Ryoko Qijin Kaiso

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Percuriam, Apr 30, 2015.


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  1. Percuriam

    Percuriam The Storyteller

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Basic Information
    • Ryoko Qijin Kaiso is a 43 year-old Male Chien-ji infected with the Sun-ji strain of Vampirism
    • Ryoko was born to Asako Kaiso And Hirohito Kaiso in a small village within the Yang-Tzu islands where the rest of his family still reside. He also has two sisters Michika and Renin, and one brother, Tainen.
    • Ryoko lives in a quiet residence in the interior of Regalia, not far from the port.
    • Ryoko’s has two primary life goals, and they are very closely intertwined:
      • To live comfortably, surrounded by antiques with plenty victims to feed on.
      • To be part of something bigger and use his vampirism to its full potential.
    Visual Information

    Body Description
    • Ryoko’s body is dominantly lean muscle, his lifestyle as a warrior allowed him the luxury of such muscle beforehand, though with after being affected by the Sanguine curse the muscle has much more strength behind it than before.
    • Ryoko has a very fit body, almost to the point of being unattractive. Despite only being 5’ 4”, Ryoko weighs 145 pounds, due to the thickness of his blood he appears to be much smaller than he weighs.
    • Incredibly pale, Ryoko tends to avoid the sun as often as possible, due to how painful it is to his sensitive skin.
    • Ryoko finds no use in maintaining any hair on his body below his face as very little hair grows on his chest and extremities anyway.
    Head Description
    • Ryoko has almond shaped eyes and a small mouth as well as sunken cheekbones. Very angular features cover his head, and a small nose that curves slightly to the left after being broken several times.
    • Ryoko’s eyes, originally fully golden, are now flooded with a deep burgundy, while a small golden ring circles the exterior of it. He is generally very smug in his expression though scowls often as well.
    • Ryoko’s hair is very cleanly kept, the sides being kept short while the top is given the liberty of medium length. Ryoko keeps most of his face clean shaven, preferring it to the scratchy annoyance of facial hair.
    • Ryoko’s body is dominated by tattoos in many styles as he enjoys the artwork done by numerous artists. He enjoys the many forms of art across his body, which can be viewed as a literal canvas. Most of the symbols hold a very descriptive meaning to the Chien-ji culture, something he is more than obsessed with. However, since the time he was plague with the Sanguine virus, Ryoko has found that his skin is much harder to tattoo, as it has become much more resilient.
    Clothing and Accessories

    • Ryoko’s main garb is a Chien-ji coat made from very thin material, and buttons up in the front. The main colour of the coat is
    • Besides a gold circle worn in his right ear, Ryoko travels very lightly. Having little need for heavy and flashy jewelry, he finds that the lack of such frivolities free him from being weighed down, and prevent anyone from gaining an advantage over him.
      • He also wears a small band around his waist that carries a quill, glass bottle of ink, and a handbook for documenting information, and it hangs very loosely on his thin hips.
      • He also carries with him a deck of tarot cards and a small silken bag of bones, both tools he uses in his divination practices. The tarot cards have a theme centered around Chien-ji folklore, the Dai-Loong card meaning great luck, the Qi card meaning new life, and the Shan card meaning unpredictability. The bones are vertebra from a Qilin, the animal holding a very rich spiritual meaning to the Chien-ji culture, as well as to Ryoko himself.
    Behavior Information

    Personality Traits
    • Malicious: Mostly he enjoys inflicting pain on other individuals, Ryoko generically despises people, especially loud people. His disease brings sensitivity to sound, and people being overly noise, Ryoko often inflicts harm on the noisy individuals without any backlash at all. Several of his victims have died merely to negligence from Ryoko as he chooses to overlook the pain of individuals unless necessary.
    • Disciplined: Before he was infected, Ryoko lived dutifully with the Chien-ji monks outside of his village. Worshipping and training alongside these individuals, he developed a strong sense of discipline. Though he has the desire to lash out at unsuspecting passers by, Ryoko has refined himself to resist the instant desire to feed or kill, and will only lose control if forced to stave off blood for too long.
    • Organized: Whether it be about his person or about his house, Ryoko is incredibly organized, meticulously putting things back into the place they belong, and sorting and organizing things that don’t. Most oragnized, however, are the books and near useless antiques that fill his small house. He's spent and traded a small fortune for them, though each object has almost no value to normal people.
    • Wise: Though not innately intelligent, Ryoko is knowledgeable on certain subjects, even if he is a bit slow on others. Mathematics, herbalism, as well as a few other diverse subjects are his expertise, that goes without question. He also is able to put weight onto his words, as his knowledge is not only gained from study, but experience as well.
    • Finicky: Derived from his Sun-ji traits, Ryoko is incredibly finicky when feeding. Preferring the elderly or older victims over the younger type like most prefer is ingrained into his brain as not only a survival instinct, but a general affinity as well. A child or even a young adult could have almost two liters of blood drained by the Sun-ji, and Ryoko would still not even be close to as full as if the victim had been an elderly delicacy.
    • Predatory: The elderly, dominantly, are the ones targeted by the Chien-ji vampire when feeding. His prolonged exposure to his particular strand of the Sanguine curse has made him more apt to pray on the weak and especially the elderly. He is also naturally exploitive, noticing the falts or “chinks” in people’s armour very easily and using those to his advantage.
    • Devious: Divination is another craft Ryoko excels in, and he often refers to a toos of the Qilin bones or a tarot card reading to determine what his days or someone elses will be like. Regardless of if he believes either instrument, the Chien-ji man does use this practice to acquire easy coin from villagers and, lately, the people of Regalia. Forecasting someone’s future is quite the talent even if it’s just a fallacy. It goes beyond this, though, as he has no problem lying or deceiving anyone if it benefits him in the long run.
    • Loyal: However devious he may be if Ryoko is to develop a long-standing relationship with anyone he becomes incredibly loyal to them. He views them as an extension of himself, and can be incredibly overprotective. Not to the point of selflessness, however, as he will always have his best interests in mind, but considers mutual loyalty to be a very deep connection between two people.

    • Mathematics: Numbers, figures, and even basic mathematics have always been a passion of Ryoko’s, not to mention it helps him keep organized efficiently. Also, mathematics are a heavy part of his everyday life, whether it be his practices of Divination or Astrology.
      • Divination: Coming in two main forms: tarot card reading, and casting bones. Ryoko spent several years learning the practice of divination from Chien-ji monks as well as ancient tomes the monks preserved. Ryoko, naturally, is a heavy believer in the power of the spiritual and natural worlds, and both forms he practices allow him to make a bit of extra money and be viewed as a powerful sage.
      • Astrology: Not as easily controlled as Divination, Astrology is another place where Ryoko’s mathematical skills are taken into account. The location and positioning of celestial bodies can have a heavy impact on people’s lives.
    • Culture: A primarily culture driven society, the Chien-ji are influenced by the acts of their ancestors, and are very ancient in some practices. Ryoko himself, even more so since he became a Sun-ji, is infatuated with things much older than he is. Whether it be an ancient coin, an ancient tapestry, or even an elderly person, Ryoko places it’s value much higher than anything newer.
      • Chien-ji: His own culture is uniquely fascinating to him. The rich background as well as constant war with the Wulong make for incredibly interesting tales,.
      • Vampiric: Though much harder information to get ahold of, Vampiric culture is almost as fascinating to him as the Chien-ji culture. A bloodline for every race, and several bloodlines for humans leaving much knowledge to be desired.
    • Documentation: Writing down anything and everything is a constant habit of Ryoko's, alongside something that keeps his collections in check. He keeps several books filled with endless information within his home that he has recorded himself, and also several tomes of knowledge gained from others.
    • Antiquity: Similar to his love for culture, Ryoko reveres anything considered an antique, that including the elderly. Though his enjoyment of antiquity started a few years before his transformation, it readily turned into an all out obsession after he was gifted with the Sanguine Curse.
      • The Elderly: More so their blood than anything, Ryoko will savour every last drop when feeding, as they are a delicacy to those of the Sun-ji bloodline. Often times he slips into their homes at night using a numbing agent such as an Erai’s kiss to numb their wrists before slitting them open and drinking his fill. Though recently he has begun experimenting with Roughvine as a muscle relaxer to lull the elderly to sleep and then drink their blood freely without the need for a numbing agent.
      • Antiques: This love isn’t conditional though he does have a preference. Any antiques are seen by Ryoko as objects of incredibly high value and are well worth any cost a seller might present to him.
    • Youth: Cretins, really. The little ones and even teenage ones are despicable, and utterly worthless. Feeding on them has little to no effect on his appetite, so why should he even bother with them? Even though he hasn’t reached Elder status yet, he finds the prospect of youth utterly sickening.
      • Children: Especially the younger ones. The younger they are the more noise they make. If there were ever a reason for Ryoko to kill for sport, it would be when living near a cluster of noisy children.
      • Adolescents: Snotty brats, sometimes even worse than the younger cretins. Ryoko despises both breeds of youth. Generally he goes out of his way to avoid them, choosing a route that might take him all the way around the city to avoid them, even if his destination is just down the street.
    • Noise: An inhibitor because of his specific bloodline, Ryoko hates noise and is easily brought to a stop by its affects. He’s even gone so far as to buy one of the bell towers in Regalia and turn it into a garden because of the raucous it caused. It was expensive, but at least the bell was old and rather attractive as well.
      • Loud Noise: Yelling, screaming, loud raucous laughing. All of it. Ryoko cannot even stand to be near it, but when forced to be around noise he wraps a cloth around his ears, but only after stuffing tufts of wool into his ears to further quiet his surroundings.
      • Repetitive Noise: Almost as bad as loud noises, repetitive noises are very, very irritating. Ryoko hates the ticking of a clock, or the dripping of water almost as much as he would hate being screamed out by a child.
    • Sunlight: A dislike by most vampires, Ryoko doesn’t mind the sun when it’s cultivating his plants, but that seems to be the Sun’s only use. Astrology is nigh impossible during the day, and the big sphere of light could drop out of the sky for all Ryoko could care, though to Ryoko the only non beneficial part of that would be the poppies that stopped growing.
      • Direct: The worst and most painful, Ryoko has little experience with Direct sunlight, but has felt how painful it is several times. He once slaughtered an entire household after consuming the blood of an elderly alcoholic and waking up as the sun rose after passing out, just to keep out of the sun’s harsh glare.
      • Indirect: Though not as cruel and harmful as direct, Ryoko likes to refer to Indirect sunlight as diluted or dulled sunlight, as it isn’t as intense when passing through the coloured glass of a window. Either way, he doesn’t like either particularly very much, and chooses to stay away from both.
    • Dark Coloured Clothing: Coming from a very colourful culture, Ryoko enjoys his teal shirt and white pants, though only tolerates the brown of his boots. Overall he doesn’t like it when clothes are muted or even colours like brown, which are a little of both.
    Abilities and Disabilities

    • Agile: Being able to move quickly is quite the talent and is something Ryoko has cultivated like he would cultivate one of his favorite plants. Being silent and agile make him very effective when feeding, especially when he must use his claws to scale the walls of homes. Moving quickly and quietly are tools as effective as any knife of weapon can be.
    • Self-Restraining: Easily overlooked when drugs or blood is present, Ryoko has learned to keep his personality in check, but to keep his anger in check as well. Living amongst the Chien-ji monks taught him to control his behaviour though it didn’t teach him to do so in the presence of an undying desire for blood. This is arguable though when the Chien-ji is clear-headed he can easily restrain himself from doing anything rash.
    • Deceptive: Most common applied when demonstrating his talents in divination, Ryoko can lie, cheat, and deceive most any person quite easily. Being from a spiritual culture, most laymen are dumb enough or desperate enough to believe anything Ryoko might spew from his mouth, sometimes to the point where Ryoko convinces himself of things. This also makes him quite talented at thievery.
    • Sensitivity to Noise: Like other Sun-ji vampires, Ryoko can easily be fought off by using a gong, or even yelling. Loud noises are incredibly harmful to the vampire, and if too loud can leave him temporarily deaf and defeated. A hefty reason for preferring the quieter side of Regalia as well as having nocturnal tendencies. Despite being an efficient killer, Ryoko rarely kills recreationally, due to the fact that someone could easily overtake him by yelling loudly, and it’s very discouraging to know that you can be brought down by a child with a pot and a wooden spoon.
    • Weak Sense of Value: Another trait heavily influenced by his bloodline, Ryoko values antiques much higher than anything newer, even if the latter heavily outweighs the former in value. This causes him to make incredibly awful business deals, especially when concerning antiques or cultural pieces.
    • Frantic: Ryoko has defined his life into specific aspects, not allowing for much thought into how exactly to get out of certain situations. If attacked out of surprise, Ryoko will immediately go into a panic, exerting most of his strength into an initial defensive attack to push the assailant away, often times just lashing out frantically to get the edge before slipping away quietly. His specific training in more offensive assaults makes him easily overtaken in a combat situation he did not initiate.
    • Susceptible To Sunlight: Ryoko, like most vampires, is incredibly susceptible to sunlight. Though he's never been in full sunlight, he has been exposed to it on certain occaisions, in which his internal body temperature began to rapidly increase. This often isn't a problem, however, as long as he keeps his shutters closed tightly and retains his nocturnal habits.
    • Overprotective: A derivative of his loyal personality, Ryoko can be very overprotective of those who are dear to him. This can be seen in the fact that he often sends letters to his mother in the Yang-Tzu, ensuring that his family is fine despite how he, in their eyes, disgraced them so greatly. Another weakness that is easy for an assailant to take advantage of, the Chien-ji would often put those he loves before himself if possible, and will go to great lengths to protect them.
    Combat Styles
    • Offensive: Ryo’s general offensive style is silent stalking, though he rarely kills for recreation, as he has no need to except for feeding and his elderly victims are often far too frail to fight back. He will come up behind one of his victims and slit their throat with his "claws" dropping them to the ground and, if they're old enough, feed on them.
      • Feeding: Ryoko will scale the sides of buildings in the dead of night, crawling in through an open window and slitting the wrists or throats of the elderly, drinking as much as he likes before slipping out into safety. He often watches sevearl victims at a time, and is an opportunist when it comes to picking a time to feed.
    • Defensive: Ryoko will often rely on his strength and talon-like claws in a Defensive situation, raking and gouging at any open patch of skin he can find to get the edge in combat, and turn it into a more offensive situation. He doesn’t do good in combative situations as the noises of the battlefield will quickly and efficiently subdue him.
    Weapons of Choice
    • His “Talons”: A primary first line of defense, Ryoko finds that more than often he has had no need for a weapon of any kind as his fingernails work just as fine, and have more maneuverability.


    • Family:
      • Hirohito Kaiso - NPC Father - Ryoko’s father, who he used to be very close to until the unfortunate that occurred with his grandfather.
      • Asako Kaiso - NPC Mother - Asako still writes to Ryoko, and he is very loyal to her. He has tried to visit his mother often, but every time he is turned away by his father.
      • Diji Kaiso - NPC Deceased Grandfather - Hirohito’s father, and Ryoko’s first victim. Ryoko was overcome with bloodlust and found that his grandfather was a morsel that he couldn’t resist. In his uncontrollable state he used to his claws to rend his grandfather, drinking the blood from the man’s heart as the life fled from his eyes.
      • Rina Kaiso - Playable Sister - His favourite and youngest sister, Rina was, and still is, incredibly innocent. She has even unto this day believed the lies the family tells about their eldest son and thinks that Ryoko is merely travelling. She hopes to find him again one day.
      • Michika Kaiso - NPC Sister - The eldest of the Kaiso children, Michika was visit home with her husband when the incident occurred, and was witness to her brother’s first feeding, as well as the mess of his body Ryoko left for the family to clean up.
      • Tainen Kaiso - Playable Brother - Ryoko’s younger brother, Tainen was born very soon after Ryoko left their village, and doesn’t even know that Ryoko exists.
      • Colline Shoen - Apprentice @Annju - Though Ryoko considers her family, Colline is not related by any means. His apprentice for almost ten years, Ryoko is incredibly protective of Colline, and is even proud at how far she has come in the art of divination.
    • Friends
      • Shikkai Din-Ji - Playable Character - Shikkai is the eldest of the Din-Ji siblings, and was one of Ryoko’s best friends during his childhood. As far as Shikkai knows, Ryoko is dead.

      • Rahi Din-Ji - Playable Character - The younger brother of Shikkai, Rahi idolized Ryoko, something Ryoko often took advantage of. Rahi still believes in his heart that Ryoko is alive, but after more than twenty years have gone by, Rahi has lost faith.





    Life Story

    Birth ( Birth to 2 years )
    Ryoko was born to Asako and Hirohito Kaiso on a quiet Spring day, in the year 265 AC. The second born to the couple, Ryoko was named after his great grandfather and was an incredibly docile child. He was very well cared for as a child, having a mother, grandfather, and sister to care for him at all times left him never far from a warm embrace of a family member.

    Childhood ( Ages 3 to 12 )

    As docile and quiet as he was during his earliest years, Ryoko’s childhood years were spent in the large gardens his family owned, looking at the plants and giving them the tenderest care a young child can. He was always getting in trouble, however, as he often walked too close to the plants that could do much more than just flavour a stew, often being wrenched away from their sharp leaves and thorny vines by his mother to be disciplined soon afterwards. Though, despite the disencouraging glances, the young Chien-ji readily took a deep interest into the plants and learned to study them further. Around the age of ten, Ryoko learned of the Chien-ji monks who worshipped on the outskirts of their village, and held an immediate fascination with their way of life and how peaceful it was. Though too young to be indoctrinated into their silent society, he was taken on as an errand boy, despite the hesitation his mother and father had about him making the choice to be a monk, instead of a soldier. The Wulong were a severe threat, and every soldier mattered.

    Adolescence ( Ages 13 to 16 )

    As he slowly became more engaged in this society that had taken him in, Ryoko learned what kind of lifestyle the Chien-ji monks actually lived, and started to prepare himself for it. As at the age of 14, he would soon be old enough to ascend into their ranks. Constant meditation was the first practice he taught himself, easy enough at first, but despite how little noise Ryoko made, he had difficulty retaining the same position for more than thirty minutes, especially when his mind wasn’t occupied with something else. His meditation became reading, and more specifically, reading anything he could get his hands on. Listening to stories from the eldest of the monks was great fun as well, and the young Chien-ji soon learned of how rich and beautiful his culture was. He was entranced from the very beginning. As he turned fifteen, and then sixteen the next year he was brought into the chamber of the eldest monks and sworn into a three year vow of silence. “Discipline, is the greatest lesson. Make this vow in the name of the Great Dragon himself, Dai-Loong, so you are not tempted by others or yourself.” He lived the next three years of his life in utter silence, meditating daily and learning as much as he could about his diverse culture. Cultivating the gardens of the monks during the day and listening to their stories by candlelight as the sun descended on the horizon.

    Early Adulthood ( Age 17-18 )

    Those who were actually monks, and not just serving boys, were granted access into a much more broad spectrum of learning. He was educated on the principles of mathematics, and through this learned of Divination and Astrology, which he quickly took a liking too. When a dead Qilin was brought before the Brotherhood, Ryoko was gifted with nine of its vertebra, one for each letter in “Dai-Loong”, and then an extra dice for the dash, which determines the likeliness of the event predicted. From these bones he crafted dice, and on each die were different symbols, each symbol one of Ryoko’s own creation. All nine dice symbolize different meanings though since Ryoko was the creator of these symbols so only he can translate and interpret them. This was to prevent the theft of the dice as well as arguments over interpretation. Divination was said to be a spiritual practice, and that Dai-Loong guides the dice when they are cast. Similar to the dice, tarot cards provide a much broader reading and can answer a several questions even when unasked, which is why Ryoko crafted a deck for himself, speaking to several different artists in the Brotherhood to paint the symbols for him. Finding that he enjoyed their work so much, he had the symbols tattooed onto his own body, stating that, “They further my connection to Dai-Loong, and strengthen the readings.” Exploring into the deeper parts of the library he uncovered a tome detailing these “Paragons” that were given a gift directly from the Great Dragon himself, that being the power of unholy strength. Ryoko looked back on his practices in the combat fields where the other apprentice had a practiced ease with magic, simple farming tools, or crude daggers, the same fields where he himself held no expertise. He preferred more passive persuits, and would often spend hours writing or reading while the others were training. Often ridiculed openly, as all their three years of silence were at an end, Ryoko wished deeply for this gift and found himself spending more time digging through books in search of this unholy gift, and possibly where to find it.

    Finding The Sun-ji ( Age 19 )

    When the tomes of the Brotherhood’s library gave no answer to his questions, Ryoko presented them before the council of elders who convened to discuss the dangerous interest one of their own had shown in something they believed they had stifled. Though the oldest of the Elders spoke from his high seat, believing that the curse had been purged from their island, “The Northern side, you will find them on. Walk at night and bring with you a hand gong should any be there. Tread carefully, these beasts are worse than one hundred Wulong.” Believing he may have deterred the boy, the Elder began to fret on the boy’s absence in the hours of breaking their fast, only to find that he had left later that night. Ryoko travelled swiftly in the night, sleeping during the next day and waking again to continue travel the next day. On the northern side of the island he trekked through the northern sided of the Chien-ji inhabited island he approached the base of one of the highest mountains on the island. Forgetting his hand gong he walked around a section of the base. Finding it hard to see during the new moon Ryoko was completely unaware of the silent figure who approached him from behind, wrapping a hand around his neck and throwing him to the ground, ironically, with the same unholy strength Ryoko had come looking for. The young Chien-ji grew into a panic and he clawed desperately for the strap of his satchel, going for the gong inside. As he scrambled forward the assailant moved quicker, latching onto his wrist and pinning him to the ground and drawing a talon like fingernail across Ryoko’s wrist, opening a fresh wound and causing blood to gush forth like a fountain. Struck across the temple with a heavy rock to stop his struggle, Ryoko remembers very little after that, but he can recall a raspy voice whispering to him, “Not old enough.. Not old enough.. Need more..” After that he faded into black.

    The Return ( Age 21 )

    Waking up the next day Ryoko was incredibly weak from blood loss as the vampire had greedily downed an entire liter of blood. A shrewd face looked down at him as his vision flickered in and out, the man (or at least what appeared to be) shook his head, picking Ryoko up easily and resting him in his cart nearby. Ryoko faded into sleep once again soon afterward. In the morning five days later Ryoko was back on his feet, and felt twice as strong as before, despite the crippling blood loss. He was walking easily, and thanked the man kindly for taking him in, after snorting he remarked “S’no problem, happens lots ‘round ‘ere. S’the damned blood lickers. You do good ta’ keep ‘way from ‘em” Ryoko perked a brow but didn't ask any questions as he changed into a fresh pair of clothes and set off on the journey back home. Resting as often as he needed to, Ryoko savored the great amounts of strength and coordination he now possessed, travelling farther in a much quicker rate than he ever had. When the evening of the sixth day came around he was entering into the familiar grounds of his village, where he greeted his family with open arms after being separated for almost twelve years.

    First Feeding ( Bloodlust; Eleven Days after being infected )

    It was different, to be the strongest in the household and to impress your family with your newly gained strength. Ryoko was treated as a prodigal son, and his family believed that Dai-Loong himself had given their son the strength, while in actuality something far more evil than the Great Dragon was coursing through Ryoko’s veins. Six days had passed since he had been attacked, the bump on his head had gone down and his wrist had almost fully healed at a surprising rate. He began to feel incredibly irritated by the screams of his little sister, and would often retreat into the safety of the gardens or the silence of his own room to escape the harsh noise. During the eleventh night he awoke in a cold sweat, a fierce hunger overtaking him as he was thrown into a frenzy. He stalked down the hallway, catching sight of his sleeping grandfather and being unable to resist such a temptation. He jumped onto the old man while he slept, a resounding, “Oomph,” travelled throughout the room, though Ryoko paid no attention as he lost control, rending the flesh over his grandfather’s stomach and drinking heavily from the old man’s dying corpse. He stood above his body and was satiated, though he found tears falling from his eyes at his act. He turned, unable to realize what had just happened and why it had made him feel reinvigorated, only to see his sister standing in the doorway, eyes wide as she let out a loud scream. Ryoko found himself flying down the halls, shoving his sister’s husband into the wall before being cut off by his father, who also grew wide-eyed at the scene. His eldest son covered in blood, and his eldest daughter screaming that his father, their grandfather, was dead. Hirohito reached out to grasp at his son’s limb, laying another hand on a small cutting knife not too far away. As he reached for Ryoko’s wrist Asako interjected, tears falling from her face as she screamed, “Not my son! Not my son! Please, not my son!” Hirohito chased Ryoko out of their small house with Asako in tow, spitting out the door, “Cretin! Don’t return, face judgement for the crimes committed against your house!” Ryoko looked back in anguish, running through the gardens surrounding their house and into the night, finally falling into a deep sleep after having run a great distance. He rejected the experience for some weeks to come, though did not return.

    Banishment ( Ages 22 to 34 )

    After nearly escaping death at the hands of his father, Ryoko was banished from his family and his village, but the latter went without speaking. The next twelve years were spent wandering, living on the outskirts of villages and praying on their elderly at night. The first three years were awful, though as time passed Ryoko gave into his vampirism, embracing it even. He feasted during the night, learning to use his claws to climb and enter houses through windows. He often studied divination by day, using the same talons he used to climb walls and slit wrists to steal tomes in the night. Eleven years passed easily, until a year before the third century came to an end in 299 AC, and his prey began to dwindle as they died off.

    Current ( Ages 34 to current day )

    After several near-misses with other Chien-ji, Ryoko escaped the Yang-Tzu isles to enter a new terrain: Regalia. Being smuggled in alongside several other Chien-ji and their children caused Ryoko to become temporarily deaf for several days after the intense amount of noise nearly killed him. He celebrated the new century alone on the streets of Regalia, living around 11 months without a home and barely making enough money for food. After another 3 months of homelessness, Ryoko found that it was as easy to steal money casting dice and spinning tales with his cards as it was to swipe money from his elderly victims before or after he fed on them. Soon after he had this revelation, Ryoko started trying to target mostly the residents of the Ithanian district, who hold much more money in the purses than those of the poorer districts. After several more months of thievery at night and sleeping during the day, Ryoko had enough money to purchase a small house in a quieter district of Regalia. Despite the fact that he is dominantly nocturnal, Ryoko still finds a way to make quite a bit of money doing card readings and throwing his vertebral dice.
    #1 Percuriam, Apr 30, 2015
    Last edited: May 7, 2015
  2. Terence29

    Terence29 "Kittyhulk"

    Jul 30, 2013
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    I will be reviewing this character application!
  3. Terence29

    Terence29 "Kittyhulk"

    Jul 30, 2013
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    @Jaxin711 An interesting character, well written and a large amount of detail put into it. I however have to point out a few problems I would like you to fix, before I can approve of this application.
    • In the very first sentence, please state with what vampire bloodline Ryoko is infected.
    • In the second bullet point, please add some information about where his family members currently live, or if they are dead. Also mention the names of the siblings.
    • Ryoko has quite powerful strengths which are not in balance with the weaknesses, from my point of view. Although obvious, I would like you to add his vulnerability to sunlight and one more weakness of your choice.
    • There are no Ch'ien-Ji monasteries which educate in martial arts. The entire Ch'ien-Ji military consists of mages, while the commonfolk would improvise simple farming tools or knives as weapons if they need to defend themselves. Martial arts like Kung-Fu originate from Daendroc, you can read more about it here. That's why I have to ask you to remove his education in unarmed combat and throwing weapons. You can however keep his backstory of being a passive monk, those who worship the great dragon and such.
    • Ryoko seems to purchase houses as if they were fast food. I doubt tarot card reading and throwing a dice will give him enough money to purchase two expensive properties, one being a bell tower. I'd like you to either remove those bits or add a larger money source. As he was probably unable to grab his money when he was chased out of his family's house, perhaps he could have gotten the large sums of money by stealing from his victims?
  4. Percuriam

    Percuriam The Storyteller

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Alright, edits have been made! I hope they're up to par.
  5. Terence29

    Terence29 "Kittyhulk"

    Jul 30, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Looking good, approved!

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