Preserved Sheet Saelihn Ceretlan

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Oct 16, 2016
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Basic Information

  • Full Name: Saelihn Ceretlan
  • Age: 57
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Isldar
  • Main Ambition: To become a master of Solid Frost Ice Magic

Skill Information

  • Solid Frost Level: Mage
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Pale Blue
  • Hair Color: White
  • Hair Style: Long and Unkempt
  • Skin Color: Pale with hints of faint blue
  • Clothing: A long navy blue silk dress with a small necklace of ice shards and a lone, dangling Thylan tooth.
  • Height: 6'5''
  • Weight: 146 lbs
  • Body Build: Long and lanky
  • Weapon of Choice: Solid Frost Ice Magic

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

  • [+] Knowledgeable: Having traveled the world, Saelihn has an adequate knowledge of many races, places and things. She prefers to stand to the side and observe people as opposed to speaking directly with them. She has seen more then most, and has traveled to places some could only dream of. Her memory is stellar, allowing her to retain vivid memories of her past experiences. She can recall most events in her life, although doesn't willingly, as she prefers to keep her past to herself. She also reads as a pastime, which expands her general knowledge even further.
  • [+] Persistent: From a young age, determination has always been one of Saelihn's strong suits. Through the early years of her life, she scrambled to keep up with her younger sister, who was quicker and a faster learner then even she. She applies this to her every day life in Regalia too. Whether it is bartering her skills in exchange for food or shooing a bothersome klein away, she is persistent and will not stop until she gets her way. This also holds true in her attempts to better herself in Ice Magic. Although she lacks a teacher at this day in time, she continues to train in secret in hopes of preparing herself for her inevitable reunion with her twin sister.
  • [=] Introverted: Saelihn is the quiet type, often preferring to be by her lonesome. She despises crowds and large gatherings, and normally will shy away from such events. Although, if they are unavoidable, she will gravitate to the edges of the room in an attempt to try to create some personal space. She doesn't mind conversing with people one-on-one, but if a large crowd is present, count her out.
  • [=] Rigid: A smile on Saelihn's face is a rare sight to see, reserved for the few who gain her trust. She is difficult to read, the only emotion she will blantantly show is anger. Jokes almost never make her laugh, except the ones she tells herself. These said jokes are only told to poke fun at others, and usually she is the only one laughing. Although most see this as a negative trait, Saelihn claims that it shows that she is well-mannered and adult-like.
  • [=] Compulsive Liar: A tacit to keep her past and identity a secret, lying has now turned into a habit for Saelihn. After lying about everything from her name to her occupation, she now will seldom notice her lies. Lying has become second nature for her. For Saehlihn, the line between lying and the truth is blurred.
  • [=] Envious: Envy rules Saelihn's life. She is driven by it, pushed to do better when she sees someone that is more skilled then her at anything. Whether it is magic, swordskills, or persuasion, she craves what she does not have. Plus, she will go to extremes to get what she desires, the reason she was banished from the Hold in the first place.
  • [-] Secretive: A common trait of most Isldar, Saelihn never gives away the secrets of her past- or her present day life. Even the most eager of guessers will be turned away when asking about the elusive Hold. She only gives away her name to the very few she has come to trust. This leads into her constant lying, as she will often lie about her name, her age, her past, and her magic abilities to those who ask.
  • [-] Narrow-Minded: Even with the extensive knowledge she possesses, Saelihn is rather close-minded. She knows what she likes, and rarely will try something new. She does not take criticism well, often totally rejecting it. She then proceeds to claim the person who criticized her in the first place was horribly misguided and wrong. She is rather intolerant of other races, as she thinks Isldar are supreme. The only people she has really gotten to know are other Isldar, leading her to believe that all other races are not people, and are below her.
  • Strong-Willed: Saelihn's incredible determination has lead her to do whatever she sets her mind to, no matter what others think. She believes she is always right, even when proven wrong. She has the tendency to get angry when others tell her what she can and cannot do, as she believes she is her own person and is fully capable of controlling her own actions.
  • Independent: Ever since Saelihn departed from the Hold, she has been all by her lonesome. She makes her own decisions, and doesn't depend on another living soul for help. She does everything on her own, whether it is filling her belly or finding a bed for the night.
  • Ice Magic: A former member of the Frost Singer class, Saelihn was taught in the form of Solid Frost magic since the ripe age of 15. Her ice magic is mainly used for utility, but in the rare occasion can be used for defense and offence. With almost 25 years of training under her belt, she can freeze small objects with ease and large objects in a average amount of time.
  • Fiery Temper: Saelihn doesn't tolerate even the slightest of insults. Often, she will lash out at the person insulting her, exclaiming her immediate dislike for them. Anger is the only emotion she displays in public, and when she is angry, one can tell.
  • Sensitive Skin: One of the numerous consequences of her duel with her sister, Saelihn's skin is sensitive to the touch. Impaled by ice shards and frozen over accidentally several times, cold is one of the only things that won't affect it. This makes her more susceptible to pain, as she is very sensitive to even the slightest of touches.
  • Slow Reactions: A result of her magic slip-ups as a young girl, Saelihn's limbs move slower then most others do. They have been frozen over accidentally and impaled not-so-accidentally multiple times, making their movements stiff and snail paced. Her delayed reactions make her a weaker fighter and less dangerous in a duel.

Life Story

On the 16th of February, in the year 247 AC, Saelihn Ceretlan was born to proud parents Nambra Ceretlan and Vander Ceretlan within the confines of the hold. Minutes later, her twin sister, Raejiisa was born.

Growing up, the two sisters shared everything. Friends, toys, and eventually a teacher. They were as close as two could be, seemingly inseparable as they aged.

At age 15, Nambra decided it was time to teach her twin daughters in the ways of Ice Magic. Being a expert in the form of Solid Frost, she decided to take them in as her own students. Nambra was also rather skilled in Frozen Shard, about mage level. Although she knew both forms of the ancient magic, she decided just to teach her daughters Solid Frost as it was easier to learn. Both daughters proved quick to learn, able to freeze a pool of water in their hand within the first ten months of their training. They seemed progress at the same rate, much like everything else they did together. By Saelihn and Raejiisa's 17th birthdays, they were each able to freeze a small cup of water within a short amount of time. Both were competitive with the other, but were evenly matched. Each never fell far behind the other or zoomed ahead.

All was well in the family for a significant amount of time. Saelihn and Raejiisa always happy, never falling short to display a smile or two. But, then, in their 5th year of training, Saelihn's progress came to a grinding halt. Her concentration seemed to be focused on something else, but that neither Saelihn nor Nambra knew off. Raejiisa whipped ahead of her sister in terms of training. The two were no longer equal, much to Saelihn's dismay. Yet, the training continued on as it had in the past, each sister now going at a different rate. The sisters seemed to drift apart slowly and Saelihn soon grew envious of her younger sister. She yearned to be better then her- or rather, equal.

In the year 273 AC, 11 years into Saelihn's training, Raejiisa asked Nambra to teach her Frozen Shard Magic. Nambra agreed, impressed with Raejiisa rapid progress. The two began to train in the form, Raejiisa yet again seeming to have a natural apt towards the magic. Wanting to be equal with her sister, Saelihn begged her mother to teach her in Frozen Shard, but her mother declined, saying she did not have the focus needed to learn the ancient form. Saelihn was furious and claimed her mother favored her sister over her. Driven by rage and envy, Saelihn attempted to attack her sister with a sharp dagger. This attempt was swiftly put down by Nambra. The sisters were now more split then ever. Saelihn requested a different mentor following the event.

In the next few years, Saelihn would continue her training with a different teacher, one far less skilled then her mother. She would continue to progress slowly, still a caster after almost 24 years of being exposed to the magic. At the same time, her sister would progress at an astounding rate, now a Solid Frost mage and a caster at Frozen Shard. Her sister was able to perform in the Song of Winter, but she was rarely allowed to do it. Envy ruled Saelihn's actions. Finally, at age 39, she challenged her sister to a secret duel, the chance of beating her very slim, but possible. Her sister accepted, wanting a chance at revenge for the attempted stabbing that took place years ago. Although neither said it, both sisters knew this would be a fight to the death. The duel took place the following day, but right before Raejiisa was about to strike the final blow, her Frozen Shard magic far superior to any of her sister's, Nambra stepped in, ending the fight swiftly. Both were convicted of treason for trying to kill another Frost Singer. The sisters were banished from the Hold, leaving with nothing but the clothes on their backs and the wounds that littered their bodies. A few days separated their releases from the hold. The year was 286 AC.

Saelihn wandered the tundra for weeks, trading her skills for scraps of food and transportation. Miraculously, she made it out alive, and has been wandering the world to this day, never staying in one place for more then a year. She knows her sister is out for her, wanting revenge for the duel she proposed that got them both banished and ruined their lives. Thankfully, the two have yet to encounter, yet, Saelihn knows it is inevitable. Still, she keeps running, wary of giving out personal information to strangers. She continues to practice Ice Magic in secret, hoping to be able to defend herself the day Raejiisa and her meet.

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Peer Review:
Visual Information
  • It would be best to put her level of magic in the 'Weapon of Choice' section or outside of a spoiler.
Personality Traits
  • In knowledgeable, you never really explain how it affects the people around her. Does she seek knowledge from them, or prefer to do so in books?
  • Envious is obviously a negative trait, but it seems more neutral with the way you describe it. You could move it to a neutral trait and make another negative trait, or reword it to make it a negative trait. It seems like it motivates her quite a lot, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
  • Is her own magic not a strength? You could replace fast learner with this, or add it in as a separate trait, but remember to balance it out with another negative if it's added in separately.
  • For the sensitive skin weakness, does this make her more susceptible to pain? Does it affect any of her motor functions? This could be expanded on, as it seems like your only physical weakness.
Colour the edits in a specific colour and tag me when you're done! @saltyboi
I can't see anything else that needs editing, so this can go to a staff member now. c:

Since ponyo is on vacation, I'll be reviewing your app.

Hi @saltyboi ! I'll be reviewing your app today.
  • Please change your entire application into the font "Times new roman" before I review it. You're free to change the aesthetic back once it has been approved.
Please make these changes and tag me once they are complete.
Hi @saltyboi ! I'll be reviewing your app today.
  • Fast Learner: Saelihn has proven to be a fast-learner at Solid Frost
    She would continue to progress slowly, still a caster after almost 24 years of being exposed to the magic.
    • These two statements contradict each other pretty severally, please either change your strength or simply remove it.
  • both sisters new this would be a fight to the death.
  • A minor spelling mistake, but a very quick fix.
  • Compulsive Liar: A tacit to keep her past and identity a secret, lying has now turned into a habit for Saelihn. After lying about everything from her name to her occupation, she now will seldom notice her lies. Lying has become second nature for her, the line between lying and the truth blurred.
    I feel like you haven't described a weakness, but more of a personality trait here. Move it up to personality traits and replace it with a different one or rewrite it.

  • Other than that there shouldn't be anything required as the app is quite well written.
Make your edits in a color of your choice and tag me once they are completed.