Preserved Sheet Saeunn Farbjorg

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Your uncle
Jul 30, 2016
Reaction score
out of the blue
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Saeunn Farbjorg
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Slizzar
  • Main Ambition: Power, specifically a less-than-legal leadership position as she enjoys having people work for her
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Orange
  • Hair Color: Red
  • Hair Style: Long, loose tentacles
  • Skin Color: Dark grey with dark purple markings
  • Clothing: A loose canvas shirt with a leather jerkin, a blue woolen cap, and, when in her Shifted Shape, black trousers and leather ankle boots
  • Height: 5'4"
  • Body Build: Skinny
  • Weapon of Choice: Lyre Magic
    • Preservation Lyre Magic, Caster Level
    • Dream Lyre Magic, Caster Level

  • Eccentric: Saeunn is a rather eccentric person, owing largely to a prominent childhood figure known to her as Uncle Scheu. She had been rather odd before meeting the man, but she picked up quite a few uncommon quirks and habits from Scheu. She enjoys wearing loud, colorful clothing, often with clashing colors. She has several nervous tics which become prominent at odd times, such as using the bow of her violin to comb her hair. In addition, she enjoys composing songs at inopportune times about inopportune things.
  • Optimistic: Saeunn has a tendency to look on the bright side of things, even in a grim situation. She will find hope even where there is none, but this helps her to keep going when most would quit. She will also see the good in people, even those who are considered inherently evil. At any given time, Saeunn can be expected to be in a generally happy and buoyant mood.
  • Indifferent: Saeunn doesn't usually see anyone as better or worse than another person, except for herself, of course. While this does make her very tolerant of other races and religions, it also means that she won't consider anyone's life more important than that of another. She doesn't recognize someone in a position of power to have any real control over her, and likewise she won't understand why a fellow Slizzar is being treated worse than an Ailor. This often can lead to altercations regarding rank or respect.
  • Enthusiastic: Saeunn is very energetic and will throw herself into a new project or idea with zeal. She is eager to complete her goals and will fervently work in order to do so. When she meets someone new, she will normally come off as bubbly and cheerful, simply from her excess of enthusiasm and excitement. Because of this, she is often easily entertained, becoming eagerly attached to almost anything new.
  • Fickle: Saeunn does not like to stick to one objective, and will flit from interest to interest. She has a very hard time focusing on anything for more than an hour or two. In the past, she has even done this with friends, picking up some and dropping a few when they no longer interested her. Of course, this makes her good at multitasking but inept when it comes to focusing on the task at hand.
  • Flirtatious: In her dealings with anyone she considers even remotely attractive, she will become rather flirtatious, sometimes unintentionally. Sometimes, she can come off as smooth and clever, but other times she can be dismissed as overly cheesy and cliche. She shows little to no hesitation when approaching a possible romantic interest. However, she dislikes commitment and is not liable to stick with a partner for very long, in the unlikely event that she actually gains a partner.
  • Lyre Magic: Saeunn is a practitioner of Lyre Magic, and is rather learned in both of her subtypes. She can cast both Dream Lyre and Preservation Lyre, both at Caster level. Her violin, which she uses for Lyre Magic, is almost always on her person and has been since she was seven. She will use her magic for both moral and immoral purposes, but always to her advantage.
  • Intelligent: Saeunn was tutored by her parents from a very young age. She learned to speak both common and Zasta, and she is learned in the culture and history of the Ailor. She was also tutored in mathematics by Sara Howells, who taught the girl Lyre Magic. She learned extremely clumsy Modern Elven phrases from Adam Scheu, and knows a great deal of the history of the Elven Empire.
  • Manipulative: Saeunn is very persuasive in swaying others to her cause. She will spend time getting to know a person simply in order to manipulate them. She is quite good at getting to know what people want, and she enjoys manipulation, considering it a sort of twisted art form. She uses her mind magic to aid in this, but even without magic, she has a rather persuasive silver tongue.
  • Phobias: Saeunn has a great number of fears for a great number of reasons. She is terrified of fire, due to her run-ins with a Fire Mage and the obvious implications of fire on a pirate ship, and she will break into a cold sweat whenever she sees a fire source, even as small as a candle. She is also deathly afraid of storms, again, due to the fact that they do not bode well for sailors. She will often cower in fear inside until a storm ends, even a light rain. Finally, Saeunn is terrified of being alone, and will often seek out crowds and friendship to console herself. She is liable to break down in tears whenever she is alone.
  • Burn scars: Most of Saeunn's lower torso and below are covered in faded burn scars left by a Fire Mage on the boat to Regalia. These are extremely painful to touch, and even the feeling of clothing on these areas bothers her immensely. Since the affected area covers nearly half of her body, this makes for a rather large weak point. This incident left her wary of fire, but not to the extent of her fear of water.
  • Tunnel vision: Saeunn has very little peripheral vision, and has had this weakness since birth. As such, she doesn't realize anything is missing and will often be entirely oblivious to events happening around her. As a side effect of this, she has little spatial awareness and is quite clumsy. She is very vulnerable to attacks coming from any angle besides head-on, and this often inhibits her magic as she has a harder time focusing on her target.

Saeunn Farbjorg was born in a small town in eastern Ellador, on the third of December, 282 AC. Her mother decided to name her after a Northerne Ailor which she had become close friends with. She was taught to speak both Common and Zasta by her father, and spent much of her childhood simply learning about Ailor culture.

When Saeunn was seven, she watched a street performer play a violin. She became strangely fascinated by the instrument, and, with the determination only a child could muster, managed to convince her parents to get her a violin. As neither of her parents had actually played a violin before, the girl was mostly self-taught, and as such her melodies are often wildly different from many traditional violin melodies.

When she was fourteen, she discovered to her delight that there was an entire form of magic focused on music, Lyre Magic. After a few months of searching, she found a willing tutor by the name of Sara Howells, who lived relatively close to Saeunn. Sara taught the girl both the Dream Lyre and Preservation Lyre subtypes. At this time, the girl's days were entirely filled with Lyre Magic, violin practice, and studying, whether it be Ailor culture or world history or mathematics. Two years after Saeunn began learning magic, her family was visited by one of her uncles, who was her mother's younger brother. The uncle, whose name was Adam Scheu, was rather eccentric and immediately took notice of Saeunn's Lyre Magic, treating it with curiosity and respect. In their short time together, Uncle Scheu managed to pass on a myriad of odd behavioral quirks and habits, including but not limited to the tendency to constantly be humming, and to stand at an "at ease" position even though neither Saeunn nor Uncle Scheu were ever in any sort of army.

When Saeunn was eighteen, her Uncle Scheu moved away, to the relief of everyone involved. However, he left Saeunn a multitude of books on Lyre Magic so that she could continue her studies even after he was gone. The girl began to enjoy the magic more and more, even more so than her original giddy delight towards it. A few months after Adam Scheu left, Saeunn left her parents to go to Regalia, where she planned to both integrate into Regalian society and possibly further her magical abilities.

However, her journey to the Crown Isle was cut short when the ship she was on was attacked by pirates. Saeunn was taken hostage due to the fact that she was a Slizzar, and none of the pirates had ever seen one of her kind before. Within a few months, they discovered her talents for Lyre magic and she was quickly made the ship's resident mage. Saeunn pulled a few more strings, discovered that the captain had a certain fondness for her, and within a year she had become the ship's first mate. She had quite a bit of fun with the crew of pirates, as she took delight in pillaging and raiding, but when she was twenty-two she announced that she was, regretfully, leaving the pirates and continuing her original mission to integrate into Regalian society. She stowed away on a cargo ship bound for Regalia, bidding farewell to her old friends.

While she was on the boat to Regalia, the Bone Horror invasion began, leaving the girl mostly unaware of the creatures' existence. On the ship, she had several run-ins with a Fire Mage, whom she insulted due to the fact that they had expressed their distaste for Slizzar. After the seventh such altercation, Saeunn threatened the mage with her magic, and the mage responded in kind. Afterwards, Saeunn was left with terrible burn scars from the lower torso downwards. Only a few days after this incident, she stole a rather expensive necklace from a sailor aboard the ship, who proceeded to toss the girl off of the ship. She was saved within minutes, but due to the fact that the water was rather choppy, it was still a near miss. When she arrived in Regalia, she found herself immersed into an alien land. However, she was ready to dive into a new world and solve its problems.
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Just a couple small tweaks on this one:
  • Minimum age for casting is 14, bump this up from 13 in the life story. It has little impact since you are able to be caster in both even with this later start.
  • I don't full understand the main ambition. Why does she want to gain power? What kind of power does she want to gain? The main ambition really sets the stage for where the character is headed in RP and I don't really see what could be going on with this ambition. Does she want to join another group and become prominent? Does she want to be more law-abiding now or is she seeking a criminal thing to commit herself too? Does she desire to have subordinates, or does she just like being near the leader of a group? There is a lot of directions you can take this thirst for power. Suffice to say, just be a tad more specific with the ambition.
Make some edits and then tag me @TheOverseer__