Preserved Sheet Sébastien Édouard Valeur

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Jan 9, 2013
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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Sébastien Édouard Valor
  • Age: 34 years of age, born the 9th. of July 270 AC.
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ithanian Ailot, or Leutz Vixe cultural background and upbringing.
  • Main Ambition: Becoming a captain of a Regalian military charter branch, help his family reach new heights in the noble scene, marry and have kids, and bring success in any war between Regalia and her enemies.
  • Special Permission: N/A

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Smaragd green
  • Hair Color: Dark chocolate brown
  • Hair Style: Sébastien's hair is normally between three to four inches long, normally laid back. He isn't too tidy about it, so it may hang slightly in front of him at times.
  • Skin Color: Typical Ithanian skin tone on the Ailor skin tone spectrum.
  • Clothing: Sébastien mainly wears warm colors in his daily attire, such as orange, red and black. His dark red frock-coat is of thick material and has golden silk laces on its edges, representing the family colors. It formerly belonged to his deceased father. Beneath the coat, he wears a white, thin silk fabricated double-breasted waistcoat. He also wear dark leather breeches which are tucked neatly into his dark leather boots, making him look like a formal upper class gentleman.
  • Height: 186 cm.
  • Weight: 94 kg.
  • Body Build: Heavily muscular mesomorphic body shape with a bodyfat percentage of 15%
  • Weapon of Choice: Rapier

Personality and Abilities
  • Devoted (+)
    Sébastien has always been that one kid who will stay at school a little longer, request more time with his mentors, go the extra distance, and generally do more than what's required of him. He's always been fond of completing something he's started as quickly as possible, as he doesn't like spending time doing anything unproductive. Once he's started on a project, or a course, he's very eager to complete said activity with the best possible results. Although he's quite disciplined, he does have a short attention span, but that doesn't hinder him in completing his tasks, normally. He's been this way consistently throughout his life, though more concentrated now in recent years. Much like his father, he also has a strong mentality, and is also quite family oriented, and he spends much devoted time tending to family matters, whether it's through the family business, or through personal relationship development. He wants to see his family thrive in a positive direction, and assist them in achieving their goals.
  • Gentlemanly (+)
    Much like his father, Sébastien inherited a charming aspect to himself. When with other Nobility, he'll smear himself with his best manners, acting like a true gentleman. This comes mostly naturally to him, as it simultaneously is in his best interest to show others the family are well taught in etiquette. He also has an insatiable desire to impress the ladies, and his gentleman skill often comes to good use. Towards others, especially ladies, he's particularly considerate, helpful, and concerned. He's attentive and shows them chivalry, like carrying their things, should they be carrying something, opening doors, taking their coats, offering seats to the ladies, etc. Though it may seem flattering, he has no problem complimenting others in their good acts and behaviour. Seeing the effect his father had on his business partners and wife, being a gentleman was more positive than negative.

  • By the book (+)
    Brought up in a Unionist environment, and with both a father and uncle in the military, Sébastien was brought up with a strict schedule with various goals and expectation to be met during the day to certain, and often defined times. His father Hadrién would often oversee his upbringing closely, teaching him how to be the man he is today. Some of the qualities include being honest, on time, being able to follow orders and rules without being rebellious about them, knowing there's leadership and wisdom behind each act and command for a reason. He understands through experience and logic that breaking the rules, or going against them often results in chaos, or situations where people might place themselves in harmful situations. Looking from a tower at a young age, he saw a captain giving orders to his men who were anxious to save a few fallen comrades around a corner. One of the soldiers defied his order and ran to save a man, but instead lost his own life to arrow fire.

  • Observant (+)
    Being around his father, tutors and uncle, he's learned a great deal about considering one's surroundings, and how to use that to your advantage. Being aware has its benefits, such as being able to tell when something is going to happen before it's intended, has, in many cases, proven to help someone from being hurt, or worse. On numerous occasions, he's prevented someone having their head smashed by a bottle, avoided someone being stabbed, or had a chair crashed down on someone. Being a relatively large, intimidating man, he has the means to stop people harming each other without becoming too much of an inviting target himself. Being attentive also serves him well during combat, being able to predict an opponent's movements or intentions.

  • Inflexible (-)
    It's difficult having Sébastien go out of his way for a cause he isn't comfortable with. He wants things done properly, or his way, and he won't budge to change what he's already planned. If a plan should alter for petty reasons, he'll get agitated and sharp, being less than enjoyable to be around. He can do favors to people, but he often expects something in return later. If there is no compensation for his 'sacrifice', he won't do them a favor again, normally. This of course depends on the person he's doing a favor to. He's more likely to do favor to someone above him, or equal to him, than below him. He understands the chances of someone repaying their debt is far lower with people below him than someone above, and with the realistic means of evening out the scale. He normally won't go out of his way unless there's some sort of reward or profit by doing it. He wasn't always this inflexible, but as he's grown older, he's learned with experience that being kind to others out of a good heart weighs down on yourself after so long.

  • Selective Escapist (-)
    Sébastien was firstborn, and it was expected of him to become patriarch of House Valeur when his father passed away. It didn't come to a surprise when he chose to pass his responsibilities to his younger sister who showed much more interested, skill and devotion to the family business than any of the other siblings. He was never the type of man to do paperwork, deal with diplomatic matters, and manage finances and inventory, and partner relations. Especially if it involved sitting in an office, writing. He dislikes responsibilities he feels he isn't skilled in, and would much rather perform his best doing something he's naturally more skilled at, like combat, or being a soldier. He's far too restless, and far too physically active to be able to sit inside. If he has responsibilities he feels he can't perform well in, despite his best efforts, he'll try delegating them to someone else, even if the task in theory isn't all that difficult. He's picky, and doesn't want to disappoint anyone.

  • Blunt (-)
    Mostly to avoid any misunderstandings, or seem unclear, Sébastien might come off as slightly blunt. This normally happens if he's being asked a question about a touchy subject, or something of great importance. He dislikes sugar coating things, and will stay as true and straight-forward to what he says as much as possible. However, he does his best not to hurt or offend anyone, especially those of social ranking above him. He will talk respectfully, but also explain things as he feels they are. He's experienced that misunderstandings and lies are more easily conducted when people sugar-coat and flamboyantly puffen up what they say, which annoys him. Especially if it's about a sensitive topic. If it's only small talk and that, he won't mind too much. He might even be a little flamboyant and sugar-coaty himself.

  • Desensitized (-)
    Having seen and participated in war and battles, Sébastien has grown accustomed to what is normally seen as morbid and grotesque, as war and death often is. He's watched friends and allies die left and right, and with the years, he's understood that death is merely an aspect of life, and that it comes for everyone, one way or another. Most people have a fear of death, or anything closely related to it, but Sébastien having been around that environment for a significant part of his life has grown desensitized to it. Not that he doesn't fear death, but he won't panic as easily. He's able to stay clear-minded and act effectively if someone is in need of acute help. In the beginning, he'd be shocked, just as anyone would, but now that he understands what it's all about, he won't become anxious and nervous. Of course he'll become angry or sad if someone close to him dies, but it's nothing that debilitates his own ability to perform in his duties.

  • Brave (+)
    Understanding much of how the world works, Sébastien also understands that victory is written by the victors. He's experienced that those who cower and try to flee from their issues often end up being caught by them sooner than later. It's his opinion that your ability to survive or overcome is greater if you meet your issues and struggles head-on, leaving less time for your struggles to learn more about you and find better ways to take you down. When he is confronted with an issue, he will not hide or try to escape it. He will find the means to conquer his struggles the best way he can, often putting himself in harm's way. Only with a little sacrifice will you earn something greater, or equal to your sacrifice. He's also quite protective of his family, giving little thought to second guessing when they are in need of help. Family always comes first, and Sébastien has all the intentions of keeping them alive and well, and will do so to the best of his ability. This often means he puts himself at risk, though it rarely happens the family is under direct attack.

  • Leisured (+)
    When Sébastien is not busy exercising or fencing, he will often spend time doing things at a relaxed pace. He rarely stresses around, seeming anxious or without time. He walks at a comfortable pace, breathes calmly and speaks at a comfortable audible level. He often wears a smile, or a faint one, rarely seeming bothered or discontent. People being anxious, worried and stressed, stresses him in turn. He dislikes being around an environment where something might be wrong, or where an issue lurks nearby. When he is, though, he'll rarely seem agitated or irritated. He'll merely bottle it up and ignore it until he can't. If there is too much unnecessary chaos going on, Sébastien will often leave the scene, finding another spot to converse with someone. When there is a brawl in the tavern, or someone he knows is having an argument, he'll only step in when he feels there might be harm done, whether it's physically or relationship damaging.

  • Critical (+)
    A trait he often has difficulty avoiding is being critical of what others say and do. He often struggles believing others and their supposed motives, mostly because he's experienced a great deal of lying, and also experienced what that has lead to. Unless it's towards someone he trusts, he'll rarely naively believe what they say and do, but will be polite, if he should question them. He will only question them if something strikes him as unreasonably odd, or merely illogical. While questioning someone's thoughts or intentions, he will remain mannered. If he hears rumors of someone despising him from several people, and said person offers him a compliment, he's not likely to believe it.

  • Farsighted (+)
    Like when he plays chess, Sébastien will do his best to think as far towards the future as logic and chance will allow him. He will rarely act spontaneously, as he feels that's inviting for bad things to happen. When things aren't planned, he'll be uncomfortable with a situation. Planning ahead on his own accord makes him feel prepared, and as if he has control of his life ahead. He'll usually have months scheduled and planned, though he does of course welcome smaller events and gatherings if they should be announced at short notices. When he makes decisions, he'll often consider what effect it has for the future, rather than just what's happening now. This has granted him the pleasure of being able to bask in the glory of his accomplishments months after they were first started, though as if he hadn't been farsighted, it likely would never happen. He's also quite patient, and doesn't mind to wait for a greater good, if he knows it's coming. He dislikes making temporary solutions and would much rather put effort into making permanent solutions, so the issue doesn't rise again. Doing sloppy jobs is something he despises, and he'll quickly note people who are lazy. They have tendencies of doing things to the bare minimum, whereas Sébastien will do what it required when it is required to get a better product that lasts longer and needs less maintenance.

  • Overly obedient (-)
    Towards those in commanding ranks above him, he'll often follow orders without question. He sometimes doesn't necessarily agree with what they have him do, but he'll do it out of respect for his commanding officer, and because he understands there is reason and logic behind their decisions. Every now and then, although not too often, he'll sit with a lump of regret, having done something against his nature. Because he's grown desensitized to much of it, he's able to overcome it after a short while. But because he's loyal and obedient, he's been subject to exploitation a few times. This has severed his trust to those he respect if he found out their motives for his actions were unjust or without reason. Despite that, he'll still follow orders, though his personal relationship to the officer will be damaged. He understands that some decisions are made out of fear because one may have a lot at stake. It is only human. When he is sent out to do excessive missions, he feels exploited.

  • Unforgiving (-)
    There've been several times during his life when his trust and faith in someone has failed or been betrayed. Over time, he's developed trust issues, especially when it comes to someone trying to regaining his trust. The "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"- policy applies strongly to him, and he is not interested in making the same mistake twice. Even when someone tries to redeem themselves, he'll always have a suspicion in the back of his mind that they're able and will disappoint him again. If he's gone out of his way to do someone a favor, or even a small one, and the deal went sour or they didn't fulfil their part of the deal, he's likely to never do anything for them again, even if they corrected their fault some time later, with interest. He'll still stay their friends, if they were, but he won't rely on them for anything, or involve them in anything of great importance.

  • Possessive (-)
    Sébastien doesn't enjoy having a lot of things. It makes him feel like he's got too much to be responsible for. But what he does own, he owns one hundred percent. If he's courting someone, he'll have a hard time giving them personal independence or privacy, and he'll be terribly jealous should they talk to another male. He's had his heart shattered by a few ladies before, so his trust towards ladies isn't very strong, which results in him being controlling and possessive. He also dislikes sharing his belongings with anyone, are they those he courts, his books, weapons, attire, etc. He dislikes anyone interfering with what's his, in fear of them messing it up or ruining it, which has happened often. His younger brothers would often take his things, play with them and break them. To save himself from disappointment, he'll own little and take good care of it and let no one use them. That way, they often last longer.

  • Short Attention Span (-)
    Staying focused hasn't been a strong trait of Sébastien's. Especially if it concerns something that doesn't particularly spark his interest. If he's having a conversation with someone, and something unexpected suddenly happens, he loses focus and gets back to the subject eventually, he'll often find himself struggling remembering what they were talking about. This isn't because he doesn't care enough to remember, but because he's unable to. Having too many things happen at the same time which aren't necessarily related is an environment that invites to short attention span tendencies, so he'll try to avoid that if he can. That, and being in an environment with too much going on is too chaotic for him. Too much irrelevant things he can't be bothered with. That doesn't apply to being at a bar or enjoying drinks out with friends. When he was younger he'd often have a hard time focusing on subjects during studies and would often trail off and wander elsewhere. As he's grown, he's learned to force himself to try and ignore what distracts him, but every now and then, it slips through.

Life Story
(Age 0-10)

Sébastien Édouard Valeur was born the 9th. of July 270 AC. to Juliana and Hadrien Valeur. He was the first of the twin brothers. The other was Stephan Valeur, born minutes later. Their small Ithanian Baronial land tract served as the family's income, managing, harvesting and treating lumber, transporting it to Regalia and New Ceardia. Due to internal family quarrels between Hadrién and his brother Nicodéme, the family business seemed to stagnate, and it wouldn't excell until years later.

During Sébastien's younger years, most of his time was spent with his mother and brother. It wasn't until he was old enough to wield a small wooden sword and swing it around without hurting himself that his father would be more involved in his upbringing. An hour or two a day, his father would strictly teach him fencing together with his twin Stéphan. They both loved it, and when exercising was over, they'd continue the training together more playfully elsewhere. Their father tried to be as strict and show as much discipline as possible, but seeing two five-year-olds over do a soldier attitude would be more flattering than anything else at times. He'd also be more lenient towards both of them, considering they were still quite young. Taking advantage of their hyper selves, the days were more or less spent doing as much physical activity as possible. Not only would this relieve stress from their mother, but also prepare the young for a more intense exercise schedule when they grew older. Theoretical studies had begun for Sébastien at the age of seven. It came to no surprise that he favoured history and tactical classes rather than the diplomatic subjects.

(Age 10-20)
Sébastien seemed to improve in his combat skills each passing day. Thanks to his father and uncle, he'd learn fighting with both a rapier, and also with a one-handed axe, though he prefered the rapier. As far as studies went, he'd do the bare minimum. He wasn't interested in reading, let alone books. Sitting still was difficult for Sébastien, and he longed to be outside and play. As he grew into his teenage years, he'd start taking practicing a little more serious. His brother Stéphan would spend more time with his studies than him, meaning more one-to-one practice with his father Hadrién. There came a time when the family business seemed to blossom again, but this was years later. A private tutor was hired to teach Sébastien while Hadrien was away on business travels. At the age of eighteen, Hadrién was found dead in his office chair, and matters of succession were at hand. Sébastien's uncle Nicodéme had left the Barony to attend to his own Barony a few days prior to his death, but all messages sent to him about his brother's death were not answered. They assumed he grieved and wished to be left alone. After a long meeting had ended, it was decided Hadrién's wife would manage the business instead of her Sébastien. He was simply not interested, and he know with him leading the business, it would surely fall. With this, Sébastien continued on his path to become a stronger man and a better soldier.

(Age 20-34)
Having grown in skill and ambition, Sébastien traveled to Regalia. He wished to join the Regalian army, eventually climbing the militaristic ladder to become a captain. However, despite his skill, it proved to be difficult, but he was determined to reach his goal. He penned letter and visited family in Ithania often, and eventually persuaded the family to involve themselves more in Regalia. At the age of thirty, his younger sister Victoria would have been head of business for three years already, after their mother Julienne had passed away. Victoria, had decided to take Sébastien's advice and moved to Regalia, seeking to involve the business further there. Sébastien decided to move to Regalia one the family was properly situated, and shortly after he moved, he began taking fencing lessons. He gained friends having interests in the same field as him, and he'd spend much of his time socializing with them whenever he wasn't training. His dream was to become a soldier, or a guard in the Vigilant Shield.
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Greetings @Satisarah , I'll be reviewing this character sheet!
  • You say under the trait Devoted that Sébastian is ".. quite disciplined as well, meaning you'll have a rough time distracting him from his tasks.", yet he has the weakness of a short attention span. That contradicts itself. I suggest finding a different weakness, rewording the personality trait, or replacing the trait.
Mark your edits in blue and tag me when you're done.
Changes have been made and are colored in blue. ^^