Archived Sa (skin Armor)

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Feb 2, 2014
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SA is an idea I thought of while playing Minecraft the other day, SA is basically an addition to the armor of minecraft but it does not block the view of your chosen minecraft skin, for example you can create a suit of armor that has no texture to it so while your wearing it you can see your skin underneath, in other words the armor is clear.

I tested this idea, and it worked but I ran into a few problems with the idea ill get to that later, first I want to give you some ideas of how this would be crafted.

#1:you would craft SA by placing the type of armor you wish to craft it from on your crafting grid (example: I place a leather cap into my crafting grid and create a leatherSA cap, or lets say a diamond chest plate would turn into a diamondSA chest plate)
#2:you would craft SA by placing the entire suit of which you want to make into your crafting grid (taking up four squares) (example: placing leather helmet/chest plate/leggings/boots, into your crafting grid you create that type of armor all at once)
#3:you craft SA by crafting normal armor but adding one item to it while in the crafting grid, (example: I want to make iron leggings, so I place 7 iron like I would normally but I don't stop there and add one extra item (SA specific) in the crotch area of the leggings. and this would create ironSA leggings.)

Problems I found while testing this.
#1: I noticed that when I would take damaged with diamond armor and I turned it into SA armor it would restore the damage that armor had taken.
#2:If you didn't want SA anymore and wanted to turn it back into normal armor I would have to figure out a way to do that if at all possible (not one of the biggest problems)
#3:while PvPing you would not be able to see if someone had a set of diamond armor on or not. (not sure if this is a good thing or bad, (beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess)) you would still be glowing purple with enchants though*

The reason for this idea was that I was creating a new roleplaying character I didn't like having my skin covered up by bulky bright blue armor, I see this being op in some cases, maybe this could be taken down a notch and only be applied to say leather armor. (I don't know.)

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Sorry, I don't like this mainly is just because of god armor would not be visible, therefor, I wouldn't know what I was up against, but at least you thought of the problem!
I like it, but maybe it could use the character's skin texture? not sue how that works, then it would look like real clothes, not like the characters are wearing paper clothes :P

but maybe keep it to leather only, not so sure i want to bump into someone with Diamond when i cant tell they are wearing it ...
The possibility of people hiding their god armor is not a problem, unless you are the kind of coward who only attacks unarmoured people anyway.
5 minutes later the noobs at the tavern say:

-starts glowing violently as he prepares to cast magic-

-starts glowing as he is a god-

-glows as he is immortal-

-glows as he is Edward, and he can't love Bella as she is human-

-is Bella and glows, then Jacob says " we can't love each-other... Your a vampire... I'm a werewolf"-
It would make people using barrier/shield hacks to blend in better. While I would like to battle in my own skin, all of us im sure do not wish to look the same, this might be better suggested to mojang for armor skins rather than a server, for simply making armor invisible has too many downsides.
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