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Needs Help/Review Saaqinar

This sheet needs additional review by staff or community members. Please respond to the thread with tips!
Jun 20, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: Saaqinar Alius Windsor

  • Heritage: Dramarys Dragonkin

  • Age: 19

  • Pronouns: They/them

  • Religion: Draconism

  • Occult: Honest, Protective,

  • Character Occupation: A wanderer that tells stories with songs (idea one)
Appearance Information:

  • Eye Color: Sky blue

  • Skin Color: Pale beige

  • Hair: White

  • Height: 6'3

  • Body Type: They are kinda muscular, but it's not noticeable as they aren't trying to add more muscle on their body.

  • Additional Features: The scales on their shoulders stick up like horns.
Their magic alignment is Exist Magic (white, blue, and silver)


[14/14 points spent]


From Isldar

  • Isldar are immune to harm from frost or cold sources (unless they are Magical), and do not suffer decreased visibility or choking hazard in a blizzard/snow-storm.

  • Life Isldar can see the Soul Rivers of Aloria where the dead pass through, and are able to tap into it, to feel random memories, emotions, or feelings from long ago.
From Dragonkin

  • Dramarys Dragonkin can control snow/ice and starlight.

  • Dragonkin are closely aligned to Dragon Magic. Being made of pure life, they live extended lifespans beyond what is normal. The Immortal War has hardened Dragonkin against Mystech, causing them to take -1 HP Damage (instead of -2 HP) from Attack Emotes. However, they are threatened by beings of pure death. If a Character that has Ordial Alignment would do -2 HP Damage, they do -3 HP Damage instead.

Charater job

They are a wanderer telling stories tho music and dance, they earn money by donation and doing favors for the town people, like building a fence to hunting some mobs.

Hobbies and talents

When working on something outside or with other people, one of things they like to do is to start a little song with who they are working with (they mostly do this with friends), if they are working with no one then they usually just sing for themselves.

They also like to play string instruments and see if they can come up with a song.

They like to draw and write stories and music.


.They bite their finger or the closer part of the hand when they are thinking, stressed or bored.

If they come across someone taller than them, then they will try to jump to see if they can jump higher than the other person (they don't do this immediately, but they do it if their in a long conversation with other person)

They like asking questions like ''(insert food) or (insert food 2)'' and have a debate on which one is better/worse.

They will sometimes get a stick to draw in the ground when their bored.


They hesitate to finish a fight if the enemy looks sad / scared (even tho if they realize that the enemy is just trying to make them lower their guard)

Doesn't like to emit when they are wrong.

They are bad at giving compliments and comforting people, altho they do try.


Saaqinar likes the flavor of Blizzardmint and the cold snow falling down from the sky, even if it's a blizzard Saaqinar will go out to play in the snow. They like to sing, songs they know and songs they had just made up. They love the rush you get from running, they also love jumping from tree to tree and jump over the rivers then ambushing a prey they happened to see.They like to go to a place where it's warmer and get flowers as decoration for their home. They like to sit down to drink some tea and debate their friends on all sorts of things while watching the flowers they had taken home slowly die from the cold, They love sneaking out to watch the star dance over their head and at the end of the day they love to just lay on the floor and stare up onto the ceiling wondering where life will go.

They like making anything, like drawing, baking, building, writing, and more.


Saaqinar is not really fond of the spicy flavor. They don't appreciate it when someone tries to make them do something else while drawing. They dislike when people are yelling inside as they see it as rude. They get annoyed if you call them a race that they are not.

Chapter 1

Back story

It started a bit after Saaqinars 16 birthday.

There had been a rumor that a vampire was in the forest and was planning to kill everyone. It was a small clan so word traveled fast.

Saaqinar never cared about any rumors but their siblings Arrin and Silvya was still only 13 so it was natural that they loved rumors, and so they begged them to help find the murderers vampire. Saaqinar not believing the rumors and thinking it would be good for the younger to go and explore, and so they went out. Saaqinar thinking it would be a small walk dident take anything with them. When the sun started to go down Saaqinar suggested that they should go home, but the twins refused and said "If we stop now The vampire might attack the village'', Saaqinar tried to tell them that it was getting late but could not fight back as they did not want to hurt their sibling. So they continued to walk and at last the twins had gotten tired and begged to go home, they tried to find their way back but the more they tried the more they got lost.

It was a full moon that night so it was a bit easier to see in the dark. Saaqinar started to make a small campfire for them to sit around and wait for it to become day again, the twins decided to go to sleep so Saaqinar stayed awake making sure nothing dangerous was in the area.

The tiredness had finally hit Saaqinar as they slowly lost their focus, but they were awoken by something attacking them from behind, they quickly threw the attacker off them and yelled. Silyva immediately woke up and got on her feet but Arrin was still not fully awake so the attacker went for Arrin's arm off. In rage Saaqinar jumped at the Vampire but they dodged and started circling them. Saaqinar realized that Arrin would not make it out alive now due to the amount of blood loss so they grabbed Silyva and ran.

They ran and the vampire followed suit. They ran until their legs almost fell off. They were able to get rid of the vampire, but left Arrin to die. Silyva broke down and started bawling, almost on cue a snow blizzard formed making everything white.

Saaqinar just held Silyva close to them hoping that she would survive and then she passed out. When they woke up all that was in their hand was the corpse of Silyva, she had frozen to death.

Realizing that if Saaqinar just had said no then none of this would've happened. Only if they had stood their ground.

Feeling guilt, regret and sorrow Saaqinar ran away from everything feeling like they could not turn back after what they did.

After awhile they ran and stumbled across a wanderer, at Saaqinar was distrusting and scared of this stranger, the wanderer saw the feeling of Saaqinar so they sat down and took out their harp and started singing to make this sad kid happy again.

Saaqinar was amazed by how a simple melody could calm someone so fast and all they wanted to do from then on was to share the joy of music to everyone.

They ended up talking for a bit and Saaqinar learned that her name was Yao hu (a sihai).

Saaqinar asked to join Yao on her adventures but Yao denied the request and said they should go back home. Saaqinar refused to go back home knowing that they could never go back.

After a bit of back and forth Yao caved and let Saaqinar join her and took them under her wing.

Chapter 2

After another adventure Yao and Saaqinar had gone home to stay for some days and refuel.

Saaqinar was on the sofa writing a story about the adventures they had been through and all the sadness and laughter they had together. It felt like it had only been a few days since they met Yao, but it had been five years. Saaqinar was happy to have been able to meet Yao and could not wait until they went out again.

Yao came into the room and sat beside Saaqinar and asked what they were doing. They explained if this journey was about to end someday, then i want something to remind me of everything we had done together. Yao just watched Saaqinar write for a while, then asked them to follow her. Wondering what Yao wanted Saaqinar agreed and came with her.

Yao led Saaqinar down the stairs explaining that now that she knew so much about magic she wanted to try something new, something exciting. She continued to talk about how magic had no end and the future was in magic. This was a side of Yao that Saaqinar had never seen, it was good seeing her so happy but something just felt off like something is about to go wrong, but before Saaqinar could voice their concern Yao showed them what she had been resetshing these past 13 years, there was books and paper all over the place. It felt like someone had robbed the place. It stanked chemicals and it was not a pleasant experience to be there , but Yao was so happy to show what she had done. How could Saaqinar leave now?

Yao picked up the only book that was still on the shelf and opened it. They started to talk about even more magic stuff that flew over Saaqinar's head, and then they said that they knew how to make new magic. Saaqinar asked what kind of magic Yao had made, but Yao wanted to show what her creation could do so they asked Saaqinar to take a few steps back in case anything went wrong.

Yao turned around their back toward Saaqinar and started to mumble, then the book that Yao had shown off started reforming and glowing. It was beautiful but terrifying, just so terrifying.

Saaqinar demanded that Yao had to stop, but Yao was in another world where only she and her magic lived. The glowing book started to quickly decompose, the ''life'' had been sucked dry and out if it came gold lucid. Yao shouted something to Saaqinar but there was way too much noise of wind and books hitting the wall to hear anything. Yao kept on yelling, louder and louder, until her hands started rotting. Her body was dying She had lost control of her magic, her screaming went from something resembling words til just pure terror, but she was able to say something ''Do it Saaq-''

The Magic she had realized was sucking her life out of her and had no end to it, realizing what was happening Saaqinar ran up and sprinted to the nearest knife, but stopped. Was this really the right thing to do, she had worked so hard isn't there any other way? Do it you coward, they snapped back to reality then grabbed the knife and ran down. There was a force dragging everything towards the now black book like a black hole, Saaqinar knew they only had one chance or none of them would make it out alive. With tears running down their face, they jumped at their best friend and chopped her head off. Now Saaqinar was alone again.

(if your wondering, Saaqinar did not learn this spell or anything similar to it)
Skjermbilde 2024-06-20 142930.webp Skjermbilde 2024-06-20 142930.webp
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Help im sorry theres like 123 pic on the pic (i had to screen shot my drawing bc it was to large or something :cry