Preserved Sheet Sage Havenwood

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Your Best Enemy
Jul 28, 2015
Reaction score
The New Tyberian Empire
Sage Havenwood
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Ellayu'laënte'levilaqën'esstenëcealosács'bolesyhëlle (<M-E>"Healer of the Forest" | <I-E> "Bringer of life arriving from the trees and ferns")

  • Common Name: Sage Havenwood, Ynwyn Willowheart

  • Age: 346

  • Gender: Agender (Appears male)

  • Race: Yanar

  • Main Ambition: Knowledge (mainly properties of plants, history and culture)

  • Languages: Modern Elven (First Language 10/10), Common (Learned while in Regalia 9/10), Imperial Elven (Second Language 9/10), Zasta (Learned to do better Alchemy 9/10), Sofaal (Learned Travelling in Farah'deen 6/10), Evokk (8/10), and Shalota (Studied 7/10).

  • Special Permission: (Going to be applying for Expert Alchemist once this is initially approved)

Basic Information

  • Sage Dalassenos came to Regalia 15 years ago, and makes a living collecting and selling old tomes, as well as ingredients for Potions. He came to Regalia because it's essentially the 'Capital of the World', and he wanted to gain more knowledge. This including things such as History, Culture, and what ever more he can learn of the properties of plants.

  • Sage is one of the first Yanar to have been created, and spent a good portion of time studying the creatures and plants around him. When danger came to where he was living, he fled to what was essentially a hidden part of the surrounding forest and lived a life of solitude for several years.

Skill Information

  • School: Alchemy - Scholar| Medicine - Learned|

  • Source(s): Being a traveller for centuries, he has had plenty time to both attend schools, and do private studying. (Applies to both).
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Green

  • Hair Color: Green

  • Hair Style: ~Shoulder length

  • Skin Color: Green

  • Clothing: Earth coloured robes

  • Height: 5

  • Body Build: Average

  • Weapon of Choice: He uses his words to avoid violence.

Visual Information

  • His eyes are more similar in shape to a Chi'en-ji's than an Ailor, and his ears are that of an Altalar's with bark on the top. His expressions is typically relaxed and kind with often a distant look in his eyes, and he has darker leaves (resembling that of Ivy) coming from the back of his face( where it seemingly sprouts from the bark on the back of his jaw) to his cheekbones. His hair usually is kept in a 'bed-head' style, but he sometimes sports a ponytail with sideburns. (Ref)

  • Sage's entire right arm (save bits of his hand) is covered in bark, as well as some of the chest on that side, and creeping up the neck. This makes it move much slower, and he tends to use his left instead. He also has moss growing on this arm, though tends to get rid of it when he can. His skin is the tone of the bottom of Blackberry leaves.

  • Sage's favourite thing to wear is a jacket that on one side is like a normal coat, but like a robe on the other (Ref). He wears different sized boots, and a glove covering his right hand. He has several earrings (mostly made of wood) and always wears a scarf. He prefers earthy tones (Browns and greens) thought will wear other colors (aside from black).

  • His voice is calm, and probably relaxing to listen to for most part. He speaks politely, and addresses most people and "My friend". His accent is a mix of Claithan and Ithanian. He will also address most Yanar as "young-ling".

Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph: Sage would likely be seen by other Yanar as a respectable elder, but by other races as a strange Yanar who's been around for too long. He's quite wise and intelligent, but doesn't go out of his way to show it. He's often quite quiet, though usually replicates the mannerisms of a nobleman. A scholar who heard of him (particularly one of Alchemy) would probably try and visit him, to see what information they could take home to their own studies.

  • Second Paragraph: Having lived so long, he's seen countless friends die, and while he mourns with each passing, he doesn't let it linger with him too long. He sees himself as someone sent by Estel to help the world with all that ills it, and the only race he dislikes is Shendar. He doesn't fear dying, rather, he fears what would happen to the rest of the world if he did. When it comes to Alchemy or History he's happy to contribute advice to anyone who needs it.

  • Third Paragraph: Sage considers everyone a "friend" (aside from Shendar) unless the prove not to be. He becomes less silent around those who are "true" friends, and has no direct family. He views his friends and one would view a younger sibling, or in some cases a child. He longs for a lover, but knows that if he ever did find someone they would die long before he did.

  • Fourth Paragraph: Sage would likely be True Neutral or Neutral Good. Unlike his "sister" Nakra (@Ceilidhe) he's very calm and collected, and usually follows the leadership of whatever territory he's in. Good and Evil are simply a point of view, and he acknowledges this. The one thing he does consider evil are Shendar, but even those can prove themselves and become his friend.

  • Fifth Paragraph: Sage believes in The Fated Ones, like other Yanar. To him, commoners and nobles are little different, aside from the clothes they wear. He feels that he was lucky to have been born when he was, and is very grateful to Estel. While he doesn't believe in the "Imperial Spirit", he goes along with it as to not offend anyone.


  • Wise - Traveling around the world for years has brought him first-hand experience with many events. He's had plenty of times to pick up languages, see historic events, and meet historic people. He's also had plenty of time to develop a good judgment of what should and shouldn't be done.

  • Polyglot - He's taken the time to learn as much languages as he can, as to be able to read more ancient books. This includes;Common, Modern Elven, Imperial Elven, Zasta, Sofaal, Evokk, and Shalota. He learned these languages in order to better study culture and sciences, as well as just to be able to communicate with them. He can also read and write in all of them, though he usually can't speak them very well.

  • Alchemy - Sage is very talented in Alchemy, and has a strong passion for it. He believes that his purpose in life is to use his skill in Alchemy to heal others, and that Estel assigned him specifically to do so. While initially he did this simply out of duty, he eventually came to love doing it.

  • Medicine - Along with Alchemy comes Medicine. His time spent learning this craft isn't nearly as much as his other, and is really just a side-effect of his Alchemical healing process. He has gone to a school for this during his travels, but doesn't take too much years to study on his own time (only about 5 or 6).

  • Plant Knowledge - Being a Yanar and an Alchemist, he has a natural knack for Plants. He's never taken any classes for this, instead simply learning from experience. He also has had plenty of first hand experience with plants all over Aloria, and had plenty of time to look at and study them.


  • Barkage - Due to his long age, Sage had developed several disabilities, one of which has never healed. His right arm, and chest region around the shoulder, is covered in hard bark that prevents quick movement from it.Along with his arm, his knees are also covered in bark. This makes it so that he can't run nearly as fast, though he typically never needs to. It also makes reaching low things a bit more difficult, as he can't bend them too easily.

  • Non-Violence - While it could be viewed as a Talent or Strength, it is also a weakness. Sage has determined himself strictly a Healer, and has sworn to the oath of non-violence. This would include if his life was at stake, or if someone else's was. His policy also applies to others, and he would go out of his way to prevent violence.
Personality and Abilities

  • Sage can often be seen smiling softly. In addition, he tends to chuckle slightly at the silly things that the "young-lings" around him do. He tends to space off a little when only engaged in small talk, and will make sure to observe his surroundings when entering a new place.

  • Sage is very good at playing instruments, though has never gone to any school for such and only plays songs he composes himself. These instruments include Guitar, Lute, and Flute. Along with that, he has a pretty decent singing voice, and will often accompany his Guitar playing with singing in Imperial Elvish.

  • Sage loves birch trees. While all plants are dear to him, he is particularly fond of birch. This is probably because of the colour of their bark with the golden colour their leaves tend to turn. The guitar is his favourite instrument, and during his solitary years he would play it alone in the forest. Healing is also on his list of things he loves to do. Nothing makes his day more than helping someone recover.

  • Being an old Yanar, he tends to have a passive disliking of Shendar. While they can certainly prove themselves to him, he will address them as "Grey one" or possibly even "Voidling" if he's feeling upset. Snow is also something he dislikes, though not as much as Shendar. He would much rather have a sunny day, than a cold and wet one.


Nakra Dalassenos @Ceilidhe - "Sister" - Nakra was one of the first people that Sage met, and ever since they have considered each other siblings. While he goes for decades without seeing her, the two often manage to meet and catch up.
Llyrie Willowheart - Lover - Sage has only ever fallen in love with someone once; a Yanar by the name of Llyrie (Lyre-i) Willowheart. He met her during his time studying the Seraph ruins in New Cerdia, and the two both shared a love for alchemy. She passed away in 250 Ac, almost 100 years after they first met, when they were attacked by a troop of Shendar.
Yanar - Sage is more friendly to Yanar than other races, and considers all to be his siblings, children, or nephews(/nieces).

Life Story

Creation - Early Ac

Ellayu'laënte'levilaqën'esstenëcealosács'bolesyhëlle was born in the year 40Bc, as one of the first Yanar created. He was born knowing how to speak both Imperial and Modern Elven, in order to better communicate with the Elves. After almost a year had passed, he started studying and using herbs. He continued this, and assigned himself to be a healer for the people getting attacked. During this time he met Nakra Dalassenos at a village that had been raided by Shendar, and made friends with her during a healing session. As the war progressed he became more and more nervous, and fled into the forest to live in solitude for awhile. He later felt the Night of the Falling Star occur, and decided he would live his life you heal others for as long as he could.

In the year 20Bc he decided to leave the grove that he'd been living at and headed south to explore the world. After nearly 5 years of wandering and sailing he came to an Allar town in Sendras, where he learned Zasta and adopted the name of Sage Havenwood. With this knowledge he attended a school for Alchemy and stayed there for 20 years learning. He started collecting as many ancient books as he could, and eventually managed to learn Shalota. With his new knowledge of Alchemy aquired, he headed to Farah'deen seeking to learn of their advanced technology, though accidentily arrived in Daen again after 4 years. He decided to stay for awhile, and took the time to learn Common after several years.

Once he had completed that, he left heading to Farah'deen once more, and arrived after about 20 years. He promptly started learning Sofaal, and spent his time there researching what plantlife he could find. After satisfied, he headed down to the Evokai islands where he hoped to study Kleinfolk. The simplicity of their language puzzled him, and it took him nearly 15 years to learn it. After ten years he had finished his work there, and decided to go back to Sendras to learn what was new in Alchemy.

He sailed there, and after ten years had passed he determined it best to attend an Alchemy School once more. He then went into the jungle, and lived a life of seclusion for 20 years to further study plants and animals.

130 Ac - 306 Ac

After 20 years had passed, Sage Havenwood decided to head back to New Cerdia. He finally arrived in Corontium, and after awhile of traveling around he set off to Regalia. During his time in Regalia he studied Medicine. 15 years had passed and he headed over to the Far East to study their culture. He started studying their language, and while he got little bits of it down, he stopped trying after 5 years.

With this mission failed, he started sailing back to Regalia, only to stop in Essalonia. During his time there, he went and lived in the Laurin Valley for about two years, and spent much time around the Seraph Ruins located there. His next stop was Pomeroy, where he stayed for a few months studying the Seraph relics they had and met Llyrie Willowheart. He adopted the name of Ynwyn Willowheart.

After learning what he could about the ancient civilization, he left to live life in seclusion once again, though with Llyrie. After 30 years of being away from civilization, he left to Sendras once more, where he arrived after almost a year. There he started learning once more about what had been discovered in Alchemy during his time elsewhere, and mastered making the new medical formulas.

Together Llyrie and Ynwyn started a buisness called Willow's Apothecary, where they healed injured travelers and townsfolk for low prices. After 11 years they left to go back to Daen, where they continued their buisness. Not much happened for 50 years, and they lived happily doing what they loved; helping others.

During a trip to gather some herbs, they encountered a group of Shendar in the forests of Daen. They were immediately attacked, and with one well aimed arrow Llyrie was rendered near death. She lived for about a week more, then with her passing Ynwyn created a "Soul Tree".

To do this, he planted a tree seed above where Llyrie was burried. This way her essence, and her soul, would be put into the tree and she would be reborn in a way. The type of tree was a Willow, and Ynwym made sure it was hidden from the path of any traveller wandering through the forest. He lived in seclusion after that, and the Willow's Apothecary vanished without anyone knowing why. He made his grove around the tree, and created several Yanil to live there.

Twenty years passed, and he decided to leave the grove and head to Regalia. He grew a thick barrier of trees around the grove before he left, and left his Yanil to protect it as best they could. The journey to Regalia took about 11 years, as he stopped many times along the way, and it took him even longer to head into the larger parts of the city.

  • 40Bc - Creation
  • 40Bc - Learned Modern Elven
  • 40Bc - Started studying herbs
  • 40Bc - Met Nakra
  • 40Bc - Fled to the deep parts of the surrounding forest, more study time
  • 20Bc - Started exploring Aloria (Went south)
  • 15Bc - Picked up Zasta
  • 15Bc - Attended Alchemy School
  • 4Ac - Studied Shalota
  • 6Ac - Headed off to Farah'deen
  • 10Ac - Arrived in Daen
  • 20Ac - Studied Common
  • 30Ac - Started traveling to Farah'deen again
  • 50Ac - Arrived in Farah'deen
  • 50Ac - Studied Sofaal
  • 55Ac - Headed to the Evokai Islands
  • 70Ac - Managed to finally (fully) learn Evokk
  • 80Ac - Headed back to Sendrass
  • 90Ac - Attended another Alchemy School
  • 110Ac - Went back to seclusion in the jungle.
  • 130Ac - Headed to New Cerdia
  • 131Ac - Stopped in Corontium
  • 134Ac - Started traveling to Regalia
  • 135Ac - Arrived in Regalia
  • 150Ac - Headed to the Far East
  • 151Ac - Started trying to learn Tatsugo
  • 154Ac - Dropped Tatsugo
  • 154Ac - Started sailing back to Regalia
  • 154Ac - Stopped in Essalonia
  • 154Ac - Started living in the Laurin Valley
  • 155Ac - Met Llyrie
  • 156Ac - Went to Pomeroy
  • 157Ac - Life of seclusion once more
  • 187Ac - Headed back to Sendras
  • 198Ac- Travelled to Daen
  • 250Ac - Death of Llyrie
  • 280Ac - Started traveling to Regalia
  • 291Ac - Arrived in Regalia
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Let's get right into the review!
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done.

This being my first character, and a very unusual one, I expect it might need quite a bit of work

I suggest you do a bit more reading on the Yanar wiki page. ↥

  • Please, spoiler all information that is considered to be an expansion and/or optional.
Basic Information
  • Keep in mind that the oldest Yanar is around 350 years old, which is currently how old you've made your character out to be. I highly suggest ageing them down for playability purposes and editing the rest of your character application accordingly to fit their new age. I understand that you've made them out to be one of the few Yanar to first be brought into the world, but I personally feel that this is, rather, specializing them, and since this is your first character, doing so might be best.
  • Please elaborate on your character's main ambition as 'knowledge' is considerably broad. What does your character hope to gain knowledge in? Your main ambition should be something your character can work towards in roleplay.
Skill Information
  • Please have your character be moved down from Scholar to Learned or anything below that, keeping them at Warrior level at the School of Turall, or remove their training at the School of Turall as a whole.
Members of any Alchemical discipline are unable to attend a Combat School at the same time, but may be tutored up to Fighter level in a combat school if an Alchemist has not yet reached Scholar level.

Visual Information

  • Having your character be a Warrior of the School of Turall, they would sport a ripped physique, though their bodybuild would also have to accompany their type of Ovalation.
Personality and Abilities
  • Have each paragraph be at least four-five sentences long, following the template.
  • Head/label your paragraphs.
  • Each talent must contain at least three sentences minimum expanding on the skill.
  • Since your character is a Scholar of the School of Alchemy, and a Warrior of the School of Turall, you must incorporate his training and mentoring in both as separate talents.
  • You can only have three talents maximum, unless you balance it out by adding a weakness. Once you add and expand on their talents regarding their schools that they have attended, you will either have to remove one of your already existing talents, or add at least once weakness.
Life Story
  • I suggest this be highly fleshed out, making an effort to better tie information and events together.
Add a summarized plot line of your character's life story. The point of the Life Story is not to give a novella long list of events that happened in the character's life, it's supposed to just create a summary of the person's life, while keeping a keen eye on explaining the previous points. The life story is supposed to tie together and provide background information as to why and how the person became what they are. It is required to limit your Life Story to about 3-4 paragraphs with no more than 800-900 words. If you want to, you can include a full Life Chronicles behind your Life Story where you go deeper into detail, with no upper limit for words, however this will not be reviewed. Keep in mind that all crucial factors should be in the Life Story, as the approval only counts for the information in the Life Story and information in the Life Chronicles may not be lore canon.
Skill Information
  • Please have your character be moved down from Scholar to Learned or anything below that, keeping them at Warrior level at the School of Turall, or remove their training at the School of Turall as a whole.
I understand this, but is there any reason as to why other than simply nerfing characters? (I am planning to get rid of it, this is simply something that's been bothering me)
Let's get right into the review!
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done.

I suggest you do a bit more reading on the Yanar wiki page. ↥

  • Please, spoiler all information that is considered to be an expansion and/or optional.
Basic Information
  • Keep in mind that the oldest Yanar is around 350 years old, which is currently how old you've made your character out to be. I highly suggest ageing them down for playability purposes and editing the rest of your character application accordingly to fit their new age. I understand that you've made them out to be one of the few Yanar to first be brought into the world, but I personally feel that this is, rather, specializing them, and since this is your first character, doing so might be best.
  • Please elaborate on your character's main ambition as 'knowledge' is considerably broad. What does your character hope to gain knowledge in? Your main ambition should be something your character can work towards in roleplay.
Skill Information
  • Please have your character be moved down from Scholar to Learned or anything below that, keeping them at Warrior level at the School of Turall, or remove their training at the School of Turall as a whole.

Visual Information

  • Having your character be a Warrior of the School of Turall, they would sport a ripped physique, though their bodybuild would also have to accompany their type of Ovalation.
Personality and Abilities
  • Have each paragraph be at least four-five sentences long, following the template.
  • Head/label your paragraphs.
  • Each talent must contain at least three sentences minimum expanding on the skill.
  • Since your character is a Scholar of the School of Alchemy, and a Warrior of the School of Turall, you must incorporate his training and mentoring in both as separate talents.
  • You can only have three talents maximum, unless you balance it out by adding a weakness. Once you add and expand on their talents regarding their schools that they have attended, you will either have to remove one of your already existing talents, or add at least once weakness.
Life Story
  • I suggest this be highly fleshed out, making an effort to better tie information and events together.
I'll be adding a lot of content (mostly the Life Story, rip), so my next edit may take awhile. I'll be sure to tag you when I've finished.
@JennaLikesCoffee I've made edits. Not to the Life Story, Relationships, or Personality though. I feel that the Skill section may need a closer looking-at, though.
Skill Information
  • Please remove one of your schools as there should never really be more than two schools per character.
  • Once again, when you decide which two schools to keep, you must include their mentoring and training in both if your character has a significant skill in either, expanding on each as separate talents. You may only have three talents per character unless you add weaknesses to balance it out.
  • 'Disability' is not an effective weakness as it is rather too broad. Separate each disability your character may have and expand on each.
Skill Information
  • Please remove one of your schools as there should never really be more than two schools per character.
While I can see the reasoning to this, no where does it say on the wiki that these schools with these levels can be together. Have I looked over something?

  • Once again, when you decide which two schools to keep, you must include their mentoring and training in both if your character has a significant skill in either, expanding on each as separate talents. You may only have three talents per character unless you add weaknesses to balance it out.
  • 'Disability' is not an effective weakness as it is rather too broad. Separate each disability your character may have and expand on each.
Will do.

(Some edits have been made, as well as some formatting and making it look purtty @JennaLikesCoffee )
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While I can see the reasoning to this, no where does it say on the wiki that these schools with these levels can be together. Have I looked over something?

Will do.

(Some edits have been made, as well as some formatting and making it look purtty @JennaLikesCoffee )
It's not really a matter of whether the schools go together or not, but a matter of maxing out your character. A player really shouldn't have more than two schools listed.
It's not really a matter of whether the schools go together or not, but a matter of maxing out your character. A player really shouldn't have more than two schools listed.
I see. Wouldn't it be stranger, though, if he didn't have knowledge of plants? Being an Alchemist and Yanar, I mean.
Edits have been made, including the Personality and Abilities (Expansion) section being filled out. (@JennaLikesCoffee )
Looking good so far! I suggest that when it comes to their weaknesses, however, you blend the two you have written out so far, seeing as they pretty much talk about the same thing: Bark formation. You will need to create another weakness because of this, having a total of two to balance out your character's talents. Perhaps branch away from physical weaknesses to give your character a bit more depth.
Looking good so far! I suggest that when it comes to their weaknesses, however, you blend the two you have written out so far, seeing as they pretty much talk about the same thing: Bark formation. You will need to create another weakness because of this, having a total of two to balance out your character's talents. Perhaps branch away from physical weaknesses to give your character a bit more depth.
Alrighty. I've almost finished writing the Life Story, and I'll edit this post to tag you once I've done so.
(First chunk has been added, as well as Weakness edits @JennaLikesCoffee )
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Looking good so far! I suggest that when it comes to their weaknesses, however, you blend the two you have written out so far, seeing as they pretty much talk about the same thing: Bark formation. You will need to create another weakness because of this, having a total of two to balance out your character's talents. Perhaps branch away from physical weaknesses to give your character a bit more depth.
I've put in red sections that I'm not sure about, btw @JennaLikesCoffee
  • Polyglot - He's taken the time to learn as much languages as he can, as to be able to read more ancient books. This includes;Common, Modern Elven, Imperial Elven, Zasta, Sofaal, Evokk, and Shalota. He learned these languages in order to better study culture and sciences, as well as just to be able to communicate with them. He can also read and write in all of them, though he usually can't speak them very well.
Shalota can't be learned as it was a language that only just appeared back in the minds of the Maraya. The original language was lost when the Mayarya were the only race around

I'd maybe clear out the air that Zasta can't be spoken clearly as it's a number of hissing that just can't be repeated by non-Naylar races with simple ease. Basic phrases I am sure it possible but I have doubts they could speak the language at all fluently.

I'd maybe clear out the air that Zasta can't be spoken clearly as it's a number of hissing that just can't be repeated by non-Naylar races with simple ease.
Yanar are literally shapeshifters... On a more reasonable argument, "with simple ease" is never something described as how it is for him, though after a few centuries one tends to pick up a language.
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Alrighty. I've almost finished writing the Life Story, and I'll edit this post to tag you once I've done so.
(First chunk has been added, as well as Weakness edits @JennaLikesCoffee )
Looks good! I'll have a better look at it tonight, though your life story must include all important aspects and events in your characters life in relative depth, not just BC.
Keep in mind that since your character has attended the School of Medicine, they would have to be required to take an oath of doing no harm. This should be represented in his 'Non-Violence' talent, as well as possibly editing their weapon of choice.
From now on whenever I make edits I'd like to just simply tag your last post with a "Constructive". Is that alright? (Changed to this have been made)
Hello again! I'm going to go ahead and give you another week for the next set of edits to be made or else I'm going to have to reject the application.
Hello again! I'm going to go ahead and give you another week for the next set of edits to be made or else I'm going to have to reject the application.
Things are going slow due to other things I'm busy with, but I've updated the timeline to fit better with years, and added what I have so far on the next part of the Life Story. Much more should be coming soon.
Things are going slow due to other things I'm busy with, but I've updated the timeline to fit better with years, and added what I have so far on the next part of the Life Story. Much more should be coming soon.
Looking good so far! Please have the next set of edits completed by Sunday. If you need more time, please contact me over PM and we can discuss a further final date.
Things are going slow due to other things I'm busy with, but I've updated the timeline to fit better with years, and added what I have so far on the next part of the Life Story. Much more should be coming soon.
Looking good so far! Please have the next set of edits completed by Sunday. If you need more time, please contact me over PM and we can discuss a further final date.