Safe In Your Arms

Milo let out a choked sob,his tears staining the worn oak floorboards. His eyes were glazed over in fear and his body was shaking like a leaf in a storm. In his panicked state Milo hadn't noticed another figure push aside the curtian he used as a makeshift door or heard them walk over to him. Crouching down in front of them the figure said
"Milo I'm going to need you to calm down buddy." The boy whimpered and tried to push himself further away from him, fists grasping at air in a futile attempt to keep whoever it was at bay.
"Milo it's me,Anthony. Come on I need you to listen to me bud." Anthony said,his strong hands gripping the youngers shoulder,causing him to freak even more.
"No touch no touch no touch! Gerroff Ant,gerroff no touch!" He yelled. The elder kept his hold firm with one hand but let go with the other to run it through Milo's hair.
"Calm down. Take deep breaths, that's it you doing great buddy." The boy had calmed slighty, and Anthony donned it enough to try and get him to do his counting exercise that they normally did in one of these situations.
"Milo,I want you to tell me five things you can see in this room, could ya do that for me bud?" He asked,hand never ceasing to caress through his hair in a brotherly manner.
"I....I...there's' you....then'' a' Snarls.." He stuttered out,waves of anxiety and fear still flowing through his body.
"Well done mate! Now I want you to tell me four things you can hear." Milo gave a shakey nod, curling into Anthony's touch.
"You...a-annoyin' lady' me t-talkin'.." This earned another grin for the older of the pair and Anthony carried on to ask for him to tell him 3 things he could feel.
"You on hair... then the f-floor. I feel...feel the wind from...the broken win-window.."
"Your doing great Milo. Now tell me two things you can smell." This caused Milo to giggle slightly,his attack slowly passing, though there was a ghost of its presence still coating the room.
"You. Me...We s-stink.." Anthony chuckled too,pulling the boy onto his lap and wrapping his arms around him.
"I know last one i-" Milo was cut of by a yawn,his eyelids drooping.
"Yeah you do. It's taste and you know what? I don't think we need to awnser that, I think you need some sleep." Milo nodded and let of another yawn before giving into the world of darkness,knowing he was safe in his brothers arms and that even the scariest of demons couldn't harm him here.

Hello you amazing people,hope you like this one I wrote. I decided not to do a song one today as I couldn't find a decent song and I was inspired by some events today (thank you @bxrnes and @Faith_Bug and I have a weird recollection of @Diaprit asking about his back story, though idk for certian XD) and wanted to give everyone a little insight on the relationship Milo has with his brother. Milo is 9 in this and for those of you wondering, Snarls was his very cute,might I say so myself, stuffed mouse,that he kept until he was 12 when he lost it running from some guards. Love ya'll in a non-gay way <3
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