Preserved Sheet Ryo 'redd' Varis Grey

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Mar 19, 2021
Reaction score
ur mom






Male, but does not care for strict gender roles

Eye Color:
Multicolor Crystaltech
(Used to be a Sky Blue)


Core Concept

Redd was once considered a young and naive Avantl, often being seen as too childish and strange even by Regalian's standards. As he aged in Regalia, however, he was forced to go through things that made him more like his Avantl brethren; quiet and less goofy than his once childish self, though he wishes to once again return to the good old days where he didn't need to worry about the world's view of him. He doesn't follow a religion per se, but he accepts almost all.




Strength - 3
(Uses an Axe, or anything he can get his hands on)

- Coward Pack
-Frenzy Pack
-Fisticuffs Pack

Constitution - 3

-Protectorate Pack
-Counterplay Pack
-Recovery Pack

Wisdom - 0

He's as dumb as a brick

Dexterity - 2

-Parkour Pack
-Reaction Pack

Magic - 4
(Exist Based)

- Casting Pack
- Blessings Pack
- Protection Pack
- Spellsword

══✿══╡SPELL SPECIALS╞══✿══


- Airwalking
- Self Control
- Arcane Mastery
- Prison Break
-Chain Break
- Memory Break
- Evil Tongues
- Pocket Dimensions
- Hivemind
- Mindscape
- Ward of Peace
- Plant Growth

Charisma - 2

-Agitator Pack

-South Linguist Pack



- Common (Free)
- Saan (Native)
-South Linguist Pack

Appearance Information

Redd is rather tall, being 6'3 and on the skinny side. His hair is usually a bright white, though recently the dye wore off to his natural brown hair color. He wears soft clothes, sporting his red vest and shorts or a sweater. Either way, he always has his red bandana and a pocket full of dandelions. He also nowadays has crystal tech eyes as well as Jadetech arms.

(Art done by Seaweed! I just colored it.)


Redd was born in Daen plains; part of an extremely small family of Maquixl which included his mother, father, and his two brothers. His family was a traveling one, going from place to place and not ever really settling down.

Redd was not as educated as he should have been for his age due to his mother's sheltering him, causing him to be clueless about the world outside of his family. To combat this, Redd was put through the Totonal Avarr ritual, along with his brothers when he turned of age to hopefully have the Avarr not only be a guide to Redd but try to have Redd atone for the sins against the Avarr. (Said Avarr is named Tecolotl)

Early Adulthood
The ritual idea backfired, causing an inexperienced and uneducated Redd to go through multiple fits of anger and uncontrolled violence as well as the voice speaking to him without any explanation. Shortly after, while heading to a new landmass on a small makeshift boat, it, unfortunately, crashed, causing Redd to lose his parents. He ended up on the shores of Regalia, after having grabbed a piece of floating wood from the wreckage.

Redd then wandered into the city, lost and extremely confused. He was somewhat adopted by a few different groups, causing chaos in his wake due to his lack of knowledge of the world. He learned quickly, however, causing a chain of horrible events to happen. Nowadays, he is trying to rewrite his past and make up for all he has done to those he once called family.



Last edited:
I am no longer staff. Someone else will have to pick this up for you, but hey have fun!
@RRedRRac8n Hello I have claimed this app for review, expect a response within 36 hours.
@Follower Hello! I changed things for the Avanthar update, as well as Redd having been cured. I also got rid of his dagger combat due to him barely using it, giving the points to gardening instead! Other than that it's just little tweaks here and there that don't mean much.
Claimed for re-review.
Basic Information
  • I think you've misspelled "Avanthar."
Skill Information
  • This is fine.
Visual Information
  • This is fine.
  • This is fine.
Life Story
  • Again, it is spelled "Avanthar," not "Avantaur," just make sure to correct that throughout your application.
This application is approved, just make those quick spelling edits. @RRedRRac8n
Basic Information
  • I think you've misspelled "Avanthar."
Skill Information
  • This is fine.
Visual Information
  • This is fine.
  • This is fine.
Life Story
  • Again, it is spelled "Avanthar," not "Avantaur," just make sure to correct that throughout your application.
This application is approved, just make those quick spelling edits. @RRedRRac8n

Alright! Should be all set!
No worries, re-approved.
You've used 15 points.
Howdy! App looks awesome, there's just one point that needs fixing before I can get this approved:
  • Please clarify which plane of Mage your character is (Void/Exist/Primal/etc).
That's all! Everything else looks fine, so go ahead and tag me once you've got that taken care of and I'll get this greenlit ASAP. Thank you!!
Howdy! App looks awesome, there's just one point that needs fixing before I can get this approved:
  • Please clarify which plane of Mage your character is (Void/Exist/Primal/etc).
That's all! Everything else looks fine, so go ahead and tag me once you've got that taken care of and I'll get this greenlit ASAP. Thank you!!
Hiya! Fixed it! :D

My friend is trying to get approved, some one who was doing their approval is no longer on the team so I thought I would tag you because you were so helpful with mine! :>
Here's my review:

Core Concept
-Please add a religion to Redd's core concept, or specify if he doesn't follow anything in particular.

-Something to note, your magical special are a bit out of date. Please adjust these.

Please make the above changes, and tag me when your finished or if you have any questions.
Here's my review:

Core Concept
-Please add a religion to Redd's core concept, or specify if he doesn't follow anything in particular.

-Something to note, your magical special are a bit out of date. Please adjust these.

Please make the above changes, and tag me when your finished or if you have any questions.