Archived Rwtorchlight Plugin

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Mar 21, 2013
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I don't know what faction I am currently in...
So in teamspeak jla129 came up with idea that when you hold a torch, the area around you illuminates. As soon as I heard this I went straight to Google and searched it up, and this is what I found:

I think this will be a brilliant plugin for the server, because I feel that it will help improve the exploration of the MassiveCraft worlds, and it could also be used for roleplay purposes.

Here's a video on the plugin:
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This is a great Idea, it may cause lag for some players but it looks awesome!
Here's the thing, it is a client side plugin. So the person holding the torch will be the only person that can see the area light up.

That sounds great, I do see a problem with it though. The Role-Play side could cause some trouble because other players wouldn't be able to see it. Still an awesome idea!
Brilliant. Very brilliant. Now, me and Nari won't trip and fall over those filthy rats.
I know this is a bit off topic, but those guys who made the video are pretty cool guys, their channel is focused on server plugins and I watch them all the time :P
I agree with Shadow_King, YES

I must say, If it could be edited to allow all players to see it I think it would make it quite nice.
Oh, I've seen this idea before. Heard of it a year ago.

im so hipster
Main problem with this plugin in particular, that disqualifies it from use: it's client side only. It makes absolutely no sense in roleplay as other people can't see the light. From my viewpoint it's just a worse temporary vampire vision and nothing more.

Now if it was visible for other players it could change roleplaying significantly. You are exploring an old structure and suddenly you see light moving at the end of a corridor. Now that's something right? Or maybe you go with another person to the poor district, and only the other person is holding the torch. You have to follow that person and the light helps you do it, plus the atmosphere is better and it's more interesting than just pretending you see light.
I love this idea :D
Neat. It would be better if people in a small area around you could see the light aswell.
Maybe it'd be possible to make the client check if any player rendered is holding a torch, and spawn a client-side glowstone block below every player holding a torch. I'm not sure it it's possible, but if you can see a player holding a torch, why can't your client/game see it?

Another way would be to make the server temporarily spawn glowstone under every player holding a torch, client side for everyone if possible, because i imagine it causing some bugs if a glowstone block was really temporarily spawned under a player (for example jumping with a torch would spawn glowstone block in the air and you could jump even higher).
I am the only one around here who sees that this is going to laaag.
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