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Played Character Sabola

This character is actively played.


That Guy
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Sabola (Sakha)
    • Nicknames: Number 17, Avyelon Bel-Loressë
  • Race: Remet Asha [Deshret Culture]
  • Age: 52
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Green & Gold
  • Weapon: Dewa Khopesh
Core Concept
  • Sabola is a Khannar Godborn and Godchosen who has dedicated himself to his father's mission, due to the suffering he and his people endured. He wants to make the world a better place and force the Allorn to answer for their atrocities.
  • Sabola has green eyes with gold limbal rings.
  • Sabola is a 5'6" Rat Asha with white fur, large ears and beady eyes.
  • Unbound Spirit Form {Elf-Hate Mechanics - INACTIVE}: Sabola can transform into a monstrous bipedal sphinx with a boney scorpion tail, rat paws, skeletal face, and tattered fleshy wings.
Attack and Defense Stats
  • Attack: Strength
  • Defense: Faith


Combat Style: Holy Warrior
  • Strength: 6
    • Steady Body
    • Tangle Strike
    • Technique Parry
    • Diving Tackle
    • Pinning Throw
    • Gut Punch
    • Oceanic Pack [Free; Asha]
  • Constitution: 1
    • Rage Counter
  • Magic: 0
  • Intelligence: 1
    • Hook Shot
    • Shapeshift [Living Metal Variant; Asha]
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 6
    • Divine Antimagi [Free; Asha]
    • Divine Savior
    • Divine Burn
    • Divine Aggro
    • Divine Aura
    • Divine Smite
    • Divine Revive
  • Technology [Living Metal]
  • Paladin [Khama]
  • God Magic [Birth]
  • Godborn [Khannar - Asha Love]

  • Common (Free)
  • Ibeth (Native)
  • Altalar

  • Aegipane
    • "I find your Gods reprehensible, but you see the evils of the Dread Kathar as I do. In this, we may find common ground."
  • Ailred
    • "Even when I hunted you, you helped me. Perhaps one day I will understand why."
  • Argo
    • "I do not yet know where I stand on you, Solvaan. A curiosity, indeed."
  • Heishan
    • "I am proud to call you an ally, and perhaps a friend."
  • Henry
    • "There will come a day when I will free you, it is the least that I owe you."
    • "Imagine my surprise when I heard a human wished to know our people's faith. Your heart is good, Isa, please keep Meresankh safe."
  • Izel Mecatl
    • "The Elf who spoke up for the Asha, when others wished us harmed. I cannot thank you enough."
  • Jhavartal
    • "We may have the same enemies, but I cannot call us friends. I will not watch you make Namari forget who she truly is."
  • Meresankh
    • "I wish to make you understand that what I did was for the greater good. But even more than that, I wish we could stand by each other's sides again."
  • Nafiri
    • "I was hard on you when we first met, and now you're one of the few of our kin still by my side. I am sorry I did not see you as one of us."
  • Narla
    • "I meant what I said; I will help you find your place, for as long as you need me to."
  • Tchay
    • "We mirror each other, Golden Son, our paths decided by our divine blood. What will history make of us?"
  • Triss
    • "You care for what we have undergone, for this I should trust you. And yet, I haven't decided if I do."
  • Elamona
    • "You will either be my greatest ally or my worst enemy. But if your word of Justice is true, then there may be hope for the Est-Allorn yet."

Plot Hooks
  • Sabola was born to the starving Asha underclass outside of Ivaelle, witnessing mistreatment by Teledden firsthand. As such, he is violently hostile to any Nelfin who is unrepentant of their Allorn legacy.
  • Sabola is an Asha, and will be friendly with other Asha as he views himself as their protector. He is also cordial to most Maraya, as they are seen as racial kin to the Asha. He wants to uncover more about his peoples' Dewamenet past.
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We definitely need more Rat Asha, I'd love to RP with this character sometime
@Caelamus Proficiency spread was given a long-awaited rewrite, though may be redone again once the Ordial Update drops. All changes in Green.
@Caelamus Added the new Curses Point Buy + Specials that Geists now have, and changed Sabola's backstory. All changes made in Green.
@Caelamus I updated Proficiencies and Core Concept to better reflect his new worship and aggressive fighting style, he is now Khannar's angriest soldier. All changes in Green.
@Caelamus I recently learned via ticket that I don't need Fisticuffs Pack to use Asha Body Claws so I decided to replace it. I also reshuffled some other points while I was at it, replacing Packs that I've never used.
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@Caelamus Letting you know that I added Ordial Cult Ritualism, unsure if it needed re-review since it was only for a Special.
@Caelamus Sabola's Custom Kit has been added under the Abilities section, with a Backstory sentence changed to accommodate that. I also decided to move a Point from Magic to Constitution so that I could pick up Ironheart (figured it fit the "endless fight against the Elves" motif).
Hello! One thing of note:
The Automaton pack is now a Free pack for any Artificer with at least one Artificer Point Buy Pack. Consider purchasing an Artificer skill, otherwise this is somewhat of a wasted point.

Make a small change to this, then please ping me in a reply!
Hello! One thing of note:

The Automaton pack is now a Free pack for any Artificer with at least one Artificer Point Buy Pack. Consider purchasing an Artificer skill, otherwise this is somewhat of a wasted point.

Make a small change to this, then please ping me in a reply!
Added the Tussling Pack for the point investment!
Feel free to place Automaton (Free) under your Artificer point buy. ;)

Otherwise- APPROVED.
@IreliaRamora I added like 10 years to his already centuries-old age to have some deep backstory details be more sensible, and also increased his height to 5'1" so that he's still short but not comically so like at 4'5".
- Picked up Mimicry with an Accursed Point Buy and added an Alternate Self description
- Changed the Life Story to Plot Hooks