Saddest Song

Pulling the blanket tighter around his shoulders,the young boy let his head rest against the wall next to the bed he was supppsed to be in,but the mattress was way too soft and the pillows much to fluffy from what he was used to so he had ditched the bed all together and decided to sleep on the floor with the blanket,which wasn't as fluffy or soft.
"I know this is coming to an end. Aware of all the pain that we'll ensue and when it leaves a hole inside my chest, I'm not sure how I'll cover up the wound." The other kids here didn't understand him,Milo was the strange boy who didn't like to be touched by others unless he trusted them and didn't like talking about anything before he had arrived.
"My body's filled with my regret and sorrow. Gloomy symphonies fill my head. Mmm. Tonight I think I'll write the saddest song to cleanse me of your memory and mend me when you're gone. I could feel we're barely holding on so tonight I think I'll write the saddest song." His gentle voice filled the empty room. Everyone else was having a lesson on the Spirit,but Milo had skipped it. The Spirit had given up on him many years ago so why should he pray to it now?
"And maybe when I sing it in my room I won't feel so empty when I'm thinking about you. I could feel we're barely holding on so tonight I think I'll write the saddest song." Flaming red hair fell into his face,so the boy reached up his hand whilst he continued to sing so that he could push it away.
"Maybe you'll be on your way to work and hear it when you're walking down the street. And maybe then you'll wanna make things work and tell me that you never wanna leave. My body's filled with my regret and sorrow. Gloomy symphonies fill my head. Mmm." His hand had now moved back to his lap,and Milo was unaware of the figure in the doorway of the room,listening to him sing. It wasn't unusual for people to come across the boy singing,but not many heard him singing of his past, like he was doing now.
"Tonight I think I'll write the saddest song to cleanse me of your memory and mend me when you're gone. I could feel we're barely holding on so tonight I think I'll write the saddest song. And maybe when I play it in my room I won't feel so empty when I'm thinking about you." Milo's voice broke slightly as he sung the last few lines and he finally looked up,noticing the person in the doorway.
"I could feel we're barely holding on so tonight I think I'll write the saddest song." With a smile on his face he stood up and ran over to them,his arms wrapping around their waist and his face burying itself into their shoulder as a hand ran through his smooth hair then kissed the top of his head. He'd finally found someone he could trust who understood him and made him feel safe, and that someone was.....
"Who's the random kid upstairs kissing the Ginger Runt?!"


Hey guys! Welp here's another one,and I don't even know what the actual frick happened but let's just roll with it. Also @Diaprit your song will be up soon, I just need to think up of a scenario or place and whatnot. Peace out.