Preserved Sheet Síladis Hei’lezullo - Vílsi'ali

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If she breathes...
Oct 31, 2015
Reaction score
Anywhere my bed is

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Síladis (S-eye-lah-des) Hei'lezullo-Vilsi'ali
  • Age: 57
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Kathar
    • Sub-race: Mëdorr


Skill Information

Total Point: 57

Proficiency Points
  • +20 Medical Sciences (+20 from points)
    • Studied and practicing medicinal and surgical procedures for career
  • +20 Nature Care Sciences (+20 from points)
    • Studied in Saivale for more of casual hobby, caring and studying plants mainly.
  • +10 Magic Knowledge (Racial Boost)
    • General and basic knowledge taught with upbringing
  • +10 Fast Blade Combat Skill (Racial Boost)
    • Taught as something for self defense
  • +5 Bodycare Training (+5 from points)
    • Taught in Saivale, mainly for hair and skin care.
  • +5 Musical Arts (+5 from points)
    • Practiced vocal music as a pastime

Body Shape
  • Body Stat: 0
  • Body Shape: Average
  • Body Fat: Average


  • Modern Elven - 10/10 -Native tongue.
  • She'lleq - 10/10 -For rituals only, but fully understands it, for that purpose.
  • Common - 10/10 - Learned it while in Regalia, but considering her time there, has mastered it well.


Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Pale Blue irises with red limbus and black scaleras
  • Hair Color: Naturally white
  • Hair Style: Free flowing with beaded braids to accent
  • Skin Color: Eggshell white
  • Clothing: Tight fitting bodice, with a flared out skirt
  • Height: 185 centimeters (6'1")


Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Síladis takes very good care of her face, her skin supple, usually soft to the touch. No scars seemed to have stayed on her face, until a visit to the underground tavern left her with a faint scar on her left cheek,a knife having been dragged across, no longer than 2 inches. Another incident has left a pinked scar slightly indented into her left cheek, after a mace has been swung at her face. How she is alive… They do not know. Her hair, even in her home setting, was always brushed and braided, her hair never cut, but never grew past her bum. Though, it was cut to cease people constantly tugging her hair to capture her, and even her infant children trying to pull at the long length, her drooping ears forever poking out of the waves of her hair. Her eyes hold the same gentle blue with a red limbus, her eye white as dark as night, that her race had come to evolve with.

  • Surprisingly enough, Síladis has ritualistic Void Scripture branding on the midsection of her back, a ritual that her mother had promised would gain her power within the family. While on the voyaged ship to Regalia, Síladis was given faint tattoos of roses attached to thorns all over her shoulders. After the birth of her children, and her spontaneous escapade of freedom from children housing within her, the Kathar had covered her entire back in ink, covering the Void Scripture sligtly. At the base of her spine, a skull is detailed, thorned vines and webs and spiders spilling out and also climbing haphazardly up her back, vines of roses criss crossing whatever bare skin there was, spiders on the vines in generous locations. As it inches further up her back, more spiders appeared near her neck, the roses fully bloomed to take up both sides of her shoulders, connecting to the existing vines and roses ink on her arms. On the front of her neck, in its entirety, is covered in a massive spiderweb, a large black spider with highlights climbing down at the front and center of the large ink, small roses coming just along her collar bones, underneath the large and dewy spiderweb. Though, after a horrible incident as she was kidnapped left her neck with a jagged and crooked scar, an attempt to take her life during the dark time of her life.

  • After arriving to Regalia, the Kathar woman would keep to tightly fit dresses, slits cut up the skirt to reveal her slender and long legs, her chest open to pull in whatever sorry soul looked upon her. Though, after the birth of her twin children, Síladis has resorted to a modified, tightened buttoned shirt. Her trousers would be far looser, hanging on her hips if a belt was not fastened around her. Even then, most of the time, the pants will slide down, revealing her bony hips. No jewelry sits on her skin, save for the four studs that decorate her drooping and curved ears. Unable to have extravagant things in her living space, Síladis had her life-time childhood friend pierce her ears in secrecy, hiding them with her hair whenever she was at the caretaker's estate. She never received any more piercings, after her four piercings on her ears. Though, nearly a year after her departure, the woman took to a more extreme modification, and had split her tongue to be forked, just as a snake.


Personality and Abilities

  • Síladis, when among the unknown, will usually have a harsh expression, one that most would not approach to, as her poker face looks like one of annoyance or anger. When a brave soul finally decides to converse with the Kathar, her sour expression will keep for some time. She doesn't turn down a conversation often, but they will be cut short, with her blunt and off putting tone, with ill intentions or not, unless the conversation has some sort of interest to her.
  • Síladis was raised to be a confident woman, her chin held high and her words always speaking down to others. Though, after so many years of being in an environment that loathed the Nelfin, and more so Dread Empire, Síladis worries of her external appearance, doubting her figure and features. Her confidence has withered down, though this only makes her angry the more thought is put into it, along with the grieving of a lost child, and a weighted feeling of homesickness.
  • The Kathar is an open book, as far as her demeanor may go, to anyone that has come close to the woman. She is open to her views and opinions, to those who may ask her, and she usually will not sugar coat even the most sour things. She is more light-hearted with the company of friends, singing and dancing openly, her off-putting face holding a smile that would be unknown to those that have not known her long. Whether such a smile is true to her inner emotion, is unknown to those looking.
  • With the open distaste on the Dread Empire, and her kin in Regalia, Síladis feels no sympathy to the hardships that the city faces. From being assaulted and ridiculed for her given race, to being put to prison for a crime she did not do; whilst pregnant, Síladis looks down on others with a scowled lip. To those she doesn't care for, she will spit at their shoes, and belittle them outright, not bothering to educate herself on the matter. As such, she is not seen as the kindest being. She is harsh and passively aggressive to even her friends on her worst days, her voice trying to override another's opinion, and deferred remarks on a person to try and belittle them.
Facial Blindness: Also known as prosopagnosia, this is a mental disability, to where Síladis cannot recognize faces, not even her own. Her sight is not completely inhibited, but she cannot see the expressions people make, or who even are, if they are not to speak, or if they are a stranger to her. This usually inhibits her from recognizing even familiar people, from strangers. No matter what they are to put on their faces, it does not change the lapse of memory or recognition she sees whenever she looks at any given person.

Asthma: Triggered both by seasonal allergies such as pollen, household contaminates like dust, and excessive exercising like running and jumping, this severe case of asthma has triggered terrible episodes of wheezing and troubled breathing that has made Siladis go into bed rest countless times as a adolescent. Found when she was young and playing with fellow household cousins and siblings, her family quickly aided her when she collapsed and laboured each and every breath. Now controlled with home remedies, ceasing extreme exercise, and putting on a mask when Spring was incoming and her plants were in bloom, Siladis is better suited and prepared for her struggle.

Life Story

Adolescent: Pre-Regalia
  • Born in the early years of 249 AC, another Mëdorr child was born into the Vilsi'ali family, a politically oriented members of the clan's society. First child to Ieristil and Aelrindel Vilsi'ali and first child of the fourth generation of the family, but also the oddest to come, Síladis came with a visible defect: her ears were crooked, pointing outwards and dropped down. It didn't take long for her cruel mother to call her a swine, and her father to leave them out of unknown reasons. Síladis' upbringing, as her infancy was mainly in the hands of lady's maids, was proper, save for the terrifying discovering of her troubled breathing. After playing with family members before her teen years Siladis would cry of not being able to inhale and the pain that followed with it. It happened numerous times after, when seasons changed, humidity altered heavily, and the even strong perfume smells roamed to her nose, the child continued to have horrible episodes. After some time of resting, a private physician demanded the Kathar adolescent to cease outdoor activity, including playing and extended times of shopping; she was also made sure to have masks to cover from particles, and given a simple at-home remedy to help with any further episodes. After some time she grew used to her routines and went on with studies. She was taught the histories of her culture and people, Void Worship being a constant throughout and hierarchy being second. Her mother taught her that all others were below her: even their sister clans, the Akëshor and Athësar were below her, that with her sheer appearance and status was enough to make others intimidated, how to sway opinions to her own, and to give a powerful presence. It was during this time, from adolescence to adulthood, that the young Síladis grew her cruel demeanor, a spitting image of her mother.
Early Adulthood: The Travel to Regalia

  • After many years of living with her large family, living rather comfortably yet idly, the Kathar woman had nothing to note for the first 30 years of her life. Her siblings and cousins had begun to take positions in their navy, or even have political sway in their local territory, leaving Síladis to look lazy and unmotivated. She took in certain hobbies, like leisurely sailing around the island with her cousins, or tending to her own greenhouse that was built mainly for her. It wasn't until after a stern scolding from her great grandfather that Síladis was forced to pick a profession, a firm attitude, and start her life as she had done nothing noteworthy for her family. Lost on interests and motivation, the Kathar decided that she was to join her cousins on their seafaring ways and travel with them on trading goods with their nearby cousins in the Shadow Isles. She mainly expanded her knowledge of flora, as she has studied for nearly 10 years prior, on their trip. It didn't take long for her to catch ear of another empire that was just across the Daen landmass. Out of pure curiosity for their land and schools, Síladis decided to take leave to this new empire and explore the findings there. It wasn't until she got there, that she was entirely overwhelmed by the hostility she faced and the excessive discrimination. Not even her inherited beauty or demanding tone could get a shake out of people, earning more harsh words and abuse from the citizens. After coming to meet kin in a Coven, and getting all too friendly with a Ailor-Avanthar mix, Síladis suddenly came to have her first children within the first year of being in Regalia, surprised by having fraternal twins. Out of shame of being with an Ailor mix, Síladis moved on to raise her two infants alone for some time. Soon she found a Kathar to court, and even fall for after some time. Within a few years Siladis had married this man, named Ascal, the two getting a sturdier lifestyle together. The two had raised her twins, and even having yet another set of twins, identical this time.
Current: 20 Years into Regalia

  • The family of six growing with everyday trial and tribulations, Síladis more than happy to struggle for the betterment of her children with various jobs, raising them in with the Kathar culture, concealing it behind closed doors, teaching them it was for their good. It was during these times Síladis had undergone various milestones, such as a different outlook on life and her own meaning to it, and mainly having studied both medical and nature science in Regalia, in hopes to provide for her family in a better fashion than bartending. Though, she paused her job findings, as raising her children came first, her studies ending in time for her children to go to a schooling and studies of their choice. Even when they were growing independent Siladis was still ever so protective of her children, and even grew overly sad when she had no one to depend on her. It would of taken Síladis some years to gain some lax, as she had her fifth child and poured her protection and care onto the new baby.

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Review time!
  • First thing that I noticed was her body build. Saivalthar are typically lanky and skinny, and femmefatale is sort of plump and fuller. I don't think this really fits her, also given that she was/is a slave her size should be stunted somewhat.
  • I highly, HIGHLY, reccomend you play the mental disorder she has with the upmost respect, seeing how it is a real world disease people suffer from. Be mindful of others in your roleplay, and I won't have an issue with it.
Complete that one edit in a different color and tag me when done!
App has been updated to the changed of the proficiency system, as well as addition to the life story to reflect current lifestyle, and changes.
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Edits to the Proficiency has been made, just adding a few more points to the main proficiency (Medicine and Surgery mainly) and added the Bodycare proficiency to the cultural proficiency.

Also removed all mentions to mutations, as the Void Worship regarding it has been removed, and the mutations has been voided as a personal preference. It was an easy fix, really. But, uh... Wanted to make sure the proficiency points were okay o3o

@Rochelle_ Sorry to bother you hhhh
I added the Kathar Void/Exist Knowledge since it's apparently a racial boost and changed the subrace, and little things like eye color and hair color and... IM SORRy FOR SO MANY UPDATES HHHHHHHHHHHH ilykthxbai @Suicidium