Preserved Sheet Sa'da Kanas

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Feb 20, 2022
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-Basic Information
  • Name: Sa'da
  • Wild Name: Hidden Fig Adorer
  • Heritage/Culture: Senlon Yanar
  • Age: 121
  • Gender/Pronouns: She/they
  • Religion: Estelley
  • Occult: Mage
  • Character Occupation:
  • Eye color: grey-blue
  • Skin color: green
  • Hair: light-blue
  • Height: 5'10
  • Body type: Slim
  • Additional Features: n/a
-Skill Information-
  • Hobbies/Talents:
    • Athletic Hobby
    • Magical Talent
  • Mechanics:
    • Yanar can regrow or re-attach lost limbs over the span of 24 hours after they were lost, they cannot become Undead unless an Ordial Entity intervenes.
    • Yanar can become Marken/Urlan, but if so, the fur is replaced with plant-fibers/leaves/roots/flowers.
    • Yanar can manifest a dream realm where anyone who sleeps in their Region/Base/Estate can travel to.
    • Yanar can speak to plants and trees, and even encourage them to grow faster or hide, or change their appearance.
    • Yanar can even create new plants altogether in their own Region/Base/Estate, complete with fruits and flowers.
  • Languages:
    • Common
    • Altalar
-Proficiency Information 13/14
  • Str: 2
    • Tecnique Parry Pack
    • Pining Throw Pack
  • Con: 1
    • Rebound Pack
  • Int:
  • Wis: 1
    • Chem Bang Pack (Yanar pack)
    • Chem Berserk Pack
  • Dex: 3
    • Soft Landing Pack
    • Sharp Reflexes Pack
  • Faith: 0
  • Mag (Exist): 6
    • Magic Snare Pack (Yanar Pack)
    • Magic Distort Pack
    • Magic Bolster Pack
    • Magic Disengage Pack
    • Magic Warp Pack
    • Magic Summon Pack
    • Magic Bolts Pack
-Life Story
  • "Childhood"/Birth:
    Born part of a small clan of Senlon Yanar on the wilds of Middeskag. Her clan was buried in nature attunement, so content and happy with their place in the world, and she admired it aswell. Though years passed by, and she grew a want, a need to venture the world and meet more plants and people like those she'd see pass by on the outskirts of the forest. So much magnificence in the world waiting for her to care for it, to grow it, to create it. She loved her home but knew the currents of wind yearned for her to join them, so she did.
  • "Teen Years":
    After her first night she felt lost, she knew not what the buildings in the distance meant other than people not like her resided inside. They were scared of not knowing, not understanding this new world, but she had her true self with her, the plants at her feet. Her passion for wanting more, drove her to walk inside the stone streets of a town whose name she didn't realize was ever given to such places. She journeyed across the land she discovered was called Middeskag, their people liked to give names to things she found out, it was funny. As her journey years left her to understand more of these unique races, she allowed a Ferlon Yanar she met on her journey to give her a bright blue fabric that was referred to as a "dress" by the people, and she wore it for many moons and many suns. On her quest of exploration, she wondered upon a large structure in the plains of this land, in which a mage resided, and so she, after believing her fully understood the ways the social world works, said hello.
  • Adulthood:
    She, without confusion, somehow ended up staying with the mage for years, learning magic and the arts of the world from him, she felt like he was nature, with his knowledge she could understand many things. She did love him, as all her clan had loved each other, he was her new clan. But one day he faced what all others must face, his physical self, like a fallen leaf, had wilted, and no longer brought breathe into the world. She didn't understand at the beginning, she heard stories of people no longer being talked about, but never knew what it meant, her clan never had this before. There she discovered death, and there she lost her second 'clan', not by choice anymore, but by the world. She cried for many moons, but she asked to be part of the world, she wanted to explore the stories of the world, and there she was a part of one. Sa'da ended up staying and taking care of his home for many more moons, letting his body rest in the nearby sea, but she knew she had to go soon, the winds called her back. She grabbed what the mage has entrusted her with, clothes he had made, books he had read, and followed the winds.
  • Why They Came to Regalia: Sa'da heard about the Regalian Empire in her travels, and its city, but would not expect to hear the rumor of a garden for Yanars to have been burnt. She remembered her times with her clan, with the mage, she wanted to see more yanar, not just some few in travels. And so, in 304 AC she arrived in regalia, and the rest is memories.
    Sa'da had yearned for another clan after years of new journeys alone, then she heard of the Regalian Empire, a place of abundance and folk. She remembered her times with her clan, with the mage, with the flowers at her feet, and she wanted that again; so in 305 AC she arrived in Regalia, and the rest is held within her and the roots of the world's memory.
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A minimum of ten points must be invested in a proficiency before you can use the racial boost.

You cannot use hobby points for point-buy proficiencies, those are purely bought by core points.

Ahh ok, I did the changes in green and deleted some sorcery abilities that I used with hobby points.
@Acosmism Hi, i am looking for a re-review (in my proficiencies and abilities). I added a point to horticulture, removed 2 from light ranged combat, added/created 3 to roguery. For abilities i replaced astral being 1 with wall climb 3, changed elemental control 1 to 2, and added elemental brand 1. For packs i added sleight of hand from roguery.
@Caelamus i think ur my reviewer? I did the changes to make it new yanar accurate, all changes are in this color
@Caelamus i think ur my reviewer? I did the changes to make it new yanar accurate, all changes are in this color
There's some pedantic concerns like misuse of the word contempt and calling Regalia a kingdom when it is infact an Empire and hasn't been considered a kingdom in some time.

I'm approving it but you should probably double check your life story and familiarize yourself a bit with the lore.