Preserved Sheet Sae'ra Velulaei’eyha.

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Oct 7, 2016
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Basic Information

  • Full Name: Sae'ra Velulaei'eyha.
  • Age: 26.
  • Birth date: 21st of February 278 AC
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Saivalthar.
  • Main Ambition: With his arrival, aided by his elder brother, Sae'ra wishes to further his magical abilities through studying, in the hopes to be seen as worthy in the eyes of his brother.
  • Special Permission: N/A
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Sky blue.
  • Hair Color: Platinum blonde, with two thin streaks of tawny orange.
  • Hair Style: kept medium length and well-groomed. Hanging just above his shoulders, the platinum locks frame his angular face, with the front falling against his cheeks, shorter than the rest of the length. His hair also features two tawny orange streaks which he keeps pulled back, mingling with his combed back fringe to create a high pony tail, held together with a band of leather and assorted beads.
  • Skin Color: His skin is porcelain white, almost giving off the effect of being as light as his hair with a smooth texture. The only exception to this being the multiple scars that litter his body.
  • Clothing: Sae'ra wears a simple dark blue robe with brown accents, reaching the length of his ankles. Adorning a pair of taupe shoes.
  • Height: 6'
  • Weight: 109 pounds.
  • Body Build: Ectomorph, lithe, cadaverous.
  • Weapon of Choice: Student level, Antimagic along with Alchemical potions.

  • Scars: His back and chest are covered in various sized whip lashes, deep scars and indents. Running along the length of his right forearm are various scars from self inflicted harm along with larger whip lashes. Adorned like jewelry upon his left wrist lays a rather large carving of the letter 'L' the initial of his brothers name.

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

  • Arrogant: Sae'ra is often abrupt and at times extremely blunt. Becoming extremely irritated if conversations are not steered in the direction he wants, although his words have the tendency to flow like honey, once he realizes his efforts are in vain, he tends to become rather hostile, letting his ego get the better of the situation. On more than one occasion his hostility resulted in Sae'ra being attacked, leaving his brother to attempt to resolve the situation that had broken out.

  • Intelligent: Although at times he may not be the wisest when it comes to understanding other races or even his own, his devotion to the art of magic is exquisite. Dedicating his time to growing as a mage, Sae'ra flourishes in the world of books, continually seeking ways to enhance his abilities. Becoming a stronger mage was his top priority, although he seeked to better understand the way in which the races that resided within Regalia worked, without causing further conflict than he already had.

  • Sadomasochistic: Like all Saivalthar, Sae'ra was brought up to believe that suffering through physically inflicted pain was heroic, and that magic reigned supreme. Due to the conditioning of his mind from such a young age, it isn't unusual that he developed a sort of gratification towards such activities. Along with this, a fetish like obsession for pain and suffering to be inflicted upon himself and others arose. His sharp tongue lead to him being attacked by a Tigran, his wit combined with his sadistic tendencies made the animal wary, ending the encounter abruptly.

  • Narrow minded: Sae'ra followed in his brother, Llytaei's footsteps, almost like a shadow, whatever his brother believed he believed. Because of this, like his kin, he has the tendency to be extremely narrow minded and stubborn. He dislikes listening to anything anyone has to say unless they are directly related to him. He cannot handle being told he is wrong, and will lash out, fueling heavy arguments against anyone below him who does not agree with his views. Leading to him being seen by many as unbearable to be around.

  • Possessive: Believing that when one is invested in another, they should solely belong to them, the extent of this sometimes leading to him carving his name into the flesh of past lovers, forcing them to show their utter devotion to him. Although not all of the weaker subjects survived the process, his delicate craftsmanship with a knife became better with the practice. Sae'ra had felt love and compassion towards many of his lovers, making their passings unfortunate to him. As time passed, he fought to feel anything other than anger towards anyone he may class as a future interest, finding that his brother was the only one he could truly love. This may lead to further fights, as Sae'ra attempts to protect Llytaei from anyone who may cause him harm, a further extension of his possesiveness.

  • Manipulative: Due to his possessive tendencies, Sae'ra tends to come off as condescending towards those he views as below him. Over the years he learned how to use his silver tongue to get what he desired. Sugar coating his words often played a large role in this. Like a child, no was never an option. Sae'ra tends to use words in order to persuade and manipulate others, praying on the naive and weak as the success rate proved to be higher than if he attempted to sweet-talk someone of a higher intelligence. A failed attempt of gaining the trust of said higher intelligence could result in his fragile state being injured if caught out in the act.


  • Pain tolerance: All Saivalthar mages are trained to harness pain with a trance and cast through it. Sae'ra was taught by Llytaei and trained to believe that suffering through physical pain was heroic. This combining with his self mutilation came to naturally bring a higher pain tolerance than most.

  • Scarification: The pain he inflicted on himself and others soon become a twisted hobby, delicately slicing at the skin to create intricate designs. After years of practice, his work went from self harm to an art-form, a painfully beautiful way of self expression. His work is what helped identify those he had 'encountered', the proof of him laying his hands upon another, After many months of practicing on the skin of slaves when lovers were not avaliabe, Sae'ra branched out to family members, often enscribing the names of loved ones upon them. a simple 'S' within a crescent moon, softly decorated with small circles accompanied his procedures producing a signature of sorts.

  • Antimagic: Although he is only a student, he'd like to believe with the aid of his brother and every book he could find on how to correctly cast, that he was a decent mage for his level. Sae'ra is able to channel an antimagic spell onto a mage, but only distort their magic usage to a degree, muffling it but not blocking it out completely. Sae'ra relies almost solely on the use of his magic for defense, thus making it imperative that he becomes a stronger caster. Not only to aid himself physcially but to mentally prove his worth to those who may have doubted him as a child.


  • Temper: Sae'ra is unable to control his temper, once set off, he becomes extremely hostile, acting sporadically and without thought. He lashes out, with the intention to hurt whatever may lay in his way, depending on the severity of his burst of anger. These outbursts may land him in severe trouble one day, and is something that cannot be controlled very well, no matter how much he has worked to solve it.

  • Submissive: Although he comes off as an egomaniac like brat, Sae'ra is extremely submissive towards his brother, those of a higher status along with anyone of a larger stature. He knows his place. And with the right words will melt in a player's hands.

  • High Blood pressure: Passed through genetics like those before him, Sae'ra has slowly started to develop a high blood pressure, at times he will occasionally go through mild dizziness, tiredness and weakness, especially after wielding his magic. These spells can last anywhere from minutes to hours.

  • Weak back and right arm: As a child and well into adolescence, Sae'ra was often put through acts of flagellation, whippings and self mutilation, he sustained horrific injuries throughout his earlier years, as a result his back and forearm of his right arm cause him great deals of pain along with straining them both. Although the pain is enjoyable to a degree, this can sometimes affect his magic as it pains him too much to cast from his right arm, a serious issue for a weaker mage.

Life Story

278 AC - 290 AC Childhood (1-12)

  • Born to Sin'tri and Iatrilemar Velulaei'eyha within the continent of Saivale.The family being highborn in Saivale afforded a comfortable estate within the husks of the ancient elven cities.

  • During his childhood Sae'ra was tutored alongside his older brother of eight years Llytaei, the wisdom of the tutoring allowed them both to gain common insight of literature and elven language.

  • Alongside basic tutoring, the brothers were taught to believe like all Saivalthar that suffering through physical pain is heroic and that magic reigns supreme, their father often put them through acts of flagellation to teach the children that suffering through pain was 'heroic'.

  • Sae'ra and Llytaei shared a bed together and even went as far as to experiment with each other often, something he usually enjoyed.

  • During one of his father's 'teachings' Sae'ra collapsed. His father claimed he was weak and no true Saivalthar, this left Sae'ra upset, however with his brothers help he came around, although he still believed his father, putting himself down more, resulting in multiple emotional outbursts towards his peers.
290 AC - 298 Adolescence (13-20)

  • At the age of thirteen, Sae'ra had progressed with his tutoring, being further educated with literature, gaining a more advanced understanding of what nations exist in the world, and was now admitted into a local academy. Due to obsession with his older brother, Sae'ra begun training in antimagic.

  • Progressed with his antimagic, having a far clearer understanding of such. Sae'ra is able to channel an Antimagic spell onto another mage, but only distort their magic usage to a large degree, muffling it but not blocking it out completely.

  • House Velulaei'eyha and its supporters have been disgraced. Due to his father crossing words with a few members of the Magistratum, his father and few of his personal supporters have been seen openly mocking them.

  • His older brother Llytaei knowing how this will end formed a plan to flee the city, Sae'ra followed without question with little to nothing. Soughting acceptance upon a ship leaving Saivale, ending up in Arvost, more specifically Arvost City.

  • Life outside of Saivale is extremely different, although Sae'ra is content to be with his brother. Both of the brothers adapt to the types of new races, people and languages, especially common tongue. Despite his learning sessions, Sae'ra continually struggled with the learning of such a strange language.
299 AC - Present Day (21-26)

  • The two brothers remained in Arvost for roughly about three and half years, with their status of commoners within the city of Arvost remaining unchanged. Llytaei gathered Sae'ra, deciding to break wind and pursue life within Regalia.

  • Arrives in Regalia and within a few months has slowly begun settling within the city, with the guidance of his brother, and the help of the few books he managed to bring with him, he once more begun to study the art of antimagic.
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Let's get riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight into the review!
  • The minimum requirement for personality traits is 4-5 sentences per trait, while you only have 2 on some of them. Try explaining how they affect him in social situations.
  • Rename Arrogant to Silver Tongued.
  • Add one sentence to Scarification.
  • Add one sentence to Antimagic.
  • What is his birthday?
Make the edits in red and tag me when you're done.
I'm so sorry. I hadn't had much sleep when I posted the review, so inevitably I made a mistake.

Can you rename Silver Tongued back to Arrogant and remove mention of being silver tongued in that trait? Just say he's abrupt and sometimes blunt.