Preserved Sheet Rutile Ann Torres

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Queen of Sharks
Jun 23, 2016
Reaction score
Sacramento, California.

Basic Information.
  • Full Name: Rutile Ann Torres

  • Age: 75

  • Gender: Female.

  • Race: Altalar.

  • Main Ambition: Gaining popularity through her vocals, making friends with different people, and continuing to educate herself on Guided Sensation Hex Magic till she becomes an expert.

  • Special Permission: Expert in Deafening Lyre Magic.

Skill Information
  • School: Deafening Lyre Magic and Guided Sensation Hex Magic.
  • Level: Expert within Deafening Lyre Magic and Mage in Guided Sensation Hex Magic.
  • Source: Taught through her mother on Deafening Lyre Magic. Taught through an intimate friend when Rutile was fifty.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Icy Blue.

  • Hair Color: Light Blond.

  • Hair Style: Long hair falling down to her waist with a slight wave in their definition, usually having a ribbon on the side of her hair or a hat for an accessory.

  • Skin Color: Slightly Tan.
  • Clothing: A long gray dress with a split in the left leg, the split of the cloth then raising to the thigh for her left boot to show. The hem of the dress being a dark blue. (Simple style description)

  • Height: 6 Foot.

  • Body Build: Average.

  • Weapon of Choice: Lyre Magic and Guided Sensation Hex.

Personality and Abilities
Personality Traits
  • Extroverted. (+)
Rutile as a young girl was surrounded with family, holding a time of smiles and laughter. After some time she grew to gain friends due to her mother's popularity as a vocalist within the bar. Rutile feels overjoyed along with happy to socialize with acquaintances and friends alike. Being around people make Rutile comfortable and happy, and can make her more easily approachable and seemingly friendly to others in social situations, yet, this doesn't mean she can't continue with her mean tendencies.

  • Exuberant. (+)
Rutile mostly would spend time with her family and friends, keeping an upbeat mood if she was overall happy that day. Dancing, singing, and musical harmonies wasn't too far away from her. Due to the fun and expansive childhood she had with family and friends she grew to be more bright. Twirling with peers and chatting with others was simply amusing to her. Simply having Rutile forget about her restraints in life by the fun bright times she was creating.

  • Hard-Working. (+)
The work that Rutile does is something she truly prides herself on. Giving her utmost effort in what she does to show the abilities she's capable of doing. Most of her work featuring the evidence of her skill and capables in the projects she does. Rutile commonly wanting everything to have the detailing she feels is needed in what is required of her, trying to make the work she does show effort along with the personality she holds and offers.
  • Short Tempered. (-)
Angry was a concept that Rutile deeply struggled with, even her family had troubles handling this problem. Rutile became more so short tempered due to other individuals not wanting to give stuff which others truly wouldn't want to give. Resulting with Rutile offering foul words, yelling, and the rare occasion of her using her magic to harm others. It's rather rare for anger to not get the best of Rutile and let it conquer over her more beneficial emotions.

  • Malicious. (-)
Though Rutile wishes to be a more positive person, along with a beloved vocalist, her nature counters this hope. Her words sometimes laced with threats and cruel undertones to people who wish to belittle her. Threatening to deafen them or even use her Hex Magic to make them feel the pain of loud music or anything else she finds fit for them. Rutile wanting to harm anyone for her own idea of joy along with her idea of just treatment tends to occur quite often for this matter. This can make her behaviour suddenly turn cruel when overjoyous.

  • Vain. (-)
While Rutile grew up into her town, she was used to many complimenting on her hair or the clothing she adorned. She grew a fondness to it, becoming quite full of herself, and if she ever came upon someone insulting her appearance or discrediting it, she would never handle it well. This also made her become quite boastful of herself, considering herself higher than those she felt were less attractive in comparison, which can become quite an annoyance. Rutile also became very attentive to her appearance, and can become easily angered if someone were to inflict any differences upon it, let alone growing a dislike for getting into situations that would ruin her ever so flawless appearance, not fond of risking her hair or dress to mess, preferring to stay as perfect looking as possible. Although, while she may enjoy the look of herself upon a mirror, may mercy be lucky to the unlucky soul that accidentally ruins her looks, as they will meet Rutile's wrath, without a doubt.


  • Vocally Talented. (+)
Rutile's mother tried to instill the heritage of music along with making her daughter the prodigy for music. Luckily, Rutile took to music and began to educate herself along with being educated in the concept of singing, from basic knowledge of sopranos, altos, tenors, and basses. Then continuing to sing for years, wishing to be known for her idea of an elegant and beautiful tone and voice for others to witness.

  • Silver Tongued. (+)
One way Rutile got nearly everything she wanted as child was through her wording. Commonly using her words to persuade her friends or family to simply do things they shouldn't let her do or things they shouldn't try to do. One time having her parents let her go on trip out of her hometown, with Rutile's friend and friend's parents for a week long trip. It took a significant amount of persuasion, but eventually they gave in to their little princess.
  • Magical Expertise. (+)
Being an Expert within Lyre Magic along with a Mage in Hex Magic has been greatly beneficial for Rutile, whether it was to show her power in the terms of threats, or of course the actual use of her magic against different individuals. Rutile would typically use her Lyre Magic to simply deafen or deeply hurt one's eardrums before she slowly scuttles off with a small laugh. Then using Hex Magic for playing with the feeling of an individual or even making them feel the pain she has went though due to her foul behavior.

  • Blunt. (-)
Words can be something that can stir the emotions of others, positive or negative. However, Rutile tends to make people upset by the use of her words and cause them to be hateful towards her by how blunt she can be. Stating if someone in her opinion is horrible, foul, or even a harlot if she finds them fit for that judgment. This usually making her get into fights with other individuals for Rutile believing that she is stating the truth about their character in the simple terminology of her own.

  • Deceitful. (-)
Trust is something common and nearly required for any type of relationship. The connection and trust can typically keep the mesh in a friendship set, however, Rutile tends to slice right through said mesh. Blabbing the words of other's drama along with secrets to any open ear, whether the person is her friend or someone of higher status than her. Due to the rumors spread about her hissy fit with a certain bard, she believes that others, even the friends she'll have will spread rumors of herself. This overall causing Rutile to get into fights and making most of her relationships with people last for a short time due to her loud mouth.

  • Frail. (-)
Rutile was truly never one for physical effort or roughhousing as a child, being a rather weak individual from the start, her focus on knowledge rather than physical training also continued to add on to her fragility. This means that it does not take much strength to cause Rutile harm, as her bones break more easily, and the effects causing her to take more time to heal, even after a visit to the clinic. Therefore, if she is hit, she takes it hard, making her easily defeat able in physical combat.

  • Narcissist (-)
With the effort along with the additional care and sweetness of others, Rutile grew to be more ideal with the ideas of herself. Due to the effort she does in her work, Rutile believes that she can't take blame for the work she does. Instead of judging herself and feeling sorry for the bad effort, Rutile takes it that it's their fault for disliking the work. Additionally, Rutile feels that she's a gem that was cleaned to perfection and can't take the blame, instead forcing it onto others than herself.

  • Impulsive (-)
Rutile grew to be someone that would act out on something she feels is just or right. This varying from yelling at someone to even harming her own friend for her own well being. This paired with her short-temper to create different issues in her mindscape. Most of which relating to Rutile becoming enraged and then causing her to get in situations where she hurts someone out of rage and a reaction to an issue.


Life Story

Child - Teen (230 - 250AC)
Rutile's childhood was full of melodic symphonies and treatment like a little princess, within the confines of the income the family held. She held the enjoyable times with her family and friends dearly, letting her own voice be free along with keeping the joys of smiles and laughter. Leading her group of friends the joy from her good family along with the nurturing care of her mother. Rutile's mother was a performer at the town's bar, usually earning some extra money for the household when her father wasn't at work. The family was considerably into music along with self expression through vocals or instruments. This became a huge portion of Rutile's life as she grew up, wishing to keep the honor of the family name, her mother taught Rutile Lyre magic by means of family tradition. When Rutile reached the age of 14, her mother decided that it was time for Rutile to learn Lyre magic and the ability to sing. Rutile took that this was a source of honor to her heritage along with family, thus causing her to give more effort to not bring shame or bad fortune on her family name. Throughout the family's generations, each daughter or son was to be taught a different sub school of Lyre magic. Each generation would go into a cycle going from Preservation Lyre, Dream Lyre, and Deafening Lyre then repeating. The pieces of each sub school were viewed in different regards by the mother's family tree, all written in a hefty book for the family to learn each of the three subcategories of the magic. Preservation was to benefit the others by the means of courage and raising the moral people wished to overall achieve and gain. Dream Lyre was for protecting the performer and others from different threats along with conflicts which Rutile was told by her mother. The issue within her studies along with her teachings was the harsh punishment for failure at casting, which sparked a sense of rage in her and caused her to overexert herself. Deafening magic, which was instilled into Rutile, was for self-defense and only to be used when in trouble or life threatening situations. However, Rutile viewed it as a resource, a weapon to be used against people she despised. The magic would be used for her own self gain rather than the gain of protection or a shield. She would take to using the spare income her mother gave her to gain more weapons.

Early Adult (250 - 270AC)
Once Rutile got older she wished to earn money for the Torres name like her mother did. Once Rutile reached the age of 28, she asked her mother for the ability to replace her as the main vocalist of the bar. The only real way Rutile thought of earning money was being a performer for the town's bar, similar to her mother. Rutile's mother gladly stepped down for her little princess and Rutile would perform each night, giving the audience joyful and happy songs. After each performance she would get the typical sayings "Good job Rutile!" or "You sounded so angelic, was that an original piece?!" This filling Rutile with a sense of pride in herself, additionally with the people who complimented Rutile on her appearance making Rutile take pride in the beauty she held, believing that she was a gem of a kind in her family and even town. However, one night during her performance she went a little off key, not enough for the masses to know, but only the keen of ears to notice the mistake she did. Rutile then walked off stage calmly, getting the classic responses before exiting the bar to the starry sky, however, one individual followed behind her quietly. A man looking similar to a bard she's seen at her performances, her eyes immediately looking the man up and down scornfully. The bard then started mentioning her mistake in her song which caused her to throw a fit, her hands clasping together in the way one would hold a microphone as she sang at the man casting Deafening Lyre. This causing the man to double over in pain, his hands reaching for his ears as she tried making the man realize the mistake he made. Rutile then turning to run and have the man be found by other people of the town. This being something Rutile soon found to be the best situation to a man who spoke ill on the musical talents her family prided themselves on. Rutile then quietly realizing that it made her happy for giving well desired treatment to the people who spite her, she decided this wouldn't be the last time. The injury of this man aquiring, then continuing the age of 32 to the age of 40. Then continuing her work at the bar, however, her reputation being shot by her actions which caused her singing career in town to be ruined and her mother to take over once more.

Late Adult - Now (270-305AC)
Later on, Rutile took to educate herself on something else that doesn't use her voice to hurt people. The simple thought for her was Hex magic, then going to a older childhood friend of hers, which told her of the illegal magic they learned during a quiet and intimate moment. When she reached the age of 54 and reached the mastery of Deafening Lyre magic, she went to her friend about Hex magic. Then requesting for her elder friend to teach her the magic she wished to acquire for the self benefit it would give her in a fight by simply making them feel pain. Then Rutile began thinking over the events caused by her short temper, Rutile grew to a life with family, friends, and educating herself about Lyre Magic along with Hex Magic. Eventually taking some time for self reflection for her true goal along with where her life would take her. Realizing her faults in all, she began to grow more aware of the friends and town that stabbed her in her back. Taking it into consideration of doing the same to them before then ruin her reputation again. Then realizing her dream of becoming a popular vocalist was shot by her peers. Rutile decided that the Holy City known as Regalia would be a beautiful stage for her voice. At the age of 74 she decided that this would be the change in her life and went to discuss it with her parents. After telling her parents, they agreed to her decision with teary eyes by their daughter deciding to become more independent. Rutile, the 75 year old elf, then went to pack her belongings and went to take a ship to Regalia by which she could excel in the city's region. A change within her character, to sway the hearts by her vocals, the creative aspects of her music, and be someone good for Regalia, hopefully...

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This is a pretty good app! However, I see two glaring issues with the strengths and weaknesses (don't worry, that's where everyone has trouble). Her magical skills should be a strength, and being an expert should require an extra weakness. This brings her required weakness total to 5 if you don't remove any strengths, but 4 if you replace one. The second issue is with her weaknesses. Her physical inferiority is a cop-out weakness, seing as she's a highly skilled Nelfin Mage, who are always weak. Replace this. Maybe she's even more frail? Maybe she has a bad injury? Maybe she's just plain annoying? Otherwise, I think this is a decent app from what I've read (everything but the life story). Good luck!
@Cirenety Here are my notes on this sheet.
  • The way you've described "Exuberant" makes it seem more like a character strength than a personality trait. Please rewrite some of this trait to make it apparent that it's part of her personality, and not a strength in the fact that she's a good leader. If she is a good leader, please shift this onto character strengths, rephrase some of it, and balance out as needed.
  • The way you've described "Observant" is also more akin to a character strength.
  • In most personality traits you've included both how the trait originated and also how it affects her today. Please make sure you have this for all your traits as I don't spot it in a few.
  • You probably misunderstand the word "Vain". To be vain means you're very obsessed with your own appearance. Perhaps rephrase the title of this trait.
  • How does her being hard at hearing help her be a good vocalist and observant of others' mistakes? This is a contradiction.
  • Please add at least one more weakness. I very heavily recommend adding two. Please add either two mental weaknesses or one mental and one social weakness.
  • Please include ages in your life story. When did Rutile get to her magic proficiency? When did she start learning? How old was she when things happened?
Please make these changes in pink and @tag me when you're done. Happy writing! You have two weeks to complete these edits.
@Cirenety Here are my notes on this sheet.
  • The way you've described "Exuberant" makes it seem more like a character strength than a personality trait. Please rewrite some of this trait to make it apparent that it's part of her personality, and not a strength in the fact that she's a good leader. If she is a good leader, please shift this onto character strengths, rephrase some of it, and balance out as needed.
  • The way you've described "Observant" is also more akin to a character strength.
  • In most personality traits you've included both how the trait originated and also how it affects her today. Please make sure you have this for all your traits as I don't spot it in a few.
  • You probably misunderstand the word "Vain". To be vain means you're very obsessed with your own appearance. Perhaps rephrase the title of this trait.
  • How does her being hard at hearing help her be a good vocalist and observant of others' mistakes? This is a contradiction.
  • Please add at least one more weakness. I very heavily recommend adding two. Please add either two mental weaknesses or one mental and one social weakness.
  • Please include ages in your life story. When did Rutile get to her magic proficiency? When did she start learning? How old was she when things happened?
Please make these changes in pink and @tag me when you're done. Happy writing! You have two weeks to complete these edits.
@Chiruda Alright! I think I finally finished what you asked. Blah blah bullet points.
  • Got rid of Hard Hearing under the weaknesses due to contradictions with the character. Replaced with Deceitful.
  • Observant due to the issue of strength over trait has become Hard-Working.
  • Bumped up age by one year to 75 so it wouldn't feel rushed in the story. Ex: Leaving for Regalia in a short time.
  • Added ages for different events within the life story.
  • Vain has been changed to be similar to the definition of obsession with her appearance.
  • 2 Weaknesses added; Impulsive and Narcissit.
  • Exuberant was edited to be more of a trait.