Preserved Sheet Saelihn An'kaynan

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Jan 31, 2016
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sucking lestat de lioncourt’s toes
Basic Information

Full Name: Saelihn An'Kaynan
  • Nicknames: Sael, Sae, and occasionally Orange.
  • Alias: Syl'raell
Age: 61

Gender: Female

Race: Saivalthar

Main Ambition: To maintain a good reputation in Regalian society and to blend in the best she can; also to take control of the sewers.

Special Permission: N/A


Visual Information

Eye Color: Blue, giving off a slight glow, bloodshot with darkened eye sockets as a result of Void Sickness.

Hair Color: Tawny orange, dyed a more vibrant orange.

Hair Style: Wavy and cut off shoulder length.

Skin Color: Extremely pale, like that of a sanguine.

Clothing: Loose cyan and gold dresses, blue knit sweaters and flower crowns, or occasionally her gang's uniform when doing shadier business.

Height: 6 feet, 4 inches

Weight: 160 lbs

Body Build: Slim and tall.

Weapon of Choice: Mage-level Shadow Meld, Mage-level Toxic Alteration, and daggers.

Visual Information (Expansion)

•Saelihn has very angled features with a gaunt expression, and glowing blue eyes, as is typical of a Saivalthar. She has scarring on her forehead, forming intricate geometric designs. This is often covered by her hair, though. She has more faded scars on her cheekbones. She has purple tattoos, much like stripes, on her cheeks, temples, and chin. She has a pierced left eyebrow, two cartilage piercings on her elongated ears, and hoop earrings. Despite being seventy-one years old, as a nelfin she looks more around twenty-five.

•Sael is very tall and thin, as is typical of a nelfin. She has purple tattoos, similar in style to the ones on her face, on the right side of her collarbone, right shoulder, legs, and forearms. She has scarring on the undersides of her arms, forming designs similar to the ones on her forehead. The purple tattoos act as runes to ease her melding into the void. She has a missing right pinky finger, a missing left pinky, middle, and pointer finger, missing right leg replaced by a fake wooden leg from the knee down, and burns on the side of her left leg.

•Sael prefers loose, fancy looking clothing, showing her scars and tattoos. Her favorite color scheme for clothing is cyan and gold. She often carries a dagger or two, though not above ground, as that could get her arrested. Sometimes she will wear a flower crown that she got from her knitting club.

•Saelihn is rather soft-spoken and relaxed in her tone of voice, though she can be assertive when needed. She stutters fairly frequently. She speaks Saivallen and Common.

Shadow Meld- "Tollite me ad umbras"
Toxic Alteration- "Liquido venenum"

Have some dank art by me and some other great people
llama.png sael.PNG image.jpg


Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

  • Outgoing- Saelihn is very friendly and outgoing. She isn't afraid to voice her opinions, or strike up a random conversation. When approached by someone, she isn't apt to shove them away, unless she's particularly busy. This is fueled by her desire to make allies within Regalia. She's especially social to other Saivalthar.

  • Caring- Saelihn is rather kind-hearted for a Saivalthar, and while her opinions and personal bias may get in the way at times, she'll almost definitely help a person in need. She will in many occasions show concern for others, unless of course this would be detrimental to her. However, this caring nature often doesn't extend to other nelfin.

  • Determined- Saelihn works hard to achieve her goals. If she sets her eyes on something, she'll try to accomplish it. She is very driven and perseverant. She'll plan things out and act carefully under pressure. However this can lead to her coming off as pushy or stubborn at times.

  • Greedy- Saelihn worships Anruhn, the Vice of Greed. If she sees something she wants, you can bet she'll try taking it. She's broken into places with her Shadow Meld, and sometimes gotten into more than a bit of trouble. Sael tends to have enough money to spend on things she wants, due to robbing people in the sewers, on top of other jobs.

  • Irritable- Saelihn is easily offended or annoyed. She has a lot of sensitive subjects that she instantly expects people not to bring up, such as why she left Saivale. If someone mentions one of her uncomfortable subjects, she tends to lash out. When she's angered, she tends to make harsh and impulsive decisions, rather than planning things out as usual.

  • Arrogant- As is typical of Saivalthar, Saelihn is very arrogant and egotistical. She is overconfident in her magical prowess, which can sometimes lead to losing fights due to a miscalculation. She hates when anyone insults her, even if it's only done for the sake of constructive criticism. There is no telling Sael that she's wrong. This has been further worsened by her recent Void Sickness, and she grows more Prideful every day.

  • Sensitive- Saelihn has a lot of bad memories regarding her past, and an easy way to hit a nerve is to ask her why she left Saivale, or to dig too much into her past. If someone were to call her names like 'Blotchskin' or 'Gremlin' she would likely lose her calm exterior and possibly even start a fight she couldn't handle. She's semi-aware of this issue, and tends to bottle up her emotions until she ends up hurting someone, or getting herself hurt

  • Magically Adept- As an Expert in Shadow Meld, and a Mage in Toxic Alteration, Sael is a very proficient mage. She can meld into the void with ease, along with being able to poison liquids. She is very proud of her magical abilities, and she can cast through pain, like most Saivalthar.

  • High Pain Tolerance- As is typical of Saivalthar, Saelihn is masochistic and able to use pain to sometimes even benefit her casting. She is able to harness pain with a trance fairly well, though she must harm herself to maintain this ability. She has trained this from a young age, and continues to try and find ways to expand her pain threshold.

  • Extroverted- Saelihn is definitely not shy whatsoever, and she'd not hesitate in starting a conversation over a small thing. If approached she will not hesitate to answer, though sometimes a bit rudely. She voices any opinions that wouldn't get her in trouble.

  • Biased- Saelihn is a highly prejudiced individual, and she often acts according to bias. She has a distaste for all Nelfin that aren't Saivalthar, Yanar, and most of the beast races. In addition, due to her growing sense of pride and self-righteousness, Saelihn tends to act in favor of herself, constantly ignoring constructive criticism and often damaging her ability to make friends as a result. Additionally, Sael tends to be close-minded on most issues, and she is prone to blind loyalty towards her closest friends. After all, in her mind she is pretty much flawless, so why wouldn't her opinions and friends be the best, too?

  • Clumsy- Saelihn is by all means a klutz, and she is very prone to tripping. For her, dodging an attack would likely mean tripping and getting hurt much worse than she would otherwise. She is also missing a pinky finger that she lost in a sewer fight, and this could lead to her dropping objects held in her left hand.

  • Difficulty Walking- As a result of her arguments with Saivalthar nobles, she recieved some nasty burns to her left leg, which never fully healed. This injury causes her to walk with a slight limp, and it proves to be very sensitive when hit. While pain doesn't bother her much at all, it does make her even slower than usual. A lot of times her bad leg will get in the way, also adding to her clumsiness. During her trip to the Azure Order, Sael's only good leg was chopped off from the knee down, replaced by a wooden peg-leg. She finds it impossible to walk without the aid of a cane or crutches.

Life Story

Saelihn An'Kaynan was born into a high caste Saivalthar family. As a young child, she was taught to read, write, and speak perfect Saivallen. She grew up surrounded by books, and continues to have a love of reading to this day. Her family had many slaves and a large estate. She began learning how to harness pain at the age of ten, and at around fifteen years of age, she began to learn Shadow Meld from a mentor her parents found.

She grew up fairly popular within the Saivalthar community. At the age of twenty one, she made the decision to follow Anruhn, adding a prefix to her name. This decision was partially made as she was jokingly known as the greedy troublemaker of her family. At the age of thirty four, she married a wealthy and popular Saivalthar named Jaenos Heln'Kaynan. She moved into his estate, much larger than the one her parents owned. Years passed, and when she was forty five, he instructed her in Toxic Alteration.

This easy lifestyle continued until Saelihn was sixty years old. She experienced some conflict with Saivalthar nobles, making the mistake of insulting them in public. Using their political influence, they successfully spread rumors that she worshipped the Virtues in secret. This led her to be disowned by her family, and divorced from her husband. She reluctantly fled Saivale, travelling to Regalia. She has made it her goal to re-establish political connections, and to earn and maintain a good reputation amongst Regalian citizens.

While in Regalia, Saelihn also found herself leading a sewer gang composed of only Saivalthar, often mugging others and stealing to achieve her goals. Of course, she has recently found work in the Tzavaras business, Treasure Fruit, supplying her with a much more legal source of income. However this easy, semi-stable life was not to be. During an instance in the sewers, Sael was verbally attacked by an Altalar and his friend. Already exhausted from frequently using her Shadow Magic on gang business that day, she made a grave error by trying to poison the Altalar's drink, and just like that she became Void-Sickened, with personality traits akin to that of Pride beginning to develop.
After a Qadir man asked her why her eyes glowed, and the former Saivalthar slave Jocelyn answered "magic", Saelihn was forced Magebane tea and eventually taken to the Azure Spire. There, she lost three fingers and her good leg, permanent reminders of the torture she endured.
Ruby-supernatural-22465730-550-310.gif tumblr_ltzz78Lwo81r23tzz.gif
Katie Cassidy/Ruby from Supernatural
Apollonia Tzavaras~ "I trust her with my life, and I dearly hope that she feels the same about me."
Uwhela Gwe'Hothwe~ "He can be.. annoying, at times. But he's an excellent ally."
Adja Djilla~ "She's an interesting person, and she seems rather fun, too."
Anilessa Ung'Ithrenion "She's sorta weird but I like her a lot. And she seems fairly useful."
Alf Cooper~ "He's a smart kid and a good student."
Inkeri Ore'Moira~ "Despite her very obvious faults, and the awkwardness.. She seems sorta alright."
Ayda Keageiros "She may be Adja's friend but she seems like an annoying tree hugger."
Lucas Amalao~ "He not only insults me but acts like a complete a**hole regardless. And he's gay."
Eira Sorenvik~ "I've never actually met her but, she hurt Apple. Or at least helped hurt Apple. So I don't like her."
Jocelyn Dior~ "That little racist brat ratted me out... He won't just be a /former/ slave when I get my way."
Silvian Elking~ "He's a nosy little twerp. I haven't a clue why Apple likes him."

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I'll be reviewing this sheet!
  1. Firstly, remove and replace "Dependence on Magic" its a copout weakness especially considering her Expert/ Mage level
  2. I would move "Sensitive" into the traits section, as it would likely work better there.
Make those changes in BLUE and tag me when you're done.

>mfw no silv
@Walrusaur_ Added some things relating to very recent character development.
  • Added in Void Sickness, of the Pride variety, from over exerting her magic.
  • Added an extra paragraph to the life story to reflect this.
  • Added an extra sentence to the trait Arrogant.
  • Removed social weakness Ignorant as Sael now has decent knowledge of the Creeds and such so I wasn't really rping that one out.
  • Added social weakness Biased.
  • I plan to add more Void-Sickness related traits as time goes on.
@Walrusaur_ Added some things relating to very recent character development.
  • Added in Void Sickness, of the Pride variety, from over exerting her magic.
  • Added an extra paragraph to the life story to reflect this.
  • Added an extra sentence to the trait Arrogant.
  • Removed social weakness Ignorant as Sael now has decent knowledge of the Creeds and such so I wasn't really rping that one out.
  • Added social weakness Biased.
  • I plan to add more Void-Sickness related traits as time goes on.
Bumping this in case you didn't get the tag @Walrusaur_
@Walrusaur_ I found that the expert shadow meld was never really necessary to my rp with this char, mainly because she has become somewhat of a surface rp character, and you can't exactly poof into the void in the middle of the Golden Willow. As such, I just aged her down a bit, moved her to Mage level, and edited like, one word in the life story to reflect this.
@walrusaur Made some more edits-
  • Sael got sent to the Spire.
  • She's missing a leg and three more fingers now.
  • Updated visual info, weaknesses, and lifestory to reflect this.
  • Updated relationships.
You forgot to do color the changes.
Doing this from a phone. I didn't forget to do it, I just can't do it. The changes are all at the bottom of each affected thing aka the last paragraph of her life story and the last sentence of her last weakness.
Which is why I didn't change more. I'm on a p h o n e.
Revise the "Bad Legs" weakness, as she only has one now, then you should be good to go.
needs more bullyimg