Preserved Sheet Ruvyn :: The Vengeance

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The Lonley One
Sep 5, 2016
Reaction score
New Sihndar character.webp

Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Ryuëssná'vyn Ácëossáläioness'a Xellscie Cae'ssa'vaa'llien
    • Imperialized Name: Ruvyn Alinor Xelrynd-Daevaar
    • Title: Sihn-Fallar
  • Age: 137
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Sihndar / Isldar
    • Tribe: Ellatrix
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Primary Weapon: Khoptar
    • Secondary Weapon: Throwing weapons (particularly javelin)

Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 50 for age + 10 Talent + 10 Hobby

  • Core:
    • 20 Blades (15 Age Points + 5 Racial)
    • 10 Throwing (10 Age Points)
  • Talent:
    • 10 Perception (10 Talent Points)
    • 10 Bodycare (10 Age points)
  • Hobby:
    • 5 Pathfinding Art (5 Hobby Points)
    • 5 Hunting Art (5 Hobby Points)
  • Point Buy:
    • 9 Ritualism (9 Age Points)
    • 6 Arcanology (6 Age Points)
Body Shape
  • Body Stat: 30 (20 Blades + 10 throwing + 5 Bodycare + 3 Pathfinding)
  • Body Shape: Muscular
  • Body Fat: Low
  • Common (Learned in childhood)
  • Sihndar Dialect Elven (Learned from parents)
  • Sulvaley Elven (Learned from parents)
  • Wyrm Tongue (Archblood Hearing)
  • Dragonspeech (Archblood Hearing)
  • Deathspeech (Archblood Hearing)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Racial Abilities
    • Residues of Cataclysm
    • Embrace of the Spider Queen
    • Embrace of Tainting
    • Lordings of the Demand - Ranth
  • Ritualism Abilities
    • Ritualist Earthbind
    • Ritualist Uprooting
    • Ritualist Blessed-Form
    • Ritualist Trance Fire
    • Ritualist Beast-Speak
    • Ritualist Vocalism
  • Arcanology Knowledge
    • Ward Knowledge
    • Artifact Knowledge
  • Archblood Abilities (Primal Allegiance)
    • Archblood Arsenal
    • Archblood Hearing
    • Archblood Overcharge
    • Archblood Repairs
    • Archblood Mindwall
    • Archblood Landing
    • Optional Tail Mutation

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: White sclera, violet iris
  • Hair Color: Tar black
  • Hair Style: Medium on top, brushed to the left, with the sides shaven
  • Skin Color: Magenta (Originally tyrian purple)
  • Clothing: Open vest jacket and pants, or a traditional Xavloay Outfit
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Sihn-Fallar Colors: Red, magenta, and silver
  • Mutations:
    • Void horns
    • Void Pigment
    • Void claws
    • Void mark - khoptar
    • Exist carry - salty ocean breeze
    • Exist light
    • Exist Purify
    • Exist Bite
    • Pagan Book - stars

Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Protagonist
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Spider Queen Worship : 8
      • Ruvyn is quite faithful to his religion, though he does not show it in his day to day life. He worships the Spider Queen through his actions to destroy the Void and Exist, and especially the Kathar.

  • Ellahie Daevaar : Ellahie and Ruvyn slowly grew closer after their initial meeting. Currently he's awaiting the perfect moment to ask her to marry him. She is always able to warm his day with her smile.
  • Sihndar : Generally Ruvyn likes Sihndar, though there is the occasional traitorous one that he strongly disapproves of, though also wishes to bring them back into the light.
  • Combating Kathar : The Sihndar, as many Sihndar do, absolutely hates Kathar and thoroughly enjoys bringing them to justice, especially with his own posession, only adding to the hate.

  • Kathar: Self Explanitory. He's a Sihndar, and hates the void, which infests the Kathar.
  • Other Elves : He does act quite friendly with other Elven races, however he does find them too weak to protect themselves or others and looks down upon them for that. The only real exception to this is Avanthar, who he holds a certain respect for.
  • Void / Exist : Ruvyn absolutely hates the void and exist, or in fact anything unnatural. His own posession is something that he has a controversial view on, as he finds it a necessary evil to defeat the void, and knows perfectly well how to rid himself of it, though on the same hand, also hates it for being unnatural.

Life Story (Required)
  • (Birth-10) Ruvyn was born to his Sihndar mother, Raenisa Xelrynd and his Isldar father, Virion Fayeth. His parents met in Drowda, his mother fighting the void hordes and his father a medic, coming to support the Sihndar in their battle. The two fell in love after many years of fighting the void. Ruvyn grew up learning to fight the void as well, being taken to various lessons on how to fight with his Khoptar and be agile on his feet to take down the advanced foes on Drowda.
  • (11-25) Upon his 16th Birthday Ruvyn was sent to the school of Esa-Ajo in the Rivaer Hold, taking on dangerous beasts and monsters as he trained there. Ruvyn took a liking to athletic training in particular, beginning to learn how to run quicker and climb quicker and generally be more agile. He became quite good at this in the many years he practiced it non stop, often getting in trouble for getting caught on top of a roof or halfway up a tower. Despite his troublesome climbing habits, the youth's talent was recognized quickly, and he was sent to the Derronva Hold to receive more advanced and expert training, finding a Sihndar who practiced fast blades rather than the typical larger blades, something that paired nicely with Ruvyn's acrobatic nature.
  • (26-56) After becoming an expert at acrobatics and various other agility related skills he took much more of an interest in fighting with his Khoptar. Having already mastered being agile and quick he excelled once he got the basics of sword fighting down. He quickly rose to the top of his group and eventually became the young leader of a hunting group consisting of his own mother and a few of his childhood friends, who all challenged each other to be better and better.
  • (57-100) Shortly after Ruvyn began to hear news from his fellow warriors about trouble in other places in the world. Most notably hearing about the bone horror invasion and the Lo Crisis. This drove him to make his way to Regalia and cull the growing number of Kathar seeking refuge in the city. He sailed to Regalia and joined up with a small group of other Sihndar to seek strength in numbers and combat the Kathar to the best of their abilities, faithfully seeking to please the Spider Queen.
  • (100-103) After meeting the group of Sihndar within Reglia he took up a route of vigilante justice, taking out vampires and werebeasts with his kin. Immediately he lit a spark with one of the Sihndar, Ellahie, taking an immediate liking to her. The two grew closer together as they slayed Kathar, and other aberrants, curing whoever they could and even creating a mercenary guild with their kin. Finally working up the nerve, Ruvyn asked Ellahie to be his bride and the two held a small wedding in the holy city before settling down in the city, where the couple had and raised their children, imbuing them with the Northern Taint soon into their children's lives.
  • Currently Ruvyn has taken up regrouping the Sihndar who had all but scattered after the last time they had risen in power. His conviction and military training propel him forwards to lead the others in their quest to rid the world of extraplanar essences. Despite all he is doing, he has not, and will not, forget his family, balancing his time to come home every night and care for his wife and children.
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@Caelamus needing re-review after changing proficiencies, removing Werebeastism and adding section for mutations. Apologies for formatting issues, my phone is being troublesome.
@Caelamus Hello! I need a short re-review on my boy Ruvyn when you've got a chance! I redid all his proficiencies, edited his eye color and added a bit of backstory on where exactly he learned his combat. A few aesthetic mutations and sorcery were added as well as ritualism and summaries for all the aforementioned things. All edits done in RED!
@Caelamus Seems the Sihndar are on a rise once more, and as such here comes the eggplant to vibe with the others. Just need a quick re-review for the profs and such. Edits in pink.
Alright, complete prof redo to bring him back to his original design as I didn't use nor particularly like the previous layout. He's also become an Archblood with the new update and I intend to push for Sihn-Fallar soon to get some more Sihndar rp going! Needing a quick re-review when you have the chance! Edits made in blue.
Alright, complete prof redo to bring him back to his original design as I didn't use nor particularly like the previous layout. He's also become an Archblood with the new update and I intend to push for Sihn-Fallar soon to get some more Sihndar rp going! Needing a quick re-review when you have the chance! Edits made in blue.
Turning them into an Archblood may be counter productive to attempting to become a Sihn-Fallar as the Sihndar would end up exiling them.
@Caelamus Changed him to a primal archblood to possibly make that a bit smoother, but I'm aware of the difficulties it might pose and I'm alright with that.