Hour Cooldown. If the user has Vengeance when triggered: The target is considered immune to Status Effects until the Block Token is broken.

    Shaman Brutality
    To brutalize an opponent, this Ability can be triggered automatically when landing an attack on an Enemy with a Status Effect. The target is displaced 5 blocks, with an additional -1HP of damage being dealt to them. Shaman Brutality has a 2 hour cooldown. If the user has a Vengeance when triggered: Also applies the Brittle Status Effect to the target, after the Attack.

    Shaman Ancestor
    This Ability summons the Spirit of an Ancestor, guiding for the remainder of combat. When the user wins a Defense roll against an enemy, they are able to apply the Marked Status Effect upon them without consuming their action. The same target can only be Marked in this way once per Combat Encounter. Shaman Ancestor lasts until the end of combat, and has a 4 hour cooldown once ended. If the user has Vengeance when triggered: The user can re use this Ability on a Target they already used it on, but instead of applying the Marked Status, it applies the Brittle Status instead.

    Sacred Siphon (Zanzibart)
    To punish an enemy caster, as a reaction to an enemy within Range using a Power, grant +2 Defense that can break cap up to 9 to two allies within Range for the next 3 turns. Sacred Siphon has a 30 Minute Cooldown.

    Sacred Judgement (Zanzibart)
    To hinder an enemy sinistral user, use this ability as a reaction to an enemy using Sinistral Magic, which does not consume the user's action. Apply a -2 to the final result of their next Attack or Defend roll. Sacred Judgement does not Stack, and has a 30 Minute Cooldown.
  • This is not an Ability. This is an Artifact Mechanic. Its wielder gains a +2 to the minimum of their Attack Dice Rolls (up to 4) whenever they're outside of the Regalian City, or in one of the City's Parks. For every Movement Ability used within Emote Range of Zanzibart's wielder, gain one charge. When three charges are reached, the user of Zanzibart gains +2 Defense Stat. (breaking cap up to 9).

  • Though not his primary language, Sahuvi most commonly speaks Common, for it is the language of the Empire and the closest thing to a universal language acknowledged by the Regalian Empire. His accent when using this language is fair, with inflections gained from his time in Anglia and the Highland regions. He speaks it, and many of it's dialects, natively.
  • His mother tongue, that he does not often use. Due to recent events, Sahuvi has started to despise this language, as such a lovely tongue is most often used to insult or incite lethal evils against others. The extensive use of it for hatred has made him begin to revile it. He speaks it natively.
  • A language learned through his Archonism, his Visions, and time spent training as a Stormsong. The language of Dragons, ancient and rare, some of the magical incantations he wields are written in this ancient script, but it is never used recreationally.
  • The Language of the Aelrrigans, and the honorable Derna Garda of Kintyr, to whom he owes his skill with arming swords, and his appreciation for Bannor Tapestries. He has a fondness for the graceful yet harsh intonations of the language, he speaks it well enough to hold conversation, but many idioms and complex ideas may be lost.
  • The language of where he now calls 'home', that being Anglia, the city of Doorinner. Sahuvi is fluent in Anglian and always enjoys using it to speak, though often laments the lacking presence of Anglians in the city. Through their ignorant bigotry but also their countryside hospitality, he gained a softness and a fondness for the presence of Ailor and a love of the Regalian Empire. He speaks it natively, but notably lacks the refinement of the tongue possessed by higher Anglian Courts.
  • The Language of the Highlands. He is fond of Highlanders, though not so much of their love of Marken, something that he has been mistaken for once or twice, earning him the nickname 'Wulvers' in the township of Pach Mulben. He speaks this tongue well enough, but his exposure to it conversationally has been generally minimal, meaning his command of it in fast-paced conversations isn't the best. Words and phrases may need to be repeated to be truly understood.
  • The Language of the Elves. He picked this up from his time schmoozing in Hoterie Guildhouses and on the roads in Daen, but he doesn't often speak it. Many idioms and poetic linguistics are stuck on him, but he can understand basic conversations and topics. Especially, he can identify discussions revolving around strategy and words often used in military applications. Peculiar.
  • The Language of Ithania. He also picked this up from schmoozing in Hoterie Guildhouses- a place where he was often somewhat unwelcome due to being a large Asha in the presence of Ithania's most regal and dainty courtiers and socialites. He has overcome this in Regalian Hoterie Guildhouses for the most part. He has a good command of the language, but his intonation sometimes sounds a bit like the socialites he learned it from, it is very un-manly, and he doesn't use it often.
  • The Language of the Sihai. Learned from his wife, Wai-Lan- Beian Dialect, is a language that is exceedingly near and dear to his heart. He speaks it softly, fondly, and has a strong command over the intricacies and idioms that come with it. It is the language he most closely attributes to feelings of 'family', and is the first language of his children.
  • The Language of the Isldar. Learned from the Life Isldar residing in the Anglian Dragon Temples, namely Draackenrust, Sahuvi has a strong command of this language, but many of the more advanced concepts and idioms are lost to him due to the centuries required to truly master the intricacies of the tongue. It is a language of duty, more than a language of Elves, to Sahuvi, and he uses it with a great sense of respect.

Plot Hooks
  • Sahuvi is an Stormsong Archon, trained in the Draackenrust Temples, currently dispatched toward Regalia to conclude his training in a place where many have wounded bodies and hearts, where his hands may protect much more than what he assumes.

    Sahuvi loves all that is living, it is a simple aspiration to protect that life with everything he has, to love those around him, and to be his truest self, true to the heroes he's admired for so long.

    Conversely, he despises those who would deprive that life with every fiber of his being, if he deems a killing unjust, for unjust reasons, or to serve lethal ambitions, he will not forgive or forget. Argentum who murder to praise their Gods receive this hatred especially.
  • Sahuvi became an Aelrrigan Knight in his adulthood, after a lifetime of killing for coin, his studies brought him upon Oblation Magic. Finding the childhood horror stories he had been told to be true and verifiable, he became an Aelrrigan to ensure that it never returns to the world through proper magical teachings.
  • Sahuvi is the current Patriarch of the Asha-Sihai Clan Taskhtali-Fan, a position left to him by his late-wife, who passed on the Jade-Owl Pendant to him as a symbol of inheritance. He has strong connections to both Ashal and Sihai Culture, though he himself takes after many Anglian and Highlander stylings due to his time in Anglia and Northern Corontium.
  • Sahuvi is a Remet Asha of no special descent or lineage, who was destined to live his life and die in obscurity, yet even as he fell fate wove another path for him, under an eternal oath sworn to the Dragon-King Regulus, and the Central Matron that serves him.

    Sahuvi was raised as a Khama Faithful in childhood, but converted away to Draconism, as it was a Draconist's intervention that saved his life. He considers his cause a duty to the World, to repay the kindnesses afforded to him, by paying those kindnesses forward unto others.

    Sahuvi is from Daen, having been raised poor on the streets and plantations, but eventually became a Mercenary in his midteens. He has some connections to Roca's Mercenary Company, as well as a plethora of information about the Mercenary life. He respects Mercenaries.

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