Preserved Sheet Sagira Frisque

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Rat Mumther
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Nenyarina Grove
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds



"Golden fox of the Essalonian Colonies"




• Full Name: Sagira Frisque
• Age: 26 years
• Gender: Female
• Race: Rakrran Varran
• Sexuality: Heterosexual
• Preferred Weapon: Words or claws




• Proficiency Points (26/26 Used)
+20 Rogue Training (Rakrran Boost)
+10 Athletic Training (Rakrran Boost)
+15 Statesman Knowledge
+6 Literary Arts
+5 Bodycare​
• Body Shape
(3+2=5) Toned Muscle Build | Average Body Fat.​
• Languages (3/3)
Common - Common language.
Zcorr - Father's language.
Ithanian - Mother's language.​



• Eye Color: Amber yellow.
• Fur Color: Pale ginger with platinum points (Fox Type).
• Fur Style: A soft mane kept pinned behind her head with golden clips.
• Clothing: Layered Satoor-style dresses in family colors of red and orange, with ample golden accessories as a display of her prestige.
• Height: 5ft 6"




How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
Sagira is a Varran often betrayed by her body language. Though she aims to keep her natural boisterousness under control to preserve noble etiquette, broad grins and a waving tail are frequent sights on the woman. When at peace, Sagira is quick-witted and jovial--eager to make acquaintances and learn of the latest gossip around the city. She can even be perceived as flirtatious by some, though her charm quickly reveals itself to only be a device for quick attention.

• How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
Years of coercion and a strong personal drive to maintain face in public have allowed Sagira to maintain surprising composure in frightening situations.The Varran will always try to make a swift yet graceful getaway, retreating as far from danger as possible to assess the situation, breathe, and find a solution. She is not one to fight unless her life, or the life of her most cherished ones are in grave danger, and would sooner flight or freeze.

• How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
Openly at least, stress is not a common occurrence for the noble Rakrran. Despite her responsibilities she aims to remain cool, collected, and find simple solutions. However, when things begin to go wrong in quick succession, the first to snap is always her temper--followed by anxiety. She will try to take charge and bark orders at those who hurry her, while her coordination and grace subsequently slip in the panic. Often, it is her body language that will portray her stress long before she finally asks for help.

• How does your character view Law and Authorities?
As a Rakrran with a penchant for deviousness, Sagira sees the authority as a "loose guide" to keeping order and safety around the city. She knows well of the shady business that happens behind closed doors, and believes that nobody is free of sin. However, to keep her family's prestige, she always feigns a polite presence to guards as they pass, and is sure to keep any thieving antics far away from prying eyes.

• How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
Sagira is relatively open and liberal to the idea of other races. She understands that her race are, at least at present, not the ruling class of Aloria--and therefore she is thankful of what they have achieved. Her only grievance lies with the Altalar who tore the Varran from grace, and those who believe themselves to be higher than herself by circumstances of birth alone.

• How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
As most of her kin, Sagira was raised as a devout Faith of Baskarr follower. Since moving to Regalia she has been urged to accept the Spirit as her true deity, but she questions the usefulness of this. While Sagira believes that the Imperial Spirit does exist, she does not believe that it will help her or her kind in the long run, and prays for the eventual return of Baskarr.

• How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
Wary, yet curious; Sagira had little experience with the arcane while growing up, and therefore knew magic only as of a thing of wonder and mystery. She finds parlour tricks alluring, an extension of natural trickery, but finds larger displays of magic to be somewhat frightening. She will accept magical aid when it plays into her favour and efficiency, but otherwise prefers a technological approach.

• How does your character feel towards their family?
As the eldest female of the generation, the Rakrran holds a strong bond and sense of duty towards her siblings. She longs to fill the boots of her brother, Kailu, and also to provide a strong role model for her younger sisters, whilst still sharing fond and casual memories with each. Sagira bonded closely with her mother during childhood and hopes to absorb her good nature and kind heart as she grows older.

• What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
Of all her achievements throughout life, Sagira is most proud of her ability to remain quick-witted and silver-tongued, even in difficult situations. She believes herself to be well on her way to becoming a leading figure for her kin, and frequently volunteers herself to speak on behalf of her family to the colonies and beyond. Aside from this, she also takes pride in her exotic appearance, though not to the point of narcissism.

• What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
Sagira is inspired by her family's affluence and prestige within the Regalian Empire, and aspires to provide an ever better future for the next generation. She lavishes in the luxuries of her wealth, spending ample money on shinies that keep her taste for gold satiated, and finds great joy in being able to pass this on to those she cares for.

• What is your character's biggest insecurity?
Though she would be hard pressed to admit it, the Rakrran's biggest insecurity is her gender and lack of physical strength. She longs to be able to hold herself in a fight in the same way that her brother can, and feels that as a noblewoman, she will never be able to live up to this goal. She has therefore resigned herself to her fate as a diplomat.

• What is your character's biggest fear?
Sagira has two fears with affect her life most severely: the fear of immense failure, and the fear of being trapped or confined. With nobility comes great responsibility, and she is acutely aware of the consequences should she make the wrong move or say the wrong thing. As a result of this, she must always have a Plan B or escape route--and should this option be taken away from her, the Rakrran's morale quickly dissolves into panic.




• Birth (0)
Sagira was born the third child to Amerys and Tahirah Frisque in the family's grand Ithanian manor on August 28th, 281 AC. As the first female to be delivered to the family, she was coddled heavily by her Priestess mother and raised with a silver spoon in her mouth.

• Childhood (2-10)
As a young kit, Sagira was made to study long hours, being taught how to read and write fluently in all 3 languages she would need in life. She proved to be a fairly intelligent child, and took to literacy well. The Rakrran was raised with heavy emphasis upon the Faith of Baskarr, which she soaked up like an eager sponge.

In her free time, she found most enjoyment in rough-housing with her older brothers and splashing in the coastal waters. Being far smaller than her siblings, Sagira sustained many scratches as a child--much to the dismay of her parents. She was urged to refrain from combat, and instead taught how to present herself with grace and charm. The impressionable child quickly found an affinity for sweet-talking and using her movements to swipe jewels from her brothers.

• Adolescence (11 - 17)
As with most teens, with age came a thirst for knowledge and adventure. While her siblings traveled abroad, she was sailed by her father to the Frisque's Essalonian colony to begin learning commerce and trade. She was shown the family's plantations, and taught to oversee the workers and manage shipments. The change of pace resonated well with the Rakrran, who enjoyed the bustling life in the port town.

Sagira spent much of her later adolescence in the colonies. While she initially followed her father's teachings to the T, she soon made things exciting for herself by striking underhand deals with rogue pirates without her parents' knowledge. The Rakrran even had a brief stint with a dance troupe, with whom she abandoned her duties to elope with.

• Young Adulthood (18 - 24)
As Sagira grew older, her rebellious nature waned and she settled into her role as a secretary and diplomat. She was entrusted with paperwork for the Essalonian colony, and took on the role of trade dealership and negotiation, allowing her father to focus on the war. She began to take more pride in her appearance, and learned she could use her charms to sweeten deals with traders.

• Present Day (25)
At age 25, Sagira received the news that leadership of the family had been passed to her elder brother, who had secured the family recognition in the Regalian Archipelago. With approval from her parents, she traveled to the Crown City to assist her siblings in gaining power for their clan.

Sagira presently lives in her own office in the Varran district, where she continues to manage papers for the colonies between mingling with Regalian nobility.



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