Ryker The Lampero Bastard

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by MonMarty, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Basic Information
    • Full Name: Ryker Lampero
    • Age: 18
    • Gender: Male
    • Race: Half-Orc Half-Ailor, mostly Orc heritage
    • Main Ambition: Does a teenager really have an ambition beyond subconscious self exploration?
    Basic Information Expansion
    • Ryker was brought to Regalia as a “service good” to assist Tristan Kade in regaining his Human rights. As such, his entire purpose to being in Regalia is to be re-educated on how to behave properly like an Ailor. He lives mostly with his father, though will often wander to sleep under a bridge or tree in the park, and has no job.
    • Ryker was born in Ithania’s Barjuk Orc tribe to Tristan Kade and an unnamed Orc woman. He was immediately rejected on birth by his tribe however, sold to a wandering merchant and eventually ran away and ended up living in the streets of the capital of Ithania. Ryker has a number of half-siblings on both sides, his mother’s he is not aware of, but he has at least one other half-brother and estranged sister from Tristan’s marriage to Leah Kade.
    Skill Information
    • Combat
      • Ryker (being a Half Orc) is Champion level School of Beorl which is mostly self taught at his home with his Beorl Axe that he bought from a street fair.
    • Languages
      • Ryker speaks fluent High-Ithanian. He was born and “raised” by the streets in Ithania and as such has learnt how to speak proper Ithanian even despite his tusks being an obstruction to some pronunciations.
      • Ryker speaks fluent Common, though does so with a bit of a strange vocabulary. He has a very strong sailor-esque or peasant-like dialect, though can actually speak very flat Heartland Common. He often simply chooses not to, since that requires the same trained effort to overcome his teeth issues when he speaks Ithanian, which is often unnecessary with Common unless prompted to do so.
      • Contrary to what many would think, Ryker does not speak a lick of Orc language. In fact when used on him, he considers it a verbal insult or a physical challenge and will often respond with a battle of dominance.
    • Intellect
      • Ryker cannot read or write nor will he likely ever learn how to do so. His inability to focus on small texts or to learn the context of the alphabet will permanently hamper his ability to ever really invest much in intellectual pursuits.
      • Ryker’s intellect is often deceptive in its nature. He is far from being stupid or simple minded, but his often witty and insightful responses to Human nature (particularly Ailor behavior) are not actually learned through research and practice, but through distrust and disdained interactions. As such, he can display uncharacteristic insight into Human behavior for a halfbreed, but this is largely due to his natural distrust for them and generalizing behavior that proves correct often.
    Visual Information
    • Eye Color: Regular Orc gold/amber iris with blackened eye whites
    • Hair Color: Identical to his father, he has a gradient of hair colors where his crown is bright/golden blonde which becomes darker and more brown with tinges of ginger going into his facial hair and sideburns.
    • Hair Style: Ryker’s hair is often surprisingly well styled, short and swept back but slightly longer on top to allow for a small “man bun” of sorts to be formed on the back. He has large hairy sideburns which often also cover his ears and cheekbones.
    • Skin Color: Ryker’s skin color is the typical combination between that of Regalian Pink and Orc Green, an olive green gray-ish tone which tends to be more on the tan side.
    • Clothing: Ryker exclusively clothes himself in his father’s attire, meaning he wears anything his father has worn over the past years with little problems or second thoughts.
    • Height: 6’8 or 203 CM
    • Body Build: Strongman
    • Weapon of Choice: His teeth/Beorl Axe
    Visual Information Expansion
    • Facially, Ryker looks almost like a brother of Tristan, which is a very fair assumption to make when first seeing him near Tristan Kade. He has the same rough and strong jawline, large nose with pronounced thick bridge and wide mouth with thin lips. His chin is very pronounced, as are his forehead brow bone upon which large eyebrows sit. His eyes are average and set nicely apart, with deep sockets and an intense gaze. The gap between his nose and forehead is always filled with snarl-like skin folds giving him a permanent angry appearance, even when smiling. He has pronounced cheekbones and jaw muscles, his whole head set on a bull-like thick neck. His face is covered in various patches of facial hair, he has very coarse stubble that grows mostly on his cheeks and his neck running far down, with longer facial hair to the sides of his chin and his jawline. His cheekbones are also densely covered in facial hair which fans out to the ears. His face often causes one to mistake him for an aged adult, as due to Orc aging, he has already developed a coarse skin with many folds and a strong pronounced structure.
    • Body wise, similarly to his face, Ryker is often mistaken to be an aged adult due to Orc aging. Ryker is brutish in appearance, having large meaty hands attached to strong bulky arms with a wide and bulky shoulder frame, set on a large rectangular chest with strongly defined muscles that heaves up and down with every powerful breath he takes. Body wise, Ryker resembles an Orc more than a Human as he has taken most of their appearance aspects. He has a large amount of body hair on his chest, stomach and forearms and even some sporadically on his upper arms and shoulders with the same dark brown color as his eyebrows and facial hair, with hints of ginger here and there. Set on his somewhat thinner waist, he is supported by two strong legs which hold his entire frame up, and are particularly well developed by his frequent diving.
    • Ryker usually wears a combination of his father's clothing but remixed to be less symmetrical. Ryker tends to just throw on whatever is closest to him, meaning his materials are fancy and noble-like, but the composition is always really laid-back and disorganized. He often provides fan service with partial exposure of his rib-cage, though in recent times has taken more to wearing proper clothing due to external pressure to behave more properly. The only jewelry he has on him are metal studs in his ears and his earrings, as well as his right eyebrow ring piercing. He has two on the upper curve of his ear, and a small metal rod between his earlobe and upper ear.
    • Ryker speaks a very deep yet smooth tone. When speaking and not visible, one might think he is a 50 year old heavily smoking Ailor lumberjack. His voice pitch and speed often changes by his mood, anger causes him to growl with a deep guttural noise while excitement and happiness increase the pitch ever so slightly to sound more at a normal tone.
    Personality and Abilities
    At this point in time, despite being physically matured due to Orc genetics, his Human genetics dictate a still very Human early-adolescent mindset. This means that Ryker is still mentally going through the tail-end of hormonal puberty and as such does not have a personality entirely set in stone, and is constantly evolving to the situations around him.
    • To outsiders, Ryker is offensive, brutish, monstrous and callous. He lacks respect for anything, is selfish and self-absorbed, hurts the people close to him and strangers for absolutely no apparent reason. He is expressive, always has something to say or someone to punch, and takes no shit from anyone, even going as far as to challenge foes that are far larger than him.
    • Inside, Ryker is constantly at odds with himself over how others see him. His inability to accept value in any other way than intimidation and fabricated respect causes him to feel bad about the things he keeps doing, even if he cannot stop himself. Ryker both neither understands himself, nor the actions he is doing, or why constantly feels bad about them afterwards but keeps repeating them.
    • Ryker acts exactly the same to his friends and family as to complete strangers, being an extension of how his psyche operates in trying to continue keeping everyone at an arm’s length and showing no emotional connection with anything. That being said, only to his father, there are sometimes moments where his inner teenage/early adolescent insecurities shine through, even if but short flashes.
    • Internally, Ryker has a fairly decent morality, but this never matters due to his external behavior. Due to his hyper masculinity and intimidation based self-value, he appears completely amoral, ignoring any and all social convention and resorting to unneeded and pointless violence over the simplest of things. He knows not the concept of sharing, or kindness or temperance, but at the same time doesn’t have a necessarily strong inclination towards corruption or evil. He simply does what he wants when he wants to do it for no real reason or by any trend or consistency, and as such can often simply be referred to as Chaotic Neutral.
    • Ryker has a very Jacobinist worldview in relation to nobility, but at the same time has a very conservative Jingoist view on the value of women and the commoners. He considers “prissy nobles” the very reason why Ailors won’t accept him, while at the same time being disgusted with street rats, orphans and commoners at how he was treated when he was a street urchin himself. The concept of religion is completely absent in his mind. Perhaps he might one day be attached to a religion, but as a street urchin, never had any concept or teachings about religion.
    • Ryker’s main and only real talent is his talent for diving and fish-diving more specifically. Years of scavenging for food and learning for fish divers in Ithania have taught him how to best fish for food in rivers. This has never brought him any real practical life applications, but some aspects of it have caused him to excel at some activities more than any other Orc or Ailor normally would. One would not even expect him to be good at diving due to his body shape and nature, though for what elegance he lacks above water, he suddenly becomes gracious and fluid in his movements underwater.
      • His talent for diving has given him excellent control over his breathing and lung capacity. Ryker can hold his breath for several minutes while engaging in physically intensive behavior without suffocating and has very strong mental control over avoiding panic when denied air.
      • His talent for diving has given him strong legs which he uses to propel himself underwater, or to push himself off of surfaces while breaking through the friction weight of the water. This gives him the ability to leap far and high even out of water, despite being a colossal mass of muscle and weight.
    • Ryker’s other talent is his raw power and force he is able to put behind attacks of any sort. He is not skilled in fighting in any way. In fact, he has not been taught any means of combat beyond just clawing his hands at someone’s face and trying to bite/strangle them, easily being outpaced and deflected by a skilled warrior. That being said, when a sword was finally put in his hands by his father, he showed exceptional skill at being able to translate rage and muscle power into devastating slashes. This raw power and force often also translates in his general brawling style, the levels of savagery he can attain by using his strong legs to lunge at someone and to shred into them with his half-Orc tusks, meaty hands and strength.
    By far Ryker’s biggest weakness is his detrimental and warped sense of self value. He has emotionally wrapped himself in a protective barrier of hyper-masculinity and dominance to hide a fragile ego that constantly drives him to find self-value and a sense of control over his miserable existence by competing with others. This forced competition takes its form in hyper aggression, obnoxious social conduct and stone faced lies, even to the people who he does hold value to. In the long run, this harms him because even when faced with any sort of situation where something he cares for is being risked or where he stands to gain something important to him, instead of fighting for it, he will go to lengths to prove how little he cares over it, feeling emotionally distraught at the loss about it afterwards.

    A good example of this can be cited about his Bandana. To him, the Bandana has always been a huge important part of his life, his only stringent attachment to his heritage and his only consistent identity symbol. When being challenged by his father about caring for it however, his immediate response was to deny emotional weakness and attachment by throwing it to the floor. This to him was almost paramount to losing a piece of self-value, to break down his own identity, causing a great deal of distress afterwards even when his father attempted to give the bandana back and his nature compelled him to show how little he cared about it on the outside, while he continued to tear himself up about it on the inside.

    This is more consistent with other people that care about him also, he rejects kindness out of hand and will say cruel things to the people he cares about to their face because getting a point across to reinforce his “I’m strong and I don’t need you” mentality is always greater than how torn up about it he will feel afterwards. As such, he is unable to properly develop relationships, be respectable, hold a long term conversation, or be considered anything less than a mutt monster to others. That in itself hides a core of truth in his psyche: He has been so consistently degraded by how others see him as a freak, that he has started to enforce that negative view, pretending to revel in it, even though it hurts him deeply each time someone affirms it.

    Another major problem Ryker has is his boundless aggression and rage. While this one is far less in-depth than his fabricated ego, it is equally debilitating to his ability to learn or act normal. The slightest frustration leads to aggression, the slightest aggression can spitball into a fit of rage where he loses any semblance of self control. The best way this often seen is during any time when he is trying to focus on something, and becomes distracted or frustrated at failure. For example, while being taught to dance, his inability to get a certain pace correctly will prompt him to punch his dancing partner in frustration, or while sword training, being unable to land his blows correctly causes him to simply drop the sword in anger and try to strangle his sparring partner, even if it were his father. This severely hampers his ability to really learn anything, as frustration will quickly halt the process of making mistakes and learning from them, instead reverting to violence and making a lesson pointless.

    I try to record every major interaction Ryker has, and any characters he knows to recognize to record here. If the list gets too long I may choose to remove names of individuals who have had only face-value interactions with Ryker that never left much of an impact.
    • Tristan Kade @SupremeCripple: Ryker’s father, Ryker and Tristan have a very complicated relationship. Ryker still harbors a sense of misplaces disgust, hatred and ill-wishing on his father for his lot in life and his general sense of abandonment. That being said, Tristan is also someone he seeks affirmation, respect and worth from, seeing himself as a reflection of his father’s position and stance in life. Ryker derives a lot of aspects from Tristan’s behavior and statements, but is also capable of violently attacking his own father when he is being challenged. As such, Tristan is as much a teacher as a means for Ryker to gauge his self value and confidence, meaning the two can rapidly cycle between violently beating each other and showing son-father affection.
    • Leah Kade @Missmaggy2u: Leah, lovingly referred to as the Weak Humie Mother, is largely seen as an interference when she tries to lecture or speak to Ryker. That being said, she has probably most profoundly affected his perspective of his father and is one of the only sources for Ryker to really understand his father due to his inability to take direct statements as truth.
    Life Story
    • Early Years
      • Ryker was born in northern Ithanian mountains in 290 AC to an unnamed Orc mother and Tristan Lampero who at the time was intoxicated and high on opium during an Orc party.
      • Ryker was immediately rejected by his Orc tribe and Tristan never learned he had a son as he left far before the mother showed any signs of pregnancy. Ryker was sold to a travelling merchant to become a slave for a few Regals, the only thing he had on him was a piece of cloth he was wrapped in that his mother stole from Tristan. It’s generally actually believed by Ryker that the merchant paid for the cloth and just got the baby with it for free.
      • Ryker was nursed by an unnamed Ailor woman who was relatively kind to him until he developed tusks. This was around the age of four where he was already tasked with small household chores around the caravan.
      • At the age of five, Ryker ran away from home and wandered the western coastline of Ithania roving from town to town and mostly eating from trash piles. Blessed with more Orc physiology, he was able to survive mostly on eating rotten fish.
    • Middle years
      • Ryker eventually settled in the capital of Ithania, the waterfall city of Bijoux Vert-plus-rême where he simply became a street orphan at the age of seven. He still resembled a Ailor largely at this age due to the lack of Orc development.
      • Around the age of nine, Ryker fell out of graces with the other street peddlers and urchins in the lower levels of the city due to the onset of early Orc puberty, his childhood tusks being replaced by larger ones, his facial structure squaring up and facial and body hair rapidly growing everywhere.
      • Around the age of 11, his psyche steeled. Two solid years of street abuse eventually came to an end when the middle stage of Orc puberty set in and his musculature rapidly developed when Orc metabolism set in. He easily doubled in size in the time span of six months and became far more aggressive.
    • Later years
      • Being more aggressive, he was able to strongarm the kids who had been cruel to him before out of their food and became more accustomed to the rough life lived on the street, ruling with the right of the strongest.
      • The bridging years between his becoming more aggressive and leaving for Regalia were mostly filled with street fights, scrapping and learning how to dive from watching other dive fishers. Ryker lived a decent (in terms of living on the street) life with a good amount of food available to him, but a very lonely one due to the richer citizens considering him a monster and the poorer ones now avoiding him due to his aggression and cruelty.
      • Ryker was eventually picked up by the Black Order when he became infamous enough in the lower levels, and their sources had found confirmation of his sale and birth from the Barjuk Tribes. A final testimony of a Black Hand member closely affiliated with Tristan Kade confirmed his identity as he looked a lot like Tristan, at which point they started extracting him.
      • At the beginning of 302 AC, Ryker was finally ferried to Regalia where he was to live with his father, initially being bribed to come over with the promise of wealth and a fancy living house, but later staying for other reasons.
      • Ryker learned the School of Beorl in the 3 years while being in Regalia.
    • Winner Winner x 6
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
    #1 MonMarty, Jun 27, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2017
  2. Aespair

    Aespair Am I the only one here?

    Feb 21, 2015
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    Claimed for review.
  3. Aespair

    Aespair Am I the only one here?

    Feb 21, 2015
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    Before I get started, I just wanted to express how much I enjoyed reading this sheet. The only problems I could find with it were really nitpicky formatting edits.
    • While they were certainly good reads, I need to ask that you put all expansions into spoilers for ease of review or re-review.
    • Bold potential "personality traits" in the personality paragraphs to the point where I can get a good overview of his personality just by reading those words.
    • I like how you wrote Ryker's perception of Alfred as a Dr. Frankenstein. It really fleshes Ryker out as a person, rather than a brainless brute that he is normally perceived as.
    Tag me when you've made the edits.
  4. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    I'm choosing not to adhere to the first bullet point because I will use color text formatting to identify new parts in potential re-reviews if they will ever even occur. Edits have been applied for bolding personality factors.
  5. Aespair

    Aespair Am I the only one here?

    Feb 21, 2015
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  6. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    @Aespair, I aged up Ryker by 3 years and added the School of Beorl in his skillset. Please rereview. Or just. Approve it. It's not that much of a change.
  7. Aespair

    Aespair Am I the only one here?

    Feb 21, 2015
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